Photoshop :: Permission For Installing 7.0 Version On XP
Oct 8, 2012
I had Photoshop 7.0 installed on an XP that crashed and had to re-built (new hard disk? I don't remember). Anyway I lost all the apps I had, and I'm trying to get PS 7.0 re-installed. I have the original CD complete with the serial number right on the box. But this was an upgrade from PS 6.0, for which I no longer have the CD (if indeed I ever did - for all I can remember it may have been a download). I did remember to keep the serial number from PS6.0. Unfortunately, the install process, when it doesn't find a copy of PS 6.0 on this (wiped clean) hard drive, does not provide me the opportunity to key my PS 6.0 serial number. All I can do in the dialog I'm presented with is press OK and exit.
after installation i try to activate the product.Following several phone numbers regarding activation at last i get redirected to this site.
Only activation also doesn't work, with a message containing information that the online activation server can not be reached (no error number) i didn't use the product for quite a while.It might be, that it was installed and activated on a machine that doesn't exist anymore.
I downloaded the 32 bit version of 9 and installed it on my 64 bit laptop.I went that way as I read the 64 bit doesn't support all features and I know my GIS software doesn't in similar type of installations.
I couldn't find any more about running 32 bit version on 64 bit device so expected it should work okay.EDIT - After installation I was prompted with this fact but it did say no problem with running it that way.Just mention here as others may be confused and wonder which version will work on a 64 bit machine.
But when I got past the installation and onto registering it for an extended 30 days I was blocked with the message CSRF blocked...
I have a laptop running LR 3.6 and want to try 4.4 to determine whether the laptop is man enough for the job. It's a Core 2 Duo T6400 2.0Ghz with 4Gb RAM and Vista Home Premium 32 bit.
If I install the trial version of 4.4 how do I make sure it doesn't mess up my 3.6 catologue, so that I can go back to it, if I'm not happy with the trial?
I want to try 4.4 against my full cataloque to make sure that I'm doing a proper performance test.
-No I did NOT uncheck the layers box. -No I did NOT accidently FLATTEN my piece -No I didn't change the color space
why the eff my photoshop has flattened two of my PSD files without my permission.
I work in PSD then when done I hit save. Then File> Save as> PDF then I name my PDFS, do so for my other projects then I close everything. I've had two files already where I have opened the PSDS and they're flattened when I never saved them this way.
I downloaded some patterns and after unzipping couldn't copy them to program files adobe ..... patterns. get message need administrative permission to do this how do I get this permission or is there another way to include these patterns into my cs5.
I'm using PS5.1. When I try to Save for Web & Devices I'm getting write permission errors. I haven't used this application for over a year, but it used to work fine.I also used the Mac Disk Utility to Repair Permissions.
I recently upgraded to Windows 7, reinstalled InDesign CS5.5. Now when I try to save a previouisly created InDesign document in InDesign I get the message: "You don't have permission to save to this location. Contact the administrator to obtain permission." I am the administrator.
error: Can't obtain permission to edit the element: The Central Model is inaccessible. You can check out worksets at risk, but consider carefully!thats what it says i took the file of my the drive but cant edit it.
I would like to know about the permission needed to edit the autocad file. In my folder there are many autocad files. I need to give the edit permission to one particual file to a specific user.
First i tried with folder level security. But i failed.
1. I have given full permission for the particular user (Except: Delete,Write Attribute) in the folder level. But when i tried to open the drawing file, it throws an error. Error: "File is currently using by the user1. Would you like to open the file read-only?"
2. I have given full permission for the particular user (Except: Delete) in the folder level. Now i could open the file successfully. But after editing, when i tried to save the document, it throws an error: Error: "Unable to save to drawing D:TestTest.dwg as it is being accessed by another session. Drawing saved to "D:Testsav460B.tmp"
3. Now i have given full permission for the particular user including Delete permission in the folder level. Now i could save the drawing succesfully after editing.
From this , i guess, it needs delete permission in the folder level to edit and save the drawing (I understood this is for creating/deleting tmp/.bak files during saving the document.). But giving delete permission in the folder level is very risky.
I installed the retina display-optimized update to my purchased (non-Creative Cloud) version of Photoshop Design Standard (via the Adobe Updater app that pops up in my menu bar only when updates are available), but now when Photoshop launches, I get Photoshop Extended (and it's a trial version). Is this a known issue? Will I need to reinstall Photoshop?
I updated CS4 (student version) to CS5.5 commercial version. The brushes, patterns, shapes and styles I had installed in the CS4 Photoshop version were not loaded into the new version. I no longer have the original files of these assets (or customizations).
After the installation of Photoshop Elements 11 and Premiere Elements 11 on my new system, the catalogs of version 10 do not appear for the conversion to version 11; my 2 catalogs are installed on a LACIE-2BIG NAS system.
Elements Organizer Version principale : 11.0 (20120830.r.32025)
the file exists however the open function still returns nil... the file is not read only, and permission on the file appear to be just fine.What other reasons would there be that cause open function to return nil?This is happening only on one machine. All the others are writing to the file just fine.
I downloaded and paid for the upgrade version of CorelDraw X6 because I have X3,X4 and X5. I have installed it already but I went to reinstall on my desktop PC as I wiped my hard drive back to factory state, CorelDRAW no longer gives the upgrade option.
On start up it gives the following message ( see below ) as a 30 day trial.
I have recently upgraded to ver 2012 from ver 2000. I have numerous macros that were written for the older version that I need to utilize in ver 2012. I manually recreated them in the new version by typing in the commands from ver 2000. As I expected I am getting errors when I try to run these macros in Ver 2012. The mlayer command, for example, does not work. I am pretty sure I need to use the -layer command and have tried this but I still get errors. While I am relatively proficient in ver 2000 I am having some trouble finding commands in ver 2012 that match the old version. Below is an example of a macro from ver 2000 as well as my attempt to rewrite it in ver 2012.
is there anyway of opening old files from previous edition of autocad on the newer version, have a file from a few years ago and it wont open now on the new one?
I have the 2013 AutoCAD Student Version and I want to transfer my file to the AutoCAD 30-Day Proffessional version, Can I do this by easily Copying and Pasting the drawing from version to version?
Yesterday, I mistakenly opened up the version 3 icon and put in several hours worth of image work, metadata changes, and created a couple of collections.
1. What will be the easiest way for me to update the changes to my version 4 catalog without undoing work that I have done in that from the last couple of weeks?
I cannot save my previous files created on a student version to an upgraded 2014 version. I tried changing the save as path in the options menu, but no luck. I am able to open the file in the upgraded version but it states that it will open as a student version. Also I cannot copy and paste anything from the student version to the upgraded one. Not sure why.
I have CS5 full, then upgrade to CS5.5, then to CS6Have only in 1 PC Now, if I want to installed in another PC (laptop) Do I need to install everything?
Im having trouble installing Photoshop CS6 and Illustator CS6. I am geting the following error while trying to install in Creative Cloud Download Manager:
Exit Code: 34
-------------------------------------- Summary -------------------------------------- - 1 fatal error(s), 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) FATAL: Payload '{9FC6805B-9FD9-410A-A620-51D58644999D} Camera Profiles Installer_7.1_AdobeCameraRawProfile7.0All' information not found in Media_db. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
I've installed them before, but uninstalled them both. Now I am getting the following error.