Paint Shop Pro :: Temp Directory Not Defined When Running X4 For 1st Time

Jan 6, 2013

I am running Win 7 64bit Pro with several users defined on a PC. PSP X4 runs OK for my user, but all other users cannot start PSP X4 they get a message Temp Directory not defined. The Temp Directory is defined and valid with write permissions.

Windows is installed on C: drive, but User directories are on E: Drive

PSP X4 version

I have reviewed a post for a similar issue, but this does not apply for my issue viewtopic.php?f=56&t=39832&p=208741&hilit=temp+directory+not+defined

I have even tried copying the corel hive of HKCUSoftwareCorel from my user and "DocumentsCorel Paintshop Pro" directory to the other user, but still get the temp directory is not defined message

So basically although PSP X4 is running for one user on the PC, none of the other users can start it to run for the first time

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Photoshop :: Changing Working Or Temp Directory?

Jan 4, 2013

I want to change the "working directory" or "temp directory" for can I do this?

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Paint Shop Pro :: User Defined Filter In X5

Oct 13, 2013

how the user filter dialogue works? I am sent to a web page that refers to user filter.I did a search on the forums but came up emptyhanded...I forgot to mention that I am using PaintShop Pro X5, but I believe this filter dialogue has been around as early as PaintShop Pro 8, which I also own.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X3 Takes Too Long To Load Initial Directory?

Aug 9, 2011

I start psp and the TAB on the left hand side (which shows my collections) flickers as if it is continuously trying to load. After about 2 mins it stops and I can continue as normal

why it takes so long to load this information?

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Paint Shop Pro :: X5 Running In Background Even When It Is Closed?

Sep 10, 2012

I recently bought PaintShop Pro Ultimate X5. So, the software is remain running in the background even when I quit the app. I must do CTRL-ALT-DEL and stop the process. Is it a bug? I think is it not normal

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Paint Shop Pro :: Scripts Are Not Running Silently?

Sep 10, 2012

I have psp x3 and I created some simple scripts for example for high pass sharpening (or curves). Obviously these run silently. In one session I used the 'curves' script on 3 or 4 photos. The next time I used it it did not run silently but prompted me to set the values. So I restarted psp and its still prompting me. The 'high pass sharpening' also prompts me now instead of using the defaults. I also create new scripts which do not run silently. So, in short, no scripts run silently even if I specifically run them in silent mode.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 / Errors When Running Topaz Plugins?

Oct 23, 2011

Although Paint Shop Pro X4 runs the filters from Topaz Labs correctly on a single file, PSPX4 chokes when running the filters as part of a script in batch files. Not only was the program unable to apply the plug-ins correctly in a batch file, the errors were different depending on the plug-in.

I ran my tests on 8 JPG files with dimensions of 4021x3024 pix, file size averaging 2.8 MB. I then reduced the files to 800x600 pix dimensions and ran the same tests. Results were the same on both size groups. I recorded a script with only each Topaz filter, then tested the script on a single image. The script worked. The problems occurred when run in batch processing. I tested against another company's plug-in, running Alien Skin's Xenofex 2 Burnt Edges in a batch file with script on the 8 images with no problem. I also tested the same Topaz Labs filters in PhotoLine 16, recording and playing actions. The plug-ins ran perfectly in PhotoLine.

When batch processing was run in PSPX4, it was run with the test script selected and silent mode selected. Silent mode means the script should run from start to finish with no intervention by the user. Here's what happened in my tests.

Topaz Adjust 4 - Batch file runs correctly through 4 images, then the process freezes. The Windows Task Manager shows PSPX4 to be "running."

Topaz Detail 2 - Batch file runs correctly through 4 images, then the process freezes. The Windows Task Manager shows PSPX4 to be "running."

Topoaz Clean 3 - Batch file runs, but Topaz window opens on each file, requiring user selection before progressing to next file. However, the process freezes after the fourth image. The Windows Task Manager shows PSPX4 to be "running."

Topaz InFocus - Batch file runs, but Topaz window opens on each file, requiring user selection before progressing to next file. However, the process freezes after the fourth image. The Windows Task Manager shows PSPX4 to be "running."

Topaz Lens Effects - Batch file runs, but Topaz window opens on each file, requiring user selection before progressing to next file. However, the process freezes after the fourth image. The Windows Task Manager shows PSPX4 to be "running."

