Photoshop Elements :: How To Load Copy Of PDF Files In Catalog

Feb 22, 2013

I chose "file type:" PDF in the menu "Load Photos, Videos from folder and files" but I am not able to avoid that also JPEG files are loaded in the catalogue.

Moreover, the program freezes many times.

Am I doing something wrong or is not possible to load only a type of file?

My purpose is to get a catalogue with only a copy of all my PDF I have split in many directories.

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Photoshop Elements :: Catalog Fails To Load

Oct 1, 2012

Catalog fails to load in Photoshop Elements 5.0 on windows 7 operating system.  After installation, the "edit" portion of the program runs regularly but the "organize" portion fails to load the catalog.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Move And Copy Items From One Catalog To Another

Feb 21, 2014

I have two enhancements that would really make my day in Photoshop Elements Organizer:
The first would be the ability to move and copy items from one catalog to another.  This might entail being able to have more than one catalog open at a time.  I could then drag and drop or copy an item from one to another.  I have several items in a family picture catalog that more appropriately belong in my genealogy catalog.  The only way to rectify this now is to delete from the one catalog and then recreate it in the other.The second would be the capability to stream albums directly to my Smart TV.  Windows Media Player can currently do this, but I would have to recreate my albums in Windows Media Player, which seems a waste of time if I have already built albums in the Elements catalog.  (There apparently is a way to do this currently using iTunes and an Apple TV device, but I would like to be able to do this directly from Elements).  The above two enhancements would be really cool!!

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Copy Elements Of Files In Drawing - Copy To Clipboard Failed

Jan 11, 2013

i have various files which I cannot copy elements of into other drawings.

when i use the ctrol+copy command, I get the "copy to clipboard failed". This has only started since I upgraded to AutoCAD2012.

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Photoshop Elements :: 10 - Cannot Load NEF Files Directly

Oct 26, 2013

I Have down loaded up- dates so much so that you will not give me any more.But I still cannot load NEF Files on to Elements 10 Directly.

It just take a great deal of time down loading & turning them into TIFF files, is there an alternative without upsetting my bank manager?

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Photoshop Elements :: Copy New Files Only (Ignore Already Imported Files) Not Working

Dec 27, 2013

I am using Photoshop Elements 10 Version 10 (20110831.m.17215) and everytime I plug in a memory card to upload images it wants to upload every image on the card, even though it has previously uploaded images from that card, even though I have the "Copy New Files Only (Ignore Already Imported Files)" box ticked in the preferences Camera or Card Reader section. This gets very frustrating and time consuming when I have to go through the images every single time to uncheck the images that have already been uploaded.

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Photoshop Elements :: Nikon D800 NEF Files Will Not Load In 11?

Jan 23, 2013

Nikon D800 NEF files will not load in the Elements 11 trial version I just downloaded and installed on my iMac. 

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Photoshop Elements :: Can't Load ASL (styles) Files In 6 On Mac With Lion 10.7

Sep 10, 2013

I read the info on this page: [URL]
Using Photoshop Elements 6 on Mac with Lion 10.7. As with other users, I am unable to load styles downloaded from net (asl files). Shapes, brushes, and patterns load just fine. Have tried placing them in styles folder in presets (that didn't work) and library application folder for styles (that didn't work). Have tried removing preferences file for styles from preferences folder and doing both of the above (didn't work).

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Photoshop Elements :: Can't Load NEF Files To Organizer Only Accepts JPG?

Jan 17, 2014

Do i use back up, export or copy/move .

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Load Pictures Into Organizer From IPhoto Or Files

Jan 17, 2014

I get error messages when trying to load pictures into Organizer from iphoto or files

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Photoshop Elements :: The Adobe DNG Converter Refuses To Load NEF Files

Dec 17, 2013

How can I get nef files from my nikon d800 loaded into the DNG program?

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Photoshop Elements :: Recover Catalog Files

Feb 28, 2014

I had PSE 10 installed on my Windows 7 machine when my hard drive started to fail, rendering the OS unbootable. Luckily I have all of my pictures stored on an external RAID (5+1), but I'd like to get all of my catalog information back (albums, people tags, etc.). Is there a way to do that without having to start PSE and run a backup (since that's not really feasible).There are two pieces of information that I hope will make this possible:

1) I have a backup of my c:Users directory on an external drive
2) I have successfully attached my old hard drive to a different machine where I can access most of the files on the drive (although some are corrupt).
I guess what I really need to know is what files I need to copy in order to preserve this data.

