Illustrator :: Get Or Give Permission To Save As Templates?
Feb 28, 2013how to get or give permission to save as templates?
View 7 Replieshow to get or give permission to save as templates?
View 7 RepliesI recently upgraded to Windows 7, reinstalled InDesign CS5.5. Now when I try to save a previouisly created InDesign document in InDesign I get the message: "You don't have permission to save to this location. Contact the administrator to obtain permission." I am the administrator.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm using PS5.1. When I try to Save for Web & Devices I'm getting write permission errors. I haven't used this application for over a year, but it used to work fine.I also used the Mac Disk Utility to Repair Permissions.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI shot a photo yesterday which has a reddish tint to it. This “warm glow” is very important to the image and I put a lot of work into getting it right. The image was shot as a DNG and manipulate in Photoshop, I saved it as a .psd for further manipulation or correction.
Now that I got it right I lowered the bits from 16 to 8 and saved the .psd as a .jpg and it looks great in photoshop, can’t see the difference on my humble monitor. But when I open the same jpg file in another viewer like irfanview, that warm reddish glow is gone and there is slightly green cast over the picture which is totally wrong.
I tried it including the ICC and without, with save for web and save as jpg, always the same greenish tint which I don't see in photoshop.
How do I get a jpg with the same colors? I want to offer it as a print on, so I need a high quality JPEG with the right colors.
I use Bridge as my main photo organisation app. I rate my shots from 1-5 stars and then tend to double click on ones to edit them in PS. After saving the edited shot as a jpg with "_edited" added to the filename, I apply a label which is called 'Enhanced' and then apply a 'Original' label to the original jpg. This lets me immediately filter of my edited/enhanced shots in Bridge and locate the originals if I need them. It also makes the edited files stand out when looked at in a file view of Explorer etc .
Is there an action or script I can create so that when I've finished editing a jpg it will take the original file name, add "_edited", save it as quality 10, baseline optimised, then apply the 'Optimised' label to the new file and exit the original jpg without saving but with applying the 'Original" label?
Ps CS6
OS X 10.6.8
Save For Web offers 5 resampling algorithms (the same 5 as in Image Size, ignoring "Bicubic Automatic", of course) for when the output is being resized.
All choices except "Nearest Neighbor" output an identical image (which is different to all results of Image Size). Although the "Bilinear" output contains the same pixels as the output of the 3 bicubics, its file size is slightly different than their shared file size.
After updating to LR4 I cannot save new templates or updating existing ones. When saving new templates nothing happens, when trying to update an existing template LR says: "There was an error saving this template."
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've set out to give this logo some 3D elements for some pop. I don't want to just extrude the thing as if it was a cylinder, I want to extrue the Triniti symbol, circles, as well as the black and green quadrants in some way. Not exactly sure, but I'll figure that out later. Afterwards I will possibly be dropping the logo into Aftereffects and making some kind of animated 3D intro with it. Here is the logo:
So I took a png of the logo, auto traced the image in illustrator, and used the 3D extrude effect. This was the result:
Obviously not what I'm looking for. Even if I only extruded parts of the logo, the behavior of the 3D effect would never give me what I'm looking for. Looking at tutorials, the extude effect seems to only be good for text and non layered shapes.
What I'm trying to accomplish is something that I could see working just fine in some kind of CAD software like Solidworks. I would just select the features I want, and extrude them as I desired. I do have access that piece of software, but I feel like that is a wierd work around, and I would have problems when it came time to apply the proper colors, and when I would bring the logo back into after effects for animation.
I also tried dropping the logo into After Effects directly and did the whole "convert shapes from vector layer" and using ray tracing tried extruding it there, but I can only extrude the entire logo, not individual parts.
So, I have designed a logo for a web site and the site owner wants it for a business card and letterhead. Saving an image for web is easy and I understand all that but how do I prepare a file for a printer? I'm guessing this is just nipping in to the local print shop on the high street.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to make an image look like the ones in this design:
and I haven't been able to figure it out.
How can l give my artboards a different background color? When l try it all my artboards get the same color. l tried it with the colored paper tool and in other way's. It doesn't work!
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhat is the best way to achieve the effect below, where the square conforms to the shape of the D? Also, how do you make objects or text give way to other text, such as the attached Ugg logo or similar? I know you could put a white stroke, but then that makes the object itself look smaller.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI purchased Designer Pro 9 about a month ago. I have tried about 30 times, no kidding, to change the US Letter template from Arial 10 to Verdana 12. It happened again this morning and I've decided to finally come to the forum and find out what's going on.
Here's what happens: I open US Letter and make the changes, then choose Save Template. When I reopen it, it's still Arial 10. Makes no difference if I choose "Use as default template" or not. I even tried saving it as a template with a different name, Verdana 12, but it still opens as Arial 10.
As a test, I opened Designer 6, chose New, US Letter, and changed the font to Brussels 12. I then selected Save Template, saved it as Brussels 12, and closed out. Then I chose File/New/Brussels 12. It opened as a letter template with Brussels 12 point. That's the procedure I used years ago to change US Letter to Verdana 12 in Designer 6, and so the Save Template function still works in that version.
Because nothing I've tried seems to work, I am wondering whether any template I create will be saved in 9.
I have created many different objects in Photoshop and placed them exactly where I want them. I do now however need a stroke, and the stroke in photoshop is rounded, and I need a stroke with sharp corners.
