Photoshop :: Cropping A Pic Is Creating A 64 Gig Temp
Apr 18, 2008
Not sure what's going on here, but when I crop a picture I'm immediately filling all the available space on my hard drive which happens to be 64gigs! Once I get the scratch disk error due to filling up the hd and click Ok the temp file automatically gets rid of it's self.
The crop settings are
Resolution=400 pixels/INCH
I have NO IDEA what the default crop settings should be and am wondering if someone really knocked these out of whack? Thanks so much for any help you can provide!
Misc. Info
2gigs of RAM
Photoshop CS2
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May 7, 2013
AutoCAD LT 2012...I have set up automatic file saving to save files every 10 minutes but files are not saved. I have deleted most old files from the "temp" folder thinking it may be full but the save function is still not working. Sometimes drawings do get saved but only at random intervals and definitely not every 10 minutes.
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Jul 17, 2012
We are having an issue with Corel filling up the hard drives on machines because of the number of temp files being created in c:users<userid>appdatalocal emp - Is there a way to prevent Corel from creating so many temp files or to get Corel to clean up the files when it closes? There are over 12 GB of temp files being created per day for some users.
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Nov 13, 2012
I have my automatic save turned on and set to 10 mins. I can visual see Civil automatically saving (as I have to wait a few seconds for the process) but it is not creating the temporary files.
I used to work fine, and I can see the last file that was created - a couple of weeks ago, but now it has just decided to stop creating these temporary files.It really makes this option useless if there is no temp file to get my lost information from when I crash.
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Feb 1, 2005
I have found out that my hard drive is filling up and on checking I find two files Photoshop temp 11527 and Photoshop temp 51230 that are gigabytes in size,
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May 24, 2006
I'm trying to free up space in my hard drive and I've found three big files called "PhotoshopTemp" (followed by 5-6 digits). They're in my Temp folder (C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorLocal SettingsTemp).
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Mar 14, 2006
Does anyone know exactly what the files are used for? I do realize that they are in my cpu's Temp folder and could easily be discarded. However, I was moreso wondering how these files were used by Photoshop. I have accumalated more than 1.5 gigs of them.
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Nov 5, 2003
My pshop temp file is very large with nothing open. I reset my prefs and it still remains the same. It was 65 megs now it is 130. Is there some other file or files I need to delete? I haven't add any filters actions etc. Pshop has the original files. I am running pshop 7 on W2K. My memory is set at 40% with no history cache and I have the pics turned off on the layers palette. Just trying to understand why it is growing even after a prefs reset. I did a print screen of a clients site and brought that into pshop to make a psd and since then the temp file has doubled. That is why I reset the prefs thinking somehow this file was still in the clipboard cache but the reset did not help the temp file size. The temp file is on a seperate hard drive for the primary and the secondary is on the E drive.
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Apr 15, 2004
i started a v2 of my portfolio site. At the bottom of the page there is javascript to chnage the back gound 4 different colors which all look well with the page. Just a opinion on how it looks so far. I just ordered a new digital camera so once i get that i will have a few photographs with a hue of a darker orange to the left of the text that will be in the content box. As of now it lays blank.
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Jun 23, 2009
I have a problem with the Temp File folder. I know that photoshop cs4 uses a lot of scratch disk space and I have about 250 gbs of free space on the hard drive. I am working with very large files that exceed 4GBs at times and the free space on the hard drive is alway diminishing. Should i delete the temp files or is there a way to set how much data gets stored in the folder? Another question is, should i assign other drives for scratch disk space? i have 3 other hard drives but they are not as fast as the system hd. and if you have tips on tuning the computer for better performance would be greatly appreciated. The set up is among the following lines:ASUS motherboardIntel quad core 2.33 ghzand 32gb of RAMNvidia 9800gt
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Oct 8, 2008
when I start CS3 the startup stops and I get this message:
The folder specified for temporary files is not available.
The default folder will be used.
After I click OK, the startup resumes.
I have tried scratch disk (turning it on and off), but this does not seem to help.
Also, I cannot find this folder (where is it, ore where should it be?).
Windows XP pro SP3
Free disk space: 60GB on C, 380GB on scratch disk.
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Sep 12, 2012
My photoshop recently closed with some files open. I supect windows update to be behind that but can't be sure.
I found in the %temp% folder couple files thats look interresting but no way to open them or be sure what it is.
Files are:
- Photoshop Temp21185767124 (36 864 KB) - Photoshop Temp745149862732 (1 164 672 KB)
- Photoshop Temp1555241910196 (885 632 KB)
- Photoshop Temp556628194484 (96 640KB)
... and there're 2 more at 0 KB.
