AutoCAD Inventor :: Reading Solidworks 2012 Files Directly Into System
Sep 3, 2012
We are using Inventor 2012 and would like to read Solidworks 2012 files directly into the system. This can be done with Solidworks 2011 files but our vendor upgraded his software between the time he sent us test files to try the import and now. Can you tell me if the is a plug in or something that will allow us to read SW 2012 files or should we upgrade to Inventor 2013?
problem when plotting files that have PDF images attached to them and are viewed through a viewport. When plotting, the publishing bar fills up but then stays filled and doesnt disappear. At this point AutoCAD is locked up and I see the file starts spooling. I have several PDF files attached that amount to no more than 500 kb, however, when spooling it racks up to 30mb before in sends it off to the plotter and it takes a very lenghtly wait (up to 60 min). Eventually it plots and sometimes it doesn't plot at all. After a while if I try cancelling the plot, it will start plotting but only half of the page and after that the entire operating system will lockup. We have several machines (6) and 2 plotters in a network and the plotters are shared. Is there a better and faster way to work with PDF xrefs? Could this be a networking problem instead of AutoCAD?
machine specs:
Dell Precision T3400 Intell Core Duo @ 2.33GHz 2GB RAM OS: XP pro ver.2002 (w/ SP3) AutoCAD Architecture 2012
We are working with a business partner who has been sending up Solidworks files to import into Inventor and up to today we've had no issues. We just got a bunch of files today and when we import them they appear to be empty. Can Inventor only import certain versions of SWX?
We do not know if our partner updated their SWX or not. We have tried various settings in the Options window and still the same result. I've attached a sample file. We are running the Autodesk Product Design Suite 2012 - Ultimate with Inventor SP1.
I had a question as to whether or not there are any upgardes / improvements / options in any of the later Autodesk versions (2013, 2014) have the ability to convert 2D drawings from NX/Catia/Solidworks to Inventor. Is it possible to convert 2D drawings from these other software to extensions that are compatible with Autodesk software? I'm running an earlier version of Inventor on my machine but it seems as though even those at our other locations running Autodesk 2013/2014 are having trouble converting 2D files properly.
I have a large JPEG image (10000*11000px), attached to an Autocad drawing, that I want to crop multiple times. I cannot load it into memory using .Net, I get an out of memory exception. the only thing I think I can do is read it directly from Autocad. To do that, there is a method of the "RasterImageDef" class called "OpenImage" witch returns an IntPtr to the image. I tried to create a Bitmap object from the IntPtr and the save it to disk. I get no errors but the saved image is black. here' the code :
public static void IntPtrTest(){ Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Database db = doc.Database; Editor ed = doc.Editor; ObjectId imageDict = RasterImageDef.GetImageDictionary(db);
I have to import multiple files from Solidworks. I don't have any issues with that except that when I import these files they are base files. All the intelligence is wiped out. I know that Solidworks can import Inventor files and keep all of the intelligence in the file. Does Autodesk have translator software that will allow the import of a solidworks file and keep the intelligence used to build the model?
I am drawing in 3D in autocad 2012 and are getting solidworks models from the client. I also have solidworks 2011 installed on my machine and was trying to import the solidworks models into autocad as 3D solids.
In the past (using Autocad 2007), I could copy my AutoCAD drawing and paste it into a sketch in Solidworks. Since my company updated to AutoCAD 2013, I can't seem to paste anything into the Solidworks sketch.
I have AutoCAD 2012 on a Win 7 64bit laptop. Ive had it on here for over a year and never had this issue till today. My AutoCAD loads up fine and loads up the default Drawing1 file. However after waiting a few seconds and going to click File, it comes up with Not Responding on the top. I wait patiently for several minutes and it does not recover. Not quite sure what went wrong . My desktop has the same issue. There is a possibility of it being caused by CCleaner after using it to fix errors and it messed with something in the resgistry while doing so but not sure.
I need to migrate 5000+ SW drawings files. Some have broken model references. I was hoping to use task scheduler but it produces empty DWG for any SW drawing that has a broken reference.
Now there is a feature in SW called QuickView that opens in the last saved state but doing so only allows to save to TIF.
i was working on an animation and that was a great animation I worked on that 2 months and i was working on that and when i wanted to save the scene the monitor gone black and i restart my pc.and when i opened the maya and tried to open the scene it said error reading file.
I have an assembly designed by somebody else in Inventor. I exported it as STP under Inventor 2013 and imported to SolidWorks 2012. It took over half a day. After the import, some of the objects became big spheres. Know what is going on? I then saved a sub-assembly from Inventor and imported to Solidworks. I tried to use Feature Recognition. However, SW reported that "FeatureWorks. Part contains overlapping solids. FeatureWorks can not proceed further." In the tree on the left, I see a list of Imported objects. I cannot even edit those objects. What is the best way to import design created in Inventor to SolidWorks anyway?
