I am new to Lightroom. I give my clients their pictures on a cd/DVD to take to their prefferd printer and make prints in whatever size they like. However, I have been readings some forums and am confused about how to export my pictures so that they can be printed at any size but without having heads or feet cut off during enlargements,etc. basically, how should I export my pictures do that they can be printed at any size ( 4x6 or 8x10 pr even larger)without any loss of image. I currently have it set at 300 dpi and no sharpening because I do my sharpening in Lightroom.
How do I batch print several exposures at one time that differ in orientation (Landscape, Portrait) or print size (4X6 - 8 X10) or both orientation and print size? I currently have Lightroom 2.3 installed on a XP SP3 machine.
I have been unable to find any documentation on this subject.
I am new to Lightroom. When I export a group of photos some are around 3000x4000 and others are around 6000x8000.
These larger sizes will not upload to my Picasa Web Albums. Why are they different sizes? Some are only taken on my iphone and are the larger size and others are on my SLR and are the small size.
I am having trouble with Lightroom 5 exporting images at incorrect file sizes. For example, if I use my export preset for images with long edge 2500 pixels and maximum size 1000k it is exporting images at 1500-2500k.
I have a preset in Lightroom set to export photos with the long-edge at 900px in length. Whenever I use the resize feature, the photos that result have horrible noise and I don't know what to do about it. I can export the images at full size without any noise, then use Photoshop CS5 to resize the images and still have cleaner photos.
Here's an example.
The following export preset it set as such:
- Export as JPEG - Quality = 100% - DPI = 300 - Resize to 900px on long-edge
The first photo is exported via Lightroom 5 with the above settings, then directly uploaded to Imgur.
The second photo only has the Resize feature disabled in Lightroom. It was then resized to 900px on long-edge in Photoshop CS5 and the uploaded to Imgur.
The only difference between these two photos is which program was used to shrink them down to 900 x 600px.
Here is link to the referenced photos: [URL]
What do you think could be causing this? Since the only difference between the photos is which program resized them, all I can think is that it's an LR5 issue...
I have a picture package I want to create. This needs to be the same image on different sized outputs. But you can only create a print package with one custom file size. Is there a way of setting LR to print to different sizes?
I know I can select page size as master size, and print with different sized cells on each page, but I actually want the page size to be different.
For example
page 1 = 8x10 page size, with 8x10 cell page 2 = 8x12 page size with 8x12 cell page 3 = 8x6 page size with 8x6 cell page 4 = 8x6 page size with 2 of 4x6 cells.
I single image, printed on 4 different size pages...
Could you modify the LRtemplate file? Its the global settings bit that concerns me, I dont want a global setting of _globalSettings = {customFileHeight = 576,customFileWidth = 432,I could do with these file dimensions different for each print.
Can it be done?? has it been done??
even if itspeople pointing me towards different software.
PS - I'm using LR4 but LR5 doesnt have this option either.
So I am working on this document and it has silver background. I go to print preview (Photoshop cs3 and cs4 on Vista) and I get color looking more like bronze looking but when I do print, it comes out just like it should (in working mode which is Monitor RGB with Proof colors checked).
This setting is the only one I've used to make sure image/psd looks exactly like what it should when printing. I tried the default Working CMYK with and without Proof colors but it's still showing me the bronze look instead of silver. I've looked on the net and no exact easy fix for this was found. I really really appreciate any help.
Another simple question is regarding size. I'm working on a document size of 17.5 x 8.7 inches and the actual Banners will be printed at size 175 x 87 inches (5 banners each at 35inch wide but combined into a big one). So essentially, I'm working at 10% the size of what the final print will be and my file size is 760mgs. You can only imagine how big the file would be if I work on the actual size.
Is it possible to add a custom paper size to Gimp? I have a new HP wide format printer and was looking for a capability to customize the paper size. Hewlett Packard and Microsoft have said that the customization of paper size is application specific even though Microsoft tells you can customize paper size through server properties , which on my XP machine will not save the custom settings.
