AutoCad 3D :: How To Edit Location And Radius Of A Hole In A Block

Jul 30, 2012

I check online that AutoCad should have a 'grips' function, but I cannot use it because 1) I cannot find the grips and 2) I want to move the hole into an accurate position. I want to do the following simple task. Please first read the attached picture. Assume now I want to edit 3D model by changing the hole center to another location and double the radius. How I can do those? (I could not find any properties to edit)


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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Get Hole Location Without Using Hole Placement Definition

Apr 27, 2012

I have an assembly that contains a part and a hole feature (the hole feature is at the assembly level). Using the api, I'm trying to get the hole location relative to the part's coordinate system in a without using the holeplacementdefinition.distance property, this way I can get the hole location regardless of the way it was defined.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Bolt Connection And Hole Location Update

Nov 3, 2007

I have a frame member and a plate bolted together using the bolt connection feature. I moved the frame member slightly and while the bolt and nut moved the hole in the plate did not. Do I have to redo the connection when I adjust the position of parts to get the hole to stay in line with the bolt?

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AutoCad :: Replace Block Moves Symbol In Block Location?

Apr 12, 2012

I have blocks with several attribute tags and layers. The problem I am having is somehow when I go to replace the block with a different one the attribute tags stay in the right spot but the symbol acts like it looses its coordinates and comes in a different spot. I cant seem to fix it. When I zoom all it block editor it zooms like I have a symbol way off the mark, but I don't.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Hole Table On Another Sheet And Fields In Title Block

Jul 14, 2013

I moved the hole table from the original sheet to an other, but the fields in the title block of the new sheet don't update with the iproperties of the model

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AutoCad 3D :: How To Edit Block In A Way Which Removes Original Origin Of Block

May 23, 2013

I use AutoCAD for mac 2013. I'm a interior design student and I have a question regarding editing 3D Blocks which can be downloaded from the web.

If I download a 'free' 3D Block, is it possible to edit the block in a way which removes the 'original origin' of that block?? I have tried exploding the block and redefining it in a wblock file and changing the layer. But I'm not sure if this process has removed the original information which it came from...

If there is a way to remove the origin (that is came from the web).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Edit Registry To Set Save Location Automatically

Nov 20, 2012

In my quest to remove any unnecessary clicks I want to be able to set the default location when you press Save, Save As, Demote or 'Save and replace component'.

Default it will show up a file save as dialogue starting from my workspace. Or my last saved location. I believe this is stored in the registry and hope to Intelligent adjust these registry value's using VBA.

When diving into the registry I believe I found the right keys here:


Problem 1:

- if i change them manually I don't find a difference in Inventor (If I change other things in the registry, this has an effect)

Problem 2:

how do I set them automatic using VBA? I've got the strings sFileLocation & sFileName true the rest of my code. So I would need to do something like:

Dim oRegFileSave as Regisry entryset oRegFileSave as

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareAutodeskInventorRegistryVersion17.0SystemPreferencesFileDialogLastFileSaveDialogoRegFileSave = sFileLocation & "/" & sFileName

 For your information, these are the registry entry's I believe I need to adjust:

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AutoCad :: Scaling Block Location On Viewport?

Apr 23, 2012

I have about 10 instrumentation enlarged plans that are drawing in model space and all the equipment text and instrument bubbles and blocks are in paper space.

All of the drawings are at 1/4" but they are getting loaded down with too much info, so we are cutting each of them into twenty drawings instead of ten. While I can change the view port very easily and scale it up accordingly, after I do that I will have to re arrange the text and blocks. I'm looking for a way to scale the blocks and text in a way to where it will change the location of the text and blocks, without actually changing the size. So I bring the drawings up from 1/4" = 1'-0" to 1/2" = 1'-0". If I scale all of the blocks up by 2, it will put them in the right location, but all of the text and blocks will be too large. I could select them all and change their scale down in the property palette, but I would still have to trim down all of the leader lines going from the instruments to their bubbles.

Long story short, is there a way to scale a block or text from a basepoint to where if you scale it, it will change it's location, but not the scale of the block or text?

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AutoCad :: Find Location To Insert Block?

Apr 3, 2012

I have several blocks spaced evenly apart and I need to copy and paste another block and insert it with the same spacing. I don't want to take the step to find out how far apart they are. I believe there's a way to use the insert command to figure out the distance the next block needs to be placed when I paste it.

I'm not sure if I'm describing it correctly or if I can paste the block using the insert command.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Grip Edit Alignment Changes Reference Point Location

Aug 26, 2013

I know this.  I am aware.  This is why I avoid changing the reference point as much as possible if I have profile views or anything else dependent on my alignment.  I also have no problem with this dialog giving me a useful reminder.

My problem is this: if I want to make my alignment longer, and I grab the grip at the end of it and drag it to a new location, the reference point moves too!  Who in their right mind would want the reference point to move when adjusting the end? Personally  I wouldn't want C3D to ever move my reference point automatically.  I can have some sympathy with moving it if I am grip-editing the start of the alignment, or the tangent on which the reference point resides.  But I'm editing at the end of the alignment, on a different tangent.  Why would you move my reference point and make me have to go back and reset it to where it was?  How dare you throw your warning message at me for moving the reference point back to where it should be when you secretly moved it to a wrong location with no warning whatsoever?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Insert Block To New DWG File At Exact Location?

