Photoshop :: Tweaking CS4 Paint Brush Hardness On A...
Jun 13, 2009
In CS4, holding the ALT key down and right-click-dragging left or right decreases/increases brush size continuously on a PC. Is there a comparable way to tweak brush HARDNESS on a PC as you can on a Mac? I have tried additionally holding down the SHIFT key ala the square brackets alternative method for step-changing hardness, and have also tried all combinations of moderator keys to no avail.
In Photoshop 6, adjusting brush parameters including hardness was easy, but in Photoshop 7, I can't seem to find where these settings are. I have been through the brush palette several times and have found everything BUT basic brush parameters such as hardness and angle. I cannot imaging where they might have moved this or even if they are still accessable.
My platform is WIN 8-64 on a Dell XPS8500 with AMD Radeon HD 7570 graphics card and like many others I have the "flicker" problem but the work-around Advance setting of BASIC works for me. However, I now notice that I cannot set the brush hardness level. I installed the CS6-32 version concurrently and the brush works fine in that version. In CS6-64 the brush set on black will not replace white and when set on black it makes only a gray streak no matter what the hardness setting is.
It seems that, in CS6 Photoshop, I could RIGHT CLICK, and a small panel would drop down at cursor location, allowing me to change size, hardness, and roundness of the brush.
I have recently updated to 13.0.1. The technique described above no longer works, but I can't be sure that this happened after the update. I may, as often, have screwed up a preference checkbox.
I'm trying to figure out how you can adjust the exact hardness of a brush. I see that you can select a brush with a hard edge, or a fuzzy edge, but what if I'd like some middle ground?
While I'm at it, I may as well ask another question as well. I'm used to Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8, and on there you could adjust the "step" of a brush. Is there a way to do that on GIMP?
Also, is there a shape tool where you can create spheres or squares?
After upgrading from CS6 beta to CS6 release this function stopped working (on OS X Lion). The only think that happens when I use both keys (Ctrl+Alt) and move the mouse is moving the whole application/cs6 windows.
The feature where you can quickly change a brush size/ diameter by pressing Alt + hold right click (for Windows) (In Mac, control + alt + left click) is neat but is there any way to change that shortcut to a different combination? I can't find it in the shortcuts list.
you can see what i mean in the following picture examples.
Selecting a brush (any 1 pixel) brush
shows my selection . Drawing a straight line
Zooming in to the line (600%) you can see i can draw a marquee through half of it ...
No matter what 1 single pixel brush i use this will happen... no matter which computer i use cs6 on and different copies of the installation. Anyway have any insight into this? frankly... it's somewhat limiting that i can't use the brush for stroking a shape if i need a pixel line and yet soft curves that a pencil won't get you.
I recently have been creating characatures of cars using real photos; then tweaking and stretching them to get a good "base" to start with. Then the rest is all freehand with a mouse. (A Wacom pen would work much easier I'm sure) The thing is that it takes me literally hours to color in and shade. So I figured you guys probably know a shortcut to "tweak" photo's and just have to touch up for the final result.
are there tweaking options for filters like Crystalize (under Pixelate filters) or is this just for the CS range of photoshop? I obviously can see the Liquify tweaking options but most of them seem fixed.
I am currently pre calculating Final Gather (generating FG maps) under the reuse FG and GI rollout.
I was wondering. Once I have finished this. Would it be possible for me to change some settings in the exposure control (in Environment) and Glare (in the material slot) before rendering or will I have to leave it or can I adjust the Glare and not the exposure control?
I'm using a tablet with gimp and I want to be able to set the brush size for the paint brush and also for the eraser, separately. What happens now is that I'll set the paintbrush size to 10px, paint for a little while, turn the pen over to erase and the eraser will now be at 10px. So I'll adjust the eraser size to something like 50px, erase, turn over, and now the paintbrush is at 50px. Grrrrrrr... I tried creating new brushes for both the paintbrush and the eraser, but there's no brush size option. This is my first time using gimp so I'm probably missing something.
I didn't know what to expect but when performance went from bad to worse and each click on LR resulted in (not responding), I became very concerned. I did research and couldn't find anything so I looked at my swap file and tweaked it. I added swap files to all of my drives, physical and virtual. For now that seems to be working.
The closer I got to the same look was to create a brush with the size of 1 pixel and 500% spacing, but it's still a bit slow to get even a small area looking like it's been sprayed. Plus, in the end my pattern looks too regular, not very natural. Here is part of the image whose look I'm trying to recreate (400% and 100%).
in photoshop 7, how do you mess with the Hardness of the brush? I remember in PS6 when you double clicked the brush a pallette would pop up where you could change the size, hardness, angle, roundness .... i cant seem to find the Hardness for brushes in the PS7 pallete ...
I'm still somewhat a noob, but I'm following a tut and it says to make sure the eraser hardness is 0. Problem is.....I can't find where the 'hardness' setting is.
Horse auto rigger not working after much of tweaking. which keys to use like trans +ins or d+v.
When i tweak less then all controls are visible other wise leg, tail,main and ears control are not visible. how to adjust the bones so that all controls are visible. [URL]
I'm trying to draw some dashed lines in Photoshop, and to this end I've been playing around with the brush settings (Spacing etc). I'm using a square brush, and I managed to draw the dashed line as I want it, with one exception: I can't get the brush to be feathered.
Is it a general thing in Photoshop that you can't change (i.e. soften) the hardness of a square brush, as you can with that of a round brush? I doubt that Photoshop would impose such a limitation - there must be something I'm getting wrong.
I'd really appreciate some help on this. Once again, I'd like to have a soft (i.e. feathered) *square* brush, which I can use for various purposes, including the drawing of dashed lines.
I'm trying to draw some dashed lines in Photoshop, and to this end I've been playing around with the brush settings (Spacing etc). I'm using a square brush, and I managed to draw the dashed line as I want it, with one exception: I can't get the brush to be feathered.
Is it a general thing in Photoshop that you can't change (i.e. soften) the hardness of a square brush, as you can with that of a round brush? I doubt that Photoshop would impose such a limitation - there must be something I'm getting wrong.
I'd really appreciate some help on this. Once again, I'd like to have a soft (i.e. feathered) *square* brush, which I can use for various purposes, including the drawing of dashed lines.
I recently upgraded from CS4 to CS6 and I noticed a weird change in how brushes with 0% hardness are displayed. I'm not sure if it's supposed to look like this or if it's a problem with my settings etc.
So here is how it looks on 500%
- 0% hardness brush, Opacity 100%, black on transparent background
I want to use the paint brush for editing a photo I have, but the only color available is black. No matter where I've looked in PSP, there was no option to change the color of the paint brush. I've read online that you need to change the pallet to material pallet, then go to "Foreground & Stroke Properties" and set the color box to the color I want, but the only colors I get are different hues of black and gray.
Even in Paint it's just a matter of clicking the desired color to use different colors. Why isn't it so simple in PSP?
I have colored in a part of a picture using the magic wand selection tool, then paint bucket. There is still some missed areas So I try to use the paintbrush tool .
However the paintbrush tool isn't applying any color (with me) .