Photoshop :: Auto Select Hex Number Via Color Picker
Jun 5, 2013
Why is it that on some versions of cs6 when i select the "set foreground color" (or background), the color dialog pops up with the hex number selected allowing me to quickly ctrl+c it. However, on other computers - with the exact same copy of Photoshop (cloud based and fully updated) it does *not* auto select the hex number. I've looked through the settings to see if this is a feature that needs to be turned on/off but could not find it.
I know this discussion title is a bit murky, but the problem is a bit odd. I have Photoshop CS6 v13.1.2. In this version, I will activate the Select Tool, check Auto-Select: Layer, check Show Transform Controls, and then while using the Select Tool I will drag to create a rectangle to select multiple layers with content within the specified area.Â
Unfortunately, this action only works when I begin the selection from outside of the canvas area. If started from within the canvas area, no rectangle will appear, it will show me a measurement of my selection size, and then no layers will be selected upon release.  This cannot be working as intended right? I mean multi-select dragging cannot be intended to only work when started outside of the canvas right? Is there some way to fix this issue? Is this a bug? See the images below for more information on this issue.
--Toolbox: The 2 columns of Tools on the left side of the Editor screen.
--Foreground Color & Background Color: The color filled squares at the bottom of the Toolbox.
--Color dialogue box: This is the pop-up that is labeled at the top with "Color". It shows 48 different color squares (6 rows by 8 columns); they are labeled "Basic colors:". Right below the "Basic colors:" array is another 16 empty squares (2 rows by 8 columns) to be filled with colors to be defined. There is a "Define Custom Colors>>" button when clicked opens up a color picker with HSB RGB stacked below the color field screen. See this link to the Microsoft "Color Dialogue Box", [URL]
--Adobe Color Picker: The interactive dialogue box with the color field screen to the left and the HSB RGB numbers stacked on the right side.
The problem:In PSE 10, when using the Eyedropper Tool or clicking on the Foreground Color or the Background Color, the Microsoft Microsoft "Color Dialogue Box" pops up instead of the "Adobe Color Picker" dialogue box. This started about a month ago. I use Windows 7. Â I want the "Adobe Color Picker" to pop up (like it used to) inside PSE 10.
if you look at the image attached the colours on the right are what the color picker is displaying and if I use that hex code thats the colour the web page displays, but if i fill in any element the colours circled on the left are shown in photoshop. Â Why is the color picker window showing a different color to the whats displayed?
I'm assuming this problem I'm having stems from having color-calibrated monitors, but let me know if I'm wrong! Â To preface, this is the setup I have:
Windows 73 monitors as follows, all have individual color profiles calibrated using the Spyder 3Cintiq 12WX Dell U2410Dell 2409WFPPhotoshop CS6 - Proofed with Monitor RGB, and tested with color-managed and non-color-managed documents . I usually do most of my work on the Cintiq 12WX, but pull the Photoshop window to my main monitor to do large previews and some corrections. I noticed that the color picker wouldn't pick colors consistently depending on the monitor the Photoshop window is on.  Here are some video examples:
This is how the color picker works on my Dell U2410:
This is how it works on my Cintiq 12WX:
[URL]......... Â Main Question
I know the Cintiq's video capture makes the picture look more saturated than the Dell's, but it actually looks fine physically, which is okay. But notice how the Cintiq's colour picker doesn't pick a matching colour. It was actually happening the opposite way for a while (Dell was off, Cintiq was fine), but it magically swapped while I was trying to figure out what was going on. Â Semi-related Question regarding Color Management
Color management has always been the elephant-in-the-room for me when I first tried to calibrate my monitors with a Spyder colourimeter years ago. My monitors looked great, but Photoshop's colors became unpredictable and I decided to abandon the idea of calibrating my monitors for years until recently. I decided to give it another chance and follow some tutorials and articles in an attempt to keep my colors consistent across Photoshop and web browsers, at least. I've been proofing against monitor color and exporting for web without an attached profile to keep pictures looking good on web browsers. However, pictures exported as such will look horrible when uploaded to Facebook. Uploading pictures with an attached color profile makes it look good on Facebook. This has forced me to export 2 versions of a picture, one with an attached color profile and one without, each time I want to share it across different platform. Is there no way to fix this issue?  Pictures viewed in Windows Photo Viewer are also off-color, but I think that's because it's not color managed... but that's a lesser concern.
You know how when you're painting, you can hold ALT and it will pick a colour from the canvas? Well, for some reason, mine still picks up the colour but it sets it to the background colour instead of the foreground colour.
And when I actually select the colour picker tool, it will only select the background colour but when I hold Alt, it selects the foreground colour. Basically it's flipped where it's supposed to select.
When I have any kind of layer, and I want to change the foreign or background color (with the color picker) I just cant. When I click on the foreign or background color it automatically selects the eyedropper tool, and I don't want this to happen.
I was using these tool on a lot of images, because they often seemed to vastly improve them, making the colors pop on otherwise somewhat dull ones, and getting rid of unwanted color casts..
Later though I noticed that it is often at the cost of burning out hightlights in some areas beyond salvation.I also find shadow /highlight sometimes does this also.
Then I tried to protect some small areas with a mask before proceeding, but it seems that I can't find information on just painting a mask, but only videos with much more complex adjustment such as the Russel Crow or Lynda ones with maintaing hair detail while superimposing images, which is way beyond what I need in these cases.  If I try the wand to select and inverse I get unnatural looking divisions. Is it a matter of feathering to the right extent?Â
When I try to edit the color of a shape layer by opening the color dialogue box of the shape layer, the color that is picked up is a lighter color than the color I clicked on.  The eyedropper is set to point sample and all layers. This problem does not occur if I open the color dialogue box that is part of the toolbar.
