Photoshop :: Flattening An Image Turns All Colours Grayscale
Mar 6, 2006
I flatten an Image, All the colors change to grayscale. Like if you look at the color chart, you see all the normal colors, but if you try to use a color it just comes out different shades of gray. Its horrible, and it happens everytime.
Lately I have been experiencing this weird problem. Every time I try to convert my image to grayscale mode, instead of just being black and white the image turns purple. Is there anyway to fix this problem? ....
I am faily new/inexperienced with photoshop. I have created a new file and am trying to place an image that is in color. When I place it, it turns grayscale.
I have a complex pattern, that looks brilliant with a color layer. However, it was originally created RGB.
I converted the color to CMYK for print, and all the color disappears! Not that the layer is deleted, but the color layer appears Grayscale. The only area where color shows up are in the pieces that are at 50% transparency (see purple diamond). I have all my color areas set to CMYK including the color pallet.
The color will show if I set the layer to multiply, but it doesn't look the same way as it does when its in RGB mode.
When I flatten my image at completion, The images changes. Looks like my adjustment layers reset blending modes and adjustments. Tried uninstall, restart of photoshop and Mac, tried to flatten from tiff, psd and PDF. Same thing happens
I am loosing details in an image when I try to save, flatten or merge visible. The top layer is a colored layer that I have used the dissolve blend mode to apply to the layer below. Whenever I flatten it, I loose a lot of the granular detail as well as the color intensity. Any work arounds?
I have a line with a drop-shadow. I want to save it as a GIF and keep the drop-shadow effect. So I flatten the layer. But while doing so, the background which was transparent changes to white.
Issue: I have an image (cs2, windows xp) with a few layers that I need to flatten but each time I do, it messes up the "image" and I have no idea what I need to change about anything for it to look the way it looks "unflattened."
I want to apply Burn to a flattened image, but without flattening. My image consists of several layers, and if I apply Burn to the image layer it doesn't work as well as when applied to the flattened image. But I don't want to flatten the image.
I have uploaded a test image here. It is a crop from a scanned Kodachrome using a Nikon Coolscan V ED which causes flare whenever highlights abut shadows. I can remove the flare fairly effectively on a flattened image with several Burn passes by using a brush size:75, Range: midtones, Exposure: 20%. But if I try it on the unflattened image layer, the results are not as good.
I've been taking photos with a homemade lightbox which includes a white background and I typically have to go into photoshop to make some adjustments to get the background pure white. When I'm snapping a photo of an all white object against an all white background, it looks rather nasty if you use the auto color tool.
So from my understanding auto color uses the lightest white and the darkest black and the reason the white/white scenerio doesn't work it because of a lack of black. So to combat this I've been creating a new layer and adding a little black with the rectangular tool and filling it with black. Now, I'd like to be able to delete this second layer once I've used the auto color feature but can't figure out how.
I know the title sounds weird, but I am having trouble keeping my levels from reverting back to their default look when saving as a jpeg or attempting to flatten or merge my layers. I can attach a link to the PDS if you would like to take a look at it. The layer that is losing its levels settings is called "Stars". I don't change my levels often, so I am sure its something I am just missing. The levels are just changes on a single layer, as stated above its the layer called "Stars".
I use some graphics software that accept the image in the form of grayscale as follow :the software then convert this grayscale to a 3d there a method to convert any image to such format with there details ?
I happened to download a rather dark black and white entry into Photoshop and noticed it was several shades lighter in Photoshop than in my browser. It loaded in Photoshop in Grayscale mode. So I tried this:
1. Open Photoshop.
2. Set the background colour to 53 Red, 53 Green, 53 Blue.
3. Select File - New, set the Width to 800 pixels; the Height to 600 pixels; leave Resolution at 72; set Color Mode to Grayscale - 8 bit; set Background Contents to Background Color; and click OK.
