Lightroom :: Why Cannot See All Folders From External Disk On The Navigator

Jul 7, 2013

Why I cannot see all my folders from my external disk on the navigator?  When I go into import mode I see the missing folders BUT all the pics are greyed out meaning that they are part of the catalog already how do I get them in the Navigator library?

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Lightroom :: 4 Won't Delete Files From External Disk

Mar 8, 2012

I've searched here and found several people getting this failure and just want to add that I'm having the same problem.  I have the latest everything, full stop ... I get the prompts and nothing happens in the end.  The photo stays in the catalog.  I have resorted to removing them from the catalogue, but they're staying on disk.

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Lightroom :: Move Folders Of Photos To Different Hard Disk?

Oct 15, 2013

LR 5.2 Windows 7 Pro
How do I move numerous folders and subfolders of photos to a different hard drive?
The hard drive I want to move to shows up in the LR Library Left Panel under Folders, but I can't drag and drop the photos from the C Drive to this D drive. 
I have been working with LR for about a month; and I've uploaded about 2000 photos I have taken since about a year ago; organized by folders for year and date.    I just realized LR has been putting almost all my photos on my C Drive.    There is one folder of photos in LR on the D Drive.    I don't recall how I got that folder to go on the D Drive while the rest are on the C Drive.   
I don't want any data on my C Drive.  I use my C Drive primarily for my Operating Systems and applications.

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Lightroom :: All Image Folders In One Master Catalog On One Disk

Aug 31, 2012

I keep all my image folders in one Master Catalog on one disk.
My system of filing is to have a main folder, say "Airshows", with sub folders named  "Original-RAW Files" and "Finished Files".

Each sub folder is then further sub divided into "Show 1", "Show 2", "Show 3", etc.
This system also enable me to  duplicate  my files in such a way that they can be accessed by programmes other than Lightroom.
I also like to make Collections of specific planes which appear and therefore the Collections can include images taken at any  number of individual shows but as LR3 keeps the Folders and the Collections in different sections, this entails looking in two different locations  for any images taken at Airshows.Another disadvantage is that I believe LR Collections cannot be accessed by other third party programmes should I wish to change from Adobe.
I would like maintain my current filing system (which suits my purposes), but wish to find a way to file say,"Spitfire" Collection as  "AirshowFinished FilesSpitfire" so that all files are kept together.
Is there a way to achieve this without resorting to making duplicate image files ?

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Lightroom :: Why Is LR4 Showing Two Folders For One External HDD

May 24, 2012

I'm not even sure I can explain so I attached this screen capture. LR4 is showing two 'FSE-PHOTO' external hard drives when it is really only one. It has the same folder on both called 20120523_straight_down on each but in each folder there are 4 images even though it says 3. Two of those images are swapped and I think thats why it says 3. I have tried Updating Folder location. I have tried Synchronizing the Folder. I have tried deleting the top folder called 20120523_straight_down which then gets rid of the top FSE-PHOTO. After that I try to add the missing fourth image to the other 20120523_straight_down folder and it just adds back that second FSE-PHOTO mystery drive.

 All of this happened after I moved the catalog and images to this external drive and then ran Carbon Copy Cloner to back it up to a second external drive. Once that was done I restarted LR4 and began to work on an image in PS6. When I closed that image adn went back to find the Edit version in LR4 I couldn't find it. Once I did find it after searching All Photographs with its file name I saw that there were two FSE-PHOTO folders. When I tried all the trouble shooting above I disconnected the backup drive.
MacBook Pro 13"
2.4GHz Intel Core i5
OS 10.7.4 
External drives: LaCie Rugged 500GB

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Lightroom :: Delete From Disk Option Does Not Work On External Drive?

Jan 4, 2012

I am running LR 3.6 on Windows 7 and keep my images on an external drive. When I select the "Delete from Disk" option, the file is removed from the catalog but now from the external drive as it is supposed to.

