Lightroom :: 4.3 - Multiple Identical Images Displayed With Use Of Metadata FILTER
Mar 23, 2013
Lightroom 4.3 version. All updates applied. Windows 7 64 bit. Single hardrive used. No problems on disk. Memory 8 gig. Speed 3 MHZ. OK
Here is how I use filters. Select folders/SE:ECT drive letter where it shows number of images/turn on filters/select metadata/ use flat or hierarcy does not matter, select a date. No problem, all the images from the entire drive relating to a day display.
PROBLEM - multiple images are displayed in grid or filmstrip. Search of the hard drive reveals those multiple images do not exist. Now what is the solution ? Metadata status ALWAYS displays image changed always. Status responds correctly when images are displayed - no problem there.
When Catalog is selected as above, same results are obtained. Does not matter - raw data or processed images into JPEG.
I can't express this problem any better - all the details are there. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? I need the metadata filter to use dates.
I have not been able to find why multiple identical images are displaying in gridview when filters are applied. There is only one image in the folder. This obviously makes it difficult to apply images to keywords.
I am in the process of organizing my Literoom images and filter displays MULTIPLE IDENTICAL IMAGES, under METADATA STATUS changed. .
Computer info - Literoom 4.3, windows 7, some 55,000 images on the hardrive, one catalog used.
When I go to folders, and click on J drive which holds these images, they all come up if filter is off of course. Now using metadata I search on a date, a camera, lense, etc. But I just want to find all of my images on a particular day. I can find those with no problem. My problem is that I may have 2 or more identical images display in grid and view as well as film strip. Looking up metadate status I find that these images are CHANGED. I understand that status, but there is no way that these multiple images would result from my work.
I searched for multiple files located in multiple folders - What is creating those multiple files, they are identical as to date, how they look, etc?
If I go to CATALOG, and work with the all the images there, found at the top of course, I get the same functionality, BUT THE MULTIPLE IMAGES ARE ABSENT.
It makes it difficult to keyword on images on a certain date, because of the multiple files.
Filters are NOT a powerful tool for organizing collections and keywords when this problem exists. My problem is not using filters, but understanding why multiple images.
How can I define my own set of metadata to be displayed in the metadata panel. I don't mean metadata sets to be applied to images. I mean the groups of metadata fields that will be displayed in the right hand panel.
LR came with some like QuickDescribe, Minimal, Default....
I want to wash my .jpg files through LR 5 in order to display the filenames. Via the Slideshow module I have been able to select and direct the displaying of the desired metadata option. When I export the files the displayed metadata information does not make the trip.
I am using Lightroom 4.3 on Windows 7 pc. I have a collection with approximately 650 images. I was working in the collection and had all the images selected. Somehow I inadvertently must have hit a keyboard shortcut that effected all the images. All of the images are negatively effected and they now look terrible. When I go to the History Panel, all the images have "blue filter" as their most recent entry. If I select one image and go back to the step before the "blue filter" everything looks fine again. My problem is I have this effect in 650 images. When I try and do the change in one image and then synch to the rest, I don't know what box to check to remove this "blue filter" that has been added to all the images. I know I can do them one by one, but with 650 images, it's a long and tedious process. Any way I can remove the "blue filter" from multiple images in a collection?
In a catalog full of DNGs how can I display only files with metadata that has not been written to the files themselves. The goal is to avoid unecessary file updating in terms of backups. I don't want to update files that don't need it, so I guess the other question is does Ctrl+S atcually update selected files if there is no unwritten metadata
This is upsetting. I try to use the Filter Bar in LR4 to search by metadata, and I keep getting "No Photos Match The Filter", even though the Filter Bar is telling me that 108 photos match the filter.
I have All Photographs selected, and the Filter Bar says 108 photos match "Buffalo Zoo", but there are 0 file types (!!!!), 0 lenses (!!!!) and 0 cameras available in this search. How can that be? How do I get this search to work?
I would like to add some fields to filter on in the Library Filter section of Metadata. I do not see an option or a way to do this natively in LR. I am running Windows 7 64 bit with LR 4.2.
