Photoshop :: How Do You Use Photoshop To Color Drawings?

Aug 5, 2008

when i scan pictures i usually color them in paint which takes a very long time. I've rescently came across photoshop and i have NO CLUE how to use it. How do i use photoshop to color a drawing or sketch that i've made. If not then does any one know where theres a tutorial in shading, colors, highlights, and basics in coloring an image or drawing.

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Photoshop :: Color Drawings

Aug 4, 2008

i'm an all out artist in drawing stuff and various of video game things onto a piece of paper. Lately when i scan pictures i usually color them in paint which takes a very long time. I've rescently came across photoshop and i have NO CLUE how to use it. How do i use photoshop to color a drawing or sketch that i've made. If not then does any one know where theres a tutorial in shading, colors, highlights, and basics in coloring an image or drawing somewhere on the net?.

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Photoshop :: Auto Color Drawings?

Oct 21, 2011

I like drawing in black and white, but whenever it comes to coloring the drawings, I always tend to just leave it, because it bores me, big time. Any way to "auto" color drawings? Is there some sort of action or plugin that can somehow figure out the black linework and fill in the blanks?

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Photoshop :: Color Bug? Drawings Vanish When Using Dark Background

Jan 12, 2008

Hi, I just started working with Photoshop, so I might be making some stupid rookie mistake...but I can't figure out what the hell could be wrong.

When I draw something on a dark background it just vanishes as soon as I fill the area with the paint bucket!

If I have a dark grey background, and draw something in black using the brush, when I try to fill the drawing, for instance green, with the paint bucket, the entire picture becomes green!
It was as if the drawing was never there.

At first I thought I had some wierd setting on my brush, but the wierd thing is that this only happens when I use dark.

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Photoshop :: Color Bug? Dark Backgrounds Make Drawings Disappear

Jan 12, 2008

I just started working with Photoshop, so I might be making some stupid rookie mistake...but I can't figure out what the hell could be wrong.

When I draw something on a dark background it just vanishes as soon as I fill the area with the paint bucket!

If I have a dark grey background, and draw something in black using the brush, when I try to fill the drawing, for instance green, with the paint bucket, the entire picture becomes green!
It was as if the drawing was never there.

At first I thought I had some wierd setting on my brush, but the wierd thing is that this only happens when I use dark colors.
Doing the exact same thing with yellow and red, works perfectly fine.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Color Parts In IDW Drawings

Jun 26, 2013

We use to color components in idw drawings very often. And when we have drawings of large assemblies we lose a lot of time for that. Usually we select the parts from views (having "Part Priority" in Filter Selection), right click and from the properties we change the color.

I was thinking if there could be faster ways to do it. For example to create a command (which later should accessed via a button on keyboard) that will call the colors window in the components properties, having the part already selected.

Probably I need a .vba code or an ilogic rule to create this command.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 Making Color Pictures Into Line Drawings

Mar 2, 2012

Question 1. How would I make a cartoon drawing/picture or a drawing/picture with color, Into a drawing with lines only, no color. I use the gray scale option and that works great, but it still has the shading of the drawing/picture, and I want lines only. So is there some what of a easy way to do this?

Question 2. Once having a line drawing if some of the lines are a little shaky or kinda looking to pixel ish, Is there a simple way to smooth these lines out?

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AutoCad :: How To Convert Layer Color Properties On Multiple Drawings

Jul 22, 2013

I have 4500 OS mapping tiles which i need to convert the colors to one single color rather than the varied layer colors they have at present. Obviously doing this manually will take a long time.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Change Library Of Drawings To Color By Layer?

Jan 24, 2012

I have a library that has a primary folder with 11 subfolders. If the LISP can go through all the subfolders, that would be great. But, if it cannot, I can work with going into each subfolder and running the routine. There are over 12,000 files and I don't have the time to open each one and change the color.

Here's what I need the LISP to do:

open the drawing

select everything

change the color to "bylayer"



open next drawing in folder and repeat

Once it gets to the end of the folder it can stop.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Drawings Diagonal Lines Plot Gray Didn't Change Line Color

Apr 2, 2013

Lately when I plot my drawings the diagonal lines plot gray. I didn't change the line color. Can't figure it out.

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AutoCAD LT :: Can't Copy / Paste Between Drawings/ Incomprehensible Heavy Drawings

Dec 28, 2012

I'm using ACAD LT 2008.

When i try to copy paste some drawing entities from a heavy drawing file to any other file, the program blocks and says 'not responding', endlessly. So i always have to shutdown the program. I experience the same problem using the designcenter: when I try to copy a layout into another drawing, my computer gets stuck.

Another annoying problem with these files is that they are so heavy, while in fact they shouldn't be. I tried the aectoacad file command. In result the file id half as big, but after I open it and save it, again is the original size.

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AutoCAD LT :: Publish Drawings To Overwrite Existing PDF Drawings

Apr 2, 2013

Every now and then I go back and try to use publish to speed up printing but I always go back to plotting one by one.

I work in a housing construction office and I have 10 separate drawings side by side in model space for house plans that I need plot separate to give to certain people. My problem isn't that I can't publish them separately its that I can't save them over existing pdf's individually predetermined. 

