Edge Animate CC :: Use Opacity Of Symbol In If-statement?

May 27, 2013

I'd like to use the opacity of a symbol in an if-statement. How to ask for it?

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Edge Animate CC :: If Else Statement With Mouse Click

Jan 20, 2013

I'm having a problem with  IF ELSE code use with a mouse click. What I want each time a user "clicks" i want to execute a particular block of code, up to 3 clicks, then nothing. I've tried local and global click counter var but can't seem to get past the first "if". This is what I have now (I'm using console.log() to keep track.
In comp ready i create a global var ...
// insert code to be run when the composition is fully loaded heresym.getComposition().getStage().setVariable('clickcnt', 1); //set counter to 1
var i = sym.getComposition().getStage().getVariable('clickcnt');
console.log ("Counter is starting at "+i);

on the stage i create a "click" event..
// insert code for mouse click herevar i = (sym.getComposition().getStage().getVariable('clickcnt');  if (i=1){     console.log("counter is = "+i);     //do some code sym.getComposition().getStage().setVariable('clickcnt', 2); //set counter to 2  } else if (i=2){     console.log("counter is = "+i);     //do some code     sym.getComposition().getStage().setVariable('clickcnt', 3); //set counter to 3  } else if (i=3){     console.log("counter is = "+i);      //do some code      sym.getComposition().getStage().setVariable('clickcnt', 4); //set counter to 4 taking it out of range      sym.play(100); //play the timeline animation  } else {  //

I'm using this to negate any further clicks. I'm sure there's a proper way to do this. I just don't know it. sym.stop(1000); console.log("end"); };I When I run this It never gets passed the first if, It's like the "clickcnt" var is not getting updated or read properly.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Dynamically Set A Symbol Name That Has Been Parsed From XML To Build A Symbol Path

Mar 20, 2013

Is there a way to "eval" or dynamically set a symbol name that has been parsed from XML to build a symbol path? For example, I'm trying to dynamically set a variable to the path of a sysmbol already on the stage, but it's not working correctly:
var xmlSymName = $('symName', this).text(); // where symName = "sym4" from a parsed XML node
var whatPOI = sym.getComposition().getStage().getSymbol("sym1").getSymbol("sym2").getSymbol("sym3").getSymbol(xmlSymName).getSymbolElement();
Basically I have a lot of points on a map and I'd like to be able to name the points along with other data like tooltip callouts, etc populated via XML then loop through the XML to build the points of interest on the map. If I can get the above working I can place that variable path reference into an array and grab the data from it later. But the path is not working the way I have it.

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Edge Animate CC :: Call A Symbol From The Symbol Panel And Place It On Stage?

Apr 25, 2013

Can I call a symbol from the symbol panel and place it on the stage?

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Edge Animate CC :: Reference Main Timeline From Inside Of Symbol In Symbol?

Apr 10, 2013

The scenario is this,  I have a symbol(TitlePage) on my main timeline.  Inside the symbol(TitlePage) there is a play button.  How can i set a click event on this symbol that access the main timeline(stage) labels?

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Edge Animate CC :: Playing Animation On Timeline Within A Symbol From Another Symbol

Mar 17, 2014

 I have the following
                    MOUSEUP (COMMAND)

I would like to do the following:
play "SYMBOL_2" - "DIV_ANIMATION_1" - "ANIMATION_1_START" from within "SYMBOL1" - "DIV_PLAY" with the mouseup command
URL....I know that i can sym.getComposition().getStage().getSymbol("div_animation_1").play();  from within "div_play" but how do i access a point on the timeline and play from there...

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Edge Animate CC :: Getting Symbol Name?

Mar 27, 2013

What is the syntax for retrieving the name of the symbol that has been clicked on?

I can get e.target.id fine, but it's a mixture of Edge generated identifiers and my symbol name.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Get Symbol ID

Dec 17, 2012

I have some codes like this:
function myFunc(name) {
     var $symbol = sym.$(name);
     //I want to do something with $symbol depending on their id, for example
     //so $item will append to the corresponding symbol

I tried .attr('id') and it seems not the id I want.

EDIT: indeed I want to get the selector inside myFunc

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Edge Animate CC :: Play One Symbol After Other

Nov 26, 2013

In my Composition there some cases I have to play one symbol. In a few cases it is necessary two play sequential e.g. symbol A an then symbol B. It have to look like one animation. Is there an easy way of calling?

