Photoshop Elements :: Freezes From Organize To Edit
Jun 2, 2013
I have loaded photos into Organize but I cannot transfer from Organize to Edit without the whole system freezing up. The cursor is a hand... I can't even get that to work....and then I can't close the page. I just purchased (a download) this upgrade from Elements 6. That wasn't so terribly user-friendly, but Elements 11 is a nightmare!
I have just upgraded from PSE 9 to PSE 11 and decided to redo my catalogue from scratch. My photos are already on the hard drive in the format of Main folder Photographs with the years underneath that. In each year I have put the twelve months with the number of the month before the name so that the stay in date order. (e.g. January is 01 Jan, Feb is 02 Feb). When I imported the photos into the catalogue I found that the list of folders on the left did not stay within the year and month so there was a long list of folders with no hierarchical structure.
I lost all my pictures on the organize page of elements 7 (all but 15) {I must have hit someting I shouldn't have} and I need them back. how to do that?
I'm aware that Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 is not supported by Adobe anymore. I have thousands of photos organized on it using its "Category" function. Does Photoshop Elements 11 have a similar function? (I'm in the midst of also switching to a new computer and my old one can't load the info on the PS 11 program available on this site.) I'm extremely concerned I not lose the ability to retrieve my pix by the categories I've already assigned them, when I switch to PS 11 on my new computer.
I had hoped to go from CS4 to Paintshop Pro 4 to process my photos. PSP4 is not working as it should. I begin the edit, get almost through and PSP freezes. My pc has plenty of RAM and storage space. CS4 has never done this. I open up to 10 RAW files at once in CS4 with no problems. I have searched Corel and the web for a clue as to what is going on. I want to leave Adobe and am currently looking for a software replacement. I have used PSP in the past. I stopped using it with the X3 release due to the error messages it gave me and went with Adobe.
I"m using LT2011 on a WIN7 machine.After blockedit the cursor will freeze for a short period about every 2 seconds.When this is happening, there are also more disk accesses.
Re-starting the application stops this frustrating behaviour until I edit another block.Are there any updates that may deal with this problem?
I've been using Photoshop 6.x with my Intuos 5 for almost a year and it's been great. I recently purchased Lightroom 5.2 only to discover that when I use the spot edit tool that it freezes when i use this tool as a brush. It starts off smooth, but after brushing across my area i want to clone/heal, Lightroom seems to freeze up, and the spot edit tool is unusable. I can lift my pen off the tablet and a few seconds later Lightroom comes back, but the tablet is basically unusable to me. The mouse works perfectly fine.
I am working in Photoshop Elements 11 on a Mac. Every time I use the text tool, the program freezes and I have to force quit. I read this might have something to do with a font problem. I have deleted fonts that came on the Mac and also downloaded other fonts.
I have a MAC and have installed PSE 11 successfully. I'm working on a birthday project and everytime I try to add text, the whole thing freezes. I force shut down as it's the only thing to get me out of it, and reboot, and it does it again, and again and again.
Photoshop Elements 11 freezes after selecting images in the tray and then selecting Photomerge/Group Shot or Photomerge/Scene Cleaner. The program does not respond and then exits after Windows checks for a solution. I tried this with 2 images of size 3000x2000. The system is Win7, Intel i5, 8GB RAM, 10GB free SSD and >500GB HDD (set in Edit/Preferences).
About two weeks ago my elements 11 started freezing, blue spinning circle(program not responding), whenever I right clicked on a photo in the "open" window. I had an older version of photoshop on my computer and it started doing the same thing on that one as well. I uninstalled both and then reinstalled 11, still freezes.
I have about 35000 pictures with avg size of 7Mb and use a single catalog to manage these. I created chronological albums by filtering on 6 month time periods, i have about 16 of these. When I created this initial setup, the organizer was working fine. not since then. e.g.:
-When I'm trying to download new pictures from my camera, I can open the Photo downloader program, it detects the camera and the pictures on it, I can set to location to download to, but none of the other settings, like 'Rename Files' and the Get Media button doesn't respond, even though it looks active.
-When I try to browse through my albums, I can select one, but then the application becomes unresponsive and I cannot get it to do anything anymore.
I'm also observing continuous harddisk activity and the Windows Task Manager is showing that is caused by the PSE Organizer.
I'm running Windows 7 64bit, have 8Gb memory, and 2 Xeon quadcore 2.33 mhz processors
I have got a problem with the backup-function. After making a (time-consuming) full back-up, I'd like to make a incremental backup. The first steps are the same. At a certain moment, i get the opportunity to choose the incremental one. Therefore i locate the .tly file. When i want to proceed, PSE11 freezes.
Is this a common problem, and (more interesting)
Catalogue contains a 42.000 photo 's. System: E8400 with 4GB RAM backup-medium: external drive, connected with e-sata OS: Windows 7
I'm using Elements 9 and I've never had any problems with it until today. When I tried to use the Adjust Shadows feature under Adjust Lighting, the program became unresponsive. It wouldn't allow me to do anything at all. I had to exit the program using the Task Manager. I tried two more times to see if I was doing something wrong, but I followed the same process I've been using for years and each time the program would freeze.
It seems pretty simple to just select a few pictures from the organizer, select create, select slideshow. A box comes up asking my preferences and when I say OK, the program freezes.
once I click OK, my program freezes up... I can still use other programs on my computer. photoshop elements 10 freezes when creating slideshow from album.
By relaunching Organizer, I mean close Elements Organizer and Editor if they are open > Delete both the files I mentioned earlier > NOw open the organizer again. Attach the screenshot of the preferences dialog that comes up when you go for creating slideshow?
I've just purchased a new HP P6-2469ea - uk desktop pc running Windows 8. There appears to be some compatibility problems with Elements 10. Other programs: iTunes. Office and the reinstalled apps etc are fine but when elements 10 is loaded the CPU usage rockets to sometimes over 90% and consistanty remains at 25% when just sat in organizer. This results in the cursor stuttering and on occasion the screen freezes and sometimes dropping out completely. HP believe it is a compatibility problem. Same program combinations work fine on Windows Vista (64bit) and a macbook pro with Apple's current operating system.
I'm following a Scrapbook course. When I'm attempting to assemble a page, I am frequently getting 'not responding' in the top left, and the programme freezes.
I have installed Elements 11 and it worked OK for about 3 days. When I try to open the editor now it starts to load, then freezes. My PC uses Windows 7, the program is registered & everything else works normally.