- Photoshop CS5 12.1 x64
- Windows 7 Service Pack 1
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Jan 4, 2013
I want to change the "working directory" or "temp directory" for can I do this?
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Sep 18, 2012
Photoshop does a lot " *. TMP" files when the program is started up. These temp files, I would have moved to another location.How can I do it?
I am aware that it is possible to define which file "Photoshop Temp11309645056" to be created and how I place it at his own request, but it is not these files I ask for positioning.
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Mar 24, 2005
On my system I have small(330Mb) virtual RAM-disk R: . My system configured so that all temp-files, cookies, cache... all placed on this disk R: . Now - I try to work with Photoshop CS. I know, that 330Mb isn't enough for work files for Photoshop, so I try to tell it: "Use real hard-drive C: for you scratch file(s)". For that I went to "Preferences->Plug Ins & Scratch Disks" and set _ALL FOUR_ scratch disks to "C:". All the same - when I start my work Photoshop CS create it's temp file(name like "Photoshop Temp4122672") exactly on R:, not on C:! Of course after 10min. of work I have stable error: And so - how to force PS to use C: as storehouse for temp-files?
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Jun 6, 2013
Photoshop 13.1.1 x64. Mac Pro 3.33 6-core running OSX 10.6.8, 48Gb RAM. Working on a large-ish .PSD file (650 Mb) and saving to a network drive (a Drobo connected to a server) which is our usual routine and has been for years.
Problem – When I save the document and close it, the saved file (in the correct target location) shows the correct modified time and date stamp but if you open that file up again a lot of work is missing. In this instance, about the last half hours work (since the previous time I saved it). However, if you then go to File > Open Recent and choose the file name, the document opens with all the missing up-to-date work in it.
Clearly, File > Open Recent is opening a temporary document somewhere and not the saved file in the target location.
My concern is why isn't the saved file (with correct modified time and date) up-to-date? Suddenly we are having to double check every PS file we work on and save and that is not practical.
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Jul 23, 2013
Can the location of the temp files be changed in Photoshop CS5? NOT scratch disc assignment, that's assigned correctly. I have a storage issue in my recovery folder and there are photoshop temp files clogging that up.
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Dec 11, 2013
I was always able to send photos from Photoshop 11 via the photo mail and they would arrive fully opened which was great. Now, when I send a photo it arrives not opened and if one clicks on "open" to open it, a notice says it cannot be opened because it is a zip file or a temp. file.
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Aug 6, 2013
I'm using Elements Organizer 11.0 with Windows 8. These temp files have been a problem in at least the previous three versions of PSE with the previous three versions of Windows.
Scenario: Suspiciously low on disk space
Problem: Found thousands of duplicate image files in Windows temp folder (ex. C:UsersUsernameAppDataLocalTemp)
PSE creates these files and never deletes them AFAICS after exiting the program, rebooting, using the Windows 'Disk Cleanup' utility, optimizing the catalog, etc. I found no user preference for deleting temp files or limiting them to a particular size.
These can be created for many reasons, but one sure way to do this is to choose File>Save Metada to Files. (If you don't have any images selected it will attempt to do this for all files displayed.) In my case it makes a duplicate of my 29MB CR2 file and a backup of the associated 4KB XMP file. I've used Windows' fc.exe utility to verify that the CR2 is exactly the same, byte for byte.
Is PSE designed to leave these around for us to clean up after they consume the entire hard disk? Am I missing something?
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Aug 18, 2012
There is a serious root problem with Adobe's implemented permissionless-temp-file creation methods (pun intended.) The problem is that during startup, both Bridge and Photoshop CS6 try to make temp files on the root folder of the OS drive. Its affecting many peoples' installations by crashing them on application launch if not run by the super-administrator account on the computer. Adobe says to just run as admin to fix it, which does fix the start up crash. However, for me, it creates a gigantic problem: it breaks OS-to-PS and OS-to-Bridge drag and drop functionality completely!!! I literally was slowed to a crawl in my workflow having to import photos 1 at a time through the file-> open menu because I couldn't drag and drop various files from various locations on my computer. Not everything is clumped in 1 area neatly for Bridge to open everything, and I never realized just how much I used this function until this run as admin band-aid broke it. Eventually I fixed the CS temp location after 10-12 hours of hair pulling research and trial and error, and I finally have Photoshop CS6 working without admin permissions and everything is dandy with drag and drop, but only in PS. Bridge still cannot be run without administrator privileges and cannot have files dropped in or out of it to or from Explorer, and I am getting really frustrated here.
