Photoshop Elements :: Saving Revised Photos Without Saving Original?
Oct 16, 2012
I have started editing photos using the Photo Fix Options in Instant Fix. I have then switched to Photo Editor to fine tune my edited picture. When I use save or save as, to save the edited picture both the edited and original appear in the files. If I start in in Photo Editor and save there is an option to uncheck that reads "Save in version set with Original" However I am more comfortable with beginning in Instant Fix and then switching to photo editor. For some reason when I go to save after switching from Instant fix to Photo editor the uncheck feature is no longer available. step by step instructions to save revised photo afterusing Instant Fix first then Photo Editor.
I've set up iphoto to open photos directly into elements 11 editor. After making changes, how can I save the images (orginal and modified) back into iphoto?
Once I have tagged and/or rated a picture in Elements 10, I would like for the information to also be saved to the original file - is there a way to do this?
I have macbook pro 15", early 2011, 10.8.4 mountain lion OSx, and my image viewer/ editor is iphoto 11, however iphoto is for normal beginner users (like me) and even the photo editing for adding filters/ cropping/ adjusting, nothing professional. but such work done in photoshop elements 11 and others. so I download it (PSE 11) and connect it as the editor with iphoto 11, but I faced problem while saving the photos back and I searched the net and saw video tutorial, and unfortunately so far nothing to save edited photos directly as JPEG to iphoto from PSE11.
I recently upgradedfrom "Elements 2" to Version 11. I previously saved all my edited work in JPEG format and to the "My Pictures" folder. I was then able to open all modified photos and share them with another computer without resorting to any specialised program. I wish to continue to do the same using Version 11. Having made several attempts without success to save modified photos using my well tried and successful method and having read the Manual to see why the process is not successful with Version 11 I am now exteremely frustrated. Each attempt to save a modified photo results in a Thumbnail icon being loaded into the "My Pictures" folder with the elements 11 logo. I then are only able to open the photo (which incidently does not carry the modified file name from the original) by way of the elements 11 program.Â
I have been using Elements 5.0 and recently I'm having a problem with the photos that I edit, (using the Photo Editor), not showing up in the folder I designate for them in Save As. Am I missing a setting that in my Organizer?
After i edit photo in elements 8 then close it,save it, it then crops itself... When i open it again about a fourth of it is gone from the bottom. What has gone wrong? It is all the photos i did (5)
Image Option window show up every time I save an image after editing. Is there a way to set image quality at High and this window not to show up each time?
I'm trying to save a gif. but if I save optimized, it makes the colours go weird. I just want to save the original but photoshop isn't giving me that option!
After saving a file as, say, an 8x10 @ 240 resolution, I want to save the image as a 4x5 @72 resolution in a different file that I can give to someone on a CD. However, the new file seems to retain the 240 resolution at a dramatically reduced size so the CD gets a too-small image (and the recipient doesn't have the software to gross it back up to a 4x5).Â
I assume this has something to do with cache, which I've tried purging generally and also for the individual file. I have CS6 on a Mac Pro with ample disk space and auxiliary drives to store old files, also with plenty of spare space.Â
I've been asked to work with a blogger who until now has accepted images to their size uncompressed of resized. We've got around the problem of the max image size by using the plugin Insanity. Which has done a great job however what it doesn't do is re sample the images for the web. Â Usually if I blog myself, I always save for web but I'm having real trouble, real real trouble creating an action that will save for web to the original folders instead of a separate one. Â The thing is that there are so so many images in so many different folders and sub folders these must be modified and replaced ready for re upload.
I made a PNG logo transparent, and when I go to save the new transparent logo in PNG format, the quality has dropped significantly from the original. I have done nothing other than delete the background of the logo, why is this happening in a lossless format? What can I do to fix this or increase the quality of the transparent logo?
Is it possible to save the original photograph as well as the edited one? I would like both but I don't know how to save them LIghtroom, it just seems to edit the picture and then the original is gone....
Isn't writing metadata to the XMP space of a file (jpeg or dng) altering the file? I assumed that non-destructive meant not changing the original file in any way, and this rewrites the file and thus changes the modification date. And if the Develop settings are included, then doesn't that confuse things as to which version will be displayed by an application that opens it? Do I need to store the original somewhere else? Or am I misunderstanding how this all works?Â
I use Paintshop Pro Photo XI. When opening my unedited picture in Irfanview I can read a long list of information under "EXIF", but as soon when I open the photo in Paintshop and save it a great part of the original EXIF information is "gone" and replaced by a very brief survey, including Paintshop information.
What can I do to preserve the original EXIF information?
I am adjusting colours on photos with Photo Paint X6. When I try to save with original settings the OK button in the "Export to JPEG" dialog box is grayed out. There are no error messages or hints on the screen as to what to do to proceed with the save JPEG with orginal settings.
If I create a file in Photoshop without coming from Lightroom or duplicate a file in Photoshop that I opened from Lightroom, is there a way to save the new file from Photoshop to the desired directory on my local hard drive and simultaneously have it added to my Lightroom catalog? Or do I need to save the file then import the file into the catalog? I'm working with CS6.