Topaz DeNoise 5 - Batch file runs for all 8 files, however Topaz window opens on each file, requiring user selection.

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Paint Shop Pro :: 8 Not Visibly Running But Still In Task List?

Aug 29, 2012

I was checking XP Task Manager just now and noticed that although PSP8 isn't running as far as I'm concerned (there are no PSP8 windows open), its executable still appears in the task list.


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Paint Shop Pro :: X5 Process Still Running After Program Close?

Nov 27, 2012

I have just installed PSP X5 and have found a couple of problems.

First one is when I close PSP the process still runs for a good 10 minutes afterwards and consumes a lot of system memory. I found this by accident after I closed PSP X5 and then decided to start it again. It wouldn't open until I closed the previous process.

Second, when I start PSP after the splash screen and the program interface appear I have to wait about 1 minute 40 seconds before I can do anything with the program.

how to improve this situation because at the moment I don't consider this acceptable?

I'm running Windows 7 32 bit with 4Gb of RAM, other than browser and email no other big program is running inthe background

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Paint Shop Pro :: Instant Effects In X5 - How To Make User Defined Effects

Sep 2, 2013

In PSP X5 I'm pretty sure there's a way to make User Defined Instant Effects in the Adjust mode, but I can't find the steps in the Help Files. I'm thinking these are just scripts, but I'm not sure.

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Paint Shop Pro :: 2 Versions On PC At Same Time?

Aug 13, 2011

I have a 5-6 year Gateway PC with PSP XI installed with Vista. I will be getting a new Gateway next week with WIN 7. I would like to D/L the trial version of PSP X3 to my present PC with Vista without removing PSP XI. Would this work? Would I have trouble removing PSP X3 when I an done testing?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Long Time To Save?

Aug 6, 2011

PSP taking eons to save a file. It goes into (Not Responding) mode. It is using about 10 to 15% CPU for a good 4 to 6 minutes before it all comes alive again likje nothing happened. THis is with small 50K pics and larger 600dpi images. All held locally. No disk whirring so it all seems to be a memory thing ! Vista Ultimate. Old machine but PSP has been running fine on this box for a while now (aside from startup times being slow). I've been editing larger files regularly with no issues before.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X5 Long Boot Time?

Sep 17, 2013

I purchased X5 Ultimate last spring and have been happy with the results. My only complaint is the extraordinarily long start up time. From clicking the icon to being able to use it takes about 2 minutes. The X5 outline or shell appears within 15-20 seconds and then there is a round blue circle spinning in the center of the work area for the remainder of the 2 minutes. Once initialization has completed X5 works very well for me.

I upgraded to X6 Ultimate and found it to be amazingly faster, which was my hope. 15-20 seconds and it is ready to use. This holds true for the 32 & 64 bit programs.

I would like to use X5 for the existing plugins that shipped with it. It is up to date with SP3.

Win 8 Pro 64 bit up to date.
16 GB ram

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Paint Shop Pro :: X5 Closes Every Time When Trying To Merge Layers

Oct 9, 2012

Well I've got a problem when I work with layers, when I want to merge the layers, PSP closes everytime. If I register my work before merging the layers, it's ok.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 - Takes Long Time To Open?

Mar 4, 2012

I recently installed Corel paintshop pro x4 in my computer and when I go to open it, it takes a long time for it to open. My mouse keeps spinning. When I first installed it, everything worked fine. I added a couple of plug ins. Should I uninstall paintshop and re-install? If so, would I lose the plug-ins?

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Paint Shop Pro :: X5 Crash Every Time When Merge Layers

Nov 2, 2012

Let me give you the details, as they are fairly specific to this issue -

First, here's my puter info: Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E520, Intel i5-2410M Core proc @2.3Ghz, 4Gig RAM, Win 7 pro 64 bit.
PSP X5 - version

Here's da scoop:

Open X5
Open jpg file (have tried various sizes, both physical and pixel, and makes no difference)
Add Raster layer
Create tiny color dot on new layer
Merge layers
Dies, freezes up, have to shut it down and lose what I just modified.

