In Adobe Photoshop CS3 Ext, the only options I have to save the files in the formats of, TIFF _ Photoshop _ Large Document Format _ OpenEXR _ Portable Bit Map _ Radiance... Is there a way to get the rest of the options on there? My buddy said he has a whole crap load of Format Options he can choose from...
I am using a licensed version of Photoshop CS5, already updated to the latest patch. However, for some reason my copy of Photoshop seems to be missing the option to save a file as .tga.
From reading multiple forum posts relating to Photoshop, the function to save as .tga should already be built in, and not require a plugin.
There may also be some other missing file formats that I am not aware of.
I am editing a jpeg file. I have noticed that when I try to save the file it does not offer the jpeg format. Neither "save" nor "save as" offers a jpeg format.
i am using autocad 2013 student version at home and at college i am using autocad 2012. so when i create drawing in 2013,dosent open on 2012"it says incompatible version". i like to save all my dwg files automatically in 2011 format, i dont want to click save as and change it 2011 format.what i need is whenever i finsh working on drawing, if click save it should automatically save in 2011 format.
From the start, I wasn't able to save to jpeg without getting a dcm extension (no jpg extension). However, if I saved to Multi-picture Format, I would get the familiar .jpg and everything worked fine for a while. This morning I cannot find a file format in "save as" that results in the .jpg file extension.
I have been putting together a birthday cadr for someone and adding layer after layer with many his res images etc., I have saved the beast in the default PSD format and it weighs in at a massive 388,963 KB. Photoshop doesn't let me save in any other format, ie JPG or PNG, even after flattening the layers and reducing the image size.
Is there an threshold in terms of size that limits the output file type? Any way forward so I can save as a JPG or PNG ?
Question: I have a file in Tiff format (large file 145 MB) that I'm not able to print out of CS6. I've tried to save as JPEG, but have been unsuccessful because it is not an 8bit file.
I have a Nikon D70 set to RAW file. This creates the files with .NEF extension. I'm sure you are aware that ps can open this type of file, but cannot save as .NEF . My question is really what is the best alternative?
I ask this because when printing large pictures (30"x20") that I have edited, and saved as jpeg the image quality is comprimised and 'grainey'. Is there a file type that will not compress the picture and keep the original clarity?
I am using Photoshop cs3 Extended and I have made an animated picture that moves well.
No problem there, but when I save the file, I cannot save it so that ALL the layers save and the picture is animated. It seems to be saving just one animated frame. Can someone actually walk me through the saving process step by step to insure that I haven't missed something?!
I have a situation where I need to rather quickly open a jpeg file, make color corrections, and then "save for web" to a new location as a jpeg file.
Everythihg's working fine except that when I go to save the file, Photoshop always defaults to HTML format. So I need to go to the file type and change it to HTML, and then go to the filename and rename the extension from html to jpg -- all this before I can save each file. And when I'm doing 15-20 files at a time, it becomes annoying quickly.
Is there any way I can tell Photoshop I always want to save web photos as jpegs?
trying to save PNGs. I have had it happen six times now and again after a restart of my computer. It is weird, it saves JPEG and PSD without issue but PNG's are crashing it.
I am using Photoshop CC with all updates.
Computer is a i7 3820 with 64gig RAM and a GTX 560
Not sure how to search for this. I will ask my question. Using PS CS6 need to create at photoshop image to print on a large banner 10' x 12' How should I go about setting up the file...should I create to actual size? should I set up for 72 or 300 DPI? Should I create at a smaller size in order to NOT take up so much hard drive space and then allow printer to enlarge.. and if so how do we NOT get the pixelation when going from small to extremely large? Is there a file that can be save as (PDF.. TIFF) that you can enlarge indefinitely like a EPS?
i cant save an animated gif in image ready. when i try to save will only let me save as a psd file, and when i try to save will only let me save as a jpg.
I'm having trouble saving my gif as a truly clear background image... i continue to get a white background around the image... like a line stroke. This is most obvious when I save for the web using image ready, but not as bad when perform a I save as gif function (thought it still happens). And of course, you don't see the line till you insert the image in a colored background.
The problem is my file doesn't downsize as sharp when I manually change the file size or transform it.
Same thing happens when I use Illistrator. I'm wondering if it is an outdated filter or something?
I have an image loaded in PS which has transparancy. I have tried saving it in GIF format - transparancy looks great. But I do not see an option to save TGA file with transparancy.
What do I need to do to save the images in its perfect shape especially perfect circle? In Photoshop its shape was perfect but after saving the images in image format its shape become horrible..?
I already tried different image format but the image loses its right shape.
When I try to save an image and select the picture format like tiff or jpeg ps always saves the picture in the wrong format. for example I choose jpeg and in the save window the picture has the wrong format (ending). It is saved in the format which is shown in front of jpeg which is .iff? I have already deleted the preferences but the bug stays the same.
Am seeing an issue with Photoshop7 , cannot save files to a network drive using .psd format..It says Disk space full, though there is more than 1TB of space available on the network drive..This happens when tryingto save file in .psd format using Save as option within photoshop.There is no issue in saving the same file locally and copying it fom local drive to network drive..OS is windows 7.
I'm working with a .jpeg-logo that came for a different application. I opened it in Photoshop 7.0, did a little lightening and cropping, and was going to save it again as it was.
But when trying to save it back I can't seem to be able to do that in the excact same compression format as the original. Whatever way I choose, the box with jpeg-properties pops up. It defaults at quality "5" which gives a marginally smaller filesize but noticeably less visual quality. When putting it at "6" it looks about the same as the original, but not entirely right and at a larger filesize.
Is there no way to just edit it and save it back, without messing with the compression?
After using for a few weeks, I have had a few crashes, but this morning, I could not save a photo "Due to program Error" (no codes etc). Closing out that file and losing the edits, but now I cannot open any new file? Again "due to program Error". Working on Christmas cards and gifts. Running Macbook Pro with ample disk space and hard drive availibitly.
From what I can make of it, lossy is the option on GIF files, and therefore I am assuming that the optimisation is lossless for a JPEG at 100 percent quality and lossy when the quality is reduced?I just want to clarify that I am saving images for the web at the smallest size I can without losing too much quality.
All the images I save are 450px wide @ 75 dpi, but vary in length from 800px high to 1500px high, but have to be saved under 100kb. lossless and lossy in JPEG format in save for web?
Under Save as, extension does not match format chosen (ie, if I choose JPG, it gives my file a IIF extension. I have to choose JPEG 2000 to get JPG, all are off by one position)
Trying to streamline some work flow issues and would love to be able to "Save As" without having to navigate through file formats , say, .png - every time.
Is there a way to open the file browser in PS to a specific file format each time?