Lightroom :: Re-order Images In Folder After Timezone Change?
Mar 28, 2013
*smacks the foreheard* I forgot to change the timezone on the camera when I arrived in a different continent and all my pictures are 8h behind. I have imported the holidays pictures into folders arranged by the day the pictures was taken and therefore many of the pictures are put in the wrong folder.
Correcting the pictures for the difference in the time zone was a cinch. However the pictures are still in the wrong folder! Updating/Synchronizing the folder does not put the pictures in the right folder.
After installing LR4 and converting a catalogue, I saved the metadata for an image in LR4 and did the same for the same image in LR3.6 (on a different machine).
The value for xmp:MetadataDate written by LR4 seems to be wrong. My timezone is UTC+8h for Western Australia. Here is an extract from the xmp file written by LR4:
LR3.6 adjusts both the ModifyDate and the MetadataDate by -8h, which is correct if the time is meant to be UTC.
Why LR3.6 has changed the ModifyDate to the time that the xmp file was written, I'm not sure - LR$ doesn't and I wouldn't expect it to either since the raw file (NEF in my case) isn't modified.Looks like a bug in LR4 regarding the MetadataDate written to the xmp file.
I just filled up my first hard drive and I added a new one, I was wondering, for the sake of the consistency of my strictly date-ordered catalog, if there was a way to change the order in which the hard drives are displayed. I'm on lightroom 3!
When importing something off of a DVD or CD how do I direct Lightroom to copy the imported images or folder to a specific folder on my hard drive? It seems to default to MyCatalog but leaves the location on the CD rather than copying it to the drive. If I remove the CD the images is reported as missing.
When I go to the top of the screen for importing I can change the source but the location info on the right is not active or changeable.I am new to lightroom and coming from Photoshop Elements background.
I was in the process of moving a folder inside or LR. I might have clicked and moved it twice since it was very slow. LR wasn't able to complete the move and gave me an error message. After I clicked "OK" on the error message, I wasn't able to find my folder/images from the old or new location. I did a spotlight search on my mac, but I wasn't able to find them anywhere. Where has my folder/images gone? I tried to locate them without any success.
This has been a problem ever since LR3 and on previous versions of the MacOS. I hoped that it would be fixed in LR5, but not yet. When I select multiple images for email in LR5 on a Mac running Mavericks, the preview shows the images in the correct order, but in the email message itself, the order is reversed so that the last image is first and the first image is last. Nothing works. If you select the images in a different order, the result is the same backwards order. Lightroom – How Do You Change the Order of Images, Before Renaming?
The only workaround is to create a separate export for each image or to export a folder of images and manually add them to a single email.
In addition, it would be useful if there were a space between images in the email so that the images don't all run together in one long strip. There should be a way to have this happen by setting up a style or template so that it does not have to be done manually.
using lightroom 4.3... when I import photos, they appear in random order in the IMPORT viewing window. With pervious versions of lightroom, they were always in order of file name. It becomes more time consuming to select specific files to import to a file if there are 2 or more jobs on one CF card ( I have photos of my kids skiing mixed up with a portrait session.). Is there a way to sort the photos (by file name, or time) before import? I do know how to sort post import.
I have a number of sub headings within a main keyword and I wish to change the order. In Elements it was possible to click and hold on the sub heading and move it to the desired position. This does not seem to work in LR3.
Have folders on desktop, images are in them. In import module, LR says the folders are empty and I can not import them. I recently had hard disc problem, have new disc, latest version Mac OS, restored all images from backup LR sees images that were imported before the disc replacement but now won't see new folders.
