Photoshop :: Changing Selections In CC Versus CS Not Working Properly

Aug 3, 2013

having a layer filled with a selection and converted to a smart object I found the following: If I want to overfill (Make the selection wider while maintaining a feathered edge) that is possible in CS and grayed out / not possible in CC. 16bit psb file with multiple layers, Mac OS 10.8.4, latest versions of CC (14.0 x64) and CS (13.1.2 x64)

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Ribbon Has Stopped Changing With Selections

Dec 7, 2012

MY ribbon has stopped changing with selections. It used to show hatch options when the hatch command was active, it no longer does this... It would also show hatch options if I selected a hatch with grips, and show other options for other entities if selected with grips, it no longer does this.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Point Monitor Only Working During Selections

Apr 28, 2011

If there is an AutoCAD setting somewhere which will restrict point monitor events to only fire off when a selection region is active?

This behavior only happens on one PC, on all the others I get point monitor event whenever I move the mouse as I'd expect to.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Tools - Not Working Properly?

May 10, 2012

CS6 (Design & Web Premium)! Beautiful interface with terrific power. Just updateded from CS4.

When I'm retouching with a tool (like the clone tool) consecutively (maybe 7-12 times), I get a "bink" sound, as if the tool has locked up. I can't use hot keys (keyboard short cuts) to undo, resize or resample without getting this "bink" sound. I've clicked on the "move" tool then select the cloning tool (with my mouse) but that only works for 1 more spot.

The "bink" continues for any other hot key (keyboard short cut) operation. I don't want to purge history until I'm completely finished. Quitting / relauncing PS clears this but only until I use the tool consecutively a few times again. What is causing that and how do I fix it?
I'm a power user with 300 images to retouch on a very tight deadline. Eeeeep.Keyboard short cuts are my salvation.

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Photoshop :: Animated GIF Not Working Properly?

Feb 3, 2013

I am trying to create an animated GIF banner. The banner consist of 2 text layers and several pictures. The text layers remain fixed, only the pictures change.

I have 8 frames and each frame should have following visibility: background, textlayer 1 and 2, [picture] layer X and Xcopy (b.t.w. each picture layer and the belonging copy layer have the same picture and properties).

Now when I change the visibility from frame 1: background, textlayer 1 and 2,layer 2 and 2copy to frame 2: background, textlayer 1 and 2, layer 3 and 3copy and so forth, the visibility of one of the layers in the other frames changes automatically. Photoshop changes one of the visible layers in frame one to layer three and dismisses the chosen layer 2.

I tried merging the X and Xcopy layers, that caused one of the layers not being visible any more leaving me with half the picture. Linking the layers had no effect wht so I can prevent photoshop from changing the frames i.e. fixing the visibility of each frame?

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Photoshop :: Cursor Not Working Properly?

Aug 11, 2013

I have problems withe the cursor: it is a cros.  I try in preferences to set it to another, or a standard cursor. I then close and restart te CS6. No way to get a normal cursor.

I installed the  CS6 a few days ago and this problem is there sinds then.hkank you for an answer,

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Photoshop :: Font Not Working Properly?

Apr 24, 2013

I am using Mac OSX 10.8.3  and can view a font "Curlz MT" in my font book and use it in applications such as Photoshop, Illustrator etc. 

If I use finder to find the font, no luck, it is also not stored in Library>Fonts.  I am trying to see if I can use it in @fontface for use in website but cant seem to find it on my system. 

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Photoshop :: Keyboard Not Working Properly In CS5 (Mac OS)

Jan 3, 2012

I am having issues with my newly installed Photoshop CS5. Most of my keyboard functions are not working, as if Photoshop did not recognize that keys were eing pressed.
When creating a new document or saving a file, I cannot type anything into the document name field. Same happens when trying to create a new folder to save in.No tool shortcuts work (M for marquee, B for brush, V for move, etc.). On-canvas brush changes ([ and ] for size, { and } for hardness) also do not work.Most regular shortcuts do work (Cmd+Z, Cmd+S, etc.) but "advanced" shortcuts do not work (Cmd+Alt+Z, Cmd+Shift+Z, etc.).
I used Photoshop CS4 before with no problems. Other Adobe programs (Dreamweaver, Flash, Acrobat, etc.) are working normally.

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Photoshop :: Gradient Not Working Properly?

Jul 21, 2013

am using Photoshop CC and just the other day my gradient tool started acting strange - when I go to apply a gradient on a layer or a layer mask, I will drag the gradient and then if I try to drag it from a different angle to add to it, it erases what I've done and starts a new gradient from that angle. I've never had this issue, is there some setting I need to have adjusted?

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Photoshop :: Liquify CS5 - Not Working Properly?