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Lightroom :: 4 - Unable To See All The Folders On External Drive

Jan 22, 2013

Computer (laptop) shut down while viewing images on ent drive, After restarting the computer, LR in not picking up the primary folders on the drive, only the latest sub folders.

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Lightroom :: 4 - Can't See Folders On External Hard Drive

Jan 18, 2013

When I go to import to select the device from which to import in, it doesn't show me the folders in that device. So I click show subfolders and then it shows me my thousands of photosI want to be able to select the folders to look at from my External Hard drive but there is no drop down menu.

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Lightroom :: External Drives Display As Folders?

Sep 6, 2013

I’ve got a question about external drives display in the folder tree. For some reason, when I add a folder on an external drive, I get a new “Volumes” folder, and then the drive appears as a folder under the “Volumes” folder. So, instead of having a quick view of which drives are connected, I get a bunch of “missing images” question marks on the folders when the drives disconnect.I don’t get the extra collapsable bar (Under Macintosh HD) as in your video.

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Lightroom :: Where Did External Hard Drive Folders Go

Feb 17, 2014

I use lightoom everyday, editing images from multiple external hard drives. These hard drives appear as their own folders, but today they are gone. Only my Macintosh HD is listed under folders. I can get to all the images through the Mac HD folder, but I am wondering why my hard drives are no longer listed as folders. They are not offline or missing.

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Lightroom :: Moving Versus Copying Image Files To External Disk

Oct 29, 2011

I'm going to move my image library, catalog and ACR cache to an external drive so that I can work with a consistent set of files and edits on multiple computers. I know what I need to do to move the catalog, and I know how to move the image files to the new drive so that LR is aware of the move.
But what I'd really like to do is copy the image files to the new drive while leaving the existing images on the internal drive as a backup. As far as I can tell, LR doesn't support copying of images within the program. If I copy the files outside of LR, without deleting the originals, LR is going to conitinue to point to the orignal files on the internal disk.
So, if I right click on a folder in the Library module folder tree, there's an option to Update Folder Location, and this seems to do what I need it to do, although I've only tried it on a single folder. Will Update Folder Location work to relink an entire folder tree in one operation?
One related question:  Where does LR store it's preferences? One of the catalog specific preferences is Standard Preview Size.  My desktop has much higher res monitors than my laptop, so if this setting is stored in the catalog then I'll have to pick one value for both computers. I'm thinking it would be better to use the larger value, for the desktop, but I'm not sure how that will play on the laptop. (It would be nice if this were computer specific, rather than catalog specific.)

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Lightroom :: 5.3 - External Hard Drive Not Appear In Folders Panel

Apr 4, 2014

My external hard drive does not appear in my folders panel in Lightroom 5.3. What should I do?

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Lightroom :: 4.4 - Missing Sub Folders When Import Photos From External HD

Mar 28, 2013

when i import all my photos from an external hard drive LR4.4 will not include all the sub folders and some folders  .. there are about 38,000 photos and the size of all the photos is 350 GB

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Lightroom :: Doesn't Recognize All Folders On External Hard Drive

Apr 4, 2013

I bachup with an external hard drive(ehd), itcotains folders fro 2007 to 2013 plus a "test"folder. when i plug it into my computer and open light room,in the left hand pannel where the ehd appears, it shows all the folders except 2009 ,2013 and the "test" folder. why doesn't L.R. read all of the ehd.,,

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Photoshop :: CS5 Not Opening From External Boot Disk?

Mar 23, 2013

Because OS 10.8.2 was the worst update in Apple history, for the first time ever I decided to  do the 10.8.3 update on an external boot disk before sacrificing my internal disk. I used Super Duper to make a bootable clone of my internal , booted from the external and then did the combo update.

