Photoshop :: How To Best Fix Dull Colours In Image

May 11, 2005

I have taken this image under poor lighting in a restaurant, and need to know how to best retore the colours in this lifeless image.

Yes, I know it ain't the greatest image - all I am hoping to do is remove the colour cast and get some of the natural colors in there.

I've tried tweaking it through "Selective colour", but this only seems to get me so far.

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Illustrator :: Why RGB Colours Dull In AI

Jun 9, 2012

I'm designing in Illustrator, RGB mode and using RGB colours. However, when I export to png, the colours in the png file are bright and vivid (the correct rgb colours I assume) but in illustrator they are dull. It's making it very hard for me as I actually want the duller colours, not the really bright ones. Attached is a screen shot to show the difference. Left is png, right is ai.

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CorelDRAW X3 :: Dull Colours When Publishing To PDF?

Jun 26, 2008

In my job as a cartographer I regualrly get asked to create advertisements for mining magazines. The ads usually contain both text and images. The colours I use in Coreldraw are PMS colours and the images are CMYK colours.

The problem I have is when I publish my ad to PDF the PMS colours always come out fine (which I would expect) but the image colours always look dull and washed out. The only time the images look fine when I publish to PDF is when I use output to RGB hut the printers then reject my ad (naturally). Is there something I need to do to the image in Photopaint?

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Lightroom :: Costco And Soft Proofing Show Dull Washed Out Image?

Nov 9, 2013

I am trying to utilize my nearest costco to print some images from lightroom 5. I am getting back dull washed out prints.
I shoot in RAW in manual mode

I am using sRGB when I do my post processing

I export to jpg for printing

I used the costco LR5 plugin from Alloyphoto to upload to Costco

I have installed the printer profiles from drycreek for the specific location/printer and have chosen the correct profile as I export

I made sure that I chose to have Costco NOT autocorrect the color

Even when I use LR5's soft proofing, I get the same result on my monitor

I checked the print I got back and it says that they did NOT autocorrect (taken with a grain of salt)

The machine they are using is a Noritsu QSS-A, so I know my profile is correct

I have attached a screen shot of what I am seeing.
Why am I seeing this on my soft proofing as well as my prints?

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Photoshop :: Image Colours Fade In Imageready

Jun 12, 2008

Today for the first time I have encountered something strange when pulling a PSD file through from CS2 into imageready. The colours in the image seem 'washed out' and faded as per the file attached. I have also attached a file how it should look. I have obviously done something inadvertently to make it go wrong but I can't for the life of me work out what .

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Photoshop :: Altering Colours After Flatten Image

Dec 30, 2005

Say you have a flattened image, a solid background and text of a differrent colour.

If you wanted to change the colour of the text is there some trick to simultaneously changing the pixels around the letters with slightly different hues (because of the antialiasing) into a relative colour?

i have attached a gif image of a letter zoomed in to give an example.

If you wanted to alter that text to say red could you do it?

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Photoshop :: How To Make Pixel Image Only Using Palete Of 6 Colours

Feb 12, 2009

I have a number of photo images which I need to convert to 6 specific colours and pixelate the image and then sit on a grid (like if you were to make an image using a Rubicks cube to define colour and the grided system).

How would I do this? The grid needs to be 450 x 450 grid cubes (not pixels as I need to show the grid also). Like I say imagine you are using the rubiks cubes to make an image.

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Photoshop :: Flattening An Image Turns All Colours Grayscale

Mar 6, 2006

I flatten an Image, All the colors change to grayscale. Like if you look at the color chart, you see all the normal colors, but if you try to use a color it just comes out different shades of gray. Its horrible, and it happens everytime.

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Photoshop :: Print Image Colours Not Consistent With Scanned Picture

Nov 25, 2003

I scanned a picture into photoshop at a resolution of 300. When i print it back out the colours are off and the image is kinda faded/pixely.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: No Display Of Colours In Tools Application Options Colours Tab?

Aug 16, 2013

 In my Autodesk Inventor 2012 product design suit there is nothing displayed when I Press 

Tools menu

Appliction Options

Colours Tab

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GIMP :: Reduce Couple Of Colours And Separate The Colours Into Different Layers

Feb 7, 2014

I use gimp to make layered stencils for spray painting...I reduce it to a couple of colours, seperate the colours into different layers and then cut them out...

When I do im left with a ghost type image where the original layer was..

example: [URL]...

Is there any way of avoiding this?

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Illustrator :: Replacing Colours After Image Trace

Feb 25, 2014

I've just used image trace to get a three colour vector of a photograph. I want to replace the three colours in the image with colours from my brand's style guide. At the moment, they're thre shades of a kind of muddy brown.
How I do this? The three colours in the image aren't showing in the swatch menu and I don't really know what I'm doing.

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After Effects :: Colours In An Image Comes Out Different After Rendering Comp?

Apr 16, 2013

For a project, I've imported a jpeg file that I made on Photoshop. The colors look perfectly fine on the RAM previews and stuff but after I render it, just that specific jpg image comes washed out. It should be dark grey / almost black but after rendering into .mov that image becomes medium grey. It's noticeably more washed out and lighter. All the other colors in that image are also noticeably lighter as well.
I have set my working space to my monitors color profile and I have proofed the colors after saving on Photoshop.

