Edge Animate CC :: Jquery Calling Symbol In Itself?
Jul 17, 2013I want to create on the symbol an mouse over event that address the same symbol.
i've tried
with no success..
I want to create on the symbol an mouse over event that address the same symbol.
i've tried
with no success..
Got a nested symbol. Rather simple one. Inside the symbol is a background rectangle and a text field. When I click a button, it should insert the HTML I give it from the click event.
Now initially I did this by just using the text field by itself. No nesting. This is the code:
sym.$("copy").html("Edge Rocks!");
OK, success! The text loaded just fine.
Now let's insert that text field inside of a symbol. And let's call that symbol 'content'.Now I try....
sym.$("content").$("copy").html("Some new text");
Result? Nothing.
Tried using stage instead of sym and even added a var stage = sym.getComposition().getStage() statement before that. Nope.
Edge Animate project produces 4 default framework files right now: Edge API, jQuery, jQuery Easing and JSON. Gzipping them we got 60KB of pure JS compressed and minified code. After that we have actual project files which can be compressed into around 20KB but this really depends on a project. So finally we have around 80KB of JS code without images, styles yet. This is acceptable for broadband connections but looks a bit too large for mobile devices.
Is there any way to minimize dependencies on jQuery so that framework will be at least 30KB? Smaller is better in this case.
I'm evaluating Hype by Tumult at the same time and framework JS produced is 16KB compressed and minified. It's 4 times smaller (60KB of Edge Animate). It doesn't contain IE-compatibility though but I don't seriously care about IE 6-9 as mobile is primary target for me so Webkit.
Just wondering if I can update the jQuery Library in Edge 1.5. It uses 1.7.1 and I know 1.10 is out. Can I do this or do I stay with 1.7
View 3 Replies View Relatedhave made draggable and droppable objects in my project. Everything is working great but also i have made a button Restart. The function of restatrt is that by pushing on this button everything goes on its places. Like reloading the page (but of course without reloading) How can i do this? Because i cannot do anything honestly.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI would like to use the Jquery Address plugin with an Adobe Edge Animate project. When I create a simple website without Edge, I can easily use the Jquery Address plugin and implement it but here I'm a bit disappointed because I'm not really a developer and I don't know how to do.
I find more friendly the fact to be able to use the browser arrow to reresh, navigate previous and next page. Maybe it can be added in a future update of Adobe Edge ?
Possible to have pullout tabs with content working inside edge?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have a project in Edge with a couple of screens as symbols on layers in the main timeline. I've been trying to write a function in the global scope that I can call from all the buttons, to show and hide screens.
So far I have a function that looks like this:
function mainScreenOut (){
But this and many variations don't seem to work. how to use these jquery commands properly?
I want to have some kind of collision-detection within two symbols. So when one symbol collides with another there will appear be text like "squash" or something.
I haven't found anything about collision-detecting in edge animate, but I thought I could handle it with looking for the same css-parameters of both symbols. Obj1 is moving to Obj2 on a motion path. Now I want to have a Text, when it reaches Obj2.So I tried it like this:
var positionobj1 = sym.$("obj1").css("left");
var positionobj2 = sym.$("obj2").css("left");
if (positionobj1 == positionobj2){
I have create a small Edge Animate animation that I'm trying to add to our home page. After getting everything running and working properly in IE9+, Chrome, Firefox and Safari I moved it from the development environment to our live site. Then I viewed it on an older machine running IE8 and the down level stage worked great, but it disabled a jquery image slider and a little custom jquery script I wrote to polite load an embedded youtube video. The only cusomization I did to the edge files was to remove the loader for the included version of JQuery so that it would run the on I call from Google instead. This prevent intial conflicts between already existing jquery elements on the page.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis is a tricky one, but it may just be that I don't understand the syntax,
Situation:I have an Edge Animate composition that is acting as an interface and container into which other content is embedded using an iFrame. I have several functions in Stage > creationComplete, and for one of the embedded content pieces, I want to include a button that calls one of the Edge functions.
Challenge: I have read about referencing elements within Edge when it is the Edge file that is embedded on an HTML page, but I cannot figure out how to reference Edge in the reverse.
I have tried these options where headerselect(page) is my function:
AdobeEdge.getComposition("EDGE-531849691").getStage().headerSelect("co mmunity");
window.top.Edge.getComposition("EDGE-531849691").getStage().headerSele ct("community");
Is there a way to "eval" or dynamically set a symbol name that has been parsed from XML to build a symbol path? For example, I'm trying to dynamically set a variable to the path of a sysmbol already on the stage, but it's not working correctly:
var xmlSymName = $('symName', this).text(); // where symName = "sym4" from a parsed XML node
var whatPOI = sym.getComposition().getStage().getSymbol("sym1").getSymbol("sym2").getSymbol("sym3").getSymbol(xmlSymName).getSymbolElement();
Basically I have a lot of points on a map and I'd like to be able to name the points along with other data like tooltip callouts, etc populated via XML then loop through the XML to build the points of interest on the map. If I can get the above working I can place that variable path reference into an array and grab the data from it later. But the path is not working the way I have it.
