Photoshop :: Print Scaling - After Clicking Inside Scale Box Sizes Just Keep Increasing?

Aug 20, 2013

When trying to scale the print size, after clicking inside the scale box, the sizes just keep increasing, even though I never got a chance to enter anything.It just keep getting bigger and bigger. How do I turn this "feature" off?

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AutoCad :: 2013 Increasing File Sizes?

Nov 8, 2012

I have this drawing file that has suddenly been growing larger and larger in size. There has not been enough information added to justify such a large increase:


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AutoCAD 2013 :: Increasing File Sizes From One Release To Another?

Dec 1, 2013

I have been revising some older blocks dating back to 2003 and earlier.  What was a file size of 28KB increased to 127KB!  In most cases the only change was converting text to an attribute.  As a test I took a 2004 file and saved it - with no changes - to another name and the file size increased from 28KB to 124KB!!!  That's an increase of over 4.4 times!  Many of my 1998 - 2006 files are in the 26KB - 40KB range.

That's a bit much of an increase over several ACAD versions!  Is there a way to reduce the file size?  I did perform a complete Purge before saving.  Have I missed some clever trick?

I am running ACAD Version 2014 with SP-1.

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Paint.NET :: Increasing Font Sizes Past 1000 In Posters

Sep 2, 2013

I created some posters last year and I need to make them again this year.  For some reason I'm not able to increase the font size past 1000. 
I wrote down the instructions last year.  The only thing I can't remember is how I increased the font to 2000. I can get the font size to 1000, but as soon as I increase it nothing shows up on the screen except the blinking cursor.
I'm using 3.5.10 build 3.510.4297.28964 on windows 7.  I have the image resolution set to 300.
I have also tried this same thing using the latest version of on windows 8.  I get the same behavior but I can't increase the font size past 900.
The file I created is too large to attach.

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Photoshop :: Print Preview Colors Don't Match Work Window + Print Sizes

Jan 16, 2009

So I am working on this document and it has silver background. I go to print preview (Photoshop cs3 and cs4 on Vista) and I get color looking more like bronze looking but when I do print, it comes out just like it should (in working mode which is Monitor RGB with Proof colors checked).

This setting is the only one I've used to make sure image/psd looks exactly like what it should when printing. I tried the default Working CMYK with and without Proof colors but it's still showing me the bronze look instead of silver. I've looked on the net and no exact easy fix for this was found. I really really appreciate any help.

Another simple question is regarding size. I'm working on a document size of 17.5 x 8.7 inches and the actual Banners will be printed at size 175 x 87 inches (5 banners each at 35inch wide but combined into a big one). So essentially, I'm working at 10% the size of what the final print will be and my file size is 760mgs. You can only imagine how big the file would be if I work on the actual size.

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Photoshop :: Filling Gaps In Adding Text Inside A Shape When Using Different Font Sizes?

Sep 29, 2013

im writing text inside a shape and ive got that far ive even changed font sizes, now id like to write smaller text in the gaps between different font sizes. im using PSCS2.

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Lightroom :: How To Batch Print Different Orientations Or Print Sizes

Jun 6, 2009

How do I batch print several exposures at one time that differ in orientation (Landscape, Portrait) or print size (4X6 - 8 X10) or both orientation and print size?  I currently have Lightroom 2.3 installed on a XP SP3 machine.
I have been unable to find any documentation on this subject.

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Illustrator :: Scale Multiple Text Boxes On Time Scale Without Scaling The Text?

Jun 12, 2013

Im working for a geological firm that use timescales to describe their work (depths at times etc). I need to compress the time bar but not alter the text but cant find  way to do it. Im only scaling in 1 direction.