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GIMP :: Restrict Image To Very Limited Range Of Colours

Jul 4, 2012

I've been using GIMP for a while for basic website stuff. Very basic website stuff. I've recently been asked if GIMP has some more advanced features. Well, advanced put to my usual level of use anyway.

So, I thought I'd query if I could do the following in GIMP...

(1) Edit a BMP but ensure the file size remains the same?

The person asking is using the images for a specific purpose and they always have to be the same size.

(2) Open .pspimages and possibly save back as this format.

The answer to this seems to be no on the opening front anyway.

(3) Restrict the image to a very limited range of colours, say 3-6?

Again this is due to the very specific and restricted nature of the images they are creating.

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Photoshop :: Dull Colour

Sep 22, 2008

photoshop CS3. It may be something to do with colour spaces which I dont really understand but all the clours are dull, , in windows explorer they look vibrant but when opened in photoshop even with profile adobe rgb1998 they are really dull. Even in the colour palette they are dull like they have been desaturated.

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Photoshop :: Colors Appear Dull In Web Browser

Jun 16, 2008

After I've edited a image in Lightroom and then import or view in a web browser all the colors appear dull. However, these images appear normal when opened in Photoshop or in Windows Photo Viewer. If I do ALL the editing in Photoshop alone, these images appear fine when viewed in a browser. So, I'm assuming that the problem lies in Lightroom.

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Photoshop :: Save For Web Makes Dull Photographs

Feb 19, 2006

So, I take a photograph (Nikon D70s raw format), get the colour balance right and sort out the curves. The picture looks great! Bright, crisp with zingy colours. So what happens when I Save For Web, flat, dull with muted tones. What am I doing wrong? The picture is in RGB 8 bit.

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Photoshop :: Is There A Way To Set My Colours To 2 Colours Instead Of 4

Apr 8, 2006

i'm working on a job with 2 colours. I already did this using CMYK and setting 2 of them to 100% and the other 2 at 0%. But people who press these posters say me that they always have to convert the CMYK file to a 2 colours file. Is there a way to set my colours to 2 colours instead of 4?

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Photoshop :: Colour Profiles - Images Saving Too Dull?

Jan 10, 2013

the record I am using Photoshop 7 (yes it's old, but it suits my needs just fine!) and Windows Vista Home Premium.What I do is take photographs of my artworks, edit them in Photoshop until they look accurate, then post them online. Images have always looked identical in every program, and I had never had any problems, until I got connected to the Internet on Tuesday. This computer has not been connected to the net for a good few years, and so lots of updates got installed. I'm not sure which ones exactly, as my boyfriend took care of that, but I'm convinced this has caused the problems I am having now:
First I found that an image I had edited and saved as .jpg for web use was showing up overly saturated and contrasty in the Windows Photo Gallery preview. I assumed I had saved it wrongly. I re-opened the jpg in Photoshop to check - it looked exactly as I had saved it. I figured something had messed up with Photo Gallery during updates, so I uploaded the jpg to the Internet. The image that uploaded was the overly-saturated, contrasty one.
After realising that suddenly ALL the images I had uploaded online, and all the images saved on my computer, now had this awful over-saturated look, and yet the thumbnails on my desktop looked fine... I realised it must be something to do with the colour profiles, and tried to find out the answer online. My monitor colour profile was set to "21.5 inch monitor" so I changed that to sRGB as default. I can't remember what Photoshop was set to, but at any rate I set it to sRGB also.
I thought I had it fixed, as it seemed to just be Photo Gallery that was not matching up (it was displaying my images with less saturation than as I saved them).However today I took a new photo of a drawing I'm working on, to load onto my blog. I had to take it into Photoshop to make edits and correct, as always. I opened my photo in Photoshop... lo and behold, far too contrasty and saturated!!

This time, Windows Photo Gallery preview is showing the (unedited, straight out of camera) photo as it should be... Photoshop opens it too contrasty.I made my edits anyway, saved for web as .jpg, checked the jpg in Photo Gallery before uploading... It saved duller than it should have done!
Uploaded the jpg to the internet... and I have the dull image uploaded.
So first they were too contrasty, now they're too dull. Being an artist who displays work online and has a certain reliance on the internet... my images have to be accurate and consistent all the way through. Is there anything I can do to set things back to the way they were before?

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Photoshop :: SRGB Color Profile Appears Dull In All...

Feb 5, 2008

I just installed CS3 in Windows Vista Ultimate x64 on my PC and I have my working color space set as sRGB. The color is dull when opening documents in any Adobe application with the working color space set to sRGB. The color is fixed if I change the working profile to my monitor profile which is "Monitor RGB - Dell 2407WFP-HC"

When in the "Monitor RGB - Dell 2407WFP-HC" profile whenever I open an existing file Photoshop alerts me that the embedded color profile is different than my working profile (all of my existing files are managed as sRGB and on my previous computer the sRGB profile looked perfect.)

