Photoshop :: Installing Downloaded Brushes (extracting The File)
May 11, 2008
I've downloaded a brush, that I'd like to use in Photoshop 10, and I read that you're supposed to extract the file into
Program Files > Adobe > Photoshop (whatever version you are using) > Presets > Brushes
Now, this is how far I can get:
Program Files > Adobe CS3 > Photoshop > Adobe CS3
I don't have anything called "Presets", but I have payloads, redist and resources. I can't find anything similar to "brushes" either, am I in the right place?
i've downloaded some brushes from internet for photoshop but no idea where to put them.. do i have to specially instal them or just unzip them to a folder,
Okay, so after a month of struggling to get Potoshop CS6 Extended Teacher Student Edition to work, I was playing around, downloading brushes and actions. The actions work. But I can't get the brushes to. I download them into the downloads file and then move them into program files > Adobe > Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64bit) > Presets > Brushes
There are some other folders. The other one is in program files > Adobe > Adobe Bridge CS6 (64bit) Program Files (x86) > Adobe... And In that is Fllash player, Photoshop Utilites - CS6, Adobe Photoshop CS6, Adobe Extension Manager CS6, Adobe Bridge CS6 and Acrobat 5.0
In the program files and not Program Files (x86) And then when I moved the files into the brushes folder, I got something that said "You'll need to provide administator premission to copy to this folder." And then it asks to countunie, skip or cancel.
Figure 1 are my grunge brushes i want to be using. Figure 2 is showing that my grunge brushes are not showing up in the menubar. Whenever i download and place any new brushes in my brushes folder. Even after a restart they never show up in figure 2. So what keeps happening is all my brushes keep getting piled up in figure 1 and it makes it impossible to find the ones i need.. And evne if i click on load brushes they still end up in figure 1 and not in there own seperate section within figure 2. Photoshop keeps classing my brushes as one and keeps grouping them all up into an existing preset.
When I right click downloaded brushes the options Duplicate Brush and Delete brush are greyed out and when I click Edit Brush I can't change anything. That is a problem because from the more than two hundred brushes I have right now I only need/like about 20 or 30. Those options are available only in brushes I created myself, by the way.
I'm trying to install some new brushes in Photoshop CS6. Previously on CS5, I just downloaded the zip, opened the file and clicked install. Now it shows up as an "unknown" file (windows doesn't recognize it) and I can't open it. If I try to load it directly into the brush presets folder I get this error Cannot create arrow brush.abr Access is denied.
find new brushes? Isn't it great when you actually get them installed? Isn't it also great when you are worried about how to get back to default brushes when you're done using the new ones? lol Yeah, I'm still new to the Photoshop thing, and still have a lot to figure out. So, can anyone tell me how to use the new brushes I've downloaded, and also how to get back to the default brushes?
I can't open a PS file sent by a friend, she sent it by wetransfer, the file did fall on desktop with name given in save before downloading.Looks like white page with bent top right corner, PS says Could not complete your request because PS Does not recognize thin kind of file.
I have used an exceptionally good website called [URL]...... for a number of years with no problems. I have just downloaded from them a .mp3 file lasting 5 minutes but when I come to load it into my project , I get an error message saying "File format mismatch". The only difference that I see between this and all the previous files I have downloaded from them is that this one has a bitrate of 320kbps compared to the previous ones of 130-190kbps.
I have been asked to write utility that will open a DWG file, retrieve layer data from the file and put it into a spreadsheet.
I know nothing about AutoCAD but I have been reading on this forum and gathering information. I have found that I have to write a dll that will be used inside of AutoCAD. Here is what I have so far:
1. I have AutoCAD 2008 (will convert to 2011 or 2012 later)
2. I have .NET Framework 4.0
3. I have Visual Studio 2010 Express
4. Needs to be done using VB.NET.
I need to do this using .NET.
Do I need the 2008 API?
Could this be done easier using VBA?
Once I create the dll how do I use it inside AutoCAD?
How do I grab the layer data for studs and braces?
Trying to download the version 5 trial and keep getting the message that the version 5 .exe file cannot be downloaded. It looks like 1.33 GB have downloaded and then it stops and gives me the option to retry or cancel and when I retry it gives me the same error message.
I am trying to import a Shape file and extract the attribute data associated with the 'lines' (sewer pipes) into text format.
for example a pipe has an attribute showing the pipe diameter and intead of having to manually type it out I would like a way to extract that information.
Is there a way to do it? Whether using a specific method during the importing of the Shape file or another process?
i have lidar contour file that is a shape file, when i import this file using map with data connect i is imported with the correct elevation but is not useable for presentation only, when i import it with the map import command it does not retain the elevation on the polyline that it imports.
I'm in the process of creating an external iLogic rule and would like to extract part of the contents of .notepad text file to use in my rule as a string. Is this possible?
I have a requirement to extract metadata from AutoCAD files with a script. This metadata is the attributes that appear in the files Title Block in the corner. I have come up with some code that I believe can do this, but I cannot run it, since I've been developing in Visual Studio using .NET, and it appears that that .NET API can only be used to build plugins for AutoCAD.
Do I have to use VBA to access the COM? How do I even get started with VBA/COM API? It took me forever to actually find a listing for the .NET Object Model - I don't want to search for that long again to find the COM API, especially if I'm going about this in the wrong way again.
Here is the code I've written to extract the Attributes, but it's probably very wrong as well, since I have not had the opportunity to test it:
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { try { using (Database db = new Database()) {
I downloaded a file and when I try to group everything, the option is not available, it's greyed out. The status bar says curve on layer 2. I have another object on layer 1 and had no problem grouping.
I can't seem to figure out why I cannot manipulate this file. All tool bars are blacked out like it has the "read only" property. Which was first thing I checked to try to diagnose this issue. I've also tried save copy as, checking in & out of the Vault. Deleting local copies and opening from Vault. Even re-downloading the same file. Nothing seems to work. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Or did whoever create this remove the write capability from it somehow. All I am trying to do is go into document settings and change the units from metric to standard.
I used Adobe lens profile creator to download a lens profile. I cannot find the file. It is not in the standard folder for lens profiles. Where does lens profile creator downloads the lcp file? It says local disk?
I have seen mention of a utility called xcf2png which can extract layers from a XCF file and write them to a PNG, but it seems there is no Windows version.
Any way of doing this under Windows/DOS? I just want to extract a layer by name and write it to a PNG file with the same name as the layer.
Or even better - searches a XCF file for layers that (say) start with an underscore and exports only those layers to separate named PNG files.
We have a custom LISP program (Written, upadated in 2003) that takes a keyed in item number, opens and searches a .txt file with four coulmns, for the keyed in item number (column 1) and returns a part number (column 2), description (column 3) and any information in column 4.
A quetsion was asked if the data in the .txt file could be put in an Excel file. I tried looking at other post, but I can't seem to find a clear cut way to open and extract the data. Or this old dog overlooked a boand. Is there a easy way to do this, similar to the above?
how to extract the attribute value of a particular block in multiple drawings to an excel file.
Eg... there are nearly 800 drawings where I need to list down the description and Drawing number which is mentioned in the title block name "Title". The Drawing Number and the description is done in same attribute block. extract the data into an excel file or txt file. All the drawings are saved in one location.
When I try to open a Photoshop file from both a dropdown (File > Open) or command O, the display window will stay open for a brief moment before closing.
On occasion I'll get the error *** -[_NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: index 39 beyond bounds [0 .. 38]
Other times the error will say Could not complete your request because of a program error.
Other time there is no message.
The computer I'm running is MacBook Pro with Retina display, 3 GHz Intel Core i7, 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3