For my particular workflow, I find that loading thumbnails as step 1 of the import process to not be of much value for me.
I would prefer to load all images from the camera CF card directly into my "Import" folder in Lightroom without having to first view and select images for import.
Step 2 for me would then distribute the images into other named folders in LR prior to the development, skipping the thumbnail phase of the process.
So, the Q: Is there any setting that allows importation into a selected folder in LR without first going through the thumbnail process?
I chose "file type:" PDF in the menu "Load Photos, Videos from folder and files" but I am not able to avoid that also JPEG files are loaded in the catalogue.
Moreover, the program freezes many times.
Am I doing something wrong or is not possible to load only a type of file?
My purpose is to get a catalogue with only a copy of all my PDF I have split in many directories.
Using Photoshop Elements 6 on Mac with Lion 10.7. As with other users, I am unable to load styles downloaded from net (asl files). Shapes, brushes, and patterns load just fine. Have tried placing them in styles folder in presets (that didn't work) and library application folder for styles (that didn't work). Have tried removing preferences file for styles from preferences folder and doing both of the above (didn't work).
how to scan an image directly into Elements 12 (for Mac). Just "upgraded" from 6 and can find no answers other than to go to Apple menu, scan in with Preview or Image Capture, save to desktop, then retrieve with Elements.
I have macbook pro 15", early 2011, 10.8.4 mountain lion OSx, and my image viewer/ editor is iphoto 11, however iphoto is for normal beginner users (like me) and even the photo editing for adding filters/ cropping/ adjusting, nothing professional. but such work done in photoshop elements 11 and others. so I download it (PSE 11) and connect it as the editor with iphoto 11, but I faced problem while saving the photos back and I searched the net and saw video tutorial, and unfortunately so far nothing to save edited photos directly as JPEG to iphoto from PSE11.
I've used Elements in the past, last one being Elements 8. now with E12, i'm unable to print directly to a disc. ive looked under the 'printer setting' ' paper size' ' type of printer' and nothing says CD/DVD or 80mm or 120mm.
I use PSE to correct scanned color film negatives. If I know the temperature of the light when the photo was taken can that value be input into PSE to correct to daylight? I'm not referring to any kind of hue adjustment via slider bars, but the actual degrees Kelvin.
I have PE 9 and could Share photos directly from the Edit page.I am correct that I must now go to the Organizer Bin in order to share? So far this is the only change I hate in the program.
how to scan my photos directly into my photoshop elements9 for mac. I see the drop down for camera and videos, but there isn't a category for scanners.
If I use LR to import the RAW files directly from a CF card, there are preview images (but I don't know how to import and save to a different HDD yet so I am still transferring files with Nikon Transfer NX)), but if I use Nikon Transfer to move the NEFs to the HDD, LR reports that it can't read the RAW files. I am using the same NEF format as what I use with ny Nikon D300 (14 bit, uncompressed) and LR will read those files.
I've been told that I shouldn't edit Adobe product files directly off of a server. At my previous job we did have problems with files becoming corrupted (inDesign in particular) when we used this editing method, so we were told to edit the files locally and then resave onto the server. However, at my new job, the IT department is a bit more savvy and I have yet to see many hiccups with our server. Other employees work directly off of the server and don't seem to have any real problems. What are the pros and cons to working directly off the server and working locally then resaving?
Can I upgrade my PSE 5.0 Catalog directly to version 12.0 without loss of data (i.e. using backup-move-restore method)? the transition to 6.0 and also to 9.0 resulted in a different data format in the catalog file.
I need to rename a number of files to specific names which are not based on the current names. Simple to do outside of LR5 but I do not want to lose the related edit data which I believe to be the case if I do it outside of LR.
Assuming the name is stored in the metadata is there anyway to access that directly to perform the rename?
problem when plotting files that have PDF images attached to them and are viewed through a viewport. When plotting, the publishing bar fills up but then stays filled and doesnt disappear. At this point AutoCAD is locked up and I see the file starts spooling. I have several PDF files attached that amount to no more than 500 kb, however, when spooling it racks up to 30mb before in sends it off to the plotter and it takes a very lenghtly wait (up to 60 min). Eventually it plots and sometimes it doesn't plot at all. After a while if I try cancelling the plot, it will start plotting but only half of the page and after that the entire operating system will lockup. We have several machines (6) and 2 plotters in a network and the plotters are shared. Is there a better and faster way to work with PDF xrefs? Could this be a networking problem instead of AutoCAD?
machine specs:
Dell Precision T3400 Intell Core Duo @ 2.33GHz 2GB RAM OS: XP pro ver.2002 (w/ SP3) AutoCAD Architecture 2012
When I try to open about 90% of my files, I can't. I get an error with a yellow caution triangle with an exclamation point. it says "Error Reading C:UsersSignsPlusDesktop.......
So I end up dragging everything to a new page. That works fine but it's a pain ending up with multiples of everything.
We are using Inventor 2012 and would like to read Solidworks 2012 files directly into the system. This can be done with Solidworks 2011 files but our vendor upgraded his software between the time he sent us test files to try the import and now. Can you tell me if the is a plug in or something that will allow us to read SW 2012 files or should we upgrade to Inventor 2013?
Out of action on CS2 for over a week now. I 'rolled back' to an April restore point. Still no success but different messages.
Programme loads then: Could not load default gradients because the file could not be found.' Then same with, Patterns, Contours, Styles, Custom Shapes and tool presets. Finishes up with Could not initialize Photoshop because a required text resource file is missing.
After restoring to an earlier date duplicates of some of the folders have been made.
I put the elements 12 disk in my DVD drive and it spens about 4 minutes trying to get going. The lights on the drive flash occasionally, and you can hear it trying to go. I go to "my computer" to check the "drive" folder and it never appears for me to click on it and open it. It also doesn't automatically load which I have turned on. I have verified it is a DVD drive.
I just upgraded to a 5D and LR4.. when I import the files load as CR2 files, not DNG files. When the files import it takes 4 files to find them. It also will not recognize the file names in the library. How do I fix this to import like it did in LR 3??
I make GIFs as a hobby. But what happen was that 3 days ago, I opened my Photoshop CS5.1 Extended version 12.1 (x64) and did the usual thing.
I went to Scripts and to Load Files into Stacks. I loaded my files and pressed OK. So here's the funny part, usually, the pictures will load by itself and eveyrthing will be in order. But what happen was that the layers load to around 6 to 7 layers and everything just disappear. Literally disappear. Like I didn't even load anything. No canvas, no images, nothing. I thought it was a bug or something so I reinstalled my CS5 but the problem remains.
So I try with my CS6 Extended version 13.0 x64. (That I barely use because I'm still more comfortable with CS5.) And the same thing happens.
I decided to Google it and nothing comes up. I do not know whether is it my laptop or something went wrong somewhere. This has never happen before for the amount of time I have CS5.
I even change my scratch disc space. Last time it was on (C) with around 20GB space and nothing happens. So I changed it to my D drive and it has atleast 150GB space. I even tried closing every applications I have to test whether is it something related to my ram. But nothing happens. The problem remains.
Here's my system information:
Window 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 Intel (R) Pentium (R) CPU B970 @ 2.30GHZ 6.00 GB Ram Running on 64-bit OS Graphics: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family