I'm having trouble saving my image as a jpeg.i get an image in photshop to where i really like it and then i go to save it and it ruins it. The jpeg doesnt even look like what the image did before i edited it in photoshop.
i'm in color mode sRGB and i try to save it as a value of 10 and progressive.
I am now unable to import any Raw or jpegs images into Lightroom. I have un-installed Lightroom 4 and then re-installed Lightroom 5 and still no luck. When I hit import I get a message that says "Unble to import a file to the requested location"
I am unable to save any edited images in the photoshop file format and also unable to save photobook or collage projects in ANY format. I am using Elements 9.0.2 on Mac OS X 10.6.8. Any solutions to these problems? (I have used the Catalog optimize & repair tools with no change).
Ive been layering lots of jpegs recently using a batch script that i created,it layers most of my other jpegs but theres some folders that it wont apply the layer to,in particular they are the type of jpegs that are with some form of text in the picture.
I have a tiff file of a painting I scanned at 300 dpi. It's original image size when I open it is photoshop is 57.8 MB, 18" W by 12.477" H, Res 300. I need to resize it and send it as a 300 dpi jpeg. I have started in the image size dialogue box and just change the W to 11.25. That automatically changes the H to 7.798 and the res still says 300. The file size reduces to 22.6 MB. I click ok and then go to save as and choose jpeg. In the jpeg box I chose 12 Max and baseline standard and click ok. The saved file is reduced to 8.5 MB. When I open it in photoshop, it opens at 300 dpi when I look in the image size box. However, when I send it to someone else and they open it, the file is only 72 dpi. What am I missing to get the file to save at 11.25 inches, jpeg, but remain 300 dpi?
I'm having a problem recently with Photoshop CS5 (Version 12.0 x64), where images look bizarrely noise-y and with wrong colors when I open them in PS. However, if I view these same images in Windows Photo Viewer or Chrome, they look fine. AND, if I save the messed-up looking images in Photoshop, then view the new files in Photo Viewer/Chrome, they appear fine, without any of the noise or errors they were just showing in Photoshop.
An update did just recently come out for my video card (AMD Radeon HD 7870) so I suspect it did something or that some settings are now wrong, but I don't know how to fix this. I have tried tinkering with Photoshop's color settings in Preferences, each time closing / re-opening PS with the images in question, but nothing has worked so far.
Here is the exact same image, how it appears on the screen when opened in Photoshop. However, the distortion on the blue text only appears visibly on-screen while in Photoshop. If I save it and open it elsewhere, it looks fine. If I copy-paste it to a new document, it still looks distorted, but saving/opening elsewhere reveals an undistorted image.
Another example. Original, proper image that I created previously: Same image, when opened in Photoshop - lots of noise suddenly in the green and blue bars, on the axe, etc.I did discover that if I opened one of these images and it was all distorted, if I changed the mode to 32 bits/Channel suddenly it would go back to looking normal and without distortion. But I have no desire to work in 32 bit mode, since I want to save jpegs for web use and other simple uses.
From a cut-out image on a transparent background, I use Save for web specifying a black matte to create a JPEG. The resulting image has compression artefacts within the black matte around the image just the same as if the original image had a black background. I can then apply a mask channel copied from the orignal file to the JPEG and fill the matte with black. Delete the mask and Save and I have a JPEG with a matte free of artefacts.
I tried to set up a save as action and simply turn on and off the layers im saving and press play. Should be simple BUT it keeps overwriting the original saved file
I have 2 identical PSD files. Both have 10 different paths that are identical for each file. When I flatten and save one file as a jpeg the paths stay in the file just fine as is usually the case. When I open the jpeg the paths are still there as they should be.
When I save the other file as a jpeg all the paths are there after I've saved the file and BEFORE I've closed the file. After closing and reopening the file the paths are all gone. If I save the same file as a tiff the paths all stay as usual.
I create graphs, etc in Illustrator, place them as Smart Objects in a master Photoshop file before outputting Save for Web JPEGs to use as PowerPoint slide backgrounds. Everything created in Illustrator or Photoshop through that process (Quality 80 or 100 with any of the SfW options on or off) Save for Webs are blurry when imported (at 100%) into PowerPoint.
