AutoCAD LT :: Cursor Freezes Periodically After Block Edit
May 22, 2012
I"m using LT2011 on a WIN7 machine.After blockedit the cursor will freeze for a short period about every 2 seconds.When this is happening, there are also more disk accesses.
Re-starting the application stops this frustrating behaviour until I edit another block.Are there any updates that may deal with this problem?
Since installing 2013, when I have objects selected and want to deselect them by depressing the shift key, the cursor freezes and will not move until i let go of the shift key...
Since last week (4-19-2012) Our users have been expierencing cursor issues and freezes with Civil 3d 2012. Entering commands in the command line very slugish, pressing the shift key to select / de-select, trim, open osnap menu, ext.
We are running Win7pro6d bit quad core machines with 6gb ram, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL), Intel Xeon ES640 (2.67 ghz). AutoCAD Civil 3D(SP2) and all hotfixes installed.
This problem just started one week ago and It started with the cursor jumping all over the place when crossing objects. However; we now have very sluggish command line entry, 2 - 3 seconds after typing till it shows up, and cursors freezing when pressing the shift key for any reason.
When working on large documents, the cursor freezes for 8-10 sec when I switch from PS to another app/finder. It also happens when I switch back to PS. 8-10 sec. of complete freeze out until everything starts working again.
MacBook Pro 15" Retina display / 16 GO RAM (80% allocated) / Primary scratch HD (optical 1.5TB USB), Secondary 80GB SSD disk space
I use AutoCAD for mac 2013. I'm a interior design student and I have a question regarding editing 3D Blocks which can be downloaded from the web.
If I download a 'free' 3D Block, is it possible to edit the block in a way which removes the 'original origin' of that block?? I have tried exploding the block and redefining it in a wblock file and changing the layer. But I'm not sure if this process has removed the original information which it came from...
If there is a way to remove the origin (that is came from the web).
I had hoped to go from CS4 to Paintshop Pro 4 to process my photos. PSP4 is not working as it should. I begin the edit, get almost through and PSP freezes. My pc has plenty of RAM and storage space. CS4 has never done this. I open up to 10 RAW files at once in CS4 with no problems. I have searched Corel and the web for a clue as to what is going on. I want to leave Adobe and am currently looking for a software replacement. I have used PSP in the past. I stopped using it with the X3 release due to the error messages it gave me and went with Adobe.
I have loaded photos into Organize but I cannot transfer from Organize to Edit without the whole system freezing up. The cursor is a hand... I can't even get that to work....and then I can't close the page. I just purchased (a download) this upgrade from Elements 6. That wasn't so terribly user-friendly, but Elements 11 is a nightmare!
I've been using Photoshop 6.x with my Intuos 5 for almost a year and it's been great. I recently purchased Lightroom 5.2 only to discover that when I use the spot edit tool that it freezes when i use this tool as a brush. It starts off smooth, but after brushing across my area i want to clone/heal, Lightroom seems to freeze up, and the spot edit tool is unusable. I can lift my pen off the tablet and a few seconds later Lightroom comes back, but the tablet is basically unusable to me. The mouse works perfectly fine.
I have blocks in a drawing that were made using the 'retain' method. WHen I go to insert the block I cannot see the block preview at the crosshair cursor. The block only becomes visible once I have clicked the left mouse key at the insertion point.
This means I can't rotate it either as I can't see it until I have clicked to place it.
Which system variable (And what setting) will allow me to see the block as I'm inserting it?
I got too smart for myself today in bringing an old drawing up to current standards...Everyone seems to want their block attributes to be zero - I have blocks where the attributes are best when they match the rotations of each blocks.
I have an old drawing that was rotated (as it should be) at approx 2deg.
I used a lisp routine to global edit all the blocks that needed to be at zero. BUT for some reason (and after hundreds of blocks were corrected), I noticed I now have two blocks that should NOT have been in the set have had their attributes rotated to zero....and the attributes should be at the same rotation as their block's rotation.
Because those two blocks have a fixed tic mark, I can click on the mark to see what the block rotation is, then rotate its attribute to that rotation, but I have hundreds of blocks! One-at-a-time sucks....
Any chance there is a GLOBAL way to edit an attribute rotation to match its own block's rotation?
a user i work with reports that during some commands (not the same) on some jobs his contextual menu dispears.
I've already run the recommended "UIreset" process a few timesI've updated his graphics card drivers to the certified drivers for that card.he has a robust windows 7 64 bit setup. His latest example was in the DI command the context menu dispeared that lets him controls linear/alinghed etc etc.
As a very long time user of Paint Shop (back to the early JASC days) and using the program primarily for producing bmp and jpg files with lots of graphics, an irritation in later versions has been the need to 'flatten' the layers periodically while working on an image. In past versions (don't remember how far past) one could set defaults such that you automatically worked in a single layer. I don't specifically remember how this was done (only that it could be done) and have not 'rediscovered' how to do it in my current X3 version and assume it will be the same in my (on order) X4. Is there a way to default into single layer work?
