Photoshop Elements :: Saving Photos In IPhoto App Directly?
Jul 20, 2013
I have macbook pro 15", early 2011, 10.8.4 mountain lion OSx, and my image viewer/ editor is iphoto 11, however iphoto is for normal beginner users (like me) and even the photo editing for adding filters/ cropping/ adjusting, nothing professional. but such work done in photoshop elements 11 and others. so I download it (PSE 11) and connect it as the editor with iphoto 11, but I faced problem while saving the photos back and I searched the net and saw video tutorial, and unfortunately so far nothing to save edited photos directly as JPEG to iphoto from PSE11.
I've set up iphoto to open photos directly into elements 11 editor. After making changes, how can I save the images (orginal and modified) back into iphoto?
How do I open photos in Elements 10 from iphoto? I keep getting the message "could not complete your request because of program error" I'm working on a new Mac OS that I purchased only about one month ago and I installed a brand new version of Elements 10.
I've recently upgraded to PSE 11 from PSE 10. Previously, when I click edit in iphoto, the photo that I want to edit automatically opens up in PSE 10 and I can do my edit rightaway.
However, the photo does not open up automatically in PSE 11 now. My computer will launch PSE 11 but I have to manually load the photo for editing. I've done the necessary settings in iphoto (i.e edit using external editor) but it's still not working like it used to.
I've got Photoshop Elements 6 on my iMac desktop running OS X 10.7.4. When I click on File>Open in PE6, my iMac Finder opens. I then select Photos and all my iPhoto and Photo Booth files open. But I cannot click on (well, I can click on them but nothing happens) any photo to pull it into PE6. It seems a simple operation, but apparently not for me!
I installed Elements 9 on my MacBook Pro & set IPhoto to edit in Elements. However, when I click on a Edit, the computer opens Elements but does not bring the chosen photo into the program.
Is there a way to only import a few photos from iphoto in Elements 11? When I use get photos from iphoto, Elements seems to want to import the entire catalog.
I have been using iPhoto and have almost filled my laptop's memory. I want to transfer my photos (because I have many shot in RAW) to Adobe Photshop Elements 10. How do I impost one event (from iPhoto) at a time to Photshop? I was unable to transfer the entire library.
i have over 2000 pictures in iphoto. I want to upload them into elements but in one big file and then i can sort them out in elements But elements uploads them according to dates so i am getting hundreds of subfolders. How can i change the way images are imported, so that they end up in one big folder?
I want to import into the organizer just the most recent iPhoto ppictures. The problem is every time I want to import from iPhoto the system wants to import thousands of photos which I do not need. All I want are the last half-dozen or so shots that I took that's all.
I have PE 9 and could Share photos directly from the Edit page.I am correct that I must now go to the Organizer Bin in order to share? So far this is the only change I hate in the program.
how to scan my photos directly into my photoshop elements9 for mac. I see the drop down for camera and videos, but there isn't a category for scanners.
I am using adobe elememts 11 on my MAC. Do I need to import my photos from iphoto to the adobe organizer? If not I am having trouble figuring out how to get my photos from Iphoto to use in adobe-.
I am trying to import my iPhoto library into Elements. It gets part way through the process and then tells me that the import failed and provides the following message:
2090 Media files have been imported. 19 Media files were not imported because the either already present in the catalog or are not supported.
I have PSE 10 on my MAC. I normally download my photos onto iPhoto (and a while ago, onto Bridge CS3 which came with an earlier version of PSE) but more recently have become interested in using the PSE Organizer for my photo library. I have started to transfer/copy the photos from iPhoto but, having read various topics on organizing photos, am a little worried that by having the photos in 2/3 places on the MAC I will use much more hard-disk space. I know that the original files for iPhoto are in the 'Library' so that I just see thumbnails on iPhoto ( I may be wrong here?), but will the photos I now have on Organizer be working off those same 'Library' originals or am I doubling up on the space required to store these photos?
If I create a file in Photoshop without coming from Lightroom or duplicate a file in Photoshop that I opened from Lightroom, is there a way to save the new file from Photoshop to the desired directory on my local hard drive and simultaneously have it added to my Lightroom catalog? Or do I need to save the file then import the file into the catalog? I'm working with CS6.
I have started editing photos using the Photo Fix Options in Instant Fix. I have then switched to Photo Editor to fine tune my edited picture. When I use save or save as, to save the edited picture both the edited and original appear in the files. If I start in in Photo Editor and save there is an option to uncheck that reads "Save in version set with Original" However I am more comfortable with beginning in Instant Fix and then switching to photo editor. For some reason when I go to save after switching from Instant fix to Photo editor the uncheck feature is no longer available. step by step instructions to save revised photo afterusing Instant Fix first then Photo Editor.
I recently upgradedfrom "Elements 2" to Version 11. I previously saved all my edited work in JPEG format and to the "My Pictures" folder. I was then able to open all modified photos and share them with another computer without resorting to any specialised program. I wish to continue to do the same using Version 11. Having made several attempts without success to save modified photos using my well tried and successful method and having read the Manual to see why the process is not successful with Version 11 I am now exteremely frustrated. Each attempt to save a modified photo results in a Thumbnail icon being loaded into the "My Pictures" folder with the elements 11 logo. I then are only able to open the photo (which incidently does not carry the modified file name from the original) by way of the elements 11 program.
I have been using Elements 5.0 and recently I'm having a problem with the photos that I edit, (using the Photo Editor), not showing up in the folder I designate for them in Save As. Am I missing a setting that in my Organizer?
After i edit photo in elements 8 then close it,save it, it then crops itself... When i open it again about a fourth of it is gone from the bottom. What has gone wrong? It is all the photos i did (5)