Photoshop :: Changing Working Or Temp Directory?
Jan 4, 2013I want to change the "working directory" or "temp directory" for can I do this?
View 2 RepliesI want to change the "working directory" or "temp directory" for can I do this?
View 2 RepliesI am running Win 7 64bit Pro with several users defined on a PC. PSP X4 runs OK for my user, but all other users cannot start PSP X4 they get a message Temp Directory not defined. The Temp Directory is defined and valid with write permissions.
Windows is installed on C: drive, but User directories are on E: Drive
PSP X4 version
I have reviewed a post for a similar issue, but this does not apply for my issue viewtopic.php?f=56&t=39832&p=208741&hilit=temp+directory+not+defined
I have even tried copying the corel hive of HKCUSoftwareCorel from my user and "DocumentsCorel Paintshop Pro" directory to the other user, but still get the temp directory is not defined message
So basically although PSP X4 is running for one user on the PC, none of the other users can start it to run for the first time
My first objective is to get a directory and its sub-directoried to agree as far as total file count is concerned and I'm not getting there. I have a directory the shows a total of 1082 files. When I totaled the number of files in the sub-directories I had 1080 files. I found two files that did not belong in the directory. I removed the tags from the two files (pictures) and then removed them from the catalog but not from the hard disk. They belong to a different catalog. When I totaled the sub-directories I got 1080 which meant the two files were gone from the sub-directories. But, the directory total was still 1082 and noted that two files were not shown. If they arn't in the sub-directories why are they counted in the main directory?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there a way of having Illustrator or any other CS software to load scripts always from the same directory?Every time I load an external script I have to specify the folder location, which is pretty long.
My scripts are all stored in the default scripts folder inside the software folder. Even so I have to specify the directory for scripts every time I want to run one.
The scripts do not show up on the File/Scripts drop down menu either.
I have been using Corel Video Studio Pro X4 for a while and never had this problem before. When I try to burn a clip to dvd I get the message:
The working folder C:documents and settingsxxxmy documentscorelvideostudio14.0 may not have enough space. We will clean up the converted cache file. You can also change the working folder in preferences.
The problem is I have already changed the working folder in preferences. When I click on ok to see if it will clean up the converted cache file nothing happens. Why is this coming up when I have the working folder in a different drive with well over 370 gig of space. How do I get this to work again. Another thing I was burning a clip and when it finished it came up with a error and did not work. That is when I tried to re burn the file and got this message. I have tried burning a different file and get the same message. As it is it is useless to me now.
Using an external Raid0 drive for the working files directory with LR3+ and Windows 7 64? The raw files are mainly from a Canon 5D2 making them in excess of 20Meg after conversion to dng.
My workflow means files are moved over to other drives within a week or so and will be backed up from the external RAID daily as well but this isn't about backup but rather a fast and flexible system that allows me to work on the files on several different PCs easily.
If I initially open a smartobject from ACR into PS CS6 using one color space, eg. sRGB, should it then be possible to click back into ACR and change color space to Adobe RGB ???
This is important to me, since working most of the time in sRGB, batch editing lot's of files (for timelapse-video, hence sRGB), but sometimes it may be nessecary to go back and use Adobe RGB to make a best possible print of one of the stills.
This is not working for me. I thought I should be able to do absolutely non-destructive editing when working with smartobjects from ACR, but this may seem to not be the case.
having a layer filled with a selection and converted to a smart object I found the following: If I want to overfill (Make the selection wider while maintaining a feathered edge) that is possible in CS and grayed out / not possible in CC. 16bit psb file with multiple layers, Mac OS 10.8.4, latest versions of CC (14.0 x64) and CS (13.1.2 x64)
View 3 Replies View RelatedI calibrated my monitor and is using sRGB as working space in photoshop cs2.
If I open an adobeRGB tagged photo, photoshop says profile mismatch. If I choose to convert adobeRGB to sRGB, would some colors get clipped by the smaller sRGB space?
Suppose I want my working space to be adobeRGB, what are all the color management related things I need to change, in addition to choosing adobeRGB as the working space in photoshop? Do I need to change the monitor calibration process?