The only way I have been able to get anything crisp in PowerPoint was saving a Photoshop pdf. However, that was only the text created in Photoshop. The Illustrator Smart Object part was still blurry. What is the best process to combine Photoshop and Illustrator files into one file for import into PowerPoint as a clean, crisp background?
I have started to capture only RAW images from my Sony NEX 7 camera. However, I wish to be able to send JPEG images to my friends ( prior to RAW editing ). How do I convert/copy my RAW images to JPEGs using PSE 11?
i did all my images, layout and text with photoshop... so i started slicing the images into jpegs and text blocks... now my problem is when i select no image in the slice tool and it ask to enter the text it messes up the whole page.. and it puts a white background on it... how do i get rid of the white background? (the text is over color) and also how do i prevent it from pushing all the other stuff over and messing that up?
I want to batch convert the above. I know i can convert one image at a time. If not can one recommend a batch conversion program which is safe to use and free from viri and malware.
I shoot in RAW and use the Develop module in Lightroom. I want to save the corrected RAW files as JPEGs. Do I export them to Photoshop to save them as JPEGs?
I have to get to my printer ASAP with these images and i am having issues with a memory exception error, i have tried different computers to no avail, i have attached the .xar file and i need both images exporting as 300dpi jpegs. the images in the file are at 100% size but i can also live with 50% 300dpi jpeg exports.
the black background is C35 M35 Y35 K100 (rich black) and i have converted all fonts to shapes won't need the fonts. Both images use the 'speedometer' graphic as a clip view
Since I switched to Mavericks... premeire Pro CC has been corrupting my still images. I have imported them a dozen different ways to no avail. I have clean wiped my computer... ditched the CC suite and redownloaded it. Nothing works to correct the issue. I even bought a solid state HD and upgraded my graphics card.
What is happening is half of the pictures information is lost. Each picture has a slightly different corruption but I can see the image fine if I scrub through my timeline. Its only when I hit play or pause over the clip that I see the corruption.
Early 2009 Mac Pro Processor 2 x 2.26 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon Memory 16 GB 1066 MHz DDR3 ECC Graphics AMD Radeon HD 7950 3072 MB
From the start, I wasn't able to save to jpeg without getting a dcm extension (no jpg extension). However, if I saved to Multi-picture Format, I would get the familiar .jpg and everything worked fine for a while. This morning I cannot find a file format in "save as" that results in the .jpg file extension.
I recently upgraded to PhotoshopCS5.5 and find that I can't print on my HP Photoshop Premium printer. I'm using a MacBook Pro with Mac OSX 10.6.8. I also am unable to open 2 images at the same time.
Lightroom will not display preview images during import of raw images. Any images in other formats display fine but with raw images I get a gray window the size of the preview image and the words "preview unavailable for this file".
I have downloaded the new photoshop cs6 app on my PC and my laptop. I cannot save or save as on the laptop? If I click (x) to close, it will asked if I want to save before closing, and I can save that way. what is wrong?
When I'm working with a .tif file I don't have ".jpg" as an option under "save as". Is this something new with Adobe CS3 that I haven't noticed until now? Or is there a setting that I need to change somewhere to be able to have this option? I seem to remember using this option quite a bit in the past....
In Adobe Photoshop CS3 Ext, the only options I have to save the files in the formats of, TIFF _ Photoshop _ Large Document Format _ OpenEXR _ Portable Bit Map _ Radiance... Is there a way to get the rest of the options on there? My buddy said he has a whole crap load of Format Options he can choose from...
I have a PSD file I have been working on in CS3. This was created from a .nef raw file and saved in 16 bits/channel.
When I go to save the image as a jpeg and convert back to 8 bits/channel Image => Mode => 16 bits/channel is selected and greyed out, along with the 8 bits/channel option. So at the moment I am unable to save the image the image as a jpeg.
I have Photoshop CS5 installed on my windows7 system. It was working all fine until last week. From last week, I am unable to save the photos that I edit in photoshop. Its like, I save them, but I do not find them anywhere, not in the folder I saved them nor anywhere else in the computer. I also tried saving the pics as a copy still no luck. This is a work environment.