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Edge Animate CC :: One Symbol - Playing Other Off

Jun 14, 2013

I start with several items on the stage, each an iteration of the same symbol. When I click on one, it performs an opening animation, then pauses. When I click on another, the first symbol un-pauses on its timeline, animating back to original position, while the second one I clicked plays its opening animation till its pause. Each of the symbols can tell the already deployed symbol to "play itself off."I'm sure this was done in Flash all the time, and there's a Javascript solution.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Click To Stop The New Text And Images From Changing Opacity Immediately

Dec 10, 2013

Having some trouble with the oppacity on my projects. As you can see from the screenshot, I've clearly clicked something because any text or images that I try to add to my project and set the oppacity at 0% - to then build over a few seconds to 100%, will not do this.Yet previous elements that I've added will.
Is there something I need to click to stop the new text and images from changing oppacity immediately. I want them to build over time - I can see that the added keyframe looks different also.

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Edge Animate CC :: Two Symbol-instances With Different Data?

Aug 8, 2013

How to create two instances of the same symbol and change the texts and images inside the instances to have different texts (so I mean different from the other instance)?
Somehow, instead of using dynamic creation by using code, I can't manage this. Everytime I change a text inside A (instance of symbol1), the text of B (instance of the same symbol1) is also changed. The same with images. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here. I can't imagine symbols are always reference types, 'cause what's the meaning of having symbols then?

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Edge Animate CC :: Changes Made In One Symbol Show Up In Another

Jan 7, 2014

I have a symbol called "A." I needed 2 copies of it, so I duplicated A and renamed the new symbol to B. I now have A and B, identical copies of each other.
I navigated inside symbol A where I entered another symbol, "A1." Inside A > A1, I removed an image and added another image. No problem so far.
Then, I returned to the stage and navigated into symbol B > B1. To my surprise, the same image change I made in A > A1 already appeared in B > B1 (even though I duplicated A **before** making this change).
When I change the image inside B > B1, that same change is now present back in A > A1.
It's as if these two symbols, A and B, are mirrors of each other, even after being modified. Trouble is, I don't want mirrors. I need them to be slightly different.
I thought the Duplicate step might be my problem. I started over (both by undoing several steps and by closing and creating a new document entirely). This time, I copied A and pasted it onto the stage. I ran into the same problems.
Ok, next guess: this time, I entered symbol A and copied its elements/sub-symbols. I went back to the stage and pasted them there. Selected these elements/symbols and converted to a new symbol. Same problem!

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Apply CSS All Elements Of A Symbol

Apr 2, 2014

how to apply CSS all elements of a symbol?
For example, I want to put a border around every image in a certain symbol.

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Edge Animate CC :: Jquery Calling Symbol In Itself?

Jul 17, 2013

I want to create on the symbol an mouse over event that address the same symbol.
i've tried
with no success..

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Edge Animate CC :: Action On Before Label Of The Symbol?

Jul 14, 2013

It is possible take action label before?
Stage01, label 'home'.
Symbol01, click on Retangle01 action: Play ('home') in Stage01.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Add A Click Event On A Symbol

Nov 13, 2013

When I try to add a click event on a symbol, I can't access to the symbol, only to the parent. For example, if on the event click on a specific symbol A I add the code

var symbolElement = sym.getSymbolElement();
It will hide the parent of A, instead of hiding A. How do I access to A?

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Get Symbol To Follow The Mouse

Feb 28, 2013

I have a crosshair like in a lightgun style game at an arcade. What code would I use to have the symbol follow the mouse, and if at all possible, could the symbol's origin be in the middle of the symbol and not in top left corner of the symbol?

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Edge Animate CC :: Hide A Symbol Programatically

Sep 5, 2013

I need to hide a symbol on my main stage dynamically, ie without hardcoding it on the timeline.  So I tried this within an IF ELSE statement:

I also tried this:
Clearly these are not working..

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Discard A Random Symbol

Jan 23, 2014

I have a keyframe where I must to upload a random series of symbols, and I do it with the script:
var myVar = Math.floor((Math.random()*6)+1);
     var stage = sym.$("Stage");
           var myAni = sym.createChildSymbol("Symbol_" + myVar, "stage");
The script works fine, but, at NEXT keyframe I must load another series. The problem is that the symbol loaded in the previous keyframe is still present and the new symbol overlaps it.How can I unload or discard the previous symbol?

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Edge Animate CC :: Moving A Symbol With Code?

Sep 4, 2013

I'm simply trying to animate the y axis of a symbol with code. When I rollover one symbol, I'd like it to move the symbol it's inside a certain distance. Never seems to work. I've tried looking up the simple jquery syntax to change an image's y position, but it's hard to find!
This is what I have so far:
sym.$("grouped_image").animate({"top" : "+=50px"}, 500);

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Edge Animate CC :: Play One Symbol And Hide All Others?

Feb 26, 2013

I'm building an animated menu in the latest version of Adobe Animate. There are 5 different animations that happen within the same box on the main stage. I have made each animation it's own symbol. I want to trigger the animations from text boxes to the left of the box where the main animation takes place. The text boxes are not apart of any of the symbols, but are just on the main stage.
When someone scrolls over any of the individual text boxes i need to play one symbol's timeline AND hide all of the other symbols from the stage.