So does anyone else find their drag and drop ability gone once running Bridge/PS CS6 in admin mode? Is there a way to move the default temp creation location of Bridge as well? I'm frustrated and I think Adobe seems to be taking this permissions issue way too lightly!
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Jun 21, 2012
I am trying to cleanup my harddrive so I have more space. I found files and don't know what they do. They are under CorelPro - 15.0 - DMV-TEMP - Cvted Title. Here is a screenshot of where they are. I am still working on a couple of these project. What are they and is it ok to delete these now?
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Jun 3, 2013
Having just installed Video Studio Pro X6 on a Windows 8 laptop, I have what may be a basic question about the folders the software creates automatically on installation.
By default, installation of the VS Pro X6 software placed in my C drive's Documents folder a folder called Corel Video Studio Pro along with a sub folder called 16.0 (and, I believe, a sub folder called My Projects, though it's conceivable that I added the My Projects subfolder manually and just forgot); the 16.0 subfolder contains a subfolder called DMF_TEMP, which, in turn, contains additional subfolders. After creating just a few short movies, the DMF_TEMP folders and subfolders already contain almost 4GB of data, and I worry about the folders eventually overwhelming my internal hard drive capacity. So I have two questions:
First, will the software eventually remove the presumably temporary files stored under DMF_TEMP, thus also removing concern about taxing my internal drive's storage capacity?
Second, is it possible without loss of simple functionality to configure VS Pro X6 so that the entire Video Studio Pro folder, along with its 16.0 and other subfolders, resides on an external hard drive, with much larger capacity?
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Jan 2, 2014
My lightroom 4.4 does not show wb temp in degrees. Does LR 5 ?
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Feb 13, 2013
How to use keyboard shortcut to allow for a temporary override of my "Nearest" OSNAP. I often find myself pulling leaders from splines and/or circles and need the "Nearest" OSNAP active.
I was in CUI and saw the temp override shortcut key was setup but inactive as it has no ties to any keys. I also saw others setup with shortcuts keys and decided to give them a demo. While in a line command (for example) i held 'SHIFT + C' to trigger the temp override of "Center." It didn't seem to work. Dynamic input popped up as if i was entering "C."
I want 'SHIFT + N' to be temp override for "Nearest" OSNAP.As a side note, i was able to set up ACAD to zoom extents and close dwg simultaneously with 'CTRL + W' without any hiccups.
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Dec 16, 2011
I am sorta of new to Revit. I have been using it off and on for about 3 years and I have one burning question. What and how does Revit determine where the temp dimension is based off of when you are placing new walls? I have had the temp dimension jump all the way across a plan to find a wall that I drew 3-4 hours ago and has no relevance to the current wall I am drawing. The space I am currently on has a geometric relationship to the walls around it, not to a partition wall 200 feet away with no relationship to the current space. Yes I understand the building as a whole has a relationship to all parts within, but I think you get the drift.
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Dec 4, 2013
Why would a window be movable by dragging but not movable by changing the temporary dimension? It's not pinned.
It works fine for the walls, but no matter what I put in the dimension value it won't budge the window an inch.
Is it an error in my family or is there something wrong with the project? I've been having a lot of problems with this one. I feel like it's all the funny angles, but the window and the door are in the same freaking wall so why should that matter?
AutoCAD 2010
AutoCAD LT 2013
Revit Architecture LT 2013
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Aug 26, 2012
Revit 2010.I'm trying to change the temp dimension size. (Can read the 8pt.?) I've looked at the .ini file and don't see where I can change it. I've also read where it can be changed via some 'option'. Under which tab and panel is the 'option'?
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Jun 27, 2012
Inventor 2013 is creating .tmp files. Is there a way to shut this feature off?
Using Inventor 2013
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Dec 16, 2008
I just started to try to clean up my hard drive and using CCleaner I found that I had 70 GIGS OF FILES IN TEMP! most of this is made up of a 55 gig photoshop temp file and a bunch of 300-750 MB photoshop temp files. I am just wondering why these are in there, why they are so big, and if I can safely delete them.
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Apr 19, 2011
Lately opening CorelDraw takes longer then it use to. how to clear the temp files.
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Mar 13, 2013
I was extracting a portion of a picture when I started getting the messages that my temp files may be full. I could not save, save as, or export what i had done. I am using Corel Draw Suite 12.
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