I was always able to send photos from Photoshop 11 via the photo mail and they would arrive fully opened which was great. Now, when I send a photo it arrives not opened and if one clicks on "open" to open it, a notice says it cannot be opened because it is a zip file or a temp. file.
I want to open a jpeg2000 file in photshop cs5 with extension .jp2, but I got the message ' file format module cannot parse the fie'.I just have updated my cs version.
I have saved a file in corel. on the second day, when i want to open the file,is writting: "File Copy Error" TEMP Drive or Output Drive may be Full" Is there any posibility to recover the file. The recovery toolbox can not recover the file.
Everything has been working fine but I have recently installed two new extension panels - Fundy Image Brander and Tych Panel. When either of these scripts require you to input a file to open via the Open File dialogue box, everything hangs for 2-3 minutes. The mouse and keyboard do not lock and you can open up other windows which work fine. The open file dialogue just hangs (not just on selecting an individual image but selecting a drive or folder). If you call up the Task Manager and End Photoshop as a task a dialogue box pops up with the message "The system cannot end this program because it is waiting for a response from you."
Photoshop otherwise works well. It's just when the extension panel requires you to input a file to open.
I recently opened a .pdf document into CorelDraw x5 using the pdf extension in available file types to find the file.
Now when i try to use the normal open command to open a file the cdr is not available in the available file types region, everything else is still there except CDR.
To open a coreldraw file now has to be done in file manager.
My Corel ProX4 program will not open a pic with a .tif file extension. I received the pic from an iMac. I know the pic contains layers with names typed in to identify the individuals in the pic. How can I get Corel to open these pictures? I have Corel on a pc running windows 7 professional.
My pshop temp file is very large with nothing open. I reset my prefs and it still remains the same. It was 65 megs now it is 130. Is there some other file or files I need to delete? I haven't add any filters actions etc. Pshop has the original files. I am running pshop 7 on W2K. My memory is set at 40% with no history cache and I have the pics turned off on the layers palette. Just trying to understand why it is growing even after a prefs reset. I did a print screen of a clients site and brought that into pshop to make a psd and since then the temp file has doubled. That is why I reset the prefs thinking somehow this file was still in the clipboard cache but the reset did not help the temp file size. The temp file is on a seperate hard drive for the primary and the secondary is on the E drive.
I have a problem with the Temp File folder. I know that photoshop cs4 uses a lot of scratch disk space and I have about 250 gbs of free space on the hard drive. I am working with very large files that exceed 4GBs at times and the free space on the hard drive is alway diminishing. Should i delete the temp files or is there a way to set how much data gets stored in the folder? Another question is, should i assign other drives for scratch disk space? i have 3 other hard drives but they are not as fast as the system hd. and if you have tips on tuning the computer for better performance would be greatly appreciated. The set up is among the following lines:ASUS motherboardIntel quad core 2.33 ghzand 32gb of RAMNvidia 9800gt
Photoshop 13.1.1 x64. Mac Pro 3.33 6-core running OSX 10.6.8, 48Gb RAM. Working on a large-ish .PSD file (650 Mb) and saving to a network drive (a Drobo connected to a server) which is our usual routine and has been for years.
Problem – When I save the document and close it, the saved file (in the correct target location) shows the correct modified time and date stamp but if you open that file up again a lot of work is missing. In this instance, about the last half hours work (since the previous time I saved it). However, if you then go to File > Open Recent and choose the file name, the document opens with all the missing up-to-date work in it.
Clearly, File > Open Recent is opening a temporary document somewhere and not the saved file in the target location.
My concern is why isn't the saved file (with correct modified time and date) up-to-date? Suddenly we are having to double check every PS file we work on and save and that is not practical.
Can the location of the temp files be changed in Photoshop CS5? NOT scratch disc assignment, that's assigned correctly. I have a storage issue in my recovery folder and there are photoshop temp files clogging that up.
I own a Kodak Z980 camera whose Camera RAW photos have the 'kdc' extension. This camera is recognized by Camera RAW & DNG. Yet the 'kdc' photos will not open in either Photoshop CS2 or Adobe Bridge. I have Windows 7 and 'kdc' is not a recognized association.
I upgraded to CS6 and when I choose File -->Open, the .psd extension is not available as a filter in the drop-down list to allow me to view only .psd files when making my selection of which file to open.
I am on Windows Vista 64-bit.Have I overlooked a preference setting? This was an available choice in CS5.
I am trying to install the Pixel Bender filter for CS5 but I can't open the Extension Manager. I have tried to open it as the Administrator. I also reinstalled the Extension Manager from the Adobe Exchange site. I keep getting the following message:
"This application failed to start because of it's side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more details.
Whenever I save a drawing, it goes to a temp file. I have to do a 'save as' to bring the dwg back to the original folder. Our in-office guru thought it had something to do with the new AutoCAD 360, but I have never even signed in to that, and when we did open it, nothing was in it.
I created a file in Photoshop and was saving it along the way as a layered PSD file. When I went to open it a few days later, it wouldn't open and said that it was an '8 file'. What happened, and how do I fix it? It had all the design layers I needed for another project.
I am having problems running Lightroom. I re-installed and I get a windows error.
I used the trial for only one day. I received my serial number and re-installed and
I still get a windows error saying the application has stopped working. Lightroom begins by trying to open a Catalog with a .JPG.lrcat extention. I don't have that file and not sure why it continues to try to open that file when I uninstalled Adobe Lightroom and removed it's file directory. I also cleaned out my recycle bin recommended by the readme file.
I have a pc with Windows 7 Home Premium Edition, 64 bit and a Raedeon (<sp?) processor.
Recently I downloaded a trial period for Adobe Photoshop CS6.
I made a New Folder when I downloaded the software ~ if that means anything.
My problem is that I need to save files as .eps but when I go to Save As it is not listed. I checked the list of extensions and Ps does have it available. So, I am beside myself wondering why it is not in my drop down list of extensions.
I have searched the FAQ's to no avail. However, I am not certain I have been asking my question in a manner in which I would be able to narrow down a relative result.
I've a problem to open an old X4-Coreldraw file. The first time I can open it - when I want to save this file CDraw says that the file will be changed to the X6 Version. I say OK and save the file. The 2nd time I'll try to open the X6 file again then the Error occurs! I changed my settings in CDraw to a local dir c: emp, also to a new drive - but nothing happens! All the drives have mor than 400 GB free space! I hope this will be enough.
In CorelDraw X5, I consistently at times receive an error message stating "File Copy Error. TEMP Drive or Output Drive may be full". My temp drives have all been emptied. How to overcome this error message?
When saving any file, Photoshop saves only the filename without the extension- i must manually add the extension in finder- nightmare! Chat sucks so here I am. I have uninstalled and reinstalled but it still doesn't work??
This might be a simple preference setting but I can't seem to make it work. In CS5 and I go to "save for web" like I would when I was on CS4. A lot of times I will click on an existing file so that file name will auto fill the new save name and then I'll add to it.
But now when I click on a file I get the file name and ext, how can I get just the file name to show in the input box and not add the file ext to the name?
We’re using the “save as” function in Adobe Photoshop CS5, and it’s not automatically including the file extension at the end of the name because our file naming convention (M##.B##.F##) uses periods. This is an issue which was already discussed in the forum [URL] ..., but there didn’t appear to be a suggested fix.
Is it possible to change the file extension that Photoshop uses to autosave files? Another program that I use also autosaves and apparently uses the same extension. When I open that program, I get a message asking if I want to change the association back to that program.