Sep 29, 2013

I have been using liquify to make minor adjustments to slim down people in photos and up to now it has always worked fine.  Today I try to do the same just to make the arms of the girls (attached) a little trimmer and liquify tool refuses to allow slight corrections bit by bit.  Instead as soon as you start dragging just a tiny amount it makes a huge jump and drags the pixels massively off.  It seems to drag them down first, then make them in a roughly circular shape the size of the cursor.
How can I rest liquify tool to how it was? Why it should suddenly change like that unless I have tripped something by mistake.  I thought at first it might be my mouse but I have tried it with mouse, tablet and trackpad all separately wtih nothing else in the USB and still the same result.  Have rebooted photoshop and the computer too to no avail.

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Photoshop :: Pen Tool Not Working Properly?

Jun 23, 2012

i'm trying to draw something on my screen with a pen tool but after drawing a simple letter L i get this.What's doing this? how can I fix it?

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Photoshop :: Layers Are Not Working Properly?

Jul 18, 2013

I am having a trouble with my layers

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Photoshop :: PS6 Camera Raw Not Working Properly?

Sep 10, 2012

I have a Canon 7D and some of my Raw files work flawless but sometimes when trying to open a select amount of them in CS6 I get the following error:
Could not complete the command because the file appears to be from a camera model which is not supported by the installed version of Camera Raw.

I'm not very familiar with Photoshop Camera Raw's installation My Photoshop CS6 is up to date and I installed the Adobe DNG Converter for my Mac along with Camera Raw 7.

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Photoshop :: Mask Not Working Properly?

Aug 14, 2012

I have two layers. The top layer has a layer mask, and the bottom layer is the background. After using black to hide parts of the top layer, I try to reveal those parts again with the white brush...nothing happens. I've tried everything. Brush selected, layers visible, not a hidden selection...

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Photoshop :: Color Not Working Properly?

Oct 6, 2013

i bought a new laptop and as always i installed ps cs6 and other software such as indesign and illustrator. my problem is that whenever i open a jpg/png/whatever file with photoshop OR the windows default image viewer the colors appear strange and the greys are kind of "brownish". the same problem appears when i work with any file in indesign or illustrator, but the colors appear normal when i open the images with other program such as paint.
i took a screenshot to let you see the problem[URL]?

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Photoshop :: Bridge To CS6 - Not Working Properly?

Aug 5, 2013

I clicked on something a while back. Now, when I open BRIDGE, select a photo for PSCS6, the PS photo opens but BRIDGE covers PS.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Display Not Working Properly?

Jun 12, 2012

have problem with photoshop cs6. Drivers is ok, cs5 work correctly. I attached link:[URL]...

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Photoshop :: Gradient Not Working Properly.

May 13, 2007

I have a photo that i want to apply several gradients from each side so it is see through on all 4 sides.

What i do is i add a vector mask to the layer and then choose the gradient tool from the left toolbar which is located next to paint bucket.

I apply my first gradient on the left side of the photo, and it works like its supposed to.

However when i apply another gradient from the top, right or bottom of the photo, it cancels out the first gradient and applies the gradient. I cant apply several gradients one after the other.

Anyone have any ideas?

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Photoshop :: Layer Styles - Not Working Properly?

Oct 21, 2013

Stupidly uipgraded to Photoshop CC-- no layer sthyles.

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Photoshop :: Wind Tool Not Working Properly?

Dec 23, 2012

I use the wind tool a lot and here recently it's been blowing into my layer instead of away from it. No matter what kind of layer I present it always blows into it.

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Photoshop :: Image Display Not Working Properly?

Mar 24, 2012

I've recently installed Photoshop CS5 extended on my new comp It was working fine, but when following a tutorial to make rust or metal it starts having issues.
As you can see below the noise in the left hand picture worksfine, but in the right when applying motion blue I get a fuzzy line down the middle, and occasional a sort of beveled effect around the image.If I drop the motion blur to a low count it's ok, it's when I start upping the amount.
When I first loaded up photoshop it did say it had an issue with my monitor settup which I have recently sorted but the problem still remains.

My computer specs are below.
   Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.111118-2330)
System Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
               BIOS: Ver: CHG_712.rom vCHG7.12
          Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.4GHz

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Photoshop :: Blues And Greens Not Working Properly In CS5?

Apr 8, 2013

I just opened Photoshop cs5.1 and now when i use specific colors they turn black -->[URL]  however this ONLY happens in Photoshop when im using 8 or 16 bit colors, 32 bit works perfectlyfine -->[URL] and even stranger yet the colors in the layers tab work fine -->[URL] my GPU is a AMD HD 7970 with the latest catilyst.

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Photoshop :: Hand Tool Not Working Properly?

