Lightroom :: Delete From Disk Option Does Not Work On External Drive?

Jan 4, 2012

I am running LR 3.6 on Windows 7 and keep my images on an external drive. When I select the "Delete from Disk" option, the file is removed from the catalog but now from the external drive as it is supposed to.

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Lightroom :: Delete File From LR Using Delete From Disk Option?

Jun 22, 2012

When i try to delete a file from LR using the delete from disk option the file does not so up in my trash. I have deleted 200 bad files and the never showed up in the trash. I have been trying to clear up some disk space but the available disk still shows the same so I know they haven't been deleted. Am using Lion on a MacBook Pro 15 and am fully updated. Am I doing something wrong?

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Lightroom :: 4 Won't Delete Files From External Disk

Mar 8, 2012

I've searched here and found several people getting this failure and just want to add that I'm having the same problem.  I have the latest everything, full stop ... I get the prompts and nothing happens in the end.  The photo stays in the catalog.  I have resorted to removing them from the catalogue, but they're staying on disk.

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Lightroom :: 4 - Can't Seem To Delete Files From External Drive?

Aug 18, 2013

I decided to use my external drive and imported my pics to lightroom 4.  I went through a few and flagged (rejected) several.  When I tried to delete them, I get the prompt that asks if I want to remove from the library or permanently delete from disk.  I choose the latter but then nothing happens. 

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Lightroom :: 3 / 4 - Cannot Delete Files On External Hard Drive (Mac OSX Lion)

Mar 7, 2012

Lightroom can't send items to trash when deleting files on an external drive if the trash bin is empty for the relevant drive on OSX Lion. This was in LR3 and now in 4. You can get round this by making sure the trash is not emptied after deleting a random file or folder but there has to be a better way!

Also it seems to be a lightroom problem more than OS as Bridge can delete the files with no problem.

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Photoshop :: External USB 3 Hard Drive As Scratch Disk

Aug 10, 2013

Just wondering is it OK to use a External USB 3 500 GB Hard Drive as Scratch Disk. I have USB 3 ports on my PC and have internal hard drive also, but would it be OK to use the external drive as a scratch disk

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Photoshop :: Scratch Disk On External Hard Drive

Oct 10, 2008

I have photoshop CS2 on my desktop computer (XP). The hard drive is partitioned and I have photoshop scratch disk on its own partition (10GB).

I have photoshop CS3 on my laptop (Vista Premium, 2GB ram). There is only one hard drive in the laptop. It is already partitioned into three - C drive: windows + programs, S drive: system files, X drive: recovery.

My question is do I keep my scratch drive on the C drive or can/should I partition an external hard drive (250GB) and put my photoshop scratch disk on there? The external drive is via USB.

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Photoshop :: External Solid State Drive For Scratch Disk?

Jul 17, 2012

After doing everything i can find to optimize my hardware/software for doing 3D animation in Ps Ext CS6. I still cannot render an animation to video using the Ray Traced Final setting. (Ray Traced Draft, no problem.) The last time I tried (after repairing disk permissions), at least Ps did not crash and give me the same old crash report (Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00000007a0020000). This time I just got an error msg that my request could not be completed. (Progress?) Checking Activity Monitor, I could see that my available RAM, which was 13 GB when I started the render was now less than 1 GB (761 MB).
So, I have come to the conclusion that my 16 GB of RAM and 300 GB available for virtual memory on my HD is not enough for rendering the type of 3D animation I am trying to do. Would you agree? Also, I have read it is not good to use the same HD your program is installed on for a scratch disk, so I am considering getting an external solid state drive to use as a scratch disk.

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Photoshop :: Second Internal Hard Drive Not Visible As Scratch Disk Option / CC

Jun 27, 2013

I recently upgraded to an SSD on my MBP, I bought a caddy and swapped out the optical drive for the original HDD internally. Now, I was hoping to move the scratch disk from the SSD to the original HDD, but the HDD doesn't even show up as an option in the Photoshop preferences. The drive is easily accessible anywhere else, and even accessible through the open/save/etc. menus within Photoshop, so OS X and Photoshop both know the drive is there, but Photoshop just isn't showing it as an option within the Scratch Disk options setting.

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Lightroom :: Sharing Catalog - Does Housing Catalog And Images On External Hard Drive Work

Jan 15, 2014

I will be managing a small portion of a client's overall image workflow by updating their web prescence on a regular basis with new work and retagging/uploading old work. I believe this requires the catalog and the image library  to be housed on an external hard drive that can travel between the two of us. We are both working on PC's with LR 5.3.
The workflow would look something like this:
Client downloads new images onto external hard drive and imports into LR "ClientCatalog" is created Flags Picks and Creates a Collection from those Picks.Hard drive is handed off to me where I open "ClientCatalog".Make suggested edits to images add detailed tags and metadata upload to various social media sites and websites return hard drive to client
Is there potential problem with this workflow? My assumption is that if everything is housed on the external hard drive then there are no worries about the catalog containing all the latest updates. Are there any "safety protocols" you would add in to this workflow (besides mirroring everythign on another hard drive)?