Is there a way to choose colors outside of the Photoshop application using the Color Picker? Coming from Macromedia Fireworks, I have become accustomed to using the Color Picker tool within Fireworks, which enables you to pickup any color outside of the Fireworks application.
I have seen thrid party tools that let you choose colors from various programs, but they just give you the color scheme and you must type in these color values within Photoshop.
Is there a way to make the color select tool not only select a specific color but related shades as well. I have a graphic that is mainly shades of gray but with black outlines and divisions as well as other colors mixed in. I want to shift all the shades of gray to shades of dark yellow without have to select each shade individually.
I am a new user to, because the tool I used for complex image manipulation does not run on the OS of my new machine. Although I could easily purchase the newest version, I needed work on some pictures now. was easily available and does most of the thins I need at the moment. In addition, it is officially supported at my work place, so it's a good idea to learn how to use it. has some great features and a cute UI, but there are some issues I would like to see improved. The one at the top of my list is the font preview. I am doing some text on a number of pictures and want to check out some fonts. Unfortunately I can't change the sample text in the font list (at least I do not know how).
However, meanwhile I found a even better function (actually the way I would like to see it). When the font list is open, I can scroll through the list and the text will instantly updated. Cool.
Great thing would be to move the color picker out from the tool box into the color selection, so that it would be always available. Also it would be useful to not only pick one pixel sometimes but the average of a greater area.
Working in Illustrator CS5 on a Mac. When choosing a color in the palette, the preview showing up is different than what is in the palette. If I hit "OK" the actual color chosen is the one in the palette, not the preview window... Including some pics for reference. In my 10+ years of using Illustrator, i have never seen this.I am using a Dell monitor on a mac... not sure if that would make a difference.
what is still missing in smoke is having the color wheel while picking a color. The color wheel will enable us to pick any color straight from the wheel , it's much faster rather than trying to mix the desired color using RGB combination. it will be cool to see this feature in next release.
I have PS CS5 (version 12.0.4x32). The Color Picker HUD doesn't seem to work (shift-alt-right click). The Enable OpenGL Drawing box is greyed out and there's a note that PS "Standard" not supported. What's going on? Do I have aversion of PS that doesn't support the Color HUD? How do I find out if I have PS "Standard" .
I have been working with CS5 for a few years now and have never had any issues with anything but recently i updated my videocard driver and now the colors in my color picker have changed. They have become more "choppy" and it seems as though there is not, by far, as many color's to choose from. This screenshot explain.
I am seeing something very strange when I attempt to access the HUD color picker in PS CS6. The picker only displays when I have the PS Preferences box open. If I use the keyboard shortcut of 'control+option+cmd click' with only the image open minus the Preferences I get nothing.  I am using a MacPro with NVIDIA GeForce 320M.
I have PS CS4 on a Vista 64 system and have suddenly noticed (perhaps it did this all along, but I don't remember using the color picker tool since moving from PSE to PS a few months ago) that the color picker tool does not even come remotely close to picking the correct color that I am selecting with the eyedropper. I was doing a tutorial on brushes yesterday and tried to pick the red color from my kid's dress in the picture as the foreground color for the brush. The color picker chose a color in the browns. I then moved to choose a lime green, again it selected a color in the browns. I have no idea what gives. My monitor is calibrated using Color Munki Create and, as directed in the tutorial, I am using the Adobe RGB 1998 color space. But for some reason, the color picker is not behaving at all.
the small vertical window to the right of the main color picker window has changed on my copy of PSCS3. My other installation shows bands of various colors red, through yellow, green, blue, and finally red at the top. This way, I can pick an area of color for the larger square window at the left to make my selection. On the copy with the problem the color range is limited. The colors are instead of being the whole spectrum as above, just a limited spectrum around the color selected with the eyedropper.the range of colors that can be selected with the color picker is drastically narrowed.
I did something to jack up my color picker in Photoshop where now instead of having a range of colors that result in white in one corner and black in the other, it now shows a range of color with the foreground color in one corner and white in the other, very difficult to work with for my purposes.
Something has gone awry with my color picker. I have my mode set to CMYK, but for some reason, it is not showing the usual color schemes. When I click to choose a color, rather than separating out the color groups, it is showing me a merged view, similiar to how it looks when you are on a RGB mode.
I know this is a noob question but im trying to get the color picker where i can place the full color name like #333333, but im getting a HDR color picker instead and it doesn't have that feature, how do i swap to the basic color picker?
Suddenly my Photoshop CS5 Color picker has gone wrong. It wouldn't let me change Foreground or Background colors and goes back to gray all the time. I have not changed any settings, but last time I used it was yesterday and all worked ok.
where the color picker will completely freeze up Photoshop CS5 which usually means I have to force quit. It usually happens when I am trying to change the color of the text using the character window. Here are my system specs: Â Model Identifier: MacPro1,1 OSX 10.5.8 Processor: 2 x 2.66 GHz Dual-Core Xeon Memory: 16 GB 667 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM
My color picker has changed from the normal default to a totally different one. How to change it back? Â Below is a picture of what it has changed to. I used to have the default one with White top left Black Bottom Left and the certain colour top right. Â I cant get used to this one!