I have been using LR each and every day I have never once utilized any of the four default terms cooked-into the 'Metadata' Library Filter ('Date', 'Camera', 'Lens', 'Label').
Is there a way for me to set up new metadata search terms as defaults so I don't have to putz w/changing the same-old-same-old each and every time I open this filter?
In Lightroom 2, I entered data into the Location field. When I transitioned to 3, the Location field then changed to Sublocation in the Default metadata panel, but it had my data in there. Recently now the Location column in Library Filter does not list the entries in this field, it just shows everything as Unknown Country. How do I fix this, or have the data show in the Filters?
Time and time again, I have come across the issue where the thumbnail being displayed in the grid view and loupe view is not of the image itself, but of some other image. So far, the thumbnail is typically from the same folder or collection and can be either from an image that still exists or from one that I've rejected and deleted from disk previously.
If I go into develop mode, the correct image gets displayed, but the thumbnail rarely resets itself.
I've deleted the cache on previous occasions to have LR recreate the thumbnails, but I never know when I'm going to encounter this issue.
This becomes a paint when I am delete unwanted images. If the thumbnail is incorrect on my second or third pruning, I could actually lose an image I intended to keep.
I'm running Lightroom 5.3 from CC.
It seems that deleting the cache every day--maybe even several times a day--is a bit overkill, but seems to be the only way to deal with this problem.
The following happened in LR4, I installed RC2 hoping it may cure it but problem remains:
Photos in whatever module cannot dispaly images after having worked properly for a while in any module no image display but grey rectangles... asking for "display in the explorer" shows in superposition that images are ther...
catalogue seems ok (structure and all, metadata are ok, in the development module memory has been kept of photos adjustment...
Re-opening catalog or optimizing does not have any effect....
Quiting LR is just abrupt with no asking for back-up...
In Library Module of LR4.4 under Vista 32, I have corrected a "Capture Time" of a single jpg Photo via the "Edit Capture Time" dialog. The new date correctly shows up in the "Date Time Original" EXIF field of the Metadata panel on the right.
Now, I want to sync that date to other jpgs which all come with incorrect "Date Time Original" - so, I highlight the above photo, mark the other ones to less light grey, press "Sync Metadata". THe dialog of "Sync Metadata" appears, showing the new date under "ICPT image" as "date created" - so far so good. I mark that field, and press the ok button and the sync runs. After that, no change is shown to the respective field of any of the photos metadata fields to be sync'd, no sync has actually happened, and even the "Save Metadata to file" command does cure this situation.
Using the command with a single target file instead of multiple ones does not work either.
Why can't I update a set of superold pictures to their correct "date created" date via Metadata sync? This Metadata sync does not sync.
i have an assembly with 100+ parts that i have to show in my parts list.
my question is :
how can i add identical sheets showing identical view of the assembly but the ist page will show the first 50 parts and the second page will show the rest of the part list?
I am working on adding metadata to my images. Many are works of my own or public domain art pieces. I need to be able to add an artist's name as Lastname, First, but that would result in two metadata bits. Is there a way to add in a comma as part of the tag?
I'm creating a catalog with images from a group of photographers. Their image files already include metadata. I want that metadata to be imported with the images so I have the keywords, captions and other info that the photographers have already added to them.
How can I import images into a new LR library and retain the existing metadata for each image? It only seems possible to import and apply new metadata or to import without applying metadata which means the existing metadata is not imported...?
When I am in lightroom's library (3.5), I would like to change the time of capture for multiple photos, and apply keywords.
However, when I perform either of those actions, the changes are only applied to the image shown in the "more brightly highlighted" image, not all that are selected.
Is there a setting I am missing? I just cannot seem to figure out why this is not working.
Also, I aplogize if my searching skills are weak and this has been covered already. I did attempt to see if this question has been answered before posting.
I have one basic metadata preset that I apply to images after they have been imported. I've noticed that on a regular basis, every single image in my library loses its applied metadata preset and it reverts back to "none". For the life of me I cannot figure out why this is happening and I don't know whether it's a bug or a feature.