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Lightroom :: Lost Adjustments When Move Images From Hard Drive To External Drive

Mar 1, 2012

I moved images from my harddrive to an external drive.

I opened Lightroom.

Noticed there was a question mark by the photo folder I needed.

I synchronized the folders. Nada.

I rememebered I moved the images (first line ^^)

I re-imported the images from the external drive into Lightroom.

These images (other than one that was marked previously with a blue label) look completely untouched - completely original files - even though I spent hours working on them.

I am glad the images weren't deleted BUT re-doing 600 images will be a MAJOR FAIL if I can't figure out how to import the images with the settings / developments I did beforehand.

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Lightroom :: Merge External Drive Images To Desktop Drive Within Same Master Catalog?

Aug 18, 2013

I have about 900 raw files on an external drive. I edited those files using my master catalog using a laptop while still travelling. When I got home, I copied the master catalog from the external drive to the desk top, then opened the master catalog on my desktop. I can see the edited images on the external drive. So far so good.
I want to copy (add) the edited images to my desk top. I tried to export the images as a new catalog and then import it into the desire location on my desktop drive. However, LR5 does not allow that. I get this message: "There is nothing new in the catalog you have selected. All of the catalog's photos are up to date in this catalog." Yes, but the edited  images are not on my desktop.....
I also tried to Import from the external drive and then Copy the files to the desktop, but then I lose all of the work done in the develop module and the keywords.
I watched Kost's LR 3 video on merging catalogs, but she dodges the question of how to deal with this issue since the "merge" is within the same catalog.I'm using LR5 with Windows 7.

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Lightroom :: How To Move LR4 Catalog (data Not Photos) From Local Drive To External Drive

May 21, 2013

How can I move my Lightroom 4 catalog (data, not photos) from my local drive to an external drive? My local drive is running out of space.

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Lightroom :: Moving Library From External Drive To Computer Hard Drive?

Dec 26, 2013

I have my LR library and catalog on an external hard drive.  I have a new iMac with a 3TB hard drive and I want to move the library and catalog from the external drive to the computer's hard drive.  Is this something that can be done with a drag and drop?

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Lightroom :: Moving Files From C Drive To External Drive?

Jan 11, 2014

How does moving files off my C drive affect Lightroom's ability to find them?  I have flagged and labeled files - will they still be flagged and labeled?  Will I have to import them again?

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Lightroom :: External Drive Change Drive Letter

Dec 3, 2012

I have photos stored on a external hard drive, over time the computer changes the drive letter ie from "G" to "I" Lightroom there for is unable to see all the photos in drive G which is in fact the same drive.

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Lightroom :: Why Cannot See All Folders From External Disk On The Navigator

Jul 7, 2013

Why I cannot see all my folders from my external disk on the navigator?  When I go into import mode I see the missing folders BUT all the pics are greyed out meaning that they are part of the catalog already how do I get them in the Navigator library?

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Photoshop :: Error :: A Defective Disk Drive, A Defective Disk Drive Cable, Or Incorrect Peripheral Cable Termination

Jun 10, 2008

This document has been damaged by a disk error. The most likely causes of this error are: a defective disk drive, a defective disk drive cable, or incorrect peripheral cable termination. Some of the pixels in this document may be invalid.

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Lightroom :: Moving Catalog To New Disk Drive

Nov 24, 2011

I have run out of space on my main hard drive ( C) and cannot resize it.I have another vacant disk drive in the same computer (300 gigs) that I would like to move the en tire catalogue to .
How I would redirect Lightroom to find and use it in the new location.

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Lightroom :: Delete Images From Disk

Oct 16, 2012

I have LR 4.2 on Windows 7 x64 (having recently upgraded from LR3).After flagging images in a collection as rejected I want to remove them from disk.In LR3 I just clicked Ctrl + Backspace and I had the option to delete from disk or just remove from catalogue, I don't get that option in LR4

worked fine in LR3. I've searched the preferences and can't see any option, I've also clicked "reset all dialogues" in case that was hiding the option but still nothing. I've tried in Library and Develop and no option still, I can only remove from catalog

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Lightroom :: Delete A File From Disk?

Feb 10, 2014

Something changed for dleting files, now I have to go through 2 windows to delete a file from disk,  I ned to do it as it was before, just one click

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Lightroom :: How To Delete A File From The Disk In LR3

Sep 10, 2012

When I try to delete a file from the disk in Lightroom 3 a window appears saying: "the files are on a volume that does not support trash". I've never seen this before and I don't know what it means.