I have found out that my hard drive is filling up and on checking I find two files Photoshop temp 11527 and Photoshop temp 51230 that are gigabytes in size,
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to free up space in my hard drive and I've found three big files called "PhotoshopTemp" (followed by 5-6 digits). They're in my Temp folder (C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorLocal SettingsTemp).
View 6 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know exactly what the files are used for? I do realize that they are in my cpu's Temp folder and could easily be discarded. However, I was moreso wondering how these files were used by Photoshop. I have accumalated more than 1.5 gigs of them.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy pshop temp file is very large with nothing open. I reset my prefs and it still remains the same. It was 65 megs now it is 130. Is there some other file or files I need to delete? I haven't add any filters actions etc. Pshop has the original files. I am running pshop 7 on W2K. My memory is set at 40% with no history cache and I have the pics turned off on the layers palette. Just trying to understand why it is growing even after a prefs reset. I did a print screen of a clients site and brought that into pshop to make a psd and since then the temp file has doubled. That is why I reset the prefs thinking somehow this file was still in the clipboard cache but the reset did not help the temp file size. The temp file is on a seperate hard drive for the primary and the secondary is on the E drive.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi started a v2 of my portfolio site. At the bottom of the page there is javascript to chnage the back gound 4 different colors which all look well with the page. Just a opinion on how it looks so far. I just ordered a new digital camera so once i get that i will have a few photographs with a hue of a darker orange to the left of the text that will be in the content box. As of now it lays blank.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to change the Dark color working area for a lighter one such as grey used in old Paint Shop 6 or 7.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to adjust the user interface color (dark to light)? I tried used changing the color working space colors but it didn't seem to make a difference. dark interface hard to read.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI realized many people need code in a txt file so I have attached two from my previous posts.
Both are having the same problem where the code runs to completion but does not update the xrefs. I am still guessing there is some xref edit that I am missing other than database.xrefeditenabled
Not sure what's going on here, but when I crop a picture I'm immediately filling all the available space on my hard drive which happens to be 64gigs! Once I get the scratch disk error due to filling up the hd and click Ok the temp file automatically gets rid of it's self.
The crop settings are
Resolution=400 pixels/INCH
I have NO IDEA what the default crop settings should be and am wondering if someone really knocked these out of whack? Thanks so much for any help you can provide!
Misc. Info
2gigs of RAM
Photoshop CS2
I have a problem with the Temp File folder. I know that photoshop cs4 uses a lot of scratch disk space and I have about 250 gbs of free space on the hard drive. I am working with very large files that exceed 4GBs at times and the free space on the hard drive is alway diminishing. Should i delete the temp files or is there a way to set how much data gets stored in the folder? Another question is, should i assign other drives for scratch disk space? i have 3 other hard drives but they are not as fast as the system hd. and if you have tips on tuning the computer for better performance would be greatly appreciated. The set up is among the following lines:ASUS motherboardIntel quad core 2.33 ghzand 32gb of RAMNvidia 9800gt
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhen I start CS3 the startup stops and I get this message:
The folder specified for temporary files is not available.
The default folder will be used.
After I click OK, the startup resumes.
I have tried scratch disk (turning it on and off), but this does not seem to help.
Also, I cannot find this folder (where is it, ore where should it be?).
Windows XP pro SP3
Free disk space: 60GB on C, 380GB on scratch disk.
I typed "text" in the help box, did a bunch of reading, but didn't see the answer to this. I have two colored text.....a thin line in one color and an inner color. How do I increase the thickness of the outer line?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe problem I have is I cannot change the brush to pure black; it's only dark gray and normal methods of changing the color aren't working.I went to Brushes, selected one of the Artistic_Ink brushes. (And drew a design)
I tried double clicking on it in the Brushes palette and in the "Art Brush Options" the colorization was already set to Tints. I tried all the other options but the color of the artistic brush is still dark gray; not black.
What else can I do to change the brush to pure black?
My photoshop recently closed with some files open. I supect windows update to be behind that but can't be sure.
