Photoshop :: PS CS6 Will Not Allow Me To Save Any Images

Nov 10, 2012

I am a Creative Cloud member and I have been using PS CS6 for several months with no problems. I have been using previous versions of PS for many years and have never had this problem. PS CS6 suddenly will not allow me to save any images. I get a message saying that either another application is using the file, or that I do not have permission to save it in which case I should allow permission in "Get info". I have checked under "get info" and the image is not locked. I have tried saving it as an administrator also... I have even tried saving it to many other files on my computer with no luck. There is no other application running on my system which could be using the file.

I have tried saving Jpegs, Tiffs, and PSD documents, and none of them will save, whether I perform minor adjustments on the file or whether I perform many adjustments. I use a mac and I am running OS 10.7.5. I recently started using a Wacom tablet and installed that software. I also installed some Photoshop filters that came with it. I uninstalled the filters because I did not like them. I have checked in the plug-in folders to see if any lingered there and where causing a conflict but the plug-in folder is empty.

The other thing I did recently was I removed all of the cookies from my Chrome browser but I can't see how this would affect Photoshop. I have checked for updates using the adobe application manager and have updated everything. I am including a screen grab of the error message.

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Photoshop :: Cannot Save Images From CC As Dialogue Box Opens With Cannot Save Image

Sep 9, 2013

I cannot save images from Photoshop CC as a dialogue box opens with "cannot save you do not have write access

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Photoshop :: CS6 Not Allow To Save Any Images?

Nov 10, 2012

I am a Creative Cloud member and I have been using PS CS6 for several months with no problems. I have been using previous versions of PS for many years and have never had this problem. PS CS6 suddenly will not allow me to save any images. I get a message saying that either another application is using the file, or that I do not have permission to save it in which case I should allow permission in "Get info".

I have checked under "get info" and the image is not locked. I have tried saving it as an administrator also... I have even tried saving it to many other files on my computer with no luck. There is no other application running on my system which could be using the file. I have tried saving Jpegs, Tiffs, and PSD documents, and none of them will save, whether I perform minor adjustments on the file or whether I perform many adjustments.

I use a mac and I am running OS 10.7.5. I recently started using a Wacom tablet and installed that software. I also installed some Photoshop filters that came with it. I uninstalled the filters because I did not like them. I have checked in the plug-in folders to see if any lingered there and where causing a conflict but the plug-in folder is empty. The other thing I did recently was I removed all of the cookies from my Chrome browser but I can't see how this would affect Photoshop. I have checked for updates using the adobe application manager and have updated everything.

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Photoshop :: Can't Save Some Images As .jpg

Jun 1, 2009

I was wonder why I'm not able to save some img's in RGB mode, size about 10mgp as JPG.Just to use regular Save as? I know that I could go through Save for web.. but it's more steps but othervoce is the same?

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Photoshop :: Save Images As JPG Not JPEG2000

Jan 7, 2013

how to save my images as .jpg  NOT JPEG2000 .jpf files (I'm using CS6 and up until yesterday this wasn't a problem)I have deleted plugin folder as I read in another forum... I still do not get the option to save as jpg.  I understand that JPEG2000 gives more information etc but at this stage there are very few places that can view .jpf files.   My clients primarily want to use the .jpg files with friends and family on facebook, Flickr and within their blogs so i do need to have the option of saving images as a straight .jpg

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Photoshop :: CS6 Crashes When Try To Save Images?

Mar 4, 2013

Got CS6 two weeks ago and can only use it on my Macbook as on my iMac it crashes when I save an image.


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Photoshop :: Publisher Not Able To Save Changes To Images

Jul 30, 2013

I am an artist and have been asked to create 11 color drawings for a book.  I created the drawings and scanned them to my iMac OS 10.8.  I used cs4 to correct the color and crop the images. I saved the images in CMYK fomat and emailed them to the publisher.  The publisher received the, is able to open the images and when they try to make any changes to the images they are not able to save the changes.  I did make the images read and write, so they aren't protected. 
My question is why are they not able to save the cropping changes they require?

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Photoshop :: How To Edit In ACR And Save Images

Jun 10, 2012

I am trying to edit a large number of images. Is there a way to do so in ACR so they are saved with the changes without having to re-open them through ACR?

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Photoshop :: How To Save Sliced Images

Feb 29, 2012

I sliced my web design comp into different images that I want to insert into DW. I can't figure out how to save the individual images.