Photoshop I could theoretically live with but the same problem occurs in Acrobat and changing the "Working Profile" in Acrobat has no change on how the sRGB managed PDF is being displayed. The same PDF will look fine on another computer.

How do I get sRGB color to display correctly in Adobe applications and not look dull and muted?

Additional Information: The problem is still prevalent when accessing the computer with Remote Desktop which leads me to believe it has nothing to do with my monitor or the video card I am using.

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Photoshop Elements :: Make Dull Sky Blue Icon Doesn't Function

Nov 1, 2012

"make dull sky blue" icon on my Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 does not function

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GIMP :: Why Such Dull Colors When Saving As JPG

Sep 21, 2013

I'm making a bright montage for a friend and when I save it as a jpg, the colors turn dull. Can you tell me why? Is there a way to keep the bright colors as a jpg?

I'm new to gimp and used to photoshop. I cannot remember having this trouble with photoshop, but I was also working on a PC... so is it a gimp issue or a mac thing?

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Illustrator :: Colors Dull When Saving EPS?

Mar 22, 2013

I created an RGB file in Illustrator CS5. I saved an .eps, also RBG, and the colors are much duller. I've tweaked the color settings and tried using Pantone colors to no avail. Not sure what else to do?

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Lightroom :: 5 Photos Are Dull And Flat?

Jul 27, 2013

I am editing photos for a friend on LR5. The catalog is on an external drive. She starts the edit on her computer (a Mac) and then I take the drive to finish (I also use a Mac). The problem is, when I open the catalog, her edited photos come up beautiful at first, but when I click on them, they come up dull and flat. This is not all of her photos, either, just some of them. I have tried to figure out what is going on, why they are like this. I want to be able to sync settings to make this editing easier, but when I sync, all of the photos end up flat and dull. They are Canon raw files and we are using the VSCO film presets.

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Lightroom :: Very Dark And Dull Prints?

May 27, 2013

I have used LR 2 in the past with Windows 98 and an HP Photosmart Pro B9180 shooting with Pentax k10d using DNG files and printing with few or no problems with minimal developing. I am now trying LR 4 with the same printer and camera but with Windows 7 and with little or no changes in developing the prints are very dull and almost black. I have the latest driver updates and am have the printer letting the application manage the color with the correct setting in profile.

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Lightroom :: 4 - Second Monitor Images Gray Dim Dull

Aug 26, 2012

Upgraded to LR4. When selecting the 2nd monitor (Gateway) all photo images show as dim dull dark greyed out.  If I move LR window from primary (NEC) to the Gateway all menu items and selections normal.  All images are dull dim grey including the histogram.  Selecting 2nd monitor feature places Loupe on primary display (NEC) works just fine.

If I reset Windows 7 and designate primary monitor as Gateway the problem remains unchanged. 

If I place main LR window on Gateway and then select preview of 2nd monitor (CTRL-click) the pop up window renders correctly on the Gateway.

Turned off all icc profiles for monitors no improvement.
Windows 7PRo 64-bit 8GB RAM quad processor all drivers up to date.  NVidia card up to date.

Other non LR windows programs and images opened on the second monitor look just fine. The Gateway will render correctly the 2nd monitor pop up preview image; so the monitor will properly display.
If I have some time I will go back to LR3 and double check that everything works fine.

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Lightroom :: Exported Images Are Dull In JPEG?

Apr 5, 2014

I'm having the issue where after working with RAW images and having exported them to JPEG they come out dull and less saturated.
I'm running Windows 7, LR 5.2. My monitor has been professionally calibrated, and I'm using Irfanview to view the jpegs afterwards. I've also made sure that I'm saving them in sRGB.

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Lightroom :: Raw Files Become Dull And Lifeless When Imported

Mar 13, 2014

I have an issue with the fact that i spend time setting up my camera for the rite white balance and exposure to get a quality image that might use some spot removal in post but thats about it, to have the images become dark, dull and lifeless in lightroom when imported.  when i try to bring the color back its just not the same.  why is this happening and how can i fix it.  i am glad that i saved the files elsewhere first, the raw images look fine in other software its just lightroom that is doing this. here is an screen shot of the same image side by side the one on the left is raw exactly how it looks in camera with canon software and the one on the right is in lightroom. at first it looked the same but 2 seconds later it was dull and imo ugly.

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AutoCAD LT :: 2008 - Text Is Dull In Preview As Well As Print

Oct 31, 2011

Dimension text is dull in print preview as well as print.

Same drawing if I open in 2011 LT or 2011 full version, no issue

What is the setting I must zoom in to solve this issue?

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AutoCAD LT :: Dull Or Dark Xref On Black Background

Oct 18, 2011

When I have a drawing open in AutoCAD LT 2012 any xrefs are very dull or perhaps dark is a better description and on a black background tend to be very difficult to see.  Is there a setting somewhere I can change to brighten up the xref?

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3ds Max :: Dull Render Output When Using Irradiance Map And Light Cache

Jan 23, 2013

While using Irradiance map and Light cache from file, the final render is quite dull as against the single frame render, i`ve attached both images.

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