Photoshop Elements :: How To Load Pictures Into Organizer From IPhoto Or Files
Jan 17, 2014I get error messages when trying to load pictures into Organizer from iphoto or files
View 2 RepliesI get error messages when trying to load pictures into Organizer from iphoto or files
View 2 RepliesI downloaded a trial version of Elements 12. I used Elements 6 a few years ago on a PC, now I have a MAC and there's a lot of difference between version 6 and 12. I downloaded all of my I-photo files into the Organizer but would like to delete them now that I realize they are all jumbled up and basically useless. There are 5,000 photos & several hundred folders. I can't figure out how to select multiple folders to delete them from the organizer.
View 1 Replies View RelatedDo i use back up, export or copy/move .
View 5 Replies View RelatedOrganiser has imported phtots and movies from files but always sticks at 82% import from iPhoto. It copies photos to the Adobe folder but sticks when importing to the Organiser program?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi,m about to import photos from iphoto into elements 11 organizer. there is an option to have organizer convert events from iphoto into albums, is there an advantage to doing this, if i don't choose that option will it make adifference.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I import my iPhoto events into Elements 11 Organizer and keep the events separate. They are all named and I want all the information to remain with the event.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am using adobe elememts 11 on my MAC. Do I need to import my photos from iphoto to the adobe organizer? If not I am having trouble figuring out how to get my photos from Iphoto to use in adobe-.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am a new Mac user - recently insalled Photoshop elements 9 and tried to import my photos which are all in iPhoto at the moment into the organiser. I went via the 'Get files > import from iPhoto' menu and I keep getting a messsage tab saying 'no suitable media'.
I clicked the share in iPhoto and also tried via the getting files directly route (you only get the 'iPhoto library' that way not the individual files - any combo of clicking wont seem to let me see the files there).
I am just starting to use Photoshop Elements 12 Organizer. I do not want to import my entire iPhoto library however, so how can I import ONLY ONE or a select group of events or albums?
View 6 Replies View Relatedwhen importing photo's into elements organizer from iphoto the edits and captions I did in iphoto DO NOT import whith the photo's. Why?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a Mac with OSX8 and have previously been using PSE9 without any trouble. I've recently installed PSE12 but it cannot access the pictures in my iPhoto library for editing, even though I've changed the iPhoto settings to use PSE12 as the external editor. When I right click a picture in iPhoto and then click "edit in external editor", PSE12 opens but the worksurface is empty, and I can't figure out how to open the picture for editing. I have no problem editing photos that are on my desktop, so the problem seems to lie in communication between iPhoto and PSE12. I never had this problem with PSE9.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have PSE 10 on my MAC. I normally download my photos onto iPhoto (and a while ago, onto Bridge CS3 which came with an earlier version of PSE) but more recently have become interested in using the PSE Organizer for my photo library. I have started to transfer/copy the photos from iPhoto but, having read various topics on organizing photos, am a little worried that by having the photos in 2/3 places on the MAC I will use much more hard-disk space. I know that the original files for iPhoto are in the 'Library' so that I just see thumbnails on iPhoto ( I may be wrong here?), but will the photos I now have on Organizer be working off those same 'Library' originals or am I doubling up on the space required to store these photos?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI installed PSE 12 and mistakenly copied all photos from iPhoto to PSE 12---and filling up hard drive. I would like to delete all photos copied to the Organizer---would it be best to simply uninstall PSE 12? I would rather keep photos in iPhoto and import the photos I want to work on manually.
View 3 Replies View RelatedPSE 12 Organizer won't load. Only Editor will load. First time using it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've uninstalled PSE9 and installed PSE12. The basicintroduction menu loads and the editor menu, however the Organizer just will not open eoither direct or via the editor?
I'm running windows 7, I have tied 3 times reinstalling etc to no avail...?
I have PhotoShop Elements 8 (boxed DVD) installed on a HP Elite desktop with Intel i-core 7 processor with Windows 7 - 64 bit operating system. The PSE 8 organizer will not load and hangs up. The editior, however, loads. Unistalled and reinstalled the software and the results are the same.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just installed Elements 12 on a machine running Windows 8.1. Organizer will not load no matter what I do. How do I make this program work?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy Photoshop 8 won't load the organizer. (It will load the editor) It does this from time to time and usually, in a few days it works again. I have called adobe support in the past about this but they don't believe me. This time a week has gone by and I still can't get the organizer to open. So, I tried re-installing it from the disk. It uninstalled it and now, won't re-install it. I let my back up expire (as every few months I have to call adobe to get re-connected to it). Is adobe now blocking my installation? The installation gets to verifing and then deletes the files it just installed.
View 1 Replies View RelatedEVERY time I try to load Photoshop Elements 10 Organiser it crashes "Elements 10 Organizer has stopped working". It is unusable. Is there a patch or something I can load? I will contact Adobe but I'm out of hours at the moment. In the meantime hunting on forums and internet has revealed to me others who have had this problem but no solution. I am using Windows 8 with 8GB RAM on an Intel i7 processor.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWith my old 10 elements I could upload directly from my camera into the organizer, with 12 it won't. I have to get each picture from a different folder, edit it, then save to another folder......
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do you put pictures on a cd (using a computer) from the organizer?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe Organizer is not displaying some of my pictures. Says "File size is too large", but the picture is only 9.3 mb. I need to view the picture(s) and call them up to edit etc.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow do I delete all pictures within PSE12 organizer?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI cant remove pictures from organizer
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just installed Elements 12. How do I get my photographs on my laptop into Organizer? I have many sub-folders of my world trips, do I need to do each one seperately?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just purchased a Nikon D7100 and after taking some pictures I tried to load them on Photoshop Elements 11. When doing so I got an error message stating "Nothing was imported. The files or folders selected for importing did not contain any supported file types ot the files are already in this catalog" (they aren't already in the catalog.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I separate multi pictures that are scanned into the organizer of photo elements 12?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been entering captions on my holiday photos but after I've done a few the pictures begin to roll rapidly through. I have been closing PS9 and opening it again, but the problem continues to recur.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have just upgraded from Elements 9 to 11. I had no issues exporting from iphoto to 9, worked a treat. I have configured everything exactly the same, checked and double checked all the preferences and it will not work automatically. I can manually export to my desk to and it works fine, the raw file shows up in the bridging application and I can do whatever I need to. However, this is a bit long winded and as it worked so well before it is a little frustrating..
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a new Mac Air, and have been using Iphoto '11 (9.4.2). I downloaded PSE 10 through the App Store. In Iphoto I have clicked the "advanced" tabs to use PSE 10 as external editor and to export files as RAW. However, whenever I try to open a RAW file in PSE 10, it becomes a JPEG. This is true for both NEF (Nikon d300) and RAF (Fujix-100) files. It is also true whether I try to open the file through Iphoto by clicking the edit button (with PSE 10 as the external editor), or opening the Iphoto file directly through PSE 10. Also, when in Iphoto, it shows the file accurately as either NEF or RAF), and I can use the RAW editing in Iphoto.
Meanwhile, PSE 10 has no problem opening either type as RAW when I use a source different than Iphoto, for example from the memory card directly out of the cameras.
I have 2 hard disks in my computer. The c drive is getting crowded and I want to move my photo folder to the other disc (D:). How do I "tell" Organizer to point to the d drive instead of the C drive.
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