Photoshop :: After Installing CS (version 8.0.1) Activation Does Not Work
Jul 1, 2013
after installation i try to activate the product.Following several phone numbers regarding activation at last i get redirected to this site.
Only activation also doesn't work, with a message containing information that the online activation server can not be reached (no error number) i didn't use the product for quite a while.It might be, that it was installed and activated on a machine that doesn't exist anymore.
I was wondering if there was a way to check and see if a program has been activated? Â I have a few previous Adobe programs that I have unistalled from my computer years ago, after I upgraded the program, and I wanted to find out if there was a way to see if the activation code was deactivated or not. Is there a page that Adobe has that you can go and enter in an activation code and see if it is activated or if it has not activated?
I tried to activate the CS3 version again, now after installing it to the new hard disk from original AI CD. Old image of old hard disk AI is in separate folder /Good Files . When contacting Adobe to register, AI registration automat tells me to (this next is a screen copy) " Registration Unsuccessful  A problem was encountered while trying to send information over the Internet. Â
How to make the registration and activation of Adobe products (including CS6 and InDesign) work through an explicit proxy server (using NTLM or Kerberos)? I am sure that a company of Adobe's size must have the technical resources to enable their products to work through proxy servers, especially seeing as most organisations do use proxy servers these days.
I had Photoshop 7.0 installed on an XP that crashed and had to re-built (new hard disk? I don't remember). Anyway I lost all the apps I had, and I'm trying to get PS 7.0 re-installed. I have the original CD complete with the serial number right on the box. But this was an upgrade from PS 6.0, for which I no longer have the CD (if indeed I ever did - for all I can remember it may have been a download). I did remember to keep the serial number from PS6.0. Unfortunately, the install process, when it doesn't find a copy of PS 6.0 on this (wiped clean) hard drive, does not provide me the opportunity to key my PS 6.0 serial number. All I can do in the dialog I'm presented with is press OK and exit.
I downloaded the 32 bit version of 9 and installed it on my 64 bit laptop.I went that way as I read the 64 bit doesn't support all features and I know my GIS software doesn't in similar type of installations.
I couldn't find any more about running 32 bit version on 64 bit device so expected it should work okay.EDIT - After installation I was prompted with this fact but it did say no problem with running it that way.Just mention here as others may be confused and wonder which version will work on a 64 bit machine.
But when I got past the installation and onto registering it for an extended 30 days I was blocked with the message CSRF blocked...
I have a laptop running LR 3.6 and want to try 4.4 to determine whether the laptop is man enough for the job. It's a Core 2 Duo T6400 2.0Ghz with 4Gb RAM and Vista Home Premium 32 bit. Â If I install the trial version of 4.4 how do I make sure it doesn't mess up my 3.6 catologue, so that I can go back to it, if I'm not happy with the trial? Â I want to try 4.4 against my full cataloque to make sure that I'm doing a proper performance test.
I installed this plugin - extracted and its a truetype file - Jsomething is the name. How do i open this in photoshop CS2 and get to working on 3d texts.
I own the pc version of Photoshop CS4. I'm about to switch to the Mac and would like to know if my software will fully function on a Mac machine.
I'm also thinking of installing Vista Ultimate 64-bit operating system on the Mac. Does CS4 have a 64 bit version?
Do I give up anything by running duel systems on a Mac?
Am I creating any performance issues on the Mac by running pc software? I would image I'm leaving the door open to viruses on the pc side of the Mac should I install Windows based programs.
What does it cost to exchange my recently purchased CS4 for Windows to a Mac version?
I've just installed Extension Manager Update yesterday and today I've get a wired problem with my bambo tablet.I've used this tablet for 3-4 years without problem. The problem I've now is when I drag lasso tool on an image to make selection it doesn't make a selection even it is showed in the history state that I've used lasso,or magnetic lasso.
My machine is a Mac Pro 2010,Quad-Core Intel Xeon running on Lion 10.7.5 and my bamboo driver is the latest version 5.3.2-2. Even now I've change to use freeform path I've still cannot change form path to selection.
I tried to run the After Effects CC 12.0.1 patch as After Effects CC will not launch after updating to Mac OS 10.9 Mavericks. Â I get the following error:Â
After Effects CC (12.0.1) bug-fix update Update is not applicable. Error Code: U44M2P28 Â I have read elsewhere that the patch may not work on trial versions...I am technically on a 12 month free trial for attending Adobe Max.
Yesterday I had to uninstall my cs6 and reinstall it to recognize new RAM I installed. Today in Photoshop the print settings work in the 32 bit version but do not work in the 64 bit version of Photoshop.
I recently graduated from ps3 extended to ps5 extended ( was very use to the ps3 version) . Now am having problems when working with multiple pics in the ps5 extended version. I am unable to float mult, pics and or be able to minimize them to pull up another.