My standard workflow is that after I import images, I select all the images in the new folder I have designated for those images and apply my specific metadata preset but it seems that a few days later or after I import new images, all metadata presets are gone again. I have noticed this issue with Lightroom 3 and again with Lightroom 4 after I have upgraded so I don't think it's related to a specific version.
I want to extract the metadata I have added to my images and export it into an Excel spreadsheet. Can this be done within LR4.4? If the software doesn't have a function for this is there another way to do it?
Environment: Lightroom 4.1, Windows 7, JPG and RAW images
We often work remotely on a laptop, then come back to the studio and transfer images from a shoot to the main PC for further work. Some adjustments in Lightroom were done to some images in the folder already, as well as rating some of the best images.
It seems the recommended way of copying images from a laptop to the main PC is to use the "Export as Catalog" function with the "Export negative files" option turned on. However, when working with hundreds of files, this process takes a very long time, and also duplicates the images on the same laptop in the export location. This doesn't work well when working with 50GB of files, especially when only a few of them have any Lightroom adjustments anyways.
Is there a way to just copy the entire directory structure over to the main PC (copying files is fairly quick over Gigabit Ethernet), and then export only the metadata for the files (or catalog) over to the main PC so I can keep the adjustments?
In other words, instead of having to do this:
1. Export as Catalog 2. Wait a very long time for the laptop to duplicate all the images and export files 3. Re-import this catalog to my Main catalog 4. Wait a very long time for this to happen
It would be WAY faster to just do this: 1. Copy entire folder structure from laptop to main PC (this is quick) 2. Export metadata from these files only 3. Import metadata to new PC
iLogic code question concerning how Place iLogic Component and retain the ability to push parameters from the subassemblies to the parts after being renamed.
I have ASSEMBLY.iam containing:
SUBASSEMBLY-01:1.iam SUBASSEMBLY-02:1.iam and sometimes SUBASSEMBLY-02:2.iam
each SUBASSEMBLY.iam contains PART1.ipt and PART2.ipt which have variable LENGTH and WIDTH. LENGTH and WIDTH are entered manually at the SUBASSEMBLY.iam and are infinitely variable.
To transfer the parameters I'm using iLogic code in the SUBASSEMBLY:
Issue 1: When I place the SUBASSEMBLY as an iLogic Component, the parts are renamed to PART1-01.ipt which renders my Parameter transfer useless. What am I missing on writing this code so it can find the new part name?
Issue 2: I like the automatic renaming that happens with Place iLogic Component. Is there a better way to handle this automatically through Place Component -> Save & Replace?
I am trying to figure out how I can rotate many different circles (could really be any shape) aound a single point? For example, say I have 10 identically sized circles and want to rotate each one tangent to a single point every 36 degrees. Hopefully I am making sense and explaining the situation correctly. Is there a quick method using CorelDraw's tools/features to accomplish this task?
Is there a way to export images with borders (like the slideshow layout) and metadata caption (iptc/exif). I'm using a plug-in Mogrify now, but this way I have to export every photo twice (first to create borders, then to add the metadata). photo below is exported with the Mogrify plug-in.
It would be awsome to export photos like the gallery layout since most lightboxes have only 1 line of caption and no design/edit options. This would save heaps of time.
I was working in LR 4 on Mac OS 10.8.4 when I suddenly saw the preview of an older jpg-file when moving the cursor over the image folders: The half of it was blurred. I moved into the folder to find the image and clicked another jpg file. Half of it turned blurred and somehow inverted as well, see here: [URL] .....
I starred at it and in the library view more and more image turned this way. There was an icon next to the images, when I clicked it there was something like (translated): "metadata for this photo was changed by LR or another application. Should LR import the settings from the disk or overwrite the disk’s settings with those of the catalogue?"
There was no new version of the file or something like this. All affected files are jpg files, some from an old smartphone and most from an EOS 5D MII.
I have three layers each with an identical pattern out of which I am trying to make a bigger pattern (for textile printing). Everything lines up but there is a very fine white line between the images. I have tried feathering, blurring, masking and feathering, blending, anything I can find in the online manual and in Photoshop for dummies.
I have a big collection of scanned photos many of which are in b&w. Unfortunately they have not all been tagged, so now I'm looking for an easy way of finding all my b&w images.