Photoshop :: CS6 Save For Web - Various Resampling Choices Give Identical Result
Jul 31, 2012
Ps CS6
OS X 10.6.8
Save For Web offers 5 resampling algorithms (the same 5 as in Image Size, ignoring "Bicubic Automatic", of course) for when the output is being resized.
All choices except "Nearest Neighbor" output an identical image (which is different to all results of Image Size). Although the "Bilinear" output contains the same pixels as the output of the 3 bicubics, its file size is slightly different than their shared file size.
i have an assembly with 100+ parts that i have to show in my parts list.
my question is :
how can i add identical sheets showing identical view of the assembly but the ist page will show the first 50 parts and the second page will show the rest of the part list?
I shot a photo yesterday which has a reddish tint to it. This “warm glow” is very important to the image and I put a lot of work into getting it right. The image was shot as a DNG and manipulate in Photoshop, I saved it as a .psd for further manipulation or correction.
Now that I got it right I lowered the bits from 16 to 8 and saved the .psd as a .jpg and it looks great in photoshop, can’t see the difference on my humble monitor. But when I open the same jpg file in another viewer like irfanview, that warm reddish glow is gone and there is slightly green cast over the picture which is totally wrong.
I tried it including the ICC and without, with save for web and save as jpg, always the same greenish tint which I don't see in photoshop.
How do I get a jpg with the same colors? I want to offer it as a print on, so I need a high quality JPEG with the right colors.
I use Bridge as my main photo organisation app. I rate my shots from 1-5 stars and then tend to double click on ones to edit them in PS. After saving the edited shot as a jpg with "_edited" added to the filename, I apply a label which is called 'Enhanced' and then apply a 'Original' label to the original jpg. This lets me immediately filter of my edited/enhanced shots in Bridge and locate the originals if I need them. It also makes the edited files stand out when looked at in a file view of Explorer etc .
Is there an action or script I can create so that when I've finished editing a jpg it will take the original file name, add "_edited", save it as quality 10, baseline optimised, then apply the 'Optimised' label to the new file and exit the original jpg without saving but with applying the 'Original" label?
How to save an Illustrator document as pdf and preserve good quality of its objects. Let's say I create a rectangle, save the document as pdf, see result - the rectangle is blurry.
To make this clear in my (Holy & Venerable) head once and for all:
The "resampling down" option should be applied when resizing a picture to a smaller size (Thus, I should preferably use "bicubic smoother"?)
Whereas resampling up will give best results when making a picture bigger ("bicubic sharper" for this one?)
Also, what is your experience of these resampling methods in terms of quality loss? I'd assume quality loss will be greater whenever you try to "create pixels out of thin air" as in resizing pics bigger?
What happens to the image when I transform (Ctrl +T) the image regarding to its re-sampling interpolation aspects? By transform I mean make it bigger or smaller.
In the image size dialog you can determine what gonna happened with the pixels when you change the size of an image by check or uncheck the re-samping. But what happens to an image when I commit a transformation operation (Ctrl + T)?
I've tried to figure out a way to do a batch-resampling in photoshopCS2 (Bridge) but I can not figure out how. My books / Helpfunction does not mention it either (as I can see). I've also tried googling.
Is it possible?
I do not want the pixel-size to be reduced before I do the proper croping and stuff on my pictures for web. I need them to go down from 300dpi to 72dpi, then crop them and then resize them to 800x600 (aprox)
I take digital images in RAW format, usually quite large, and then open and save the image as a large format Tiff file. At that point, I have to resize the image for the purpose at hand. Here goes...
I normally take the image down to roughly 4x6 inches (I keep the "Constrain Proportions" box checked) and desire a final resolution of 300dpi. Because I'm starting with a much larger image also at 300dpi or higher, this isn't a problem. However, I'm unsure about checking the "resample image" box.
My question is, should I check this box? I'm going to insert my desired resolution dpi regardless, so is it necessary to check the box or should I leave it unchecked? I'm starting to think that the purpose of leaving it checked is to perform roughly the same function as the "constrain proportions" box - to allow the software to automatically resample the image based on the resizing I do. But again, I have a particular resolution in mind and so I'm wondering if it's okay to just uncheck the box and insert my desired resolution. Or, even leave it checked but just go ahead and insert my desired dpi resolution as planned.