Q1. do i just have to go through and change every layout name before or after i publish?

Q2. how do i change the output publish location?

Q3. can each layout be saved to a different existing pdf and remember it?

Q3. can i save these setting across to a new drawing?

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Photoshop :: How To Overlay PDF Drawings On Top Of Another

Jul 6, 2013

I want to overlay structural drawings at a scale of 1:200 over the site plan which is at a scale of 1:500.
How can I do this and is Photoshop the best software to use? I have the drawings saved in pdf format.

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Photoshop :: Fixing Up My Drawings

Nov 6, 2004

I've got are some scans of some drawings I've made and I'd like to get rid of a few blemishes. First of all, a few of them have some really ugly creases where they've been folded. How can I get rid of those? Second, some of them were too big to scan all at once and I had to connect several scans together in one JPEG. The borders between them are obvious and I'd like to know how to smooth them over so it's not so obvious that the whole was put together with several pieces.

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Photoshop :: Pencil Shaded Drawings

Aug 8, 2005

I was wondering if there was a way to take a shaded pencil drawing and make the lines pure black in phososhop. Also I cant put color in the parts that are shaded, maybe it cant recognize the color or something.

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Photoshop :: Coloring Scanned Drawings

Jan 15, 2008

my girlfriend's birthday is coming up, and I wanted to do something a little bit different. She's a great artist, and she's drawn a lot of pictures of us together. She's so busy though, that she never has time to finish the drawing completely, so she can't get around to coloring it. I was wondering if you guys could point in the right direction of how to color scanned black and white drawings?

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Photoshop :: Manipulating Photos To Look Like Drawings

Feb 29, 2004

i'm trying to take some photos and manipulate them to look like drawings without using the basic photoshop filters....

i'm open to trying different kinds of styles. anything from something like in the movie "Waking Life", to the Power Puff girls style of animation.

Even if i could get the photos to look like a water color painting would be cool.

i've been playing with them alot in photoshop and illustrator, but I just havent found a result I'm happy with yet. although, I only have the basic default photoshop filters here.

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Photoshop :: Using Ps To Draw Over Scanned Drawings

Jan 31, 2005

When I used to use photoshop a long time ago (version 5) there was a technique I used to use to draw over the lines of a picture so that I could colour it how I wished and use the shading and burning tools etc to add more life to a picture. However I no longer know how to do this and I'm on version 7.

Basically it involved the lines tool, I would draw around each line of the picture, then add the end use a tool which made the lines smoother and more curved so it didnt look like it was drawn with a ruler, then it would be easy to select the areas in between each line and colour.

When I try to do this in 7 it creates a layer for each seperate line, and I dont remember whether it used to do this or not. Also I cant for the life of me find a way to smoothen them all out and make them as one whole layer like before, instead im left with many awful lines which overlap etc.

how I can do this effect, or a better way of doing so. I read one tutorial that said go over the lines with the pen tool, but that doesnt work at all, and going over with the brush doesnt leave nice defined lines at all and makes it hard to select the blank areas.

I'm using scanned colour drawings of mine.

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Photoshop :: Tidy Up Scanned Hand Drawings

Mar 21, 2012

I have several hundred TIF images at 1200 dpi+ which represent scans of hand drawings on parchment paper using pencil or ink-pen (.2mm or thereabouts) of 4000 year old cuneiform documents. The drawings were made over an extended period of time, the paper varied, and ultimately, the scans reflect this in that some lines are darker than others and there are occasional 'smudgy' areas etc.
What I would like to do prior to publication is to sharpen the images and make them consistent across the repertoire as black on white background.
how various Photoshop (CS5, Mac) commands do what they do, but I've found several that seem like they might get me where I want to go: Levels (Auto?), Threshold, Shadows/Highlights. I'd like to automate to run over a directory of images if possible. At the same time, I might have to change the dpi and output format of the new images.
In this case, the drawing is fairly clear (not much 'grey' background) but the lines are not as black and sharp as they could be.

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Photoshop :: Animate Drawings Of Simple Characters

Apr 24, 2012

I have drawings of simple characters which i would like animating tried it myself on Photoshop but failing.

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Photoshop :: Cleaning Up Scanned Line Drawings

Jul 15, 2005

how to get them clean and crisp? black ink drawings is what im scannin in, ive figured this much out; scan it in at a high resolution (i scaned in at 600dpi), scan it in grayscale, mess with the levels. the overall goal is to scan in a line drawing and color it.

im trying to get the lines to be a uniform solid black. ionno if this is something i should try to get when im actually drawing it or something that is best left to PS. it looks pretty good on paper but when i got it in PS the lines are not as solid as i thought.

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Photoshop :: Convert Photos To Line Drawings ?

Apr 17, 2008

Any ideas how to convert photos to line drawings? The best I've come up with so far is greyscale, then filter / stylize / find edges. Not bad .... but I think I could do better.

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Photoshop :: Coloring Anti Aliased Drawings

Feb 17, 2008

This is what you get when you fill something you've drawn with anti alias.
There's an uncolored space between the filling and the contour.