Note: This page, even though it is not a Microsoft page, shows what Microsoft tells you to do. [URL]
I`m using AutoCAD2004 with HP Designjet 800 Plotter.
The Plotter is connected to network.
I want to add some Custom Paper Sizes, however, when I open the options for the plotter(User-defined Paper sizes&calibration), I can`t add or modify paper sizes. The `Add` button is not available.
I set my computer to `Power Users` but still cant add. How to make the `Add` or `Delete` buttons usable?
We are looking for an easy straightforward way to print / export an entire set of sheets to pdf.The sheets have different papersizes and we want them to be named with the sheet number + name, and possible a prefix by choice.We have Adobe Acrobat X installed as pdf printer.So far we managed to print an entire set to pdf with these somewhat annoying issues:
1. The naming adds the word "sheet" between the chosen prefix and number-name.can we get rid of this?
2. The prints seem only to follow the actual Revit Print-setup, on papersizes.Which means that we need to have print-sessions on every paper size used in a project.Strange that in Revit the paper print-setup, doesnt follow the sheet definitions.(?)Is there a way within Revit to solve this to a more automated workflow?Or do we have to implement third party plugiins / solutions?
I have created a file in illustrator 23in x 67in which is 137mb how can I reduce this as small as possible to be able to print it, as when I save it as a pdf it reduces to 27mb which is still to large.
Dialog box:"The active document uses multiple page sizes Print Booklet works only with documents that use a consistent page size."OK, but the page sizes are all the same.
When trying to scale the print size, after clicking inside the scale box, the sizes just keep increasing, even though I never got a chance to enter anything.It just keep getting bigger and bigger. How do I turn this "feature" off?
So in CS5 we were able to print to the custom sizes we created in the print screen for our HP Z3200, but for some reason we haven't been able to use the custom sizes in CS6, you click on a custom size and when you say ok from the printer settings and it goes back into Photoshop print settings it binks back to 8.5x11. You can use the standard sizes that came with the HP print software, but not any custom sizes you create. Is there a setting somewhere in Photoshop that I need to change?
I've read several times that the only way to get a custom book size in the book module is to edit/create one in Illustrator or Scribus. In this interview with Kevin Tieskoetter he mentions that he would be documenting this process, so I imagine it's allready doable.
"All of the templates we ship with Lightroom are made using Illustrator, and I'll be documenting the process for creating those. We've also successfully made templates using InDesign and the freeware tool called Scribus, so if you need templates in different sizes, you'll have a range of options."
I want to try this. But where do I find the files that I'm to edit? Where do they reside on my computer? I'm using a Mac OSX 10.6.8 and can't seems to find anything that resembles tenplate files.
I have exported photos to my harddrive as jpegs that are less than 1mb but when I try to upload them for an assignment on the school website they are 25 mb??
When i apply a preset to a photo, then export it ... the file i end up with is significanatly smaller than my original file ? These same presets resulted in as large / or in most cases larger files sizes in previous versions of lightroom ...
Why still there are no personalized album sizes in LR5?
Professional wedding photographers do not use blurb books or albums. We NEED BIGGER ALBUM SIZES for printing in other companies than blurb!
Since LR3 we are asking this feature. It's better to do everything in LR than have to jump to other programs to just do an album that we can do in LR. Besides that, everything stays in the same catalog for future printings.
If I use 250ppi and 2000x2500 but then change that to be able to print a larger image (300ppi 3000x4200 - 10x14x print, for example), what exactly happens to the image when I increases pixels and ppi? Does it improve/degrade the quality?
