The scenario is this, I have a symbol(TitlePage) on my main timeline. Inside the symbol(TitlePage) there is a play button. How can i set a click event on this symbol that access the main timeline(stage) labels?
I have a symbol called Rectangle and a text field called Counter on the stage. Inside the symbol I have another textfield called Counter2. For the .click event of the symbol I have:
But I noticed that only Counter is being changed and that Counter2 was not targeted. How do I target Counter2 without having to move it to the main timeline?
I have a parent symbol (symbolA) that contain another symbol (symbolB). when I click on the inner symbolB, I want to make it switch with a third symbol (symbolC) always inside the symbolA.
I saw a post on this issue but was not sure where to put the code I read there. how exactly to edit this code line to work
I am inside a symbol "oneAnimation". At the end of the animation "backBtn1" appears. Inside this button, I have added an event on click. I want the stage timeline to play from the label "startNumber" when this button inside the symbol is clicked.
So far it's not jumping back to the main time line.
I'm working on this study and I need to change the color of an object inside a symbol when I click another object.
The object is called "bola", wich is inside the symbol "ponto" and the clicking object are the colored pencils (each pencil should change the color of the symbol's object, giving the impression you'd selecting a different pencil to draw).
I think it's simple to understand what I mean when you see the files.
I already tried this line on click event of the pencils, but it didn't work:
I created a simple symbol from a circle with a cross inside (two rectangles). The symbol has two states labelled "normal" and "over" in which background colors change : on mousover and mouseout on the circle, sym.stop("over"); and sym.stop("normal"); respectively.
The problem : "over" when the cursor hovers over the circle, but back to "normal" when it hovers over the cross. The API suggests to use mouseenter and mouseleave to avoid child elements of the symbol interrupt the mouse event. I tried it, but the behavior is the same.
Is there any JavaScript solution (I'm a beginner, coming from AS3), or should I bypass with two flattened graphics "normal" and "over" ?
Got a nested symbol. Rather simple one. Inside the symbol is a background rectangle and a text field. When I click a button, it should insert the HTML I give it from the click event.
Now initially I did this by just using the text field by itself. No nesting. This is the code:
sym.$("copy").html("Edge Rocks!"); OK, success! The text loaded just fine.
Now let's insert that text field inside of a symbol. And let's call that symbol 'content'.Now I try....
sym.$("content").$("copy").html("Some new text");
Result? Nothing.
Tried using stage instead of sym and even added a var stage = sym.getComposition().getStage() statement before that. Nope.
Well, I need a little slideshow of images, the code for mouse events (click, mouseover, mouseout, etc.) is the same for all images, then I create a symbol with one image inside for this, and drag&drop instances to stage, but now I don't know how change the image source of other symbols. In design time, when right click over any symbol instance only edit symbol it's possible (not single instance), and I don't know if is possible to change the image source of any symbol instance by code.
2. On a click event, an larger image of the region is loaded with the following code. On mouseover the name of the county appears and on click a popup (symbol) shows some info.
3. In the popup symbol, I want the large image map to be remove on the click event of the button: "View another region" . I have the following code which does not work (the image is not removed) resulting in what you see below:
It's enabled me to add an Edge Animate file to my responsive Wordpress site using the Edge Suite Plugin.
Only problem for me is that although the 3.7MB file I’ve created scales perfectly on all devices it struggles to play on smartphones. (I assume it's too big and too power hungry to play smoothly on smartphones - even since I've added a pre-loader.)
So, in an ideal world, what I need is a separate low res Edge Animate file that only plays on smartphones.
Failing that, I’d be happy with a 'Down-level Stage' image which could replace the Edge Animate animation.
For a moment I thought I’d found a solution when I came across this Adobe TV movie: [URL]
Unfortunately this clever solution only works when the new Responsive Scaling feature is NOT selected. As soon as it is selected, the animation no longer changes from one layout size to another when the browser window is reduced.
I don’t mind whether the fix is in Edge Animate, Wordpress or the Edge Suite Plugin - I just want a solution!
I have a logic problem in my code that I need solving,
here's the bit of code which is supposed to set the text, image and link for a symbol used multiple times on the Stage.
var names = ["melz", "brom", "calm", "micj", "mick", "brir", "mato", "brym", "azin", "hugh", "nicl", "bonr", "lisa"]; var name = null; for(var x = 0; x < names.length; x++){ name = names[x]; var initials = (name[0]+""+name[3]).toUpperCase(); var cursymbol = sym.getSymbol(name);
The text and image code work, however my problem is with setting the link. It always sets all the symbols to the last name in the names[] array. What I want it to do is to set the link to the personalised name in the array. So the HH button will link to hugh.html and the BM button will link to brym.html etc.
