Photoshop :: Transfer Downloaded CS File Won't Open
Jul 14, 2012
I can't open a PS file sent by a friend, she sent it by wetransfer, the file did fall on desktop with name given in save before downloading.Looks like white page with bent top right corner, PS says Could not complete your request because PS Does not recognize thin kind of file.
GIMP won't recognize images I downloaded using Nikon Transfer. They are in the Pictures library and a Nikon Transfer file shows with everything else when I click File Open, but I can't bring them up to work on in a normal way. I was able to physically move one of the images, listed as DSC, from Nikon Transfer to the Gimp window and modify it normally, but the image was very tiny in a full-screen Gimp window, (which lately I can't permanently get back to the normal size). Saved the image as xcf and jpg and placed in a new file, but still can't work on it.
I still use Photoshop CS2 and recently I downloaded the driver for my new Epson NX430 printer. Since then Photoshop won't open. I uninstalled the entire CS2 Suite and reinstalled. Photoshop still won't work though the rest of the programs do. I am using Mac OS X 10.4.11.
I'm trying to download a free trial of photoshop. Once I've downloaded the photoshop app in the creative cloud, how do I open the software on my computer?? I've tried clicking on the app, but nothing is working!
Since installing Video Studio Pro X5 and keeping my previous version (V.S .11+) installed as well,I am unable to open downloaded videos with X5.It is not available as an option even when I browse for it.I have to open it with VS11+ and then import it into X5.
I had to re download PDN a little while back, when i did, i made it my default image viewer. as soon as i set this, now every time i download an image, it automatically opens PDN, slowing down my download time, and just generally difficult. How to turn this off?
I have used an exceptionally good website called [URL]...... for a number of years with no problems. I have just downloaded from them a .mp3 file lasting 5 minutes but when I come to load it into my project , I get an error message saying "File format mismatch". The only difference that I see between this and all the previous files I have downloaded from them is that this one has a bitrate of 320kbps compared to the previous ones of 130-190kbps.
I've downloaded a brush, that I'd like to use in Photoshop 10, and I read that you're supposed to extract the file into
Program Files > Adobe > Photoshop (whatever version you are using) > Presets > Brushes
Now, this is how far I can get:
Program Files > Adobe CS3 > Photoshop > Adobe CS3
I don't have anything called "Presets", but I have payloads, redist and resources. I can't find anything similar to "brushes" either, am I in the right place?
Trying to download the version 5 trial and keep getting the message that the version 5 .exe file cannot be downloaded. It looks like 1.33 GB have downloaded and then it stops and gives me the option to retry or cancel and when I retry it gives me the same error message.
I downloaded a file and when I try to group everything, the option is not available, it's greyed out. The status bar says curve on layer 2. I have another object on layer 1 and had no problem grouping.
I can't seem to figure out why I cannot manipulate this file. All tool bars are blacked out like it has the "read only" property. Which was first thing I checked to try to diagnose this issue. I've also tried save copy as, checking in & out of the Vault. Deleting local copies and opening from Vault. Even re-downloading the same file. Nothing seems to work. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Or did whoever create this remove the write capability from it somehow. All I am trying to do is go into document settings and change the units from metric to standard.
I used Adobe lens profile creator to download a lens profile. I cannot find the file. It is not in the standard folder for lens profiles. Where does lens profile creator downloads the lcp file? It says local disk?
I've downloaded and installed AutoCAD 2014 using one of our subscription licenses in order to review it before putting it on other machines (for the purpose of bug-checking and trying out new features). I also have a Map3D subscription license for which Autodesk offered me a free trial upgrade (for this subscription term) to Infrastructure Design Suite (IDS).
While going through the steps for installing IDS, I noticed that the IDS license includes a copy of AutoCAD. I cancelled it before installation and tried to use the LTU to export my current 2014 license. However, when I try to open the LTU, the Windows working icon spins for a bit then nothing happens. It works for my 2013 license but not 2014.
My computer is custom-built. I have a 450 gig hard drive with oodles of ram and am using the latest PS; my operating system is XPPro, sp 3.
I create slide shows with music in Proshow Producer and generate them as exe files, which I really adore. I'm looking for a format to convert the same Proshow Producer file or its exe child for viewing on a mac that is as good as an exe file, but I just don't see it. A Flash file does not measure up to an exe file, and the various mpegs do not allow one to control showing.
Someone recently mentioned something called an etf, which translates into Enigma Transfer File. Does anyone know anything about it or some other file format that I might use?
I have autocad civil 3d 2008 in my pc. From last 2 days I got a different problem i.e. when I am selecting open / save command from File menu graphical file select explorer is not opening just message in the command window . Previously I used to select files using graphical file explorer.
I have just formatted my Computer and installed Illustrator CS4. As now I am using old Operating System, so I can't able to install Illustrator CS6. I have some files in CS6. So, now how can I transfer all file from Illustrator CS6 to CS4? Is there any online process?
i had transferred the Revit MEP model to 3d max with FBX file. However, i found that i could not select a single part of duct, it seleced all the components.
I've just received 358 .dwg files from the owner of my project. They failed to provide an index along with the files.Is there a way to "Publish" all 358 files without having to open each .dwg? PDF is preferred.
I have been trying to transfer MP4 videos into VSPX5U from an ELGATO game capture card. Every video captured by the capture card is in an MP4 format and when trying to transfer it, my VSPX5U will tells me that "The file cointains no video data".
I understand that the Service Patch is supposed to fix this but after the initial download, it will tell me that "The installed version of the application could not be determined. The setup will now terminate"
Our company has recently purchased civil 3d and im in the process of learning it. I was wondering if there is a way to transfer the normal autocad customization file over to civil 3d and if works. I re-did my hot keys and they dont work either.
I was thinking of having a 2d workspace and a 3d workspace as well.
Is it possible to transfer pose bones(weights) from one Mudbox file to another to use them for another mesh? I can see that one can maybe use .fbx and Maya path but not everyone has Maya or a Maya user.
I have a new notebook with intel I7 processor, 8 GB memory and 500 GB 7.200 drive. I captured successful the video from my Sony camera, cutted the video, produced a DVD and enjoyed afterwards the video. To back-up the video on a tape normally I generate a video file in my Video Studio x3 (latest version) and transfer it back to the tape on my video camera. This isn't working in the right way due to stuttering after 10-15 minutes transfering back. After restarting the transition the time until stuttering starts is then less then 10 minutes, next time less then 5 minutes.