Edge Animate CC :: Restart Animation Jquery UI

Feb 27, 2014

have made draggable and droppable objects in my project. Everything is working great but also i have made a button Restart. The function of restatrt is that by pushing on this button everything goes on its places. Like reloading the page (but of course without reloading) How can i do this? Because i cannot do anything honestly.

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Edge Animate CC :: Collision-Detection With CSS And JQuery - How To Start Animation

Jul 25, 2013

I want to have some kind of collision-detection within two symbols. So when one symbol collides with another there will appear be text like "squash" or something.
I haven't found anything about collision-detecting in edge animate, but I thought I could handle it with looking for the same css-parameters of both symbols. Obj1 is moving to Obj2 on a motion path. Now I want to have a Text, when it reaches Obj2.So I tried it like this:
var positionobj1 = sym.$("obj1").css("left");
var positionobj2 = sym.$("obj2").css("left");
if (positionobj1 == positionobj2){

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Edge Animate CC :: Minimize JQuery Usage And Edge API Itself

Jan 7, 2013

Edge Animate project produces 4 default framework files right now: Edge API, jQuery, jQuery Easing and JSON. Gzipping them we got 60KB of pure JS compressed and minified code. After that we have actual project files which can be compressed into around 20KB but this really depends on a project. So finally we have around 80KB of JS code without images, styles yet. This is acceptable for broadband connections but looks a bit too large for mobile devices.
Is there any way to minimize dependencies on jQuery so that framework will be at least 30KB? Smaller is better in this case.
I'm evaluating Hype by Tumult at the same time and framework JS produced is 16KB compressed and minified. It's 4 times smaller (60KB of Edge Animate). It doesn't contain IE-compatibility though but I don't seriously care about IE 6-9 as mobile is primary target for me so Webkit.

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Edge Animate CC :: Update The JQuery Library

Jun 19, 2013

Just wondering if I can update the jQuery Library in Edge 1.5. It uses 1.7.1 and I know 1.10 is out. Can I do this or do I stay with 1.7

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Edge Animate CC :: Jquery Calling Symbol In Itself?

Jul 17, 2013

I want to create on the symbol an mouse over event that address the same symbol.
i've tried
with no success..

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Use JQuery Address With Adobe

Dec 10, 2012

I would like to use the Jquery Address plugin with an Adobe Edge Animate project. When I create a simple website without Edge, I can easily use the Jquery Address plugin and implement it but here I'm a bit disappointed because I'm not really a developer and I don't know how to do.
I find more friendly the fact to be able to use the browser arrow to reresh, navigate previous and next page. Maybe it can be added in a future update of Adobe Edge ?

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Edge Animate CC :: JQuery Pull Out Tabs?

Apr 30, 2013

Possible to have pullout tabs with content working inside edge?

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Edge Animate CC :: Using Jquery To Show And Hide Symbols?

Aug 15, 2013

I have a project in Edge with a couple of screens as symbols on layers in the main timeline. I've been trying to write a function in the global scope that I can call from all the buttons, to show and hide screens.
So far I have a function that looks like this:
function mainScreenOut (){
But this and many variations don't seem to work. how to use these jquery commands properly?

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Edge Animate CC :: Down Level Stage Disables Other JQuery Page Elements

Apr 4, 2014

I have create a small Edge Animate animation that I'm trying to add to our home page. After getting everything running and working properly in IE9+, Chrome, Firefox and Safari I moved it from the development environment to our live site. Then I viewed it on an older machine running IE8 and the down level stage worked great, but it disabled a jquery image slider and a little custom jquery script I wrote to polite load an embedded youtube video. The only  cusomization I did to the edge files was to remove the loader for the included version of JQuery so that it would run the on I call from Google instead. This prevent intial conflicts between already existing jquery elements on the page.

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Edge Animate CC :: Insert JQuery HTML Into Text Field Nested Inside Of Symbol?

Sep 19, 2013

Got a nested symbol. Rather simple one. Inside the symbol is a background rectangle and a text field. When I click a button, it should insert the HTML I give it from the click event.
Now initially I did this by just using the text field by itself. No nesting. This is the code:
 sym.$("copy").html("Edge Rocks!");
OK, success! The text loaded just fine.
Now let's insert that text field inside of a symbol. And let's call that symbol 'content'.Now I try....
 sym.$("content").$("copy").html("Some new text");
Result? Nothing.
Tried using stage instead of sym and even added a var stage = sym.getComposition().getStage() statement before that. Nope.

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Edge Animate CC :: Unable To Save Templates - Receive A Restart Error

Dec 13, 2013

As of yesterday I am unable to save templates. At first I thought it may be an error with the project that I was working on, but I've opened up old projects and tried to resave those as a new template and I receive an error.
If I create a new project and try to save it as a template, I also receive this error.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Add Animation To Muse

Apr 17, 2014

How do I add animation to Muse?  I wish to bring a png file into an existing background.

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Edge Animate CC :: Delete After Animation?

Oct 20, 2013

I create a child symbol on the stage animate it and store the varible in the window
var infoscreen = sym.createChildSymbol("_01", "stage");
window.infoscreen = infoscreen;
I put a Btn_inside the symbol and want to delete it. But first -  I want to fade out the symbol. I dont know how to do this. So the animation has to be complete before delete, but how?

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Speed Up Animation From Js

Apr 14, 2013

Is there a way to speed up animation? For example I have 5 sec animation. I want to play it normally (5sec) and play it reverse for 2 sec.

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Edge Animate CC :: Rollover And Rollout Animation

May 8, 2013

I am using the rollover and rollout features to get a slide up and down kind of button panel.  However when I rollover each of the three section (it's divided into three panes) it gets really twitchy and won't do the roll up and down smoothly are do it at all. URL....