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Edge Animate CC :: Getting Target Symbol On Click

Mar 26, 2013

How do I reference `this` when a symbol is clicked?  I have a click event on 'alien' on the stage.  In the handler, sym appears to be stage and not 'this'.

I want it to play itself (amoung other things) when clicked.
e.target gets me the element, but not the edge symbol so I can play itself. 

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Edge Animate CC :: Call Random Symbol

Dec 5, 2012

I have several animations converted to symbols and I want the composition to call one at random on load. These will be page header animations and my intension is use the same composition on each page that pulls an animated header at random when the page loads. I've done this with Flash using Actionscript but not sure how to code it out in Edge.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Create Different Hyperlink In A Symbol

Feb 14, 2013

I have facing some problem in symbol. i;e In a symbol have created three rectangular boxes (rect-1, rect-2 & rect-3)& in main-time line there is three lavel (label 1, label 2 & label 3).
i want to create functionality that is, when i click rect-1 box, i should be play "label 1", when i click rect-2, it should play "label 2" & when i click rect-3 it shuld play "label 3".

Is it possible or not

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Edge Animate CC :: Empty Symbol But Need It Reload?

Aug 12, 2013

I've migrated across various platforms over the years but Edge is definitely a tool I will use as a core authoring tool. Keep the updates coming!
Ok I've read about 8 articles on this forum on Youtube videos and stopping sound using the
BUT, once I've emptied the container, I want to be able to access it again and play the symbol. I don't know how to load the container once it's been emptied. I tried
sym.$("blah").empty().append (youtube);
but doesnt work.
I just need the video to load again from the beginning, I dont need youtube API integration for remembering where it stopped, I just want to reload the symbol "blah" after its been emptied.
Check out the work in progress...
Page 1 - had no video

Page 2 - has video bg, ignore that, the two videos behind the slider have no empty commands and keep playing in background

Page 3 - on the page that says 'Nadi', behind teh slider is the video that has the empty and I just want to reload it after its been closed

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Target Nested Symbol From A Button

Feb 19, 2012

I'm new to Edge, Javascript and HTML5 (coming from Director/Flash/After Effects background) I'm wondering if there's a way to target a nested symbol from a button. I would like to make a simple Pause/Play toggle button that stops a nested symbol is it's playing and plays it if is stopped. In software's I'm familitar with, this can be done with a simple target path and  if/else conditional statement, but I can't find any examples that don't seem much more complicated.

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Edge Animate CC :: Buttons To Control X And Y Position Of Symbol?

Jul 28, 2013

I am trying to move a symbol around based on it's x and y coordinates, without using keyframes to actually animate any movement.
Basically what I want to do is have a largish map image inside a symbol, most of which is off stage, with right,left, up and down buttons that slide the map in and out as you mouseover them, thus allowing the user to navigate east, west, north and south, if you see what I mean.
The buttons would move the map symbol around in increments of perhaps 10 or 20 pixels at a time, but it would freeze where it was when you moused out of the button, and begin moving again when you mouseover.
Of course it would be important to fix limits to how far the map symbol could be pushed so that you could only see as far as the edges of the map, and not beyond the limits of the map.

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Edge Animate CC :: Duplicated Symbol Animations Going Out Of Synced

Aug 30, 2013

I'm running into a problem with my symbols, they seem to be going out of sync in my animation. I'm using multiple instances of the same symbol. See below link for the .html file for example of what I mean. The wings go out of sync after awhile, even though they're the same symbol.


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Edge Animate CC :: How To Refer To Label On Stage From Within Symbol

Jan 3, 2013

I'm working on a project in Edge Animate, however I have about zero experience with JavaScript and I can't seem to get this working without it.
 Below you see the code. It's part of a Symbol situated on the Stage. What I need it to do is to play from a Label ('subFontsTitels') situated on the Stage-level. I've tried a lot of posibilities but with no (satisfying) results.
 Part of the code: 
Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${_Button}", "click", function(sym, e) {
// play the timeline from the given position (ms or label)
// insert code for mouse click here
//Edge binding end

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Edge Animate CC :: Target A Textfield Inside A Symbol?

Aug 6, 2013

I have a symbol called Rectangle and a text field called Counter on the stage. Inside the symbol I have another textfield called Counter2. For the .click event of the symbol I have:
sym.setVariable("checker", "1");
sym.setVariable("checker", "0");
sym.$("Counter2").html(sym.getVariable("checker")); //error here?
But I noticed that only Counter is being changed and that Counter2 was not targeted. How do I target Counter2 without having to move it to the main timeline?

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