When saving any file, Photoshop saves only the filename without the extension- i must manually add the extension in finder- nightmare! Chat sucks so here I am. I have uninstalled and reinstalled but it still doesn't work??
Is it possible to change the file extension that Photoshop uses to autosave files? Another program that I use also autosaves and apparently uses the same extension. When I open that program, I get a message asking if I want to change the association back to that program.
Each time I use the "save as" for a file (any extension) it's closed by default, replaced by the the saved file. Because I use a .pdn file as a base to create many .jpg files I would like the file I just "saved as" not to be close automatically. Otherwise I have to open it again via "recent files..."
I'm trying to set up an action to save a batch of files I creating using the variables tool (as detailed in this video: [URL]), I'll go into the Actions window, and record myself saving the current file in .Ai format, and then stop recording. Seems pretty simple, but when I set that action to run a batch on my dataset it saves all the files without an extension. Am I missing another step where I set the file format that the action is supposed to save with? I'm confused. I've tried this using a few different file formats and they all come up the same.
I am using PSE 12 as an external editor for Aperture. When I ask to use an external photo editor, Aperture creates a .tiff file in my Aperture folder, launches PSE 12 and tells it to edit that .tiff file. This all works great. When I am done editing in PSE 12, I ask it to save the file and it saves it back to the original Aperture folder with a .tif extension. I can instead say "save as" and then it suggests the file name with a .tif extension. When I correct the extension to .tiff it warns me that I'm going to overwrite the file (exactly what I want!). I say yes and then I find out that PSE did not overwrite the file, but wrote it as a .tif file anyway. I have to go to the folder, delete the .tiff file and rename the .tif file to .tiff and then everything is fine - but what a hassle.
When I try to save a photo to JPEG, i get iff. When i try to save it as a TIFF file, i get PDF. where did i go wrong, and how can I get my PS CS6 (mac) back?
Under Save as, extension does not match format chosen (ie, if I choose JPG, it gives my file a IIF extension. I have to choose JPEG 2000 to get JPG, all are off by one position)
I'm using PSE 9 on a new Mac Mini. I want to be able to save files with a lower-case extension by default. With my main (non-administrator) account, the extension is there, but it's always in uppercase. I've tried to select the "Use lower-case" option, but it always comes in upper-case, and when I go back to the preferences, the "Use lower-case" option is unselected. In my administrator account, I can't even get the "Always use an extension" option to stay selected.
I created a file in Photoshop and was saving it along the way as a layered PSD file. When I went to open it a few days later, it wouldn't open and said that it was an '8 file'. What happened, and how do I fix it? It had all the design layers I needed for another project.
Is there any way to change the format that's the default save. I don't use .xcf and prefer to use png or jpg. Why do I have to export them instead of simply save? Why did they change it in this version?
I have a pc with Windows 7 Home Premium Edition, 64 bit and a Raedeon (<sp?) processor.
Recently I downloaded a trial period for Adobe Photoshop CS6.
I made a New Folder when I downloaded the software ~ if that means anything.
My problem is that I need to save files as .eps but when I go to Save As it is not listed. I checked the list of extensions and Ps does have it available. So, I am beside myself wondering why it is not in my drop down list of extensions.
I have searched the FAQ's to no avail. However, I am not certain I have been asking my question in a manner in which I would be able to narrow down a relative result.
This might be a simple preference setting but I can't seem to make it work. In CS5 and I go to "save for web" like I would when I was on CS4. A lot of times I will click on an existing file so that file name will auto fill the new save name and then I'll add to it.
But now when I click on a file I get the file name and ext, how can I get just the file name to show in the input box and not add the file ext to the name?
I want to open a jpeg2000 file in photshop cs5 with extension .jp2, but I got the message ' file format module cannot parse the fie'.I just have updated my cs version.
We’re using the “save as” function in Adobe Photoshop CS5, and it’s not automatically including the file extension at the end of the name because our file naming convention (M##.B##.F##) uses periods. This is an issue which was already discussed in the forum [URL] ..., but there didn’t appear to be a suggested fix.
Everything has been working fine but I have recently installed two new extension panels - Fundy Image Brander and Tych Panel. When either of these scripts require you to input a file to open via the Open File dialogue box, everything hangs for 2-3 minutes. The mouse and keyboard do not lock and you can open up other windows which work fine. The open file dialogue just hangs (not just on selecting an individual image but selecting a drive or folder). If you call up the Task Manager and End Photoshop as a task a dialogue box pops up with the message "The system cannot end this program because it is waiting for a response from you."
Photoshop otherwise works well. It's just when the extension panel requires you to input a file to open.
When saving tiff files in CS4, how can I have file names automatically created with ".tif" extension. Currently they are saved as non specific file types unless I include, or later add, ".tif" every time.
No matter what I do, the file extension names (i.e. jpg) show up in the contact sheet. eliminate them? I'm creating a grid for a gallery show and having the filename extensions added to the title of each image is cheesy.
I'm learning how to create extension (flex - extension builder) for Illustrator and how to make it communicate with a plugin.
The samples provided in the SDK detailed how to load /unload extension from a menu item from Illustrator, and how to add / remove EventListeners to make the magic happen.
to sum up, this is something like that: 1- click on the menu item 2- load extension 3- add listeners 4- do your stuff...... 5- remove listeners 6- unload extension
Basically my plugin is a module/service which is in charge of dealing with / modifying artwork tree. It has no User Interface.
My extension will have a user of this service.
What I would like to do is to load my extension as soon as my plugin is loaded, and unload the extension when the plugin will be unloaded.
know of a conversion strategy to get a DEM file that has IMG extension into Map 2008?
We do have Arcview, which will open the IMG file (ERDAS Imagine raster format?), but it will only save this as standard raster formats (jpg, tiff). I am doubtfull that one can use these formats as a DEM in Map.
I've downloaded and installed the 3.6 upgrade at least a dozen times ant Adobe still says I need the upgrade.
I've down loaded and installed the DNG Converter7.1 and my Nikon D7000 .nef files still wont open. I tried to change the .nef file extension to .raw file extensions.
I'm really getting sick of LR3, and I sure's heck am not willing to buy LR4 when Gimp is free!
I recently opened a .pdf document into CorelDraw x5 using the pdf extension in available file types to find the file.
Now when i try to use the normal open command to open a file the cdr is not available in the available file types region, everything else is still there except CDR.
To open a coreldraw file now has to be done in file manager.
I'm trying to make an application that would take a drawing(dwg) and convert it to pdf. Since I can do it directly in autocad 2013, i presume that there should be a function in the API, that i could use to do the same. So far, i tried with AcadDocument.export(filename, FileExtension, AcadSelectionSet) with no luck. I cannot put PDF as a valid file extension.
Here's my code
Public sub SaveToPDF(ByVal psfilename As String)
Dim oAutocad As AutoCAD.AcadApplication = New AutoCAD.AcadApplication()
Dim oAcadDoc As AutoCAD.AcadDocument = oAutocad.Documents.Open(psfilename, True)
Dim sFolder As String = psfilename.Substring(0, psfilename.LastIndexOf("") + 1)
Ive recently upgraded to the new GIMP 2.8 and I cant seem to save files as anything other than gimp project files. I open the extension box to select the file type and there just isnt the option anymore. Do i have to reinstall GIMP or should I revert back to 2.6? I wouldnt think they would get rid of the ability to save in different formats so there must be a problem somewhere.