Photoshop :: Auto Color Drawings?

Oct 21, 2011

I like drawing in black and white, but whenever it comes to coloring the drawings, I always tend to just leave it, because it bores me, big time. Any way to "auto" color drawings? Is there some sort of action or plugin that can somehow figure out the black linework and fill in the blanks?

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Photoshop :: Use Of Auto Color And Auto Levels - Get Shadow / Highlight?

Jul 8, 2013

I was using these tool on a lot of images, because they often seemed to vastly improve them, making the colors pop on otherwise somewhat dull ones, and getting rid of unwanted color casts..

Later though I noticed that it is often at the cost of burning out hightlights in some areas beyond salvation.I also find shadow /highlight sometimes does this also.

Then I tried to protect some small areas with a mask before proceeding, but it seems that I can't find information on just painting a mask, but only videos with much more complex adjustment such as the Russel Crow or Lynda ones with maintaing hair detail while superimposing images, which is way beyond what I need in these cases.
If I try the wand to select and inverse I get unnatural looking divisions.  Is it a matter of feathering to the right extent? 

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Photoshop :: Auto Smart Fix, Auto Levels, Auto...

May 18, 2009

I have photoshop cs4 and I cannot find the Auto smart fix, auto levels, and auto contrast nor the adjustment for each that I had with photoshop elements.

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Photoshop :: Capturing Auto-color Settings

Oct 7, 2013

Sometimes when working with particularly difficult imaging I'll start with a quick auto-level or auto-color adjustment. More often than not these attempts leave little to be desired and I move on to other techniques. But once and a while (like today's subjects) I'l do an auto-color and the result is good enough to warrant inclusion in an action where I want to apply the exact same settings from that single auto-color step to a few more files.

Trouble is, unlike the levels where you can see what's been done and can save the .alv, there seems to be no equivalent for the auto-color adjustment. Can those settings be saved out?

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Photoshop :: Auto Color Correction From The Level

Mar 21, 2006

I clicked on the auto color correction from the level because the picture was pink. I looked at the shadod clip .50 , highlight clip .50 and closed it when It changed the picture and it's better now but Can I still use the arrow from red, blue and green from the level to get better pictures?

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Photoshop :: Auto Levels/contrast/color

May 31, 2006

whenever [on any photo] i apply auto levels or auto contrast or auto color from the image>adjustments tab, the entire photo will completely white out as if i had added a new white layer over my active layer (which i am not doing). however, it only does this in 'auto' changes. so if i were to manually adjust my levels or my contrast or color, the 'white-out' effect wouldn't occur.

i really need this feature. i have already uninstalled/reinstalled photoshop cs2 and that didn't seem to fix the problem.

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Photoshop :: Auto Color On Multiple Pictures

Feb 4, 2007

Is there a way to run auto color on multiple pictures from bridge? I have a yellow cast on many pics and want to fix them all at once.

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Photoshop :: Color Drawings

Aug 4, 2008

i'm an all out artist in drawing stuff and various of video game things onto a piece of paper. Lately when i scan pictures i usually color them in paint which takes a very long time. I've rescently came across photoshop and i have NO CLUE how to use it. How do i use photoshop to color a drawing or sketch that i've made. If not then does any one know where theres a tutorial in shading, colors, highlights, and basics in coloring an image or drawing somewhere on the net?.

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Photoshop :: Auto Select Hex Number Via Color Picker

Jun 5, 2013

Why is it that on some versions of cs6 when i select the "set foreground color" (or background), the color dialog pops up with the hex number selected allowing me to quickly ctrl+c it. However, on other computers - with the exact same copy of Photoshop (cloud based and fully updated) it does *not* auto select the hex number. I've looked through the settings to see if this is a feature that needs to be turned on/off but could not find it.

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Photoshop :: Restoring Adjustment Levels Auto Color...

Jun 22, 2009

I entered the following key sequence: Adjustments Panel | Levels | Alt-Click Auto | Find Dark & Light Colors | Snap Neutral Midtones | Midtones After keying in this sequence and making adjustments to my photo, I inadvertently hit one too many OKs as I was exiting and PS changed my defaults. They now read: H: 55, S:0, B: 0, R: 128, G: 128 and B: 128. How can I reset these values to their default settings?

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Photoshop :: How Can I Use Auto Color On 2 Layers W/out Flattening The Image?

Apr 14, 2007

I've been taking photos with a homemade lightbox which includes a white background and I typically have to go into photoshop to make some adjustments to get the background pure white. When I'm snapping a photo of an all white object against an all white background, it looks rather nasty if you use the auto color tool.

So from my understanding auto color uses the lightest white and the darkest black and the reason the white/white scenerio doesn't work it because of a lack of black. So to combat this I've been creating a new layer and adding a little black with the rectangular tool and filling it with black. Now, I'd like to be able to delete this second layer once I've used the auto color feature but can't figure out how.

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Photoshop :: Remove Color From Images To Prepare Them For Being Auto-traced In AI?