4. Save as a jpeg (maximum quality).
5. Open the jpeg in your browser.
When I do this the browser image (I tried both IE and Firefox) is a shade or two darker than the Photoshop image. I used the Colorzilla extension in Firefox to measure the actual color displayed and it comes out at 37 Red, 37 Green, 37 Blue.
I have a creative director who loves to bring grayscale tiffs into quark xpress, set the color of the tiff to one color and then select the image background "box" and set it to another color.
The result is visually ok, but it all has to be recreated in photoshop to print well. I have been using photoshop for years, and a duotone is not the answer, at least with the curves i have played around with.
What is the best way to recreate this effect in photoshop?
I will submit the Black and white ad created in Photoshop to the magazine. The requiment is that for grayscale images, the shadow density should be no darker than 90% and highlights should be no lighter than 3%. I don't know how to check the percentage on the document I made. I checked HELP in Photoshop and website. But I couldn't really get answer from them. I have little knowledge of printing. Please give me advice or helpful website.
I have a grayscale image that I want to apply color to. I know how to do that by just colorizing it, but instead, I want to apply a color for the whole document. I know how to do this if I want it to be, say, blue (where black is 100 percent of my blue and 50% gray is 50% of my blue, etc.). But, what if I want a unique gradient across the image (where 100% is blue, 50% is 50% red, 10% is yellow, etc.)? How would I do that?
When I try to merge to HDR pro, the entire photo becomes black. It is still the same photo because when I increase the exposition I can almost make out the original photo. I tried to work on the exposition of the three photos, but that didn't work. I tried everything that I read on the Adobe Forum, but nothing is working. Up until about a month ago, it was working perfectly. I have photoshop cs6 with the latest upgrades and a Mac OS X Version 10.7.5 with 3.4 GHz and 32 GB ram.
I'm running CS2 on Windows XP. When I try to use the eyedroppers in levels or in curves, they give the color image a very red cast. I am in RGB and not the red channel. I don't have quick mask on. Know this is something stupid, but can't figure it out. Same happens when I try to used eyedroppers with curves. If it's a greyscale image, I notice the black eyedropper when used on the darkest area really puts a light haze over the entire image.
When I assign certain profiles to a tiff file (16/RGB), the image turns blue (or sometimes green) and prints that way, too. My printer is an Epson 2200. When I assign, say, the SP2200 Enhanced type profiles (and others) the color of the image changes dramatically.
I have Photoshop CS. When I try to use the type tool by clicking on it and then clicking on the image (to place the cursor), the background of the iamge turns a pinkish colour. My foreground and background colours are both white. My settings are default ones.
I'm running CS2 on Windows XP. When I try to use the eyedroppers in levels or in curves, they give the color image a very red cast. I am in RGB and not the red channel. I don't have quick mask on. Know this is something stupid, but can't figure it out. Same happens when I try to used eyedroppers with curves. If it's a greyscale image, I notice the black eyedropper when used on the darkest area really puts a light haze over the entire image.
I have an image that is in grayscale and I need a table that displays each pixels grayscale value. Is there a way to save the image in some tabular format or can I convert it any other way in photoshop?
I use Photoshop LE 5.0, which has many of the BIG Photoshop features.
If I take a web page screenshot and turn it into greyscale and print that, I still get some colors coming thru on the printout, even though it looks b/w on the screen.
Is this a common problem? Photoshop or Printer or Windows?
When I create a new transparent image the image goes straight to layer 1 instead of background. When I save or flatten the image it has a white background instead of a transparent like it should.
The image is basically a grayscale height map created from Digital Elevation Models, and exported out of another program as a 16bit tiff. I know photoshop can handle the idea of a 16bit image, but no matter what I do, these come out black. i've tried dumping it out as signed, unsigned, stretched, etc. I can't mess with things like contrast or brightness globally cause that will alter the values which have to stay the same.Basically it needs to open in photoshop cs5 as what it is and save off the same way. Â I don't have any other way to do what I need to do to it other than photoshop, so if there is a way to make this work, and no, converting it to 8bit is not an option.