Photoshop :: Save Images In Order To Be Resized Later?
Oct 29, 2012
I'm working as a designer. Whenever I send images to my boss (usually jpgs saved in photoshop), she can't resize them. Is there a certain way I need to save them in order for them to be resized later?
Software & Version: Adobe Photoshop CC OS: Windows 7
I have a bunch of images which need to be resized - all to 300x195 px at 300 dpi in .jpeg formatAll the images are of different sizes in their original form.While resizing, there should be no distortion. The scaling needs to be in proportion.While saving the resized, all the images should be saved using the same naming convention. Here's how I am doing it...
1. New Blank document - 300x195px, 300dpi & RGB mode. 2. Drag all the images into the blank document, and middle-align each layer. 3. Resize each layer individually while holding Shift+Alt to do it proportionately. 4. Save each layer seperately as a .jpeg using the naming convention required.
I'm doing some work in photoshop, well, more like fooling around with Photoshop. But when I'm all done with a picture, save it as Jpg and upload the image, its about 25%-50% smaller then what the original psd is ....
I've been using Photoshop for my Photography for quite a long time and I have recently upgraded to Photoshop CS6. Whenever I resize my images in CS6, I get the feel (from looking at the images) that the application has autosharpened my images! I am quite sure about that effect because my resizing principles have remained the same since using CS5. And in CS5, whenever I resized to that same size I am resizing in CS6, I used to run the Unsharp Mask Filter to get my images look at their best! So there must be something going under the hood in CS6, or am I missing something obvious? Basically, I want to be in total control as to how much sharpness I want to apply to my resized images!
I manage a website and I have to resize bundles of images frequently. I find it a problem in Paint Shop Pro X5 that every time I resize an image it shows as a tiny thumbnail. This causes me to go to the 'view' toolbar and then from the dropdown box have to click 'zoom to 100%'
How do I format PSP X5 to automatically show resized images at 100%?
Using bridge to organize 150 images. Does it save an image order? I clicked the build and export cache option last night before leaving it, but this am it's reverted back to the order it wants to be in, which is the order it is in finder.
When saving a TIFF file on Adobe PSCS6, the "Save" dialog box always defaults the byte order to MacIntosh rather than IBM PC even though I am using a PC. I have checked Edit>Preferences but can't find an adjustment for this. Do I have to just live with it?
why all of a sudden all my images and folders are not in alphabetical order. everytime you re-name or add a file to photoshop it detects and goes in order. now ive got to search to see where that file is.
I would like to arrange 6 images in 2 x 3 order. I have an older version 6.0 and I am not aware that it is posible to script/macro to do this autamatically. Is it posible in some newest version?
Can you display the order in which images are shown within an album, (like you could in PE10), other than the stupid Oldest and newest that you now get with PE11?
I would like to be able to create a book in LR 4.3 and save as a jpeg in order to print at a lab of my choice rather than just blurb. Is this possible?
This has been a problem ever since LR3 and on previous versions of the MacOS. I hoped that it would be fixed in LR5, but not yet. When I select multiple images for email in LR5 on a Mac running Mavericks, the preview shows the images in the correct order, but in the email message itself, the order is reversed so that the last image is first and the first image is last. Nothing works. If you select the images in a different order, the result is the same backwards order. Lightroom – How Do You Change the Order of Images, Before Renaming?
The only workaround is to create a separate export for each image or to export a folder of images and manually add them to a single email.
In addition, it would be useful if there were a space between images in the email so that the images don't all run together in one long strip. There should be a way to have this happen by setting up a style or template so that it does not have to be done manually.
using lightroom 4.3... when I import photos, they appear in random order in the IMPORT viewing window. With pervious versions of lightroom, they were always in order of file name. It becomes more time consuming to select specific files to import to a file if there are 2 or more jobs on one CF card ( I have photos of my kids skiing mixed up with a portrait session.). Is there a way to sort the photos (by file name, or time) before import? I do know how to sort post import.
*smacks the foreheard* I forgot to change the timezone on the camera when I arrived in a different continent and all my pictures are 8h behind. I have imported the holidays pictures into folders arranged by the day the pictures was taken and therefore many of the pictures are put in the wrong folder.
Correcting the pictures for the difference in the time zone was a cinch. However the pictures are still in the wrong folder! Updating/Synchronizing the folder does not put the pictures in the right folder.
I've made a script in order to round the corners of my images with one click. Maybe it wasn't necessary, because I could use script-fu-round-corners in the command line, but that's what I've tried, stupid or not:
Is the image trace feature any better at tracing scanned business cars and newsprint ads in order to extract a logo? Clients never seem to have clean copy to supply me with.
Here I have several concentric squares in an uninterrupted stack.I moved the topmost (small orange) one vertically.I then went to the Alignment panel, selected all the squares and clicked on the one I moved.Then I clicked on Vertical Distribute Center.
The right hand picture shows what happened.One of the squares (that big orange one) near the bottom of the stack shot up so that its centre was above the centre of the topmost one in the stack.The centres are evenly distributed but why is the stacking order not controlling the order in which the squares are arranged?
Fortunately the positioning of that big orange square was easy to correct, but something tells me this is not the way things are supposed to happen.Seemingly this does not always happen. I have tried the method on several stacks. Some were o.k., others showed similar behaviour to the above.
We have recently upgraded from Photoshop CS4 to CS6.When I select a text layer, from the Layer Panel, with a font size of 10pt, but if I select the type itself (edit mode) it shows as 8.63pt.Intrestingly the Info Panel shows width/hight to be 115.8%.
The text box has not been resized at any point and the document was created in CS4.