I am working on bringing files into Lightroom 4, most DNG files from a Canon 5D and DNG and TIFF files from a Nikon scanner. The problem I'm having is that after importing the files into the Folder in which they will all be for the catalogue, they are significantly smaller. For instance, a DNG file from a 6x9 film scan is 600MB in the original folder, then is 420MB in the new folder after being renamed and imported into Lightoom. Similarly, a 20MB DNG file from my Canon 5D is 8MB after importantion. Also, the backup of the original that is made upon importantion, remains at its larger size on my external drive. I do not believe that I have anything set in Lightroom to do this, the only setting I've touched in the import process are renaming the file, placing a backup, and adding tags. I am not doing anything in the development dialogue box. Is there a reason that these files are so much smaller? I'm worried because 30% decline in the case of scans is a lot of data, as if the 70% decline in my Canon 5D file.
I had read that when I convert to DNG in Lightroom (v4), the file sizes will drop by about 20% (I checked the check box for compression). I'm converting from a batch of 16-bit NEFs I created when scanning slides using the Nikon LS-5000 scanner. Those scans and files were created with Nikon Scan 4.0. After doing the conversion in Lightroom, the DNG file sizes are around 3MB-17MB. The original NEF files were about 135MB. Where in the world did all my data go? I'm concerned that the conversion to DNG threw away a ton of the original data. How is that much of a reduction possible? I'm hoping that there wasn't some catastrophic problem during the conversion, as I also checked the check box to delete the originals after the conversion is finished.
The image quality seems to be okay when looking at the DNG files in Lightroom.
So, I was photographing the moon tonight and shooting in my usual format - RAW. I took the photos into Lightroom and selected the one I liked best. After tweaking the contrast and clarity a little, I decided that I wanted to change around where the moon way positioned - in a way crop wouldn't allow. So I turned to "edit-in" and then selected Photoshop CS6 from the options. All was fine, Photoshop appeared and I began editing. I decided that I wanted to place my moon in a completely different location, so to do this I decided I'd select the area around the moon, copy it, paint over it, then paste the moon back onto a new layer and paste it exactly where I wanted it. I think this is why I'm having issues. All was well and it was time to save. I hit save...suddenly it was taken ages to save. I'm talking at least 2 minutes of save time. Realising that was odd, I decided to check out how big the new file was...nearly 1GB big as a TIFF.
I don't like saving my photos as anything other than TIFFs, but I don't have unlimited storage space.
Why was this file so huge after editing in Photoshop, how do I avoid it/what did I do wrong?
and for all of us thousands of users who DO NOT LIVE in the United States to be able to use our own photo-book vendors (who the hell is Blurb anyway?), and for you to give us a SIMPLE ability to be able to define custom page sizes.
But no, we have to go through five versions of lightroom, and STILL NOT have this really simple feature which would make the lives of literally thousands of hard working photographers easier.
Adobe, and all you wonderful people who made this marvellous piece of software, realise this: there exist many, many, many people who have bought your software -- who have no idea what Blurb is, and have no inclination of using it. enable custom page sizes so that we may use local vendors -- who have thoughtfully set page sizes that do not match the inbuilt ones.
I tend to always have a few pictures in rotation that I end up cropping multiple times when I am printing. Pictures where today I need to print a 4x6 and tomorrow it's a 5x7 of the same picture, etc. I am trying to figure out a way to save the file with that cropping. Ideally there would be a way that if I also modified anything else in the image that would also show up in the other versions. I know there is Create Virtual Copy, and that could work if I could then figure out how to change the file name so it would show that it was cropped for 5x7 or whatever.
To prepare the imges for my blog, it has to be 600(width) x 900 (height) for vertical images, and 600(width) x 400(height) for horizontal images. That way the images lineup when they appear on my blog. Is there a way to achieve both dimensions with one export command?
I wanted to create an A4 borderless print in my canon mg6150 from within the print module. I can do a borderless print using the canon easyprint.
I go into page setup and the properties of my printer and set the page layout to borderless and click OK.
However, I am unable to set the margins to zero. When I go back into my page setup and check the page layout, it has reverted to normal so it has ignored my setting.