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Lightroom :: Moving Versus Copying Image Files To External Disk

Oct 29, 2011

I'm going to move my image library, catalog and ACR cache to an external drive so that I can work with a consistent set of files and edits on multiple computers. I know what I need to do to move the catalog, and I know how to move the image files to the new drive so that LR is aware of the move.
But what I'd really like to do is copy the image files to the new drive while leaving the existing images on the internal drive as a backup. As far as I can tell, LR doesn't support copying of images within the program. If I copy the files outside of LR, without deleting the originals, LR is going to conitinue to point to the orignal files on the internal disk.
So, if I right click on a folder in the Library module folder tree, there's an option to Update Folder Location, and this seems to do what I need it to do, although I've only tried it on a single folder. Will Update Folder Location work to relink an entire folder tree in one operation?
One related question:  Where does LR store it's preferences? One of the catalog specific preferences is Standard Preview Size.  My desktop has much higher res monitors than my laptop, so if this setting is stored in the catalog then I'll have to pick one value for both computers. I'm thinking it would be better to use the larger value, for the desktop, but I'm not sure how that will play on the laptop. (It would be nice if this were computer specific, rather than catalog specific.)

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Lightroom :: Will Not Recognize External Drive

Oct 15, 2012

light-room will not recognize external drives but photoshop will reconize them they all show up on the right side of the import page but not on the left side

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Lightroom :: Back Up To External Drive?

Jan 9, 2013

Usually when I import photos into Lightroom I do not right away make a copy to an external drive. So then when I want to update my backup folder on that drive at a later date, I find myself running into the issue of not knowing which photos need to be added to the drive and which are already on it. Is there an easy way to keep the Lighroom folder in sync with an external hard drive so that there are no gaps in images and so that the folder hierarchy is the same both on my computer and backup drive without actually deleting and reinstalling the entire Lighroom folder all over again which would take forever? Basically what is your backup workflow and how do you keep track of everything?
Also is there a way to backup during import so that the images are categorized by year/month (just like in the Lightroom catalog) on the external drive, because usually it just creates a new folder and I have to drag the images into their appropriate folders after the fact.

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Lightroom :: Cannot Get 5 To Delete Photos From Hard Disk

Feb 12, 2014

I cannot get Lightroom 5 to delete photos from my hard disk.   Placing x  and then  responding to the question "Delete from disk"  doesn't work. 

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Lightroom :: Can't Import Images To External Drive

Mar 30, 2014

I just switched from a Windows PC to a Mac.  I downloaded the Mac software from the cloud and installed it.  I have been keeping all my Raw images on a "Passport" external drive for the past couple of years.  I've successfully tranfered my catalog to the Mac and I have no problems importing photos to the harddrive on the Mac. I don't want to keep Raw files on my harddrive because of their size.  But, when I set LR to import to the external drive I get the message shown below.

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Lightroom :: Quit Recognizing External Drive

Mar 7, 2013

I am running LR4.3 on a Vista 32 bit system. I have a new Toshiba external drive that has been storing my work from lightroom. All has been working great until last night. I was working on photos and all of a sudden a banner came across the top saying photos is missing or offline and then that the folder was missing. The external drive was still plugged in but not lit up. I unplugged it and shut everything down (multiple times) but the drive has disappeared from the selectable drives on the left hand side. I can access the external drive through windows and my photos are there but LR4.3 does not see it. How can I get LR to see the drive again?

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Lightroom :: How To Import Files From External Drive

Oct 31, 2013

When I try to import files from external drive I get message " the disc to which you are importing to is low on space" but I am  importing from a different disc and not importing  to that disc. The message is a hang up and no matter if I import to my catalogue I still get the same message,
So how do I get rid of this hang up and import files again?

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Lightroom :: 4 - Unable To See All The Folders On External Drive

Jan 22, 2013

Computer (laptop) shut down while viewing images on ent drive, After restarting the computer, LR in not picking up the primary folders on the drive, only the latest sub folders.

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Lightroom :: Adding External Hard Drive?

Nov 27, 2012

My HDD is getting full and I want to be prepared for when it happens.
I want to add an external HDD. From what I have read already, I am supposed to import the photos to my new drive, no problem with that. I also don't want a new catalogue.

Question. Let's say the newly added extenal drive is not connected and i want to search from some pictures, let's say of my one son, Gideon. But I know I have pictures of him on both drives, will LR tell me to connect the external drive also? Does it keep track of where my pictures are in such a way that it can tell me which drive to connect, should it happen that I later on have 2 external drives?

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