Mar 27, 2012

For some bizarre reason, no matter what tool I select in the tool bar the only icon that will show up on the canvas is the hand tool, I can't change it and consequently I can't do anything but move the image around.

I have installed all the updates and patches, I have tried everything I can think of to solve it and get back to work but no other tools will work.

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Photoshop :: Lighting Effects Not Working Properly?

Oct 8, 2012

If you go to filter,render, lighting effects. The Frame pops up to use this effect including with a tool to manipulate the light. My tool however does not show up and how I can get my tool to show up again?

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Photoshop :: Free Transform Not Working Properly In CC?

Sep 4, 2013

I select a bunch of mixed layers like shapes, smart objects and text by dragging my selection marquee around them. I am able to move everything around the art-board but when I Ctrl+T and resize the selected objects, ONLY the shapes are transformed. Everything else remains untouched.
There are too many bugs with CC...this program is quickly becoming unusable.
This problem only seem to happen when I have the Text tool selected and I hold Ctrl and drag to select (it turns into the black arrow). HOWEVER if I press 'V' to select the move tool and drag that and then use Ctrl+T it works as it should. So the problem lies when the user has the Type Tool selected and uses Ctrl+drag to select objects.

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Photoshop :: Brush Tool Not Working Properly?

Nov 20, 2012

I am having problems with the free style tools, brush tool, lasso tool, etc. when I open Photoshop everything works fine but as soon as I press any key, the brush tool makes just one dot instead of a line, I can't slide any adjustment bars, like to make opacity from 0% to 100% or change diameter of the brush, any movement in the mouse is like I just made a single click, I wait around 10 minutes and everything is ok again.

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Photoshop :: Phantom Font Not Working Properly?

Oct 4, 2013

I keep getting this Alert:"Fonts used in some text layers are not available for activation. You will need to replace these fonts before the layers can be used for vector based output."
However i went through all my text layers (everything unlocked) and changed them to a new active font. I used select-all to ensure i got any possible extra spaces or returns. Are there hidden characters im not seeing? There seem to be some traces of the font im trying to replace left behind that are causing this error, because when i reactivate that font, the problem ceases.

Also! After replacing the old font i have tried outputting a PDF and checking the document properties. The old font does not show in the list of fonts in use.

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Photoshop :: CS5 Not Working Properly When Merging 3 JPG Files To HDR

Mar 13, 2013

I have created three photos from a .NEF file with the following ev for each one: -2, 0, +2
When I go into photoshop to create HDR image the filmstrip shows the three images but with incorrect ev values. One is 0.0, the second is 0.0 and the third is .3

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Photoshop :: Page Gallery - CS6 Not Working Properly?

Mar 3, 2013

issues with PageGallery and CS6? I have uninstalled and reinstalled PageGallery until my fingers are numb. Today I thought my version of CS5 was causing a conflict so I uninstalled it, uninstalled Page Gallery, reinstalled PageGallery and now have two different issues. The first is an error message that an exe disk can't be found (the download does't require a disk) and when I bypass that message and try to make a page from PageGallery, the error message is: cannot connect to Photoshop: class not registered.

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Photoshop :: Bridge Color - Not Working Properly?

Nov 20, 2013

Bridge/ Photoshop Colour Issues: It appears that there are a few pictures that are noticeably dull, when I load them in Bridge and Photoshop.   Those same pictures are very vibrant when I look at them directly from the SD card or load them into Picassa. 

I tried editing the picture, saving it in Photoshop, then opening it up in Picassa and it has the same dullness.  Since having this issue, I have updated the drivers on my Quadro graphics card, but I think it may be something to do with the way that I set up Adobe Bridge, because this is the first time I have imported a large batch of photos from Bridge.  However, I pretty much left everything as the standard settings in Bridge. 

  FYI - I just started using the Adobe Master Collection, with Win 7 Pro 64 and Huey Pro embedded on my laptop. My colour settings are Huey Pro on my laptop, SRGB in Photoshop and General Purpose for Bridge (I haven’t had this issue before and Huey Pro has been my colour settings on my laptop since I got Adobe).

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Photoshop :: CS5 Graphics Not Working Properly - Glitches Seems To Appear?

Jan 13, 2013

For some time now, i am experiencing graphics problems in Photoshop. When i import a smart object from illustrator and apply effects to it (stroke, bevel, shadow etc.) weird glitches seems to appear. I've uploaded an image to show the problem. The problem is also visible when i save my work as jpg. I've already tried turning off Open GL and deleting my old preference file.

it has a negative effect on my workflow, since i can't use smart objects anymore. I'm working on a macbook pro with snow leopard 10.8.6 installed. I've also updated my system and all adobe software.

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