New to this forum but need some help. I have been working in CS2 for some time but have recently started having an issue with saving photos.
after doing any editing, when I go to save as, unless i actually type in .jpg (or whatever fromat i choose to save in) it does not save the photo in ANY format.
I retouch my photos in PhotoShop and make photo merges but when I go back to them in bridge, no changes have been made. What do I have to do differently that what I have always done in the past?
I am having a problem saving photos after editing them in Photoshop. I had a similar problem in a previous photo-editor, so I realize this may not be Photoshop-specific but am hoping someone might have an answer.
I open a photo normally in Ps, edit it, and save it as a jpeg. Then if I go to reopen the file in Ps it tells me that it can't because it is the wrong file type.
In the file properties it shows the file type simply as 'file', and Vista displays it as a blank page icon. I am able to open the image in the default Windows image viewer.
The oddest part is that this seems to happen only to some photos, with others working problem-free I am completely at a loss on this one.
When I export a photo into photoshop and make my changes, as I save as a tif, it isnt automatically updated in lightroom, so I constantly have to sync the folder. Â My previous versions of LR (before 5), this would update automatically and as I would return to LR, the new file would be there. Â How can I change this?
Why are my photos not saving as JPEG files? When I select JPEG, they save in my folder as Photoshop files which I cannot email and most people cannot open on their computers.
I'm scanning in page by page, without taking the photos out. (it's quick and dirty but works best for what I'm doing) Now I have templates set up in .psd for the differenrt sized pics, mostly 3x3 or 3.5 x 5, that I pull the scans into and touch up. Now I want to create an action that saves the photos as a .jpg, but when I do this it overwrites the previous .jpg. And I can't stop the action during the "save as" process. Any ideas what I can do here to streamline the process? I've tried searching, but couldn't find anyrthing specific to my perdicament.
I had my automatic save set up for every 10 minutes but files were not being saved regularly. I deleted files from the Temp folder thinking it was full and now there are no .sv$ saving at all. How can I make drawings save automatically every 10 minutes?
In Photoshop CS 6, I noticed that some of the filters I use (Mostly The Cut Out Filter in the Artistic Folder) is not on the filter dropdown list anymore like it has been on other versions of Photoshop. I have to go to FILTER GALLERY  Then I go to ARTISTIC then I can see the Cut Out Filter.
Is there any way I can make the Artistic Folder, or any other Filter Folder in the Filter Gallery a part of the Filter dop down list? This would be be a little faster and save me a few clicks with the mouse. Â Question # 2. I have an EPSON 3490 Scanner and I scanned a document into PS 6 and it asks me to save it in a folder before I can open it up in Photoshop. Can I just Scan it in, and then decide where I want to save it? This was always the way in every other version of Photoshop. I really do not want to have 2 versions of the same picture on my computer. Â Question # 3 Why does it always save as a .jpeg when I scan using Photoshop? I would like to always save it as a .psd as it scans in to Photoshop.
When ever I make changes to my photos in Lightroom it doesn't seem like they are saved when I export them out of Lightroom, especially when cropping. They don't look as clear and as nice when I view them in Lightroom.
I'm starting to get serious about photography. I've shot a batch of photos that need manual processing. There are a couple of steps where I should be able to save one or two keystrokes every time. This may sound minor, but when I have to do it time after time after time, it gets annoying. This is not intended to be a rant, but rather a request for info about changing defaults to speed things up for me.
I'm running Gimp 2.6.11 on Gentoo linux (64-bit). I've looked at "Edit ==> Preferences", but can't seem to find what I'm looking for there.
1) I need to crop photos, but the manual "crop tool" is not the best fit. I prefer to use "Image ==> Canvas Size". My problem is that the Width+Height aspect ratio defaults to staying constant. I.e. if I crop the X size, the Y size changes proportionally. I do NOT want that. I have to manually click on the link to break the linkage. Sometimes I forget, which can get really annoying, when cropping in one dimension crops the other as well. How can I change the default to not link the X+Y sizes?
2) Saving stuff to PNG *) After having done any cropping, I obviously want to save my work. Saving to PNG pops up a dialog about "Your image should be exported before it can be saved... Is there any way to get the PNG save routine to just do it, rather than popping up a dialogue?
*) If I'm saving to a new PNG file, I get YET ANOTHER DIALOGUE with settings for compression/interlacing/etc/etc. I never change the default settings, so this is another extra annoyance to me. How can I get the "save as" command to "just do it"?
I have been using PSE9 for awhile. Imported around 3000 photos from camera card.  I didn't realize that I should have made a copy of the original photos. Now they are stored in the Organizer along with all the changes.  How can I copy/backup the original camera photos at this late date?
When I bring up n image file from a folder and after I work on it I would like to save in another folder other than from the original download file which is the only choice I seem to get.
Is there way to designate a "default" folder for saving other than having to continually search for the folder I wish to save to?
After installing Adobe Photoshop Elements 11, I imported all my photos from my files on my computer. Many of the photos were upside down and needed to be rotated. When I rotated them, they were moved to the current date (when edited). How can I keep them in their original sequence (date)?