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Edge Animate CC :: Centering AND Scaling An Image (inside A Div Or Symbol)

Jan 31, 2014

I have a top banner for a website - the website is fully made in Edge.
The banner is 540px high, and 100% width. (Stage width is also set to 100%)
Now inside this banner, I want a large image to show.
The center of this image should correspond to the center of the banner.
The width of the image should be 100% of the banner. (Hence 100% of the browser window).
The height of the image should remain proportional to the width of the banner, i.e. no distortions. (Was using auto before)
The overflow should be hidden. (So basically the image is always 100% width of the browser window, and the height overflows both both up and down).
Somehow in ver 3 of Edge Animate I can't get all these options to work at the same time - can't use 100% width and auto height for an image anymore.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Scaling Inside Viewport Meters And Millimeter Screw Up

Jan 19, 2013

I have made a landscape model in meters as units in the modeling area. Now, when I want to scale the drawing in the paper layouts, within the viewport, it seems to me like it's scaling as if the drawing was done with millimeters as units.

I think this might have been caused by me starting to draw, thinking I was plotting in with meters as the unit, but then found that it was set as millimeters. I changed the unit setting for the model to meters and that seemed to work fine. But I'm guessing it didn't work.

I have tried using the INSUNIT command and it says the drawing is in 6, which is meters, so why is it scaling as if it was in millimeters on an A3 layout?

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Illustrator :: Why Can't Adjust The Scale Of Text By Clicking And Dragging The Corner Boxes

Aug 22, 2013

Why can't I adjust the scale of my text by clicking and dragging the corner boxes? Why I have the text selected, all it does it let me highlight it to change font, size, etc, OR all I can do is move it throughout the artboard. Why can I click and drag the corner box to adjust?

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AutoCad :: Variable Text And Block Size For Different Scale Sizes

May 15, 2012

Is there a way to have VARIABLE text size AND BLOCK SIZE autocad 2012, for different scales sizes? To sum it up I am running 1/8th scale on some of the pages in the set with a 1/4 blow up section. I use addressable devices so it is a lot of work to change all the text Is there anything that will auto-update the text size per scale with out having to go through my drawing and repeat all the text and VPfreeze it?

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AutoCad :: Scaling Drawing - 1/48 Xp Is 1/4" Scale

Sep 22, 2009

I am using the dinosaur version of autocad 14. I know it is old but is working great for what I want to do. I learned on 12 and was using 14 when I stopped working 10 years ago.

I am having trouble scaling my drawing. I remember that 1/48 xp is 1/4" scale. 1/64 ?? is that 1/8" scale?? 1/24 is 1/2" scale.

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AutoCad :: Scaling Annotations And Plotting To Scale In Millimeters?

Oct 16, 2011

First, when I have a drawing to scale in millimeters and want to put its attributes, the amnotations come out extremely small. It's caused me so many headaches. the units have been set to millimeters, limits from 0,0 to 200-150 ish. Drawing a small drawing within those limits tried very, very small annotations that you can't see unless you zoom 200 times in. I don't have that problem when drawing in inches though. Annotations come out great in inches.

The second problem is that, after I complete a drawing in millimeters and I want to copy and paste it onto my template (also drawn in millimeters to fit a 12-9 paper) the drawing comes out HUGE. At least 100 times bigger than the 1:1 scale should be. When I draw and plot in inches, the 1:1 copy onto a template comes out perfect, but for some reason it always does that in millimeters. I tried placing a block over the template with the "model" to scale and that looks closest to the proper 1:1 scale. I double checked on both the drawing and the template that their 1:1, they seemed fine so I printed. When I measured with a ruler it was still off by a bit.

What I can do to make annotating and plotting in millimeters as easy as with inches?

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Photoshop Elements :: Find Kodak Gallery In 10 - Only Flat Print Sizes?

Dec 7, 2012

how do i find kodak galler in photoshop elements 10 - in the create programme only shows flat print card sizes and none for folded card

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Linetype Is Not Scaling Based On Annotative Scale

Oct 17, 2012

I have a drawing (attached) with the following settings: LTSCALE = 1, MSLTSCALE = 1, PSLTSCALE = 1.For some reason the linetype is not scaling based on the annotative scale. It will update correctly if I change the LTSCALE but for some reason it wants to ignore the MS and PSLTSCALE variables.