Jul 18, 2011

It's the part of project: I need read some named Blocks from a sample DWG and copy (clone) them (one at a time) to a new drawing.

There are 2 possible way to do it:

1. Database.Insert  - it does allow you pass in location point but it takes whole DWG file not blocks inside the whole DWG;

2. Database.WblockCloneObjects - it takes blocks as parameter but it doesn't pass in with location information you want them there.

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AutoCad :: Part File Location In Title Block?

Aug 15, 2012

I’m trying to save myself a bit of time and was wondering if it is possible to have part of the file location displayed in the title block?

The current title block we are using shows the full file location of the drawing but I was wondering if it is possible to show only part of this?

The reason I am asking is that when a project progresses to the next stage we have to go through each drawing and change the status to warrant, tender, construction etc. so I am looking for a way that this can be done automatically and I was thinking if only part of the file location could be used this process could be done by simply moving the drawings to the next folder? Our projects folders are split down in to subfolders for planning, warrant, tender etc. which corresponds with the status field on your layout. So instead of having to update this status manually every time the project progresses this would update to the folder that the drawings are in.

I:Projects## - Project TitleDrawingsConstructionGround Floor Plan.dwg

Am trying to get the "Construction" folder to display in the status field on the layout.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Edit Solid With Opening A Hole Only One Face And Deleting Another Face

Oct 2, 2013

how to edit a solid with opening a hole only one face and deleting an another face..

I added a drawing file which has a coloured face solid,I put a circle on blue face and making a hole on this face,and I want to delete red face without exploding solid,after all this I want to mesh this solid with maximum 25 units.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Global Edit Of Invisible Attributes Without Syncing Attribute Location

Feb 11, 2012

Working in Autocad 2011, PC version.My drawing has blocks that contain (1) visibible and editable attribute. Also contain (4) invisible and constant attributes.  I need to update text information in the (4) invisible attributes. Using BATTMAN seemed the easiest way to do this, but when "Sync" ing the changes, the rotation angle/placement of the Visible attribute changes globally in the drawing.

(Many of the Visible attributes location were adjusted to prevent overlapping with other drawing lines.

How can I update text values of invisible attributes without rotating/adjusting the placement of my visible one?I've tried -attedit & attredef - neither of them did what I needed.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Hole Table Formatting - Different Text Depending On The Type Of Hole

Nov 6, 2012

I've got a template with a set of Object defaults for an Inch drawing and a set for a Metric drawing.  I've just noticed that within my metric set, if I insert a hole table with tapped holes, the font on the tapped holes doesn't match the other hole types.  I'm searched around, but all the settings for the hole table style reference the same text style.  (Please see the attached image.)

So is there a way to set a certain hole type to have a certain font or size within a hole table?  Because if there is, I'd obviously like to remove it.....  But I can't seem to figure out where the issue is.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Ultimate 2013 - Cannot Add Hole To Existing Hole Chart

May 22, 2012

I am trying to add a hole to an existing hole chart.  I drop the part into a new drawing, set the ordinate "zero", and add a hole chart by selecting a few holes.  When I attempt to edit the chart: click chart, right click "edit", click add hole, select new holes, right click to create, the "create" selection is greyed out and all I have to choose from is cancel. I searched the forum here but could not find a reference to this a know issue.  Am I doing something wrong or is this a glitch of 2013. 

We are running win7 x64 machines and this happens on both the 2013 Ultimate and Premium editions of the product.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't Select Hole Edges When Creating Hole Table

Nov 19, 2012

I have had this problem intermittently for a few weeks since going to Inventor 2013 SP1.1.  I have a part within an assembly and that part has holes created in it before assembling it with other parts.  Now when I try and create a hole table in a drawing of the assembly I cannot select hole edges and the hole table is blank when trying to create it automatically from view selection.  I originally thought it may be an alignment issue but I have since aligned everything correctly and it still persists.  I can create the hole table if I import in just the part into the drawing but it will not allow me to create the table on the whole assembly. 

I can also create the hole table if I use "centred pattern" and create cross hairs on all of the holes however it does not give me correct annotations for the holes as shown in attachment and I can manually change the annotations but seriously this should not be required.  As shown in the screen shot it reads as A1 down to K1 instead of A1 to A10. .

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Control Hole Dimensions Called Out On Hole Chart?

Nov 28, 2012

Question:  Is it possible to control the Hole Dimensions called out on the Hole Chart?  As in controling leading/trailing zeros for main hole dim, alt home dim and tolerances?  Can you combine the Main Dim with the Alt dim in a single column, separated with parentheses? (same with tolerance?)

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AutoCAD .NET :: Drag And Scale Block Depends On Cursor Location?