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Photoshop :: Fails To Save Images

Jul 6, 2006

One difficulty that I experienced today was an inability to save my file in Photoshop R7.0

I imported a pdf file and began working on it. When I tried to save it as a psd file the following message came up;

"Could not save as C:folderfile1.psd because the file is already in use or left open."

I had to lose the file, so then I tried a regular jpg and the same message came up when I tried saving it. Then I closed and re-opened photoshop. I drew some lines on a blank canvas, and attempted to save. Now the same message came up again.

Do you know what would cause this? Do I have to re-install Photoshop?

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Photoshop :: PS2 - Can't Save Images After Working...

Jul 15, 2009

I've cropped/resized/etc and saved the resulting images with no problem. Today I did some simple adjustments to tiff files - perspective & cropping - and when I tried to save the finished file, I received an error message telling me PS couldn't save the image since it was either open or in use by another program. Trust me. Nothing was open. Not even a stray Windows program. I rebooted PC, redid changes, and attempted another save. No luck. I tried different images. I did so several times. Each time, same result. I'm running XP Pro. Haven't used PS is awhile for adjusting images but whenever I simply viewed pix, all was OK. 

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Photoshop :: Unable To Save Images As JPEGs?

Nov 15, 2013

I'm having trouble saving my image as a jpeg.i get an image in photshop to where i really like it and then i go to save it and it ruins it. The jpeg doesnt even look like what the image did before i edited it in photoshop.

i'm in color mode sRGB and i try to save it as a value of 10 and progressive.

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Photoshop :: Save Images In Order To Be Resized Later?

Oct 29, 2012

I'm working as a designer. Whenever I send images to my boss (usually jpgs saved in photoshop), she can't resize them. Is there a certain way I need to save them in order for them to be resized later?

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Photoshop :: How To Get SRGB Images From Save For Web Dialog

Jun 5, 2013

I'm saving JPEG or TIFF images (in Adobe RGB or ProPhoto RGB) with the "save for web" and with the "convert to sRGB" option checked ... then after opening them in Photoshop again, their color spaces turn to "untagged RGB". What should I do for getting sRGB images from the "save for web" dialog?

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Photoshop :: How Do You Save Vector / Pen Created Images?

Jul 16, 2004

I did that tutorial but didnt' create a "layer set" in the beginning. how do you save this?

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Photoshop :: Save All Layers As Independent Images?

Jul 31, 2007

I have .psd with with 21 layers i want each layer be saved as indephendant image

way to automate this - save each layer as standalone file (.jpg),

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Save Cropped Images

Feb 21, 2014

How do I save cropped Images?

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Photoshop Elements :: Won't Allow To Save Any Edited Images?

Jan 26, 2014

My elements 11 won't allow me to save any edited images. I reloaded Elements 11 ?

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Photoshop :: How To Export Or Save Smaller Sized Images

Nov 4, 2012

I have a design that is A3 size (i.e. 297 × 420mm) and 300dpi. I'd like to save out various versions of the image: one at full size, one at 150 dpi, one at A4 (i.e. 210 × 297mm) 150 dpi, and one at A4 72dpi. At the moment I'm doing this by saving different versions of the Photoshop PSD file and then doing a 'Save As' jpg from each of those.
What's the best way to save multiple sized versions of a design?
If I resize an image in Photoshop to be smaller and/or fewer DPI is that destructive or can I go back without loss of clarity? (I'm guessing not as the PSD file sizes are so different.)

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Photoshop :: CS6 Images Sometimes Not Saved When Using Close All And Instructed To Save

Jan 7, 2013

I often open multiple images to make several changes, then use Close All and when it prompts "Do you want to save changes to ... before closing?" I check off the box to "Apply to all" and say Yes.   This saves lots of time when adjusting several multi-hundred MB images.  Imagine my surprise today when it closed an image without saving!  I had to repeat about 30 minutes of work as a result. 
I thought I had somehow accidentally clicked "No" to saving, so I made sure to pay close attention the next few times I used Close All to save work.  It worked fine until a moment ago when it did it again.

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Photoshop :: How To Non-destructively Sharpen / Resize And Save Images

Nov 15, 2013

Ok... here is my dilemma. I am having an incredibly difficult time understanding the best way to sharpen, re-size and save my images for both posting on the web and giving them to clients. I completed my first paid photo shoot (yay!), but as I finished editing each image, I re-sized it and posted it on my FB photography page. I later learned from a fellow at my local print shop that this is a destructive and irreversible edit (not yay! ).
So...  before I pull out every last strand of hair on my head, I REAALLLYYYY need to get a good grasp on how to do the following things so that I can establish a good workflow: 1. Sharpen my image well {w/ Smart Sharpen}. Does this have to be done on a flattened image... and isn't flattening irreversible?  2. Re-sizing my images for both web display and client work/printing. Is it true that once I set it to 72ppi for web display, that I lose a great deal of the detail and quality? Do I need to create a copy of the file and have 2 different image sizes?