Therefor I need to import all of the images together into Illustrator and give them a stroke. The only problem is that when I import the images all of them get created into one object with a white background, and when I apply a stroke, it applies it to the rectangle surrounding all the objects. How can I fix this?
The pixel dimensions in Illustrator CS5's Info panel are wrong.I have a web layout in Illustrator that I'm transposing into Adobe Muse, using Save for Web and Devices.
I want to use the X and Y coordinates and the dimensions of the objects in Illustrator to place them correctly in Muse, so that all the elements scale to the right size.
The Illustrator artboard is 960 pixels wide and the layout fits the artboard. Similarly, the site width in Muse is 960px wide.The measuring units are in pixels in Illustrator, but something very strange is going the Info panel, a grouped object - a logo - is described as 16383 pixels wide and 211px high.
It's simply not possible, not least because the logo is taller than it is wide. But when I measure it with the ruler tool, it tells me that the logo is 136px high and 122px wide.
The problem only applies to this grouped object and it's not because it's grouped with some other thing that is 16383 pixels wide - the bounding box fits precisely round the logo when it is selected.
Im ok with Illustrator but not brilliant. What Im looking for is a Graphic Style that I can just add/load into my CS5 version of Illustrator that when I select it will give me a vector drop shadow under text
I would be able to edit the style to suit my text but struggling to create one from scratch after following write-ups and videos for the last 24hours!
Realise there are easier ways to make drop shadows but I need the drop shadow to be scaleable up to large sizes in a vector format as well as the text
how to give line height to text in AI Script
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have written a simple script to to trace a raster image using Illustrator.The image can be traced using >Object > Image trace in Illustrator without any problems.However, when I run my script I get the following error:Â Application error 12321(some long number) 'MARC'.
var jpgFilePath = new File ("/Users/Ellipse8.jpg"Â
function createRasterItem(jpgFilePath) {
var rasterFile = File(jpgFilePath);
var myDoc = app.documents.add();
Why do I have to select edit hole note each time I use the hole feature tool? It will not keep my settings to show qty.
It seems that I should be able to save it to my library and make it the default. I have saved library,templates all with zero luck.
See 2 screen shots in the attachment.
As of yesterday I am unable to save templates. At first I thought it may be an error with the project that I was working on, but I've opened up old projects and tried to resave those as a new template and I receive an error.
If I create a new project and try to save it as a template, I also receive this error.
I am trying to create a graphic style that will give me a frame that has the 3d rounded effect. Bevel and Extrude isn't what I am looking for... I have a pic here with a bevelled edge effect, but it has a flat surface...and I want it to look round...
View 14 Replies View Relatedwe have just upgraded from Inv 2011 to 2013. I am trying to create the drawing templates in 2013 by using the blank 2013 template and then copying our border from 2011 onto it. This works a treat apart from 1 thing.
The i properties do not get copied over as well so the sheet is blank from drawing number, title and the custom properties etc.
-No I did NOT uncheck the layers box.
-No I did NOT accidently FLATTEN my piece
-No I didn't change the color space
why the eff my photoshop has flattened two of my PSD files without my permission.
I work in PSD then when done I hit save. Then File> Save as> PDF then I name my PDFS, do so for my other projects then I close everything. I've had two files already where I have opened the PSDS and they're flattened when I never saved them this way.
Relatively new to Ai and have some questions about how best to make a document template. Basically, I'd like to make it so that new artboards can be automatically populated with things like company logo, footer text, etc. and in the correct locations on the page. Is there an easy way to do this? I made my master document into a template file (.ait) but, if I want to make a multi-page document, I have to manually go through and copy layers over to new artboards and it tends to make things messy. Do layer templates work with this? Haven't been able to pinpoint exactly how those work either.I'm using CS6
View 1 Replies View RelatedI had Photoshop 7.0 installed on an XP that crashed and had to re-built (new hard disk? I don't remember). Anyway I lost all the apps I had, and I'm trying to get PS 7.0 re-installed. I have the original CD complete with the serial number right on the box. But this was an upgrade from PS 6.0, for which I no longer have the CD (if indeed I ever did - for all I can remember it may have been a download). I did remember to keep the serial number from PS6.0. Unfortunately, the install process, when it doesn't find a copy of PS 6.0 on this (wiped clean) hard drive, does not provide me the opportunity to key my PS 6.0 serial number. All I can do in the dialog I'm presented with is press OK and exit.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI Would like to change the default Templates folder that opens when i click "New From Template". Is there a way of doing this?
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to set up a template in illustrator that can be used by co-workers. Rather than having a separate document containing tips on how best to use the template (which of course, no-one will read) I thought it might be better to include info in the template itself. It would be a chore if this advisory info had to be deleted each time however. Any good method for being able to leave text or layers that I might be able to lock and thus couldn't be ignored by people using the doc, but importantly, would not be shown in the final result when placed in InDesign? The ideal result would not include having to specify lots of import options in InDesign for each file as there could be hundreds of these things to place!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI downloaded some patterns and after unzipping couldn't copy them to program files adobe ..... patterns. get message need administrative permission to do this how do I get this permission or is there another way to include these patterns into my cs5.
View 6 Replies View Related error: Can't obtain permission to edit the element: The Central Model is inaccessible. You can check out worksets at risk, but consider carefully!thats what it says i took the file of my the drive but cant edit it.
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