Dec 23, 2011

Let's say I want to insert block and  if cursor is in negative coordinates  block should be  2 times bigger,

other wise the same scale. At the same time when I drag the block Jig it should become bigger as well, in negative coordination.

how to drag and change the scale at the same time based on cursor location. Right now I am using point monitor to check the location.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Use Hole Command To Place A Hole In A Part

Oct 19, 2012

I would like to use the hole command to place a hole in a part. When I place the hole it won't allow me to use one of the origin planes to locate the hole from. Can I only locate holes off edges?

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AutoCad :: Global Edit / Block Attributes Rotation BACK To Match Block Rotation

Dec 13, 2012

using AutoCAD 2009 (vanilla)

I got too smart for myself today in bringing an old drawing up to current standards...Everyone seems to want their block attributes to be zero - I have blocks where the attributes are best when they match the rotations of each blocks.

I have an old drawing that was rotated (as it should be) at approx 2deg.

I used a lisp routine to global edit all the blocks that needed to be at zero. BUT for some reason (and after hundreds of blocks were corrected), I noticed I now have two blocks that should NOT have been in the set have had their attributes rotated to zero....and the attributes should be at the same rotation as their block's rotation.

Because those two blocks have a fixed tic mark, I can click on the mark to see what the block rotation is, then rotate its attribute to that rotation, but I have hundreds of blocks! One-at-a-time sucks....

Any chance there is a GLOBAL way to edit an attribute rotation to match its own block's rotation?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Get Hole Names In Hole Table

Aug 28, 2013

i use hole feature names in hole table.

i assign hole names attribute to hole feature but dont get attribute hole table.

how to get hole names in hole table.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Hole Count During Hole Creation?

Jun 17, 2013

While creating holes in a part, a small counter shows (when you click on a point) of how many holes there are.

Solidworks (1998-2011)
Autodesk Inventor (R8 - 2013)
Autodesk AutoCad 2D
Autodesk AutoCad 3D
Catia V5
Anvil (Very old program!)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shifting Location Of Template Border And Title Block

Jun 26, 2012

We want to use our AutoCAD company standard templates within Inventor. I’ve followed the procedures to accomplish this under the heading:

Create a .dwg template in Autodesk Inventor from an AutoCAD .dwg template

This works without any problems.  Inventor is able to recognize the size of our template border (20.75” x 33”) and correctly selects a sheet format of 24” x 36”.  The template border is centered on the 24” x 36” sheet just as we would like it (see attached).

The template is used to create a new Inventor .dwg, and base views are placed and annotated.  No problems, everything looks good.  The new drawing is saved and Vaulted.  However, at some point Inventor "shifts" the location of the template on the 24” x 36” sheet format (see attached).  This action is unpredictable.  The drawing might be checked-out and checked-in several times before the “shift” happens.  When it does we have to re-locate the views and other text annotation to suit the new title block & border location.

How can we lock the position of the template border & title block?  (Should be noted that we need to keep our template positioned such that the bottom left corner is at 0,0,0 when it is opened in AutoCAD.)

Inventor RS 2011
AutoCAD Mechanical 2011
ASD 2013
Vault Collaboration 2011
Windows 7 Pro

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Lightroom :: Returning From External Edit - Saved Photo Not In Original Location In Folder

Apr 16, 2013

When I edit a photo in Photoshop from Lightroom 4 and save it back to Lightroom, the photo ends up somewhere else in the folder than it's original location.  This is a hassle as my folders can have hundreds of photos.  Is there a setting that will place the file back to where it came from?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Edit Attributes Within A Block?

Oct 19, 2011

I'm trying to edit attributes of a block but is giving error. 
private void ChangingAttibutes1(ObjectId[] objectIdList) { for (int i = 0; i < objectIdList.Length; i++) { ObjectId objectId = objectIdList[i]; BlockReference blockReference =


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AutoCAD LT :: Block Edit Dialog Box

Feb 16, 2012

Lost the ability to double click on blocks and mtext to bring up the editor box in my drawings. I've tried all settings that i know of and have had zero results.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Edit Geometric Tolerance Block

Jan 13, 2012

I would like to know, how to access the GDT tolerance block in Autocad, I have a requirement, that I need to take the values from Xl and paste it in the tolerance block.

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AutoCad :: Edit Block Text Without Exploding

Jan 8, 2012

I create schematics of lighting control systems for my job, the controllers on my schematic have multiple outputs which I need to modify so they're relevant to the job.

At present I have all my blocks in a tool palette and just click and drop to add them to my schematic.

How can I tailor the text of a block without exploding it? Is this even possible?

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AutoCad :: Edit Block In Place Closes

Jan 14, 2013

I'm using acad 2010. Twice now this has happened in two days. Using edit block in place. I edit the block, pick save and gone, Acad just closes down, no warning no nothing.

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AutoCad :: Edit Dynamic Block Action?

Dec 12, 2011

Basically, I have a dynamic block with a distance parameter attached to an array command. The array command has a column distance of 30 inches between columns. I need to edit that distance. Is there a way to do it or do I have to start over? I have to start over, I might cry a little bit. There are a lot of other actions compounded on top of this one.

I'll attach the file, but if you edit it for me, how you did it so I'll know? Tech a man to fish and all that nonsense.

Oh, and I'm using 2012 vanilla AC, which has a different block editor than most other versions, so beware. Oh, and I don't use ribbons..

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