Sep 20, 2012

I want to remove color from images to prepare them for being autotraced in AI.
Is there an advantage to using Image > Mode > Grayscale  vs. Image>Adjustments>desaturate vs. Image>Adjustments>hue saturation and dropping down the saturation vs.

Image>Adjustments>Threshold for this purpose?

Do these all generally do the same thing, or would one of these result in a better job of turning my image to black and white with higher contrast?

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Photoshop :: How To Apply Auto Color To Entire 2-hour Video

Dec 12, 2012

How do I apply AUTO COLOR to an entire 2-hour .movie video .

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Photoshop :: Auto-apply Color Swatch - Fill In The Countries With Various Shades

May 23, 2011

I've just created a map with various county boundaries. I now need to fill in the counties with various shades of gray, with no two neighboring counties sharing the same shade. I've been going about it in a sort of trial and error fashion, but I can't ever seem to get it right. Is there a way that Photoshop could possibly fill it in for me? Sort of an auto-swatch application thing?

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Photoshop :: Color Bug? Drawings Vanish When Using Dark Background

Jan 12, 2008

Hi, I just started working with Photoshop, so I might be making some stupid rookie mistake...but I can't figure out what the hell could be wrong.

When I draw something on a dark background it just vanishes as soon as I fill the area with the paint bucket!

If I have a dark grey background, and draw something in black using the brush, when I try to fill the drawing, for instance green, with the paint bucket, the entire picture becomes green!
It was as if the drawing was never there.

At first I thought I had some wierd setting on my brush, but the wierd thing is that this only happens when I use dark.

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Photoshop :: Color Bug? Dark Backgrounds Make Drawings Disappear

Jan 12, 2008

I just started working with Photoshop, so I might be making some stupid rookie mistake...but I can't figure out what the hell could be wrong.

When I draw something on a dark background it just vanishes as soon as I fill the area with the paint bucket!

If I have a dark grey background, and draw something in black using the brush, when I try to fill the drawing, for instance green, with the paint bucket, the entire picture becomes green!
It was as if the drawing was never there.

At first I thought I had some wierd setting on my brush, but the wierd thing is that this only happens when I use dark colors.
Doing the exact same thing with yellow and red, works perfectly fine.

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Lightroom :: 4.1 Auto Consistently Over-saturates Color

Sep 7, 2012

I completely understand the plethora of issues surrounding color management (color profiles, differences in technical specs in monitors, lighting conditions, etc ) however, I work in a color managed environment and I am consistently seeing over-saturated colors when using the "auto" feature as a starting point for processing.  Oftentimes, it is near impossible to bring the colors back to a satisfactory value.  I shoot a lot of nature and florals and see this consistently in the green/yellow spectrum.  Downright horrific are the results sometimes. 
I shoot with a Nikon D700, Nikon D2X and all glass is high quality F1.4, F2.8 or F4.  The cameras are set at null values for in-camera adjustments so the photos come in to Lightroom fairly flat and un-sharpened.

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GIMP :: How To Make Auto Fill Selected Area With Color

Oct 5, 2013

In MS Paint when i select part of image with Polygon tool, this part is auto filled with background color. In GIMP i have to use first Selection tool (Free Select) and than switch to Bucket Fill for filling selected area with color. How to make auto filling selected area with color in GIMP as it in MS Paint ?

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Illustrator :: Auto Set Stroke Weight / Colors And Fill Color?

Mar 5, 2014

I'd like to make it easier for our 100,000 designers to use AI to make custom products using a laser cutter.
Current Practice
Designers open our AI laser cutting design templates, add their designs using the AI settings our online pricing system can read, then upload their designs to our website for instant pricing, making and shipping.
The Problem
Designers have to manually setup AI with settings that can be read by our online pricing system. If they get these settings wrong, our system can not read their designs. So they are rejected and can not be priced or made. This happens more often that you'd imagine.
The Solution
Designers do not like design rejections. So I'd like to eradicate them by providing our designers with a version of AI that provides the following settings only:
* Set document to RGB
* Stroke weight = 0.01mm
* Stroke colors = RGB 0, 0, 255 and 255, 0, 0
* Fill color = RGB 0, 0, 0
This will mean designers have a very limited number of AI choices, with nothing to distract them or to get wrong. Which will result in less (or zero?) design rejections. And products made faster than before. Rejoice!
How do we program our AI laser cutting design templates so that when they are opened in AI, they auto set AI settings as defined above?

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Illustrator :: Have All Mesh Points Auto Sample Template Color?

Oct 16, 2013

I've just begun learning how to use the gradient mesh and I'm wondering if there is a way to have all the points in the mesh automatically sample the color of whatever they sit over, ie the template? This seems like it would be a very usefull function.
I'm using CS5.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Color Parts In IDW Drawings

Jun 26, 2013

We use to color components in idw drawings very often. And when we have drawings of large assemblies we lose a lot of time for that. Usually we select the parts from views (having "Part Priority" in Filter Selection), right click and from the properties we change the color.