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Photoshop Elements :: Deleted Files (XMP) From Catalog?

Feb 18, 2014

deleted files (xmp) from my catalog in photo shop elements 12 they are in trash. Can I recover them back to my catalog.

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Photoshop Elements :: Delete Files From Catalog?

Jan 8, 2014

Uploaded photos to Elements 11 but instead of individual photos they went to Contact Sheets, now can't upload same photos as I get message saying they are already in Catalog.  But can't find them.  Do I need to delete Contact Sheets and the upload photos in . NEF format into Elements 11 for PP?  If so how do I do this?

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Photoshop Elements :: Transferring Catalog And Files To New PC

Sep 13, 2013

I'm need to transfer my Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 catalog and photo files to a new computer.  I've done the full backup of the catalog and photo files.  However, the restore process to the new computer apparently renames the photo file when you do the restore. I would like to maintain the original file names.  How do migrate the catalog and files to a new pc while maintaining the folder structure and the original file names?

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Photoshop Elements :: PSE10 On Mac Can't Read Catalog Files

Mar 13, 2014

I have Photoshop Elements 10 on my Mac and my PC.  I have several catalogs on an external harddrive with older photos.  I have tried to get my Elements on my Mac to read those catologs.  However, it gives me a message that the catologs are in a older format and need to be upgraded or damaged and need to be repaired.  I ran the repair utiity on the catologs using Elements on my PC and it found nothing wrong.  My PC version can open the files without any issues.  Both versions of Elements are the exact same.  I installed them both the same day from the same CD set (Elements 10 came with both PC and Mac versions).

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Photoshop Elements :: Transfer Catalog WITHOUT Moving Files

Nov 19, 2012

I am using Google Drive to store my photos so they are automatically backed up and sync'd across multiple computers, as well as my phone.
I am buying a new primary computer and will need to transfer the catalog to the new computer.  However, as I will be installing Google Drive on that computer as well, the photos will all sync down automatically.  There is no need to have PE10 copy my flies from the old computer as part of the transfer process, as described here: [URL] ....
The way I see it, there are two scenarios:
I HAVE to use PE10 to make a back up of all the files in the catalog onto an external drive.  I import the library on the new computer and either A) Google Drive recognizes that the files are all the same and doesn't waste time syncing the files or B) Google Drive replaces the 110 GB of files currently on the servers with the same files, then pushes those files down to all the devices that are synced.
I can use Google Drive to push the photos onto my new computer, then the paths, tags, albums and other catalog information can be imported without PE10 worrying about the photo files themselves.

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Photoshop Elements :: Files Are Missing In Catalog Folders

Aug 15, 2012

I have upgreaded to Elements 10 and when doing the catalog conversion many of the folders in the new catalog are missing the files(photos). When I right-click on those folders and try to add the files I can see the missing files attempting to transfer but on completion I receive this: :The files or folders selected to import did not contain any supported file types or the files are already in this folder"-BUT-the files are NOt in the folder in the catalog. They are in the folder on my computer as I am able to access them easily-They simply did not end up in the catalog's respective folders. I am using Windows XP Pro and all my Folders and Files are on an external drive and are saved there when I download the photos from my camera. I have not had this issue before--How might I get these files into the folder in the catalog?-I tried setting up a new catalog and attempted to convert again with the same results.

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Photoshop Elements :: Cannot Reconnect Files Missing From Catalog

Apr 20, 2013

Even though I select All Files or all the files listed as missing, or even individual files, when I click on Reconnect I get the message "No files selected".  How do I get beyond this to reconnect the missing files?

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Photoshop Elements :: Delete Missing Files From Catalog?