The first app I tried was Photoshop CS 5.1. It tried to open but I got a window that said "could not inialize scratch disk because disk could not be found". After I clicked OK on that, another window said  "could not open because disk could not be found" .  I have never tried to open Photoshop any version from a bootable backup before and I don't know what this means. The scratch disk for Photoshop is set to be my internal drive Macintosh HD. 

Why would it not find it?  If I were booting from my internal and had set the scratch to the external it would find it. Why would the app be looking for itself on another disk?

After recloning my internal which is still 10.8.2, I have not yet booted from the external to see if the problem was somehow caused by 10.8.3, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was. People have reported the usual weird behavior of an upgrade already on forums, but not this paricular problem

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Photoshop Elements :: Upload New Folders On Hard Disk?

Nov 8, 2013

I would like to upload new folders on my hard disk to the PSE11 catalog.

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Photoshop :: External USB 3 Hard Drive As Scratch Disk

Aug 10, 2013

Just wondering is it OK to use a External USB 3 500 GB Hard Drive as Scratch Disk. I have USB 3 ports on my PC and have internal hard drive also, but would it be OK to use the external drive as a scratch disk

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Photoshop :: Scratch Disk On External Hard Drive

Oct 10, 2008

I have photoshop CS2 on my desktop computer (XP). The hard drive is partitioned and I have photoshop scratch disk on its own partition (10GB).

I have photoshop CS3 on my laptop (Vista Premium, 2GB ram). There is only one hard drive in the laptop. It is already partitioned into three - C drive: windows + programs, S drive: system files, X drive: recovery.

My question is do I keep my scratch drive on the C drive or can/should I partition an external hard drive (250GB) and put my photoshop scratch disk on there? The external drive is via USB.

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Photoshop Elements :: Can Store Photos On External Disk

May 4, 2013

Can I store my photos on an external disk?

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Photoshop Elements :: Connect Photos That Are On External Disk?

May 7, 2013

How do I connect to photos that are on a external disk?

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Photoshop :: External Solid State Drive For Scratch Disk?

Jul 17, 2012

After doing everything i can find to optimize my hardware/software for doing 3D animation in Ps Ext CS6. I still cannot render an animation to video using the Ray Traced Final setting. (Ray Traced Draft, no problem.) The last time I tried (after repairing disk permissions), at least Ps did not crash and give me the same old crash report (Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00000007a0020000). This time I just got an error msg that my request could not be completed. (Progress?) Checking Activity Monitor, I could see that my available RAM, which was 13 GB when I started the render was now less than 1 GB (761 MB).
So, I have come to the conclusion that my 16 GB of RAM and 300 GB available for virtual memory on my HD is not enough for rendering the type of 3D animation I am trying to do. Would you agree? Also, I have read it is not good to use the same HD your program is installed on for a scratch disk, so I am considering getting an external solid state drive to use as a scratch disk.

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Photoshop :: Scratch Disk Error Has Occurred On Brand New External HD

Nov 12, 2012

Here are my specs:
OS X 10.8.2 Mountain Lion
3.2 Ghz Intel Core i3
8 Gb 1333Mhz DDR3 (was running 4 gb. an apple specialist just installed another 4 of Crucial brand. I wanted 16gb, but apparently I got a Mac in mid 2010 when it's finicky about it's Ram. Ugh)
Photoshop CS5 12.0.4 x64
Brand new 1 TB Toshiba External Used Only as a Scratch Disk,
Available: 999.35
Used 848.3 Mb
Files: 73
Folders: 14
Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
1 TB internal on the Mac that is checkmarked as secondary Scratch.
I'm working with Jpeg image files, mainly using Batch Processing. This error is usually occuring when I go to save my files, but today it occurred in the middle of using Content Aware. My crop tool is set at 250 resolution, and today I hadn't even cropped yet. Mac was freshly restarted last night and only a few picures edited after I restarted, so all memory should have been mainly purged. (although I had used content aware on one picture last night after restarting, a pretty large corner of a studio backdrop)
Should I be partioning my external? Is this TOO much space? My thinking was an empty hard drive wouldn't have to be searched, but I really probably don't know what I'm talking about.
I never got any errors when I was using my internal HD on the Mac, it was just slowing down after using Batch Processing and Actions. (I edit for a photographer) I do realize I should be using Lightroom. I have Lightroom 3, but I just don't have the time to learn right now, as this is the photographers busy season.