As a note, the drawing was converted from a Microstation drawing and the linetype is a converted Microstation linetype.Is there something in the linetype that is doing this.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Block Scaling / Won't Resize To Correct Scale

Sep 17, 2012

So I create a block on layer 0 and then create the block as a 1 inch by 1 inch block so it is easy to scale up to the size I need but when I try to insert the block at the scale I need it wont resize it to the correct scale. It stays at the 1 inch by 1 inch original block.

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AutoCAD LT :: Changing Scale On Menu Bar Does Not Affect Sheet Scaling

Dec 6, 2012

I use AC 2013 LT.

1)When switching between the Drawing and Annotate option to the AC Classic option a menu would appear with options to use the civil menu, mechanical or architectual.  This has now dissappeared and I do not know how to acces it again.

2) Coming from a manual drafting background scaling appeared to be easier. I want to change the template scale shown in the title block from 1:1 to 1:5.  This seems to be able to be done as it is highlighted.  All my efforts save to enter it hard does not work, but this does not change the sheet scale. Changing the scale on the menu bar does not affet the sheet scaling

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Photoshop :: Unable To Use Custom Print Sizes When Printing To HP Z3200 24" Printer

Dec 31, 2012

So in CS5 we were able to print to the custom sizes we created in the print screen for our HP Z3200, but for some reason we haven't been able to use the custom sizes in CS6, you click on a custom size and when you say ok from the printer settings and it goes back into Photoshop print settings it binks back to 8.5x11.  You can use the standard sizes that came with the HP print software, but not any custom sizes you create.  Is there a setting somewhere in Photoshop that I need to change?

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Lightroom :: Setting LR To Print To Different Sizes?

Jul 24, 2013

I have a picture package I want to create. This needs to be the same image on different sized outputs. But you can only create a print package with one custom file size. Is there a way of setting LR to print to different sizes?
I know I can select page size as master size, and print with different sized cells on each page, but I actually want the page size to be different.
For example
page 1 = 8x10 page size, with 8x10 cell
page 2 = 8x12 page size with 8x12 cell
page 3 = 8x6 page size with 8x6 cell
page 4 = 8x6 page size with 2 of 4x6 cells.
I single image, printed on 4 different size pages...
Could you modify the LRtemplate file? Its the global settings bit that concerns me, I dont want a global setting of
_globalSettings = {customFileHeight = 576,customFileWidth = 432,I could do with these file dimensions different for each print.
Can it be done?? has it been done??
even if itspeople pointing me towards different software.
PS - I'm using LR4 but LR5 doesnt have this option either.

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Lightroom :: Exporting To Print At Various Sizes

Dec 3, 2011

I am new to Lightroom. I give my clients their pictures on a cd/DVD to take to their prefferd printer and make prints in whatever size they like. However, I have been readings some forums and am confused about how to export my pictures so that they can be printed at any size but without having heads or feet cut off during enlargements,etc. basically, how should I export my pictures do that they can be printed at any size ( 4x6 or 8x10 pr even larger)without any loss of image. I currently have it set at 300 dpi and no sharpening because I do my sharpening in Lightroom.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Annotative Objects Scaling To Current View Scale?

Jun 26, 2012

I love annotative scaling of objects it is a great feature. I am however having one problem that I'm not sure if I've missed a setting or something.  Is there a way to prevent civil 3d from scaling your annotative objects based on the view scale you are looking at?  For example if I zoom out (in model space or max viewport) to show my entire drawing and regen, civil 3d scales all my text and blocks to an enomous scale esentially blocking my entire drawing with solid colour. also if I zoom into a small area to do some detail work all my text becomes microscopic and unuseable. This makes adjusting text so it doesn;t overlap other text very difficult if it never appears at the correct size. Is there a way to freeze annotative objects at thier correct scale (for the current viewport scale) so they dont scale simply because you zoom in or out on a drawing?

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GIMP :: Customize Paper Print Sizes?

Jun 9, 2011

Is it possible to add a custom paper size to Gimp? I have a new HP wide format printer and was looking for a capability to customize the paper size. Hewlett Packard and Microsoft have said that the customization of paper size is application specific even though Microsoft tells you can customize paper size through server properties , which on my XP machine will not save the custom settings.