BTW: I strongly second the dislike of the graphite color scheme so certainly hope X4 gets 'fixed' to allow one to get rid of it.
I also note that after using the pop-up that appeared in X3 startup to order X4, my X3 became inoperable and had to reload it!
Lost the ability to double click on blocks and mtext to bring up the editor box in my drawings. I've tried all settings that i know of and have had zero results.
I would like to know, how to access the GDT tolerance block in Autocad, I have a requirement, that I need to take the values from Xl and paste it in the tolerance block.
I create schematics of lighting control systems for my job, the controllers on my schematic have multiple outputs which I need to modify so they're relevant to the job.
At present I have all my blocks in a tool palette and just click and drop to add them to my schematic.
How can I tailor the text of a block without exploding it? Is this even possible?
I'm using acad 2010. Twice now this has happened in two days. Using edit block in place. I edit the block, pick save and gone, Acad just closes down, no warning no nothing.
Basically, I have a dynamic block with a distance parameter attached to an array command. The array command has a column distance of 30 inches between columns. I need to edit that distance. Is there a way to do it or do I have to start over? I have to start over, I might cry a little bit. There are a lot of other actions compounded on top of this one.
I'll attach the file, but if you edit it for me, how you did it so I'll know? Tech a man to fish and all that nonsense.
Oh, and I'm using 2012 vanilla AC, which has a different block editor than most other versions, so beware. Oh, and I don't use ribbons..
I am updating a block with attributes, adding some new, removing some old and moving the rest around. As can be expected, when I am done and save the block and insert it the order of the attributes are all messed up.
Now, as far as I can understand, BATTMAN changes the order of the attributes all right - but only in that drawing where the block is inserterd in. I want to change the order permanently. This block is to be used on pretty much all of our projects, I can't have to run Battman all the time!
I use refedit quite a bit to edit blocks in-place, but can't find a way to do this with dynamic blocks without breaking the link to the original definition and creating a new block definition.
Is there a setting I can change, or another way to edit a dynamic block in-place?
I have multiple dynamic blocks that I would like to add descriptions to. If I have a block in a tool palette, I can add a description by right clicking and selecting "Properties." But I would like to add a description that shows up in the Design Center as well.
Is there a way to do this without redefining the block? Exploding makes me lose all of my dynamic properties, and I'd hate to have to recreate them.
I'm using LT 2008, by the way, so I don't have ref edit or any of that other cool stuff.
I think a setting changed on my pc this weekend. I used to be able to double click the block and edit the attributes in the editor. Now, I can't change any values. I can only get to the dialog that shows info on the block and when I right click, I only have a few commands come out of the flywheel. I rebooted, but no go.
A drawing contained several layers, some of them locked, others de-activated during ongoing works. I wanted to edit a block used in the drawings. I selected the block and opened the block editor. After deleting some elements of the block, I had to explode a couple of elements from the block to delete further details. I selected all the remaining ones. Than I hit the toolbar button MAKE BLOCK, next I closed the block editor.
Now all of the model space appears empty except of the ONE block I edited, everything else disappeared. How can I undo the changes and bring the proper drawing back?
I tried the procedure on an earlier version - minor changes don't cause any harm to the file. But once I exploded parts of the block during editing, the error appears. When I lock up the block list, the edited one shows a sign saying "Dynamic Block" which may be the root of all evil (as the unknown is always the evil).
How to recover my drawing? Getting the backup from tape takes ages, deadline is close.
batch-editing of my titleblock. I have one drawing with 20 layouts. In each layout I have inserted our titleblock which has attributes/fields. One of the fields is the drawing revision #. I would like to be able to update the revision # so that it automatically changes it in all of the layouts (currently I have to manually change each instance).
I am inserting a block (strSectionBlk) into an AutoCAD 13 drawing using VB .NET. This block has an attribute with tag "FAB_HEIGHT" and I want to edit its string to the value of a variable "strFabHeight" at the time of the insertion of the block. The insertion of the block is fine but I've failed to edit the attibute.
Public Sub InsertSection() 'Call the Function that decides the name of the head section block strSectionBlk getSectionDwg(strModel, strHeadType) 'Start the database Dim db As Database [code]....
I am inserting a block that has one attribute with tag "FAB_HEIGHT". I have not been successful in editing this attribute.
Public Sub InsertSection() 'Call the Function that returns strSectionBlk (the Head Section drawing) getSectionDwg(strModel, strHeadType) 'Start the database Dim db As Database db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase() [Code] .....
I would like to delete the horizontal line (white line) from our sanitary profile structure. I have outlined it with a yellow cloud. I want to permanently delete it from our style. I can access the style in the Prospector but cannot figure out how to edit the block to delete the line in question.
I check online that AutoCad should have a 'grips' function, but I cannot use it because 1) I cannot find the grips and 2) I want to move the hole into an accurate position. I want to do the following simple task. Please first read the attached picture. Assume now I want to edit 3D model by changing the hole center to another location and double the radius. How I can do those? (I could not find any properties to edit)