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Edge Animate CC :: Opening URL Only After Completing Animation?

Dec 11, 2012

I have this button that, when clicked, opens a new URL - window.open("http://www.xxxxxx.xxx", "_self"); - after playing a 1000 ms animation. The problem is that it changes to the new URL too soon, before completing the 1000 ms. I tried a setTimeout, and it worked great, but it's not so elegant as it depends on the user's computer/net speed...

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Edge Animate CC :: Starting The Animation With Scrolling?

Jul 14, 2013

How do I make my animation play when someone scrolls down where the animation is located?

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Edge Animate CC :: No Animation In Browser / Just Blank

Oct 27, 2013

I created a simple banner with a couple of basic animations. I never even touched any code. Only basic images are used, no triggers, no symbols.If I preview within Animate, everything works fine.
As soon as I hit ctrl+enter to preview in my browser, everything just stays blank. I checked in multiple browsers, all have the same result with no errors in console.Autoplay is turned on.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Make A Loop On Animation

Sep 28, 2012

I am a graphic designer and I work on w7 64.I find the latest version of Edge Animate.I saw several tutorials, amongst those showing how to make a loop on an animation. I proceed as explained in the preview on my browser (Chrome), the animation runs, but no loops.In fact, I tried other interactions and other triggers : nothing of these works there!

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Edge Animate CC :: Masking A Circular Animation?

Nov 18, 2013

I need to create a mask that will hide the elements as they rotate out of a free-floating window. I have an animation currently that sits in a circular window and plays when the page loads. The screen shot below is from the page in Muse with the .oam file playing. The images are PNGs with transparent backgrounds so the animation plays over the background images. 

What I'm trying to add is an iris effect I've animated in Edge Animate. I haven't been able to hide the edges of the vanes in the iris during animation. I've tried to cut and paste code that I've found on this forum and others but I don't know much about coding and I haven't had any success. This screenshot is shortly after the animation starts to play as the vanes rotate out of the window:

Basically, I need to mask the iris animation to keep the images from showing outside the circular frame. I've found that the clipping tool in Edge only does square or rectangular masks. I have a PNG that I can use as a mask but the coding has really got me flummoxed. The mask:

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Edge Animate CC :: Starting Animation From JavaScript

Dec 10, 2013

I just made my first edge animate project and made a progress loader animation. Works well.When i placed the code in the site the animation was always on, so i've hidden the item in css
#Stage { display:none; }
When my animation is needed i'm making is visible however the animation has already been started in the background so wont begin the right place. I'm wondering should i stop the stage autoplay in the config and then start the animation in JS? If so how can i go about starting the animation via JS.
I've been playing around with  AdobeEdge.bootstrapCallback but cant seem to get it to play.

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Edge Animate CC :: Animation In HTML (WIX+Dropbox)

Jul 30, 2013

I created an animation for a landingpage on my website(built with wix.com).
My problem is, that wix.com has got no folder-organisation or upload-function and my Edge animation has *.html, *jscript and *.jpeg/*.png files.
In a Wix.com-forum, I've found a response, that said, that I should use external storage-websites for my files.I did so and put these files in my dropbox/public folder, copied the open links in the *.html file like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"/>
<!--Adobe Edge Runtime-->
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"

But, when I copy the code into my wix-page-html-app (for not-wix-user: a small field to insert html-code),nothing happens...

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Edge Animate CC :: Animation Not Running On Site?

Jun 19, 2013

i created an animation for my index page of an already existing website. i tried to "publish settings" but app would not allow me to publish to my directory however it did allow me to "publish". when i uploaded the files to my server, only the splash image came up but the rest of the animation did not run. what am i doing wrong?

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Edge Animate CC :: Playing An Animation In Reverse?

Jan 9, 2014

I have created an animation where the objects move left to right.Is there a simple way of 'flipping' the timeline so that the animation effectively plays in reverse, rather than redoing the animation altogether?

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Edge Animate CC :: Animation Is Not Displayed On Https?

Aug 18, 2013

i have a little problem with my animation. If I want to see the animation without SSL it works. With SSL it doesent works and I dont know why?

My CC ist the newest and I tryed everything but the animation is not displayed on https://

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Edge Animate CC :: Visibility Of A Text Over Animation?

Oct 30, 2013

when I import a project .oam in InDesign, and over the project, into a higher level, there is text, the text is covered from the animation when it run in folio.

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Edge Animate CC :: Export Animation To Joomla 3.2

Dec 14, 2013

I created an animation and am having an extremely difficult time figuring out how I can display it on my Joomla website. I am using a Yootheme template and have spent countless hours trying to get this to work.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Submit Animation Project To Someone

Jan 30, 2013

How to submit an animation project to a remote co-worker, or to a client?

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Edge Animate CC :: Loop A Particular Part Of An Animation

Jul 19, 2013

I am trying to get an animation to auto play, and loop only a particular part of the animation.
For example, the first part of the animation is my logo dropping in and bouncing. Then certain parts of the logo are animated continually, but I cannot figure out how to do this without just creating a huge timeline?

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Use Animation Loop Without Trigger

Feb 25, 2014

how use animation loop without trigger?

I tried to do mouseover

var my_time  =  sym.getSymbol("mySymbolInstanceName").getPosition();
if ( my_time == 0) {
loop not work.

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Edge Animate CC :: Access Iframe From Animation File?

Jul 8, 2013

I load an edge animation file into an iframe at my home page. How can i access the iframe when i clicked a button inside the edge animation file.

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