I found in the %temp% folder couple files thats look interresting but no way to open them or be sure what it is.
Files are:
- Photoshop Temp21185767124 (36 864 KB) - Photoshop Temp745149862732 (1 164 672 KB)
- Photoshop Temp1555241910196 (885 632 KB)
- Photoshop Temp556628194484 (96 640KB)
... and there're 2 more at 0 KB.
- Photoshop CS5 12.1 x64
- Windows 7 Service Pack 1
Photoshop does a lot " *. TMP" files when the program is started up. These temp files, I would have moved to another location.How can I do it?
I am aware that it is possible to define which file "Photoshop Temp11309645056" to be created and how I place it at his own request, but it is not these files I ask for positioning.
On my system I have small(330Mb) virtual RAM-disk R: . My system configured so that all temp-files, cookies, cache... all placed on this disk R: . Now - I try to work with Photoshop CS. I know, that 330Mb isn't enough for work files for Photoshop, so I try to tell it: "Use real hard-drive C: for you scratch file(s)". For that I went to "Preferences->Plug Ins & Scratch Disks" and set _ALL FOUR_ scratch disks to "C:". All the same - when I start my work Photoshop CS create it's temp file(name like "Photoshop Temp4122672") exactly on R:, not on C:! Of course after 10min. of work I have stable error: And so - how to force PS to use C: as storehouse for temp-files?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a client who is working on the edge of a MGA coordinate zone - as they are near the edge of the zone their scale factor is large and needs to be factored in to all setouts (it makes 50mm of difference over 100 metres.)
their previous solution has been to work day to day at 1 to 1 scale and then xreference this back into a MGA projection by using a scale factor around a single point false origin.
As they are moving away from this false origin - the scale factor is changing slightly.
Is it possible to create a user grid at 1 to 1 for the day to day use and then query this into a MGA drawing. via ADEQUERY to bring it back to MGA ?
LOCK ASPECT RATIO NOT WORKING! - when working in LR4.4 - if i have the padlock locked in place and the aspect set to "original" - when i press the left mouse button (keep pressed) and then grab a corner to change the crop from portrait to landscape, the aspect changes to "as shot" but does not lock the aspect. even though the padlock remains closed i can go past the normal aspect and make a square or any other shape, and the aspect has now changed to "custom" even though the padlock has remained closed throughout.
Desktop recording showing the problem!! URL....why is it so difficult to report a problem to adobe?
Photoshop 13.1.1 x64. Mac Pro 3.33 6-core running OSX 10.6.8, 48Gb RAM. Working on a large-ish .PSD file (650 Mb) and saving to a network drive (a Drobo connected to a server) which is our usual routine and has been for years.
Problem – When I save the document and close it, the saved file (in the correct target location) shows the correct modified time and date stamp but if you open that file up again a lot of work is missing. In this instance, about the last half hours work (since the previous time I saved it). However, if you then go to File > Open Recent and choose the file name, the document opens with all the missing up-to-date work in it.
Clearly, File > Open Recent is opening a temporary document somewhere and not the saved file in the target location.
My concern is why isn't the saved file (with correct modified time and date) up-to-date? Suddenly we are having to double check every PS file we work on and save and that is not practical.
Can the location of the temp files be changed in Photoshop CS5? NOT scratch disc assignment, that's assigned correctly. I have a storage issue in my recovery folder and there are photoshop temp files clogging that up.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI was always able to send photos from Photoshop 11 via the photo mail and they would arrive fully opened which was great. Now, when I send a photo it arrives not opened and if one clicks on "open" to open it, a notice says it cannot be opened because it is a zip file or a temp. file.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy problem is that all of my dimensions and text have changed colour to white, with my by layer colour as an outline of the text, the arrows and lines still look correct however. I put the dimensions on a seperate layer and this seemed to happen after hiding this layer then later unhiding it. I have looked through the properties to change the colour unsuccessfully.
On another note, the monochrome print option does not work when creating a plot - it will still create it in colour. What can I do to sort these issues? It is fustrating as all I really need to do with this drawing is to export the it for a report and it looks messy!