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Photoshop Elements :: Moving Folders To External Drive

Mar 1, 2013

I have a student running Elements version 10.  He has been importing all his images into his hard drive.  He now wants to move them onto an external hard drive.  I've tried following varying directions from discussions but haven't gotten the results I expected.
How to go over the process clearly so that he will end up with the same Elements catalog on his computer but the images will all be stored on an external hard drive?

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Photoshop :: Get Photos In Folders On External Hard Drive To Display In Bridge?

Oct 2, 2013

How can I get photos in folders on an external hard drive to display in Bridge? At present only those located in Users>Pictures will display. I'm in CC.

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Lightroom :: How To Recover Missing Folders After Merging Two Annual Folders

May 25, 2013

I had two 2013 folders, each with about 100 daily folders. The dates were differnt in each annual folder. I dragged one into the other. The folder where the daily folder was dragged from is now empty but those folders do not appear in the recieving folder. All the photos are still in the catalog, but do not show in the folders (left side panel).

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Lightroom :: Sync LR4 Photo Folders With Explore Folders That Has Been Renamed

Jan 24, 2013

I renamed a lot of my photo folders in Explore. Now in LR4, all these folders appears with an ?. I can't work on pictures from these folders - I get the message: File named xxx is offline or missing. It does not sync the parent folder. Nor does it sync the folder it self. If I right clik on a LR4 folder with a ?, and try to locate the folder, I only get the option to merge the identical folders. Is there any way to sort this. I can't restore the old folder names.

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Lightroom :: Restore Missing Sub-folders Into Folders Panel

Dec 10, 2011

I am using LR3. I appear to be digging a massive hole for myself trying to sort out the catalog. When I first got LR, I had initially added just a small number of files just to see how LR worked. At this time I was still completing sorting out my full photo collection in 'my pictures' which were also copied to two external hard drives. Once that work was completed, I imported a complete folder (some 4000 images) into LR. The folder/subfolders appeared in the folders panel but the sub folders I had initially imported were displayed with a ? and a message 'file is missing or offline' Going down the road of 'find missing folder' eventually led to my problems.
About 6 sub folders are involved so I eventually took the decision that it could be easier just to remove them so I could then re-import them from 'my pictures'. That hasn't worked out as planned.   When I go into 'file' to import photos from 'my pictures' the missing sub folders are there but the images are 'greyed' as well as the import button. When I put the cursor onto one of the greyed-out images the message 'appears to be a duplicate of another photo already in catalog' appears.
how I can restore the 'missing' sub folders into the folders panel.

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Lightroom :: How To Delete Sub Folders Without Deleting Photos In Sub Folders

Jul 6, 2012

How do I delete sub-folders in Lightroom without deleting the photos in those sub-folders?

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Lightroom :: Navigator Window Not Refreshing In LR5

Jun 26, 2013

My navigator window gets stuck on a previous image from time to time. Random moves like switching back to Library module or reloading / zooming the image doesn't seem to work either.

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Lightroom :: Folders - Cannot Scroll Down To Access Other Folders?

Jun 5, 2013

I am using LR 4.4. I have a long list of folders but can not scroll down to access other folders in LR. how to access other folders so I can Render 1:

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Lightroom :: Presets Preview Doesn't Show In Navigator?

Feb 25, 2013

I have LR3. Following function doesn't work for me: there is no preview in Navigator for presets.
Should be: " To preview the effects of a preset on your photo, move the pointer over it in the Presets panel and view the effects in the Navigator panel."

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