Solidworks has something called display states where you can change each component in an assembly to appear differently. For example; one part shaded another line edges without hidden lines, yet another showing the hidden lines along with the line edges. Then once these are set this can be brought into a drawing.
I have a customer that wants the .idw file. If I do a save as and ship him the file I know all the links will be broken and won't work right. I remember in AutoCad had a command called Etransit where you can export a drawing and have everything attached to it exported with it so you didn't lose the xrefs, layers, ect.... Does inventor have something like that where I can export the .idw and it'll attach all the .ipt and .iam files to it in like a .zip file?
I wonder if I can extrude a .igs file in inventor 2012. I had been trying with the thicken/offset feature but it didn't work, the program get stucked when I use this tool. The thing is I am trying to convert a surface to solid with volume.
I attached the .ipt file(compressed as .rar) where I opened the .igs file to work on it.
I am trying to import a ProE created STP or STEP file of a solid model into 2012. STP does not seem to be an option under format types. AutoCAD Mechanical 2012 seems to import the file just fine and it looks and act like a solid. I saved the file out in dwg format. When I try to import the dwg file into Inventor or just open it, a "styles conflict" dialog box comes up even though the dwg file being imported and the ipt file being used are the standard versions that come with the programs. If I click OK an idw file opens displaying a blank sheet. Then Inventor acts like it is done with the task.
I was recently setting up a new install of Civil 3D 2012 and was going to set the default coordinate system to 3TM (CM=114°W) when I realized the scale factor was set to 1.0 at the central meridian.
It should be 0.9999. I checked some others and they are all the same. I also checked the 6TM projection and it is also set to 1 although it should be 0.9992
Below is the WKT(ESRI) out of Civil for EPSG code 3401:
Looking up the .PRJ for EPSG 3401, the published standard is:
PROJCS["NAD83 / Alberta 10-TM (Resource)",GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983",DATUM["D_North_American_1983",SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137,298.257222101]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0],PARAMETER["central_meridian",-115],PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9992],PARAMETER["false_easting",0],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["Meter",1]]
Win 7 Enterprise SP1 64 bit Intel i7 3770 @ 3.40 GHz 16 GB RAM Civil 3D 2012 SP2
We are looking to switch from SW to Autodesk in order to utilize advanced surfacing in Alias, and its interoperability with Inventor. However, we need to continue to perform Kinimatic linkage studies as well using Inventor. I need to make sure we can perform the same calculations with ease before making the switch.
At this point I am trying to mimic in Inventor the kinimatic studies I perform in SW. In SW I would perform these studies within a single part file, using a single sketch only (no solid parts). Within this part file I would break up the total "travel" of the linkage into configurations that are driven by a "Design Table". The Design Table would be used for both the main driving value, and for any driven values I wanted to use for analysis.
I am trying to find a way to get the same driven variables written to an Excel file to use for analysis using Inventor.
As a test example:
I would like to drive one variable(Damper Length) to get ~20 different iParts, each with the linkage moved to a new point within its set range of motion. I then would like to write several Driven variables(Displacement_1-3 shown in "RULE CODE" attachement) from each iPart instance to an Excel file.
I have been able to get my 20 iParts and the linkage to move accordingly(iPART INSTANCES attachement), but I have not figured out how to write the driven data to excel for each iPart instance(20 rows of data, 3 columns). I have only been able to write the dimesions for one row of data...whichever iPart is currently open.
with the necessary iLogic code or another solution? It seems like this should be pretty straight forward. Do I need to be using the "ChangeRow" iPart Snippet?
I am having an issue opening a SolidWorks file in Inventor. The file is a native SolidWorks .sldprt file. This is the procedure I followed: File-Open in Inventor, changed file type to SolidWorks Files and selected the file on my computer to be opened. I then recieve an HTML error message stating "Error - Translation failed. This version is not supported." I am currently using Inventor 2013. I received the file from one of our sister companies and we were hoping to be able to exchange native files easily using Inventors built in translator.
Any translator or add-in that would work to open files of this type.
I am having trouble opening an assembly I made on inventor in solidworks. First I drew a frame using just lines and saved it as frame.ipt
then I opened a new assembly and placed the frame.ipt into the assembly. Once that was done I was able to add a frame to follow the path of the lines by clicking "insert frame"
This assembly was called frame.iam
When I try opening on Solidworks it does not work. I clicked body and features and either way it did not work.
I have transferred assembly to solidworks before but I think I am having trouble with this one since I made a frame using inventor tools instead of just making every single part myself and then constraining it together in an assembly.
I had a crash on exiting Inventor 2012 (fully up to date, service packs installed etc.) and since that crash I can't open any drawing (.idw) file in Inventor: it appears to hang, with no processor activity etc.
The same files open, view and print fine with Inventor View.