I am using Lightroom 5 with two external hard drive which I have had no problems with untill now, however I can not now open any of my folders or image, the files are shown but greyed out. I can successfully get the images with no problems when I use my Adobe CS5 software, the harddrives are connected to a Belkin Hub I can not understand why they work on CS5 but not Lightroom 4.?
im losing all my images from "my pictures" as soon as I transfer them to lightroom 4 only to find that I have lost the folder in lightroom as well. then I have to go into the past month collections what can I do to stop this, does it have something to do with transfering colomn
I am exporting images from a folder in LR4.1 to another folder in LR while changing the name, and changing to a JPG. I have done this to 95 other images, placing them into multiple folders with multiple subfolders with no problems. Now I have created another subfolder and have tried exporting 8 images into this folder but LR doesn't show them. LR shows the folderd with the name greyed out and a file count of 0. I go to the hard drive and find all 8 images in the same (greyed out LR folder) location. Why is LR unable to see these files?
I have exported other files to other folders but when I go back to trying to export to this problem folder it doesn't work.
I want to use Lightroom to import around 40,000 images and thousands of videos.
1. How will I import all of this content? Do you just drag them into the program? 2. If I copy a folder containing 100 images into Lightroom, does Lightoom copy those images to another location to put all of the content in one spot? 3. Is it possible to use Lightroom with multiple harddrives? Example: I have a Macpro computer with 4 built in harddrives, and other harddrives that I swap back-and-forth. Can I somehow use Lightroom to tag and search for all of this content on these multiple drives?
I imported images into Lightroom from a folder I created on my desktop, I got images from Iphoto, and now Lr tells me images are "offline". I cannot work on them. I haven't purchased license yet and am using the 30 trial, though I don't thing that should matter.
I have used Lightroom since version 1.0 and at the moment I am using v3.3.
Now I have following problem and I can't find a solution for it: In the Navigator I have synchronized my complete folder where I store all of my photos. This folder contains more than 50000 photos already in many subfolders. But now I found some subfolders not showing all their content. I can see in the Navigator e.g. 216 pictures beside the folder name but in the preview I can see only 3 pictures! And I found some more folders which doesn't show their full content.
I tried to sychronize the single folder again but Lightroom says there were no new pictures and also no missing pictures to remove from the folder. If I open the folder by the Windows Explorer then I can see that all the files for the 216 pictures are there! So there must be a problem with the lightroom database!
But now I don't know what to do to get the pictures displayed in the library again.
I edited a picture and saved it in the same directory, as a PNG. On my next launch of Lightroom (2.1), I right-clicked on the folder and said "Synchronize folder". The file still isn't shown in Lightroom. If I pick "Show in Finder" on the folder, the PNG is right there and it opens up just fine in Preview when double-clicked.
Lately I've had a couple of folders that I might make a virtual copy in or add some metadata - when I right click to sync the folder, the popup menu says there are 30 new photos to import. When I click the Synchronize button, the screen goes through the import phase and then an dialog comes up saying No Photos or Videos were found.
I removed (not deleted) a folder of edited images. I see the DNG files on my external HD. How can I recover them and put them back into my catalog? When I try to import the dialogue says that there aren't any files/images there. Can I recover the edited versions?
I would like to move a selection of images within the same folder. I have done this before with a drag and drop but it doesn't want to work today. I have and keywords for filters but wanted to set up in time/day order using 2 different cameras.
My rig includes Windows 7, Asus P8Z68 Deluxe Gen 3 with i7 2600K, 16GB DDR3 mem, SSD drives, fast Radeon video card.
I'm using Lightroom 4, just upgraded, have this problem: when I export to Folder1> Subfolder 1, it puts the export images in the next up hierarchical folder, i.e. Folder1. I select the folder I want in the Export dialog, and I don't have any subfolders selected or created, but it always sticks the shots in the next folder up the tree, it's happened every time I've exported.
I upgraded to lr5 and am shooting an event that has different groups of participants. To organize the files after I get them into LR, I separate them into folders based on the individual in the image (it is easier than it sounds) . But to my surprise, when I move them, the images are removed from the original folder and are not in the new folder. I am hoping that they are being lost in the catalog and not being deleted.
How can I fiend the images again, and how can I get LR to recognize the images in the future...I am moving them within LR!