I was thinking if there could be faster ways to do it. For example to create a command (which later should accessed via a button on keyboard) that will call the colors window in the components properties, having the part already selected.

Probably I need a .vba code or an ilogic rule to create this command.

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Photoshop :: Control Auto-Align And Auto-Blend

Aug 3, 2007

I have just moved from 7.0 to CS3 (and PC to Mac) and am currently trying to get to grips with the new features! Once which I love is the auto-align and auto-blend feature(s). My question is, is there any way to control how these features work? I have seen on some web sites people talk about 'fuzziness' sliders where you can control that if an object (pixels) appear in X% of the photos they should/shouldn't be included in the final image but I cannot find these.

My intention is to use these features to take photos of monuments and have the people who are moving about removed from the final image (I guess it's the auto-align that would do this.) I tried a test and took a number of photos at home but I kept moving one object around (a pen.) The pen appears in all the images but in a different location so it always appears in the final image. When I tried auto-align with a stack that included one image without the pen, the pen was removed from the final image. Given the first scenario (i.e. the object is in all the images but in a different location) is there any way of automatically removing it using auto-align or would this have to be a manual process? In the real world, it would be possible to take a photo of a monument with people in different locations but it would be much harder (or take a long time) to take one where at least one person was not in all the photos (there's always someone loitering.)

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 Making Color Pictures Into Line Drawings

Mar 2, 2012

Question 1. How would I make a cartoon drawing/picture or a drawing/picture with color, Into a drawing with lines only, no color. I use the gray scale option and that works great, but it still has the shading of the drawing/picture, and I want lines only. So is there some what of a easy way to do this?

Question 2. Once having a line drawing if some of the lines are a little shaky or kinda looking to pixel ish, Is there a simple way to smooth these lines out?

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AutoCad :: How To Convert Layer Color Properties On Multiple Drawings

Jul 22, 2013

I have 4500 OS mapping tiles which i need to convert the colors to one single color rather than the varied layer colors they have at present. Obviously doing this manually will take a long time.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Change Library Of Drawings To Color By Layer?

Jan 24, 2012

I have a library that has a primary folder with 11 subfolders. If the LISP can go through all the subfolders, that would be great. But, if it cannot, I can work with going into each subfolder and running the routine. There are over 12,000 files and I don't have the time to open each one and change the color.

Here's what I need the LISP to do:

open the drawing

select everything

change the color to "bylayer"



open next drawing in folder and repeat

Once it gets to the end of the folder it can stop.

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Lightroom :: How The Auto Tone Auto Adjusted The Exposure Slider

Apr 25, 2012

Yes, I'm probably the only person on the planet that wants this, but I liked how the Auto Tone auto adjusted the Exposure slider (ONLY!) and left all the other sliders at zero in the Lightroom 4 beta.
Is there a way to write a preset that returns that behavior?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Drawings Diagonal Lines Plot Gray Didn't Change Line Color

Apr 2, 2013

Lately when I plot my drawings the diagonal lines plot gray. I didn't change the line color. Can't figure it out.

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Photoshop :: How Do You Use Photoshop To Color Drawings?

Aug 5, 2008

when i scan pictures i usually color them in paint which takes a very long time. I've rescently came across photoshop and i have NO CLUE how to use it. How do i use photoshop to color a drawing or sketch that i've made. If not then does any one know where theres a tutorial in shading, colors, highlights, and basics in coloring an image or drawing.

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AutoCAD LT :: Can't Copy / Paste Between Drawings/ Incomprehensible Heavy Drawings

Dec 28, 2012

I'm using ACAD LT 2008.

When i try to copy paste some drawing entities from a heavy drawing file to any other file, the program blocks and says 'not responding', endlessly. So i always have to shutdown the program. I experience the same problem using the designcenter: when I try to copy a layout into another drawing, my computer gets stuck.

Another annoying problem with these files is that they are so heavy, while in fact they shouldn't be. I tried the aectoacad file command. In result the file id half as big, but after I open it and save it, again is the original size.

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AutoCAD LT :: Publish Drawings To Overwrite Existing PDF Drawings

Apr 2, 2013

Every now and then I go back and try to use publish to speed up printing but I always go back to plotting one by one.

I work in a housing construction office and I have 10 separate drawings side by side in model space for house plans that I need plot separate to give to certain people. My problem isn't that I can't publish them separately its that I can't save them over existing pdf's individually predetermined. 

Q1. do i just have to go through and change every layout name before or after i publish?

Q2. how do i change the output publish location?

Q3. can each layout be saved to a different existing pdf and remember it?

Q3. can i save these setting across to a new drawing?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Apply Color To Selected Objects Without Having To Search For Color In Color Palette

Mar 13, 2012

Is there a way to apply a color to selected objects without having to search for the color in the color palette. So say if I am working with an image that has multiple colors but want to use only one of the colors in that image, is there a way to apply it without having to create or add it to the palette.

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