 I also need the screen mode with the menu bar at the top to be able to minimize etc and select different pic. This seem to be the Workspace default in ps3 extended and I was very use to that....with the ps5 it is def not the default and is set to standard screen mode ( from the top selections) and I keep having to go the the top and select full screen mode with menu bar to even have my tools....then select float multiple pics to have the options of minimizing or max?....
I have this issue in Photoshop CS6 which I don't find in the older version. I only can click from the dropdown menu as the shortcut key function "Alt+Ctrl+C" is not applicable?
I have tried to set Elements 12 to be my external editor to iPhoto. I have been able to select it in preferences advanced but when I right click a photoand chose external edit, the editor opens but the photo does not. Same for RAWS and jpeg's, in iPhoto library or in a folder.
How do I get the version 10 to work on my computer. I have been a long tme user of adobe and have already spent toooo much time trying to get theis product on my new hard drive.Â
Do these NewBlue FX Plugins work in C VS5? I was trying to install the free Cartoonr plugin but I do not see it after install.Perhaps it's in the wrong folder, or the plugin is not compatible with VS5?Also was considering purchasing the following. Are they compatible with VS5?
I have always flattened everything out of CDR whenever there is any transparencies involved, this works fine, you just have to deal with large bitmaps. Now in recent discussions some respected contributors have touted using the X3 pdf setting with Compatibility set to Ver9. That works, transparencies print without the yellow box ....fine... but.
I design with CMYK colours ( I know.. BIG discussion that has been addressed many times) and use RGB images (because they are usually client supplied or our Stock site only supplies RGB).
My problem is in my PDF settings I have everything set to export as Native which works well on the Roland using Max Impact and even if I set compatibility to PDF Ver 9 transparency will still have the yellow box.
To get transparencies to work without flattening, everything has to be exported as CMYK and as you know RGB blue goes purple when you do this and the RGB images just don't look as good.Is there a way to get transparency to work in a PDF with exporting everything as Native and using PDF Ver 9?
I'm so excited to recieve my new CD in the post but... I am halfway through a design project, and if I install the new latest version Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 7
1. Will my old Xara X1 (cd version) files work in latest version if I upgrade/install XP/GP7?
2. and will they be 2 stand alone programs and can switch between the two? or overwrite each other>?
At this time I am unable to locate my original cd, which has been in mass storage, so I fear installing just to find out, otherwise I wouldnt have asked this forum, backed up my design project and tried this already.
I've just downloaded AutoCAD 2014 Student Version, and I can't seem to make my status bar on the bottom work. It's pretty annoying, as I couldn't manage to find the solution yet, did the access path to it changed compared to previous versions?
It's just blank grey (where OSNAP, DUCS, and other fun stuff's icons should be).
I installed the retina display-optimized update to my purchased (non-Creative Cloud) version of Photoshop Design Standard (via the Adobe Updater app that pops up in my menu bar only when updates are available), but now when Photoshop launches, I get Photoshop Extended (and it's a trial version). Is this a known issue? Will I need to reinstall Photoshop?
I am still running PS CS on Windows 7 - it does all that I need. I just cloned my system disk to a SSD and had to make some changes to the virtual memory settings as a result. PS CS now says that the machine configuration has changed and it needs to be re-activated (yawn).Â
However when I try to activate online it says 'the activation system is not available at this time.' Is this because it's not possible to activate PS CS any longer, or is it genuinely just broken today? I have retired over a period of a couple of hours.
how to disable a registered copy of Master Suite? I currently have it installed on both my laptop and my desktop. One day my desktop's hard drive corrupted itself and would not allow my pc to boot no matter what I tried. So I ended up doing a low level format to my drive and reinstalling the operating system along with master suite. I was not able to deactivate my desktop's CS4 install because the computer was not able to boot into windows. Formating did not disable my copy of master suite, so when I restalled master suite it claims that I have it running on three computers yet, I have it only running on two computers. I installed it on to same pc, with the same operating system. My big question is, how do I disable the defunct copy of CS4 that is not working so I can use my fresh install of CS4 and my current install of CS4 on my laptop? Please help. PC specs: Intel Q9450 @ 3.6GHz (8 x 450FSB) / Abit IX38 Quad GT / 8Gb G.Skill @ 5-5-5-15 1000MHz / 2X 8600GT's (Core 700Mhz - Mem 760Mhz) / 2X Seagate 500GB (RAID 0) + 2X Seagate 1.5TB / Creative Labs X-Fi / PCP&C Silencer 750W / Lian Li V2000B Plus II / Vista Ultimate X64 SP1
I'm trying to install Photoshop CS2 for a client, but when I launch the application I get the error: "An error has been detected and activation cannot continue. Please restart your computer and reinstall the application"
I've already done the obvious thing to reboot and re-install the application with the same error. I tried deleting temporary files to no avail. Is there any other solution I should try before I re-image the machine?