I am self taught, learning off the cuff through tutorials and constant error... and I just want so badly to have a smooth and beneficial work flow in place.
Currently, my workflow is as follows... 

1. Load images into LR and convert to DNG files 
2. Quick initial edit & then send into PS CS6 
3. Perform detailed/layered edit(s) 
4. {I know I'm supposed to sharpen now, as the last step, but am afraid to permanently flatten my image in case I want to tweak the layers later..} 
5. Save the file (unflattened) 
6. Go back into LR and Export the file to the appropriate place on my hard drive
So... at this point, my image is still at 300ppi {not appropriate for web display}, unflattened {I'm told flattened images are ideal for client work and printing} and not as sharp as I want it to be {because I don't know when to apply Smart Sharpen filter}.

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Photoshop :: Save Images In JPEG Format Only Viewed On Other Mac And Not PC?

Aug 11, 2013

When I save images in Jpeg format, it can only be viewed on other Mac's and not PC's. Why is that?
People with PC's can only view the images if opened in a browser, otherwise PC's can't open the files. It is very annoying.

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Photoshop :: How To Properly Save Images To Use In SWISH Or Flash

Nov 7, 2004

I have saved my gif images in Photoshop 6 with transparency using the Save for Web option. When I import the image into SWISH (an application for making Flash movies) the images have a hazy look where the transparency would be. how I can clear this up?

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Photoshop Elements :: Unable To Save Edited Images

Mar 14, 2013

I am unable to save any edited images in the photoshop file format and also unable to save photobook or collage projects in ANY format.  I am using Elements 9.0.2 on Mac OS X 10.6.8.  Any solutions to these problems?  (I have used the Catalog optimize & repair tools with no change).

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Photoshop Elements :: Save As JPEG Not Working For Only Certain Images (2.0)

May 13, 2013

I am now getting a program error when I try to save some images as jpegs.  It seems that only a small percentage of my pics are having this issue, and they are the ones I have taken in the past two days.  I can go back into my catalog and run any other pics through PSE and save as a jpeg with no problems.  But if I try to do any touch ups on any of the pics from yesterday or the day before, i get the error message.  I can even go back into lightroom 4 and export any pics from 3 days ago and have no issues saving them as jpegs.  I always get the option to save as a jpeg, it just errors out while trying to save.  I'm using a somewhat older laptop w/ vista 64 bit. 

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Photoshop :: How To Batch Process / Save For Web Various Images To Same Exact KB Size

Dec 11, 2012

I have a batch of 500 jpg images all in different sizes 732 KB, 634 KB, 664 KB etc.

I need to compress / save for web down to 130 KB the entire batch. I've managed to create an action which compresses them lower than 130 KB at different sizes depending on how light or dark the images are,  but still not to an exact number. Is there a way to create such an action or script? I'm working off of Photoshop CS5, iMac 10.5.8.

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Photoshop :: Images Saved With Larger File Size Than Save For Web

Apr 12, 2011

I am trying to optimize some images for web to have a smaller file size. I am using "Save for Web" feature, and every time I try to save a file, the actual file output size is a lot bigger than the size it shows on the "Save for Web" dialog.

For example, I have a 607 bytes .gif, when I open "Save for Web" it shows 207 bytes for 16-colors but when I save it the output file is 1.22 kb.

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Photoshop :: Why Couldn't Save Images In Network Because Of Program Error In CS6

Oct 8, 2012

We were using Photoshop CS3 and decided to upgrade to version CS6. However, several times, to save images and if they are in network storage or servers, the message that you can not save them, because of a program error.

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Photoshop Elements :: Open Images In Save As Dialog Window?

Oct 26, 2012

I have loaded about 10 pictures in the editor of elements 10.  I want to save them to an sd card.  When I try to do that it tries to save all of my pictures instead. 

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Add Folder Under Recent Places To Save Images

Oct 22, 2013

How to add folder under recent places to save images?

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GIMP :: Can't Save Images In JPG Or TIFF

Nov 19, 2012

I cannot save images in jpg or tiff. I am using a Mac.

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