How do I work around this problem?
Is there som setting that can fix it, or do I have to fix it manually?
I've come up with 2 manual methods for fixing this.

Either making the background a similar color to that of the contour (if you've got black contours you use a nearly black background) so that the color in the spaces blends in with the contour.
But this doesn't work if you want to use more than one contour-color...

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Photoshop :: Colouring In Black-and-white Drawings

Jun 16, 2006

I want to do is colour in my scanned black-and-white images, but I have no idea where to start.

Basically, I'm drawing black-and-white comic strips, then scanning them in with the aim of colouring them on Photoshop. But first off, my scanner isn't great and it has left shadows that I don't want.

Secondly, it would be a brilliant help if Photoshop could somehow "recognise" which areas were black and which were white, so that all the black bits were the same colour black and all the white was really white rather than off-white in places. This would also help when it comes to filling in the colour, because I could then click "fill colour" (or whatever the appropriate command is) and it wouldn't just fill in a tiny pixel because it's a slightly different shade of white to the pixels next to it.

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Photoshop :: Converting Hand Drawings For T-shirt Design

Jun 4, 2004

how i should convert a hand drawing in photoshop to be print-ready for a t-shirt image. i have a friend who is an artist with impeccable talent and i would like to get some of his designs on a few shirts i plan on making.

here's the deal: he can draw the image with shading or he can create it without (sort of like a vector graphic) but what is the normal procedure as far as getting a hand drawing ready for a shirt image? i haven't had him start yet because i wanted to instruct him first on which route to take. obviously, we don't want the pencil color to show but more of a bold darkened look so can i just simply darken the piece in photoshop or do i need to make adjustments in illustrator?

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Photoshop Elements :: Using 11 To Create Animation From Series Of Drawings?

Jan 3, 2013

How do I use Photoshop Elements 11 to create an animation from a series of drawings?

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Photoshop :: How To Sample Color From Image And Apply To Encore Menu Color Sets

Aug 6, 2013

I'm about 3 months and many hours of tutorials into Premiere ProCC, Audition CC, and Encore CS6. Apparently the nifty dynamic links from PPro and Audition CS6 no longer work with encore, as encore was not upgraded to CC. So,

I want to sample color from an original Photoshop image, and create an Encore menu color set, so that my menu buttons, etc. are colored to match the main photo image in the menu. Is there an eyedropper kind of tool in Encore that would let me sample the color from the image, and then apply that to color swatches in the Encore button layers?

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Photoshop :: Impossible To Synchronize Regulations Of Color / File Of Parameters Of Color Is Untraceable

Dec 4, 2012

Error message in the opening of Photoshop CS6. " Impossible to synchronize the regulations of color, because the file of parameters of color is untraceable ". Computor with Vista SP2

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Photoshop Elements :: Could Not Use Color Replacement Tool - Only Works In Full Color Mode

Feb 19, 2013

I have a PSD file open and I added a new layer via the copy command.  I have added a Layer Mask to the new layer and I'm trying to use the Brush Tool with black forground to cover part of the new layer.  I'm following an online tutorial step by step, but when I try to use the Brush Tool I get "could not use color replacement tool because it only works in full color mode".  The Image>Mode is set to RGB. 

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Photoshop Elements :: MS (Color Dialogue Box) Popping Up Instead Of (Adobe Color Picker) Inside PSE 10

Dec 9, 2012

--Toolbox: The 2 columns of Tools on the left side of the Editor screen.

--Foreground Color & Background Color: The color filled squares at the bottom of the Toolbox.

--Color dialogue box: This is the pop-up that is labeled at the top with "Color". It shows 48 different color squares (6 rows by 8 columns); they are labeled "Basic colors:". Right below the "Basic colors:" array is another 16 empty squares (2 rows by 8 columns) to be filled with colors to be defined. There is a "Define Custom Colors>>" button when clicked opens up a color picker with HSB RGB stacked below the color field screen. See this link to the Microsoft "Color Dialogue Box", [URL]

--Adobe Color Picker: The interactive dialogue box with the color field screen to the left and the HSB RGB numbers stacked on the right side.


The problem:In PSE 10, when using the Eyedropper Tool or clicking on the Foreground Color or the Background Color, the Microsoft Microsoft "Color Dialogue Box" pops up instead of the "Adobe Color Picker" dialogue box. This started about a month ago. I use Windows 7.
I want the "Adobe Color Picker" to pop up (like it used to) inside PSE 10.

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Photoshop :: Use Color Checker As Reference To Correct Overall Image Color And Contrast

Nov 8, 2012

I have a photo of a painting that was taken with Kodak color checker patches on one corner. It looks like I need to adjust the colors in Photoshop.

I want to use the color checker as a reference to correct the overall image color and contrast. However, I don't know how to use it as I have never worked with color checker patches before.

how to color correct the image on photoshop?

I am attaching a cropped sample image. The original image is in RGB. The colors on the Kodak patch as follows: Blue, Cyan, Gree, Yellow, Red, Magenta, White, 3/Color, Black.

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