Now, mind you, I've been using PSP since way back in the Jasc days. For years I was one of their beta testers, because I USE THIS EVERY SINGLE DAY! Literally, I'm in it every day. I love X4, still trying to get into X5, but similar to when X4 came out, X5 is slowly PMO'ing me! I create hundreds of scripts, and lots dozens of plug-ins, and so far the majority seem to work fine in X5, however this whole issue of it crashing and freezing up my puter is really getting on my nerves.

After the crash, I can re-open X5 and it'll work fine on the first image. Then next image, SSSD!

Really is getting aggravating this constant crashing. Starting to think that Corel isn't creating this software but Microsoft is

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Paint Shop Pro :: Error / Reference To Date / Time Being Incorrect

Aug 31, 2011

I am creating photo scenery for Flight Simulator X - my source files are large bmp's. From each of these I create a greyscale file which I Save As a tif file. However, when I recompile the bmp and tif together, I get error messages. Most common is a reference to Date/Time being incorrect.

If I load the tif file in GIMP, it reports "Incorrect Count for field DateTime (21, expecting 20); tag trimmed" - If I then save the tif in Gimp, it recompiles without errors.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X5 SP2 Corrupts Big TIFF Files At Save Time

Jul 18, 2013

I wanted to upgrade from paintshop pro x2 to x5 (want to go to 64 bit)but I have a severe problem. Here the steps to reproduce it:

1. open only one big tif file at a time (edit window) (from canon scanner 600 dpi A4 scan around 100 mb per file i think around 5500 to 3200 pixels)

2. sometimes i turn/rotate the picture first with the rotate tool (0 to 0,2 degrees)

3. use the crop/trim function to cut a small part of the edge

4. save the image and close it ( there is never more than one file opened in psp) its now around 80 mb in size dont close psp x5 and repeat steps 1 to 4 with other images. (with smaller 30mb images it did not happen and if I close x5 and reopen it after every 5th tif-image it does not happen too, so somewhere memory is not given free) When doing this when saving somewhere at the 7th - latest at the 10th image that image is saved corrupted.(it shows in the lower half vertical grey lines)

The big problem is: there is no error message and you only see that the image is corrupted when you view it again or if you see it in the thumbnail view of windows explorer.

second problem is that after doing an undo after a crop/trim step (3.) the picture is gone and the area is white.(dont save now!!)

x5 version is the current trial version (15.2 something - when i try to install sp2 it says its not necessary)

this happens on 2 different machines

mach 1: intel nuc i3217u 8GB ram, c drive 128 gb ssd, pic-drive: usb hd with 500 GB

mach 2: i7 2600k, 16 gb ram, cdrive 128 gb ssd, pic drivé: internal 2tb hd or internal ssd 256 gb (makes no difference)on both machines psp x5 system info only shows 4GB ram free so it seems its not really 64 bit programm.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Recent Files List Empty Every Time On X5 Launch

Mar 7, 2013

Every time I launch Paint Shop Pro X5 my recent file list is empty. I thought the program was supposed to remember the last four images that were opened. I then have to select File > Open but now the program defaults to a folder called My Pictures. I store my images in my own folder elsewhere. I would like to set my folder to be the default folder. I have to navigate to my folder ever time I launch the tool. If I go to File > Preferences, I do not see a place where I can change the setting.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Night Time Photography - Color Correcting Streetlights

Dec 22, 2013

New to PSP and I took some night time photos of a car using long exposure, the pictures are clear and focused but they have that yellow-orange street light tint to them. Is there an easy way in PSP X6 to get rid of that color cast?

I'm shooting in RAW in Large with a Nikon D5100 if that matters for this. I'm not bothered how I output it as up to now I've just experimented on screen. No error codes yet!

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AutoCad :: Running 2 Versions At Same Time?

Jul 5, 2011

I installed the trial version of autocad 2012 yesterday and it worked fine when it stated after installation, but today i am unable to start it my old MEP 2008 starts up instead , i do not have the option to start 2012 there are no autocad 2012 short cuts on desk top ( I'm sure there was after instalation ? ) and it isnt in the start menu or the open with menu, i can see autocad 2012 in the program files but no exe files, how to recover the desktop short cuts ?

Is it a conflict with MEP 2008 ?

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 Can No Longer Open Multiple Images At Same Time For Side-by-side Comparison

Oct 13, 2011

I've just recently purchased PSP X4 since they touted that it was much faster loading and more stable (X3 was horrible about crashing). I continue to be amazed at how they (Corel) can just keep digging a hole instead of actually improving this product. I can see why they continue to lose market share.