Note: This page, even though it is not a Microsoft page, shows what Microsoft tells you to do. [URL]

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Revit :: Scale DWG Inside A Block With Parameters

Nov 20, 2012

Are there any neat tricks to scaling a DWG inside a block with parameters?  I would assign a scale factor parameter to Instance Scale but as I can't I'm looking for a workaround.  

I have a some 2D elevation trees that I want in my 3D tree block and alI just want to control the height.  The problem is that if I explode the DWG in a family everything just disappears .

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Can't Add Custom Paper Sizes

Sep 23, 2004

I`m using AutoCAD2004 with HP Designjet 800 Plotter.

The Plotter is connected to network.

I want to add some Custom Paper Sizes, however, when I open the options for the plotter(User-defined Paper sizes&calibration), I can`t add or modify paper sizes. The `Add` button is not available.

I set my computer to `Power Users` but still cant add. How to make the `Add` or `Delete` buttons usable?

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Revit :: Printing Multiple Sheets With Different Sizes To Print

Feb 10, 2013

We are looking for an easy straightforward way to print / export an entire set of sheets to pdf.The sheets have different papersizes and we want them to be named with the sheet number + name, and possible a prefix by choice.We have Adobe Acrobat X installed as pdf printer.So far we managed to print an entire set to pdf with these somewhat annoying issues:

1. The naming adds the word "sheet" between the chosen prefix and number-name.can we get rid of this?
2. The prints seem only to follow the actual Revit Print-setup, on papersizes.Which means that we need to have print-sessions on every paper size used in a project.Strange that in Revit the paper print-setup, doesnt follow the sheet definitions.(?)Is there a way within Revit to solve this to a more automated workflow?Or do we have to implement third party plugiins / solutions?

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: How To Get Standard Sheet Sizes In PDF When Plotting

Oct 25, 2011

when I select the printer/name: Adobe PDF

under Paper size: the standard Arch sizes are not there...

2013 Civil 3D

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Illustrator :: Reducing Large Files Sizes For Print Outs

Mar 20, 2014

I have created a file in illustrator 23in x 67in which is 137mb how can I reduce this as small as possible to be able to print it, as when I save it as a pdf it reduces to 27mb which is still to large.

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InDesign :: Print Booklet Not Allowed Because Of Multiple Page Sizes

Feb 25, 2011

Dialog box:"The active document uses multiple page sizes Print Booklet works only with documents that use a consistent page size."OK, but the page sizes are all the same.

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AutoCad :: Use Layout To Print - Scaling Drawing

May 25, 2011

Scale in Layout. I drew my drawing in mm , and I want to use Layout to print it like I saw in a video, but how do I scale my drawing? For example, the counter and shelf I drew is 1:1 in the Model workspace(1600 by 2000mm) but in Layout, for printing on to an A3 sized paper how do I get it to print in 1:40 or something of that sort?

Right now I'm printing by using Fit To Paper with the dimensions included, but I notice our contractors are using 1:30, 1:40 etc. , my boss doesn't mind since I include the dimensions but I reckon it might cause problems in the future.

And is it possible to just select anything in my selection window, even 3/4 of a line? Because right now, I can only select the whole line no matter what, I only want 1/2 of it because I want to cut the whole drawing in half and move it apart.

By the way, is it possible to customize the panel? Instead of switching between tabs constantly, can I make my own panel? I googled this and tried using CUI but it is confusing. I just want certain sections grouped into 1 bar. Like... Draw/Modify/Attach/Windows all on the first panel.

I really want to be able to type in certain commands without hitting Enter, is that possible? If I hit M, it will move the object without me hitting Enter. Can that be done? Maybe not M, maybe Alt+1 to move, Alt+2 to Scale etc. etc.

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Lightroom :: Scaling Pictures In Print Mode?

Dec 24, 2011

I have a problem rescaling the pictures when i use the presets in print mode. I figured the CMD key for moving the picture in the frame, but I haven't figured out how to scale the photo inside the frame - not scaling the frame!

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