I was playing around with PS in the Apple store over the weekend and noticed one of the differences in Photoshop on a Mac and PC. On a PC you right click on a tool in the tool palette to get the other choices. You can't do that with a Mac one button mouse. How do you get the other tool choices on a Mac?
I have a large image (21.6 x 14.4in, 51.3MB, and 240ppi) that I need to reduce to approx. 7 x 5in, under 30MB, and 300ppi. First, I resampled the image down to 7 x 4.667in, 5.38MB, and 240ppi. Later, after I realized that I forgot to change the resolution, I resampled the image up by changing the resolution to 300ppi. I was left with a final image that had the following characteristics: 7 x 4.667in / 8.41MB / 300ppi. Since the file size is larger, I'm assuming that Photoshop did a bit of guesswork in order to add information back into the file.  If I would have changed the resolution from 240ppi to 300ppi at the same time that I resampled the image down to 7 x 4.667in, would I have gotten a better image? In other words, should I have done all of the adjustments at the same time?Â
I can only resize an image using pixels as unit when resampling is turned on. Why can't I resize in pixels without resampling? I can use all the other units but not pixels... Â Photoshop CC, Win 7
This is something I've always wanted, and don't know if it exists. I'd like to somehow place type in an image, and scroll down the font selections to see the font choice change in the image window (not in the font sample area of the Character Window, or Type Menu line). I know you can click on the font to see it change in the image window,
but ideally I'd like to scroll down the font list, or down arrow down it, to see the font quciky change in my image to pick a font.
Is cropping to a larger image the same thing as resampling...? I believe I was told it handled the information differently without adding extra pixels... is this true.?
I am a Creative Cloud member, and have downloaded all of the products and they are all up to date currently. The issue I have is, I see all these people using a new resampling setting called "Preserve Details". They go Image ------>  Image Size, and then the window pops up. Now their window already looks different then mine. Mine looks like it did in CS4, theirs has an image preview inside the window, plus they have another resampling option available to them. Why doesn't my have this option?  I have tried to upload an image to show you what I mean, but I am unable to upload via my computer, and yes it is the correct size (>450 pxs wide by >500 pixels tall, 131 KB).
Is it ok to use 2 identical video cards (Nvidia GT 120) in a Mac Pro with 2 monitors and PS? Any benefit or problems from using 2 cards - each monitor getting a seperate card?
There might be instances where I might need to run 3 monitors but it will mainly be 2 (a 21" and 24" NEC multisync's).
I received specific menu choices for Color Settings from a commercial printer I use. I went to Edit<Color Settings and saved them as a .csf file in User/Library/Applications Support/Adobe/Color/Settings. I named the .csf file after the printer. When I go back into Edit<Color Settings and open the Settings menu I am able to choose the settings I saved from the list of settings. Now I open an image in PhotoShop and go to Edit<Convert to Profile.
In the dialog box I open the Profile menu, but the settings I saved in Edit<Color Setting are not one of the Profile choices. Am I confusing Setting and Profiles? How do I Convert an image file to the setting given me by the printer? I also wanted to proof as per the printer's settings. When I go to View<Proof setup<Custom I can choose Working CMYK Web Coated SWOP 2006 Grade 3 Paper, which is generally the profile this printer is using. But I can't choice my specific color settings saved under the printer's that I previously saved in Edit<Color Settings. In the Proof Setup dialog box when I press the load button I can navigate to the Settings folder where my .csf file is saved, but it is greyed-out so I can't choose it.
A few weeks back my illustrator started resampling all of my high-res images to 72 dpi upon opening. Â example: Â Image A: Resolution 300, 877 x 591 Â I'll open that image in Illustrator (which, I've been doing for 8 years without problem) and here is what happens -- Â I get a bounding box of 877 x 591 - HOWEVER, the image is floating within that box at (what I'm guessing is around a 72 resolution) 213 x 142 pixels. Â If I save the file out at 72 dpi - the image pulls up the right size in illustrator - it's just any image file that's a higher res than 72.
Say i make a curvy line using the pen tool and then stroke the path and then delete the path (maybe i shouldn't?) and then i want to make a identical path say offset 5 pixels on one of the sides of the aforementions stroked path. for example i just drew the left side (border) of the road and i need to make the right border of the can I do this?
In the develop module the edit in dialogue gives me the choices of CS5 which I have, Elements 7 which I have, but NOT Elements 10 which I also have. Is there a way to include this as a choice for editing directly from Lightroom?