1) I can no longer open mulitple images at the same time for side-by-side comparison. The work area now will only accommodate 1 open file at a time.
2) I miss not having the file size included in the data box that appears when you hold the cursor over a thumbnail. It was always handy when downsizing (resizing) photos for posting.
3) It is a pain now to have to go back and forth from the "EDIT" tab to the "MANAGE" tab to view full-sized photos (without having to open one at a time). They really screwed the pooch in X2 or X3 (can't remember) when they got rid of the old Organizer format. It was soooo easy to navigate; you had a screen full of thumbnails, you saw what you wanted and clicked it open....just too easy I guess!!! I was hoping they would go back to it for this version. I know in other forums, this change really rankled a lot of users. They just seem to bounce around trying different things. I wonder who the h*ll they use to test this stuff in-house.

I do like the faster speed, but don't know if I'll go for any more versions after this or not (been here since V.7 when JASC owned it). Big mistake selling if off to Corel. I've just about had it and there is some decent up and coming competition out there nowdays.

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VideoStudio :: How To Insert Running Time Clock To Video

Jan 31, 2006

I want to add a realtime clock to my video ... following the timeline clock. Can I do this with VideoStudio? How?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Stop Lisp From Running Every-time When Open A Dwg

Mar 22, 2013

I have a lisp that i use on occasion so i loaded it with APPLOAD into the startup suite. now it loads and runs every time i open a drawing. how can i stop it from running...but still have it available when i need it (without having to find it and reload it)?

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Photoshop :: (Setup Already Running) You Can Only Install One Adobe Product At A Time

Sep 5, 2008

I'm trying to Install Photoshop CS3. i have a problem. I was installing it. pc crashed. and now i restarted and everytime i Try to install the Adobe Photoshop CS3 and everytime it keeps saying ' (Setup already Running) You can only install one Adobe Product at a time. PLease complete the other installation before attempting to install Adobe Photoshop CS3""" I keep getting that. even After i shut my pc down for a day. i still get it.? anyway to stop it so i can install it?

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Photoshop Elements :: Can Have PSE7 And PSE11 Running At Same Time On Same Computer

Jan 15, 2013

can I have pse7 and pse11 running at the same time on the same computer?

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Maya :: Time Slider Running Super Slow When Scrub Through Animation

Mar 13, 2012

For some reason when I scrub through my animation, it runs really slow. And it has nothing to do with my computer itself. It is the particular file. I tested this by opening up one of my others (i saved in iterations) and they all scrub just fine. All I was doing was animating with a rig, so there isnt any extra polygons or whatever. And on top of that, it worked just fine before I exited the program earlier, I even playblasted it and everything, and then I looked at the playblast later and decided I wanted to change something, reopened the file, and the timeline has been chugging ever since. I tried opening and closing maya already.

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Paint.NET :: Selecting Poorly Defined Area In Image?

Jun 7, 2013

I am trying to select the thorns/rose seperately in the attatched image, but because of the varying levels of definition of the borders, I cant see any way to do so other than by hand pixel by pixel. Are there any addons that make this task easier, or is there a simple function that I have just not seen.
My goal is to overlay it on three seperate colored layers, and "cut through" the lower layers with the top layer set on multiply, that way coloring the details while leaving the shading intact.


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Paint Shop Pro :: Exporting Frames From Animation Shop

Dec 24, 2011

Just came upon an error I had not seen before. Though PSP no longer supports Animation Shop, up until PSP X4, the user has been able to export frames back to PSP from Animation Shop. Now, this no longer works! There's still some communication there, because an error message - which, incidentally, makes absolutely no sense at all - is generated in PSP X4:

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Paint Shop Pro :: Will Animation Shop Run On Windows 7 Next To X4?

Oct 28, 2011

I installed PSP X4 today on a new PC with Windows 7 and noticed that it has no Animation Shop. Can I install Animation Shop to this machine? Will it work without PSP 9 or does it need certain dlls from PSP 9 ? I really want to be able to use Animation Shop again.

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: Print Layout Similar To That In Paint Shop Pro?

Sep 25, 2012

Is there a Print Layout in X5 similar to that in Paint Shop Pro? 

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