For now I'm going to play around a bit and see what happens.
Is there a way to "eval" or dynamically set a symbol name that has been parsed from XML to build a symbol path? For example, I'm trying to dynamically set a variable to the path of a sysmbol already on the stage, but it's not working correctly:
var xmlSymName = $('symName', this).text(); // where symName = "sym4" from a parsed XML node var whatPOI = sym.getComposition().getStage().getSymbol("sym1").getSymbol("sym2").getSymbol("sym3").getSymbol(xmlSymName).getSymbolElement();
Basically I have a lot of points on a map and I'd like to be able to name the points along with other data like tooltip callouts, etc populated via XML then loop through the XML to build the points of interest on the map. If I can get the above working I can place that variable path reference into an array and grab the data from it later. But the path is not working the way I have it.
play "SYMBOL_2" - "DIV_ANIMATION_1" - "ANIMATION_1_START" from within "SYMBOL1" - "DIV_PLAY" with the mouseup command
URL....I know that i can sym.getComposition().getStage().getSymbol("div_animation_1").play(); from within "div_play" but how do i access a point on the timeline and play from there...
I'm trying to make the same artwork run on both iOS and Android devices. Each project needs to be 165% bigger for Android how would I go about doing this. I'm using InDesign to DPS for iOS and a bespoke app for Android.
function myFunc(name) { var $symbol = sym.$(name); //I want to do something with $symbol depending on their id, for example //$item.appendTo($symbol); //so $item will append to the corresponding symbol }
I tried .attr('id') and it seems not the id I want.
EDIT: indeed I want to get the selector inside myFunc
In my Composition there some cases I have to play one symbol. In a few cases it is necessary two play sequential e.g. symbol A an then symbol B. It have to look like one animation. Is there an easy way of calling?
I start with several items on the stage, each an iteration of the same symbol. When I click on one, it performs an opening animation, then pauses. When I click on another, the first symbol un-pauses on its timeline, animating back to original position, while the second one I clicked plays its opening animation till its pause. Each of the symbols can tell the already deployed symbol to "play itself off."I'm sure this was done in Flash all the time, and there's a Javascript solution.
I have a upcoming project where the client would like to have a diagram of a river where it's width, height and angle can be adjusted by the end user. Is this possible because he'd like it to also run on a mobile device. And would this be easier as a 2d or 3d diagram?
Here's an example of what I mean changing the angle, ie it makes the river have a steeper incline, thus the rate of water flows faster.
How to create two instances of the same symbol and change the texts and images inside the instances to have different texts (so I mean different from the other instance)?
Somehow, instead of using dynamic creation by using code, I can't manage this. Everytime I change a text inside A (instance of symbol1), the text of B (instance of the same symbol1) is also changed. The same with images. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here. I can't imagine symbols are always reference types, 'cause what's the meaning of having symbols then?
I have a symbol called "A." I needed 2 copies of it, so I duplicated A and renamed the new symbol to B. I now have A and B, identical copies of each other.
I navigated inside symbol A where I entered another symbol, "A1." Inside A > A1, I removed an image and added another image. No problem so far.
Then, I returned to the stage and navigated into symbol B > B1. To my surprise, the same image change I made in A > A1 already appeared in B > B1 (even though I duplicated A **before** making this change).
When I change the image inside B > B1, that same change is now present back in A > A1.
It's as if these two symbols, A and B, are mirrors of each other, even after being modified. Trouble is, I don't want mirrors. I need them to be slightly different.
I thought the Duplicate step might be my problem. I started over (both by undoing several steps and by closing and creating a new document entirely). This time, I copied A and pasted it onto the stage. I ran into the same problems.
Ok, next guess: this time, I entered symbol A and copied its elements/sub-symbols. I went back to the stage and pasted them there. Selected these elements/symbols and converted to a new symbol. Same problem!
When I try to add a click event on a symbol, I can't access to the symbol, only to the parent. For example, if on the event click on a specific symbol A I add the code
var symbolElement = sym.getSymbolElement(); symbolElement.hide();
It will hide the parent of A, instead of hiding A. How do I access to A?