May 25, 2013

With DSLR cameras we shoot tens of thousands of pictures a year and delete hundreds from our hard drives over time.  So how do you delete hundreds of missing missing files that still exist in the catalog, which cause the "Reconnect Missing Files" screen to show?  Does a setting exist to remove all missing files from the catalog?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Find And Correct Corrupt Catalog Files On E9

Feb 17, 2013

I was trying to create a simple slideshow with sound when first my computer warned of low memory (something that doesn't seem plausible), and then Photoshop Elements 9 and the associated organizer crashed. When I brought it back, several photos were "grayed out" and my organizer is completely frozen. The error suggests that there are corrupt files. I tried to follow the instructions on the website, but cannot find any sort of Catalog menu or means of changing anything in the catalog or organizer as indicated in the troubleshooting and restoration instructions.

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Photoshop Elements :: Restored Catalog In New Location - All Files Disconnected

Jan 9, 2013

I backed up my Elements 10 catalog to an external hard drive.I then built a new computer, and installed Elements 10. I then used the Restore feature and restored my catalog to a new location.
All of the pictures came in along with my tags, etc. but all of the pictures are showing a generic icon with a question mark, meaning that they are all disconnected.
When I click on a picture and look at the location, it is still showing the old location, even though I used the Restore function and specific a new location, so Elements obviously knows where the pictures are because it put them there!!!

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Photoshop Elements :: Reconnect Missing Files Without Deleting Them From Catalog?

Oct 9, 2012

How do I reconnect missing files without deleting them from catalog?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Sync Catalog Files To A Second External Hard Drive

Nov 6, 2012

I have a catalog that is tied to Elements Organizer Sync Agent 10.0.  This causes thumb.5 cache to give an error process tied to another process when I try to do anything with this file.  I want to sync my catalog files to a second external hard drive..  I want to remove this .

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Copy Selected Files To CD

Nov 11, 2012

how do i copy selected files to CD

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Copy Files To Removable Media

Feb 17, 2014

Recently switched from Vista to W8/64 (new pc) and reinstalled PSE11, after which I can no longer copy files to removable media, i.e. to a DVD. After choosing the right drive and pressing the "done" button the burning screen pops up and freezes.

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Photoshop Elements :: Import Existing Catalog And Continue Sorting New Photos Into Old Catalog

Oct 25, 2013

We have 11000+ plus photos all carefully cataloged in Photoshop Album 1.0 on my old Windows XP PC. Our new PC is Windows 7 Home Premium with Photoshop Elements 9. How do I import our existing catalog and continue sorting our new photos into our old catalog?

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Lightroom :: 5 Catalog Will Not Load?

Dec 12, 2013

My Lightroom 5 Catalog will not load - I get a message saying it needs to be repaired.  When I try to repair it, it will not finish and I get a message that it may repair at a later time.  I have tried this multiple time with no success.  is thre any way i can recover this catalog.  It has a large number of photos and I will lose all my editing and indexing information.

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Photoshop Elements :: 11 Catalog Not Showing Up In Catalog Manager

Oct 14, 2013

My latest battle with PSE11 is trying to access my catalog in PSE11 via the Catalog Manager but it doesn't show up in the list. 

The catalog is named My Catalog 2 is located at C:ProgramDataAdobeElements OrganizerCatalogsMy Catalog 2.  It is the only catalog I use and is the one that opens up when I launch Organizer.  But, for the life of me, I can't get it to show up in the Catalog Manager.  The only catalog that shows up is the original catalog which is at a different location and was created when I installed PSE11 on my new computer (Thinkpad W530, Windows 8).  I've tried the Custom Location option and browsing to the location, but still no dice.  This catalog has thousands of pictures and was converted from my previous PSE6 catalog.  How do I get the Catalog Manager to find my current active catalog? 

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Photoshop :: Download Copy Of CS4 To Load On New Computer And Cannot Find Disc

Sep 2, 2013

I need to download a copy of CS4 to load on a new computer and cannot find disc.  The software is registered and I have the Serial Number.  I found a answer to the same question back in June and I followed the instructions to download on a Prodesign Site but when I double clicked the exe file it told me a file archive part of photoshop was missing. 

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Lightroom :: Load Photo From Catalog - Unknown Error Occurred

Jul 11, 2012

While trying to load a photo from catalog in Lightroom 4 Develop Module, load fails and I get message "an unknown error occurred."  What does this really mean, what is the fix?  Using PC and Vista.

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