Can I call a symbol from the symbol panel and place it on the stage?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe scenario is this, I have a symbol(TitlePage) on my main timeline. Inside the symbol(TitlePage) there is a play button. How can i set a click event on this symbol that access the main timeline(stage) labels?
View 6 Replies View Related I have the following
I would like to do the following:
play "SYMBOL_2" - "DIV_ANIMATION_1" - "ANIMATION_1_START" from within "SYMBOL1" - "DIV_PLAY" with the mouseup command
URL....I know that i can sym.getComposition().getStage().getSymbol("div_animation_1").play(); from within "div_play" but how do i access a point on the timeline and play from there...
What is the syntax for retrieving the name of the symbol that has been clicked on?
I can get e.target.id fine, but it's a mixture of Edge generated identifiers and my symbol name.
I have some codes like this:
function myFunc(name) {
var $symbol = sym.$(name);
//I want to do something with $symbol depending on their id, for example
//so $item will append to the corresponding symbol
I tried .attr('id') and it seems not the id I want.
EDIT: indeed I want to get the selector inside myFunc
In my Composition there some cases I have to play one symbol. In a few cases it is necessary two play sequential e.g. symbol A an then symbol B. It have to look like one animation. Is there an easy way of calling?
View 19 Replies View RelatedI start with several items on the stage, each an iteration of the same symbol. When I click on one, it performs an opening animation, then pauses. When I click on another, the first symbol un-pauses on its timeline, animating back to original position, while the second one I clicked plays its opening animation till its pause. Each of the symbols can tell the already deployed symbol to "play itself off."I'm sure this was done in Flash all the time, and there's a Javascript solution.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow to create two instances of the same symbol and change the texts and images inside the instances to have different texts (so I mean different from the other instance)?
Somehow, instead of using dynamic creation by using code, I can't manage this. Everytime I change a text inside A (instance of symbol1), the text of B (instance of the same symbol1) is also changed. The same with images. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here. I can't imagine symbols are always reference types, 'cause what's the meaning of having symbols then?
I have a symbol called "A." I needed 2 copies of it, so I duplicated A and renamed the new symbol to B. I now have A and B, identical copies of each other.
I navigated inside symbol A where I entered another symbol, "A1." Inside A > A1, I removed an image and added another image. No problem so far.
Then, I returned to the stage and navigated into symbol B > B1. To my surprise, the same image change I made in A > A1 already appeared in B > B1 (even though I duplicated A **before** making this change).
When I change the image inside B > B1, that same change is now present back in A > A1.
It's as if these two symbols, A and B, are mirrors of each other, even after being modified. Trouble is, I don't want mirrors. I need them to be slightly different.
I thought the Duplicate step might be my problem. I started over (both by undoing several steps and by closing and creating a new document entirely). This time, I copied A and pasted it onto the stage. I ran into the same problems.
Ok, next guess: this time, I entered symbol A and copied its elements/sub-symbols. I went back to the stage and pasted them there. Selected these elements/symbols and converted to a new symbol. Same problem!
how to apply CSS all elements of a symbol?
For example, I want to put a border around every image in a certain symbol.
It is possible take action label before?
Stage01, label 'home'.
Symbol01, click on Retangle01 action: Play ('home') in Stage01.
When I try to add a click event on a symbol, I can't access to the symbol, only to the parent. For example, if on the event click on a specific symbol A I add the code
var symbolElement = sym.getSymbolElement();
It will hide the parent of A, instead of hiding A. How do I access to A?
I'd like to use the opacity of a symbol in an if-statement. How to ask for it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a crosshair like in a lightgun style game at an arcade. What code would I use to have the symbol follow the mouse, and if at all possible, could the symbol's origin be in the middle of the symbol and not in top left corner of the symbol?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI need to hide a symbol on my main stage dynamically, ie without hardcoding it on the timeline. So I tried this within an IF ELSE statement:
I also tried this:
Clearly these are not working..
I have a keyframe where I must to upload a random series of symbols, and I do it with the script:
var myVar = Math.floor((Math.random()*6)+1);
var stage = sym.$("Stage");
var myAni = sym.createChildSymbol("Symbol_" + myVar, "stage");
The script works fine, but, at NEXT keyframe I must load another series. The problem is that the symbol loaded in the previous keyframe is still present and the new symbol overlaps it.How can I unload or discard the previous symbol?
I'm simply trying to animate the y axis of a symbol with code. When I rollover one symbol, I'd like it to move the symbol it's inside a certain distance. Never seems to work. I've tried looking up the simple jquery syntax to change an image's y position, but it's hard to find!
This is what I have so far:
sym.$("grouped_image").animate({"top" : "+=50px"}, 500);
I'm building an animated menu in the latest version of Adobe Animate. There are 5 different animations that happen within the same box on the main stage. I have made each animation it's own symbol. I want to trigger the animations from text boxes to the left of the box where the main animation takes place. The text boxes are not apart of any of the symbols, but are just on the main stage.
When someone scrolls over any of the individual text boxes i need to play one symbol's timeline AND hide all of the other symbols from the stage.
How do I reference `this` when a symbol is clicked? I have a click event on 'alien' on the stage. In the handler, sym appears to be stage and not 'this'.
I want it to play itself (amoung other things) when clicked.
e.target gets me the element, but not the edge symbol so I can play itself.