Photoshop :: Can Layers Be Preserved When Placing Image Onto Another
Jul 5, 2012
I am trying to figure out how to automate/make an action that will allow me to batch place an image onto numerous other images much like a watermark, but with only adjustment layers and their layer masks.
How I can place all my symbols at one time in the File and on there on layers? is this possible?
The only dialog box i could find is in the corner of the symbols palette is "Place symbol"... I tried to create an action but it wont go to the next symbol.
how to accomplish creating a web optimized graphic with a smooth gradient using PS7.
it seems that you will not be able to generate such a graphic using the default settings in photoshop.
I am right now using the maximum number of colors allowable in the 'save for web' optimization tool (which is 256 for both jpg and gif apparently) I know JPGs are the file type for the job generally speaking, but without optimization the JPG is too large to use for a web page header.
I hope that there would be an option in the future to crop an image in lightroom, then when you open to "edit in photoshop" the image would be cropped using photoshop new non destructive crop. So that i can tweak color and retouch the whole image then close and i can do final cropping back in LR.
I'm currently trying to place a watermark on my images, and I'd like it to appear a certain distance from the edge, regardless of the image's size. I tried using the "Place" command, but I don't think there's a way to specify a distance from the edge.
how to go about making a frame or edging around and image such as the photo example.
This is what I was told to do, but cannot make head to tail from it:
Magic wand outside the picture. Select>Inverse. Stroke - set to 1 pixel and desired colour. New Layer Move Marquee box to desired position Stroke again Move 2nd layer to back
i have a client who has asked me to include her company logo, along with text, on a digital photograph which i then will have printed. writing text on a photo in photoshop is simple enough, but i don't know how to drop the logo (i've been sent two copies, jpg and tif) onto the photo.
Just for clarification, are there any drawbacks to just dragging an image from my desktop onto an artboard instead of placing it? The image will not be autotraced, and will become part of a layout in my AI file.
I run Photoshop Cs6 and this has just recently began, after it has been working fine. After placing the image I would go to select my tool to edit the picture and it crashes.
I can place the photo just fine its always afterwards when I try to do something to it dose it crash, its like the smart object is protect it from editing as the moment I click on any thing even to merge visible it instantly crashes.
I am still able to open the pictures and edit them this way with no problems, its just after they are moved onto a different canvas dose the problem emerge. I run Windows 7 Home Premium
When I try to place a picture in photoshop CS6 either from drag&drop in the application window or from the place command, my image gets automatically resized based on the resolution (pixels per inch) of my document.
I create a new blank document, 1000*1000px @ 300ppi.I have another image that I want to place in the document and this image measures 500*500px @ 100ppi.I then go to File->Place and the image that appears is way too big. In the Info panel, it says that the image is 1500x1500 and the transform settings at the top indicate that the image hasen't been scaled because both width and height are at 100%.If I cahnge my document resolution (no resample) to 100ppi, the image has the right size when I place it.
Is this normal? Because it has never done that with past versions of Photoshop. If it is normal, is there a way I can change this because placing an image based on it's physical (printed) size makes absolutely no sense. 1 pixel = 1 pixel.
When I place an image it seams to always place it in black and whit. I have uninstalled and it is still doing the same. When I open the same image in a new doc its fine.
I am having trouble placing a rollover image onto a Dreamweaver CS6 page. I use Photoshop 7.0 and the program Adobe Image Ready which came with it. I have been successfully placing my animations created in this older Image Ready software onto Dreamweaver pages.
I simply insert the image and the animation plays in live view, preview and on the web. I'm having trouble however placing animations that have rollover effects onto a web page. ImageReady gives me multiple gif files for the slices associated with the rollover instead of just one gif for an animation without rollover, and an html file if I want one. I don't know how to handle the multiple gifs and the html file.
after clicking "OK", these go to 160,2 mm or less than 160 mm.
The same with the sizes and places of objects etc. I create a 20 x 20 mm circle. One click later it is 19,89 x 19,89. I set it's location to X: 80 mm, Y: 80 mm. One click later: 80,02mm
I have this cirlce that I have filled with a radial gradient fill that I would like to place an image inside of. The problem is when I put the image in there the background of the image is white so the gradient does not show do I fix this?
extracting an image from its orignal surroundings and placing it into an artifical envirnoment is very hard,.. some times complex things like hair often tease.
When setting a URL link to selected text in a text object, the link style (blue w/ underline) is not preserved after save, close & reopening. The url is still set if you select the same text.The biggest issue is when publishing to PDF, those links do not get published as it did in previous versions of CorelDRAW. This breaks thousands of our documents when publishing to pdf since we have upgraded from X3 to X6. This is a show stopper for us using X6.
I have a base image. I want to take "another" image,and place it into various different shapes...are there different shapes that one can use in the system? And if so, where are they....and when one places them into an image, how do you get rid of the background, to place your image in the shape?
Why the image stretches when I'm trying to place it on a page of a 3D book I created in Illustrator? I do realize the geometric lines vary depending on the shape of the page I'm placing the image on, but how can I avoid the stretch? Is there a way to move the lines, or? I read somewhere that if you rasterize the image, it shouldn't stretch. However, it still does (or I just don't know how to rasterize properly)
Here's a link to the image: [URL] ... (everything stretched out weirdly in the middle)
All of my image layers have randomly converted to smart object layers and I can no longer resize them in the ps document. Why would it do this and how can I undo it?
I placed an image of my black signature with transparent background on the white background business card, and now it is leaving a box were that signature image canvas ends. This happens with both a .psd and .pnd files.
Now if I could just go into photoshop and extend the canvas and leave the image the same size that would be great. When I try to do this though there is still the old canvas boundary line.
If I was able to start all over I would have had the original canvas size way wider than the image of my signature that I drew on it. That way it's boundaries would now be outside of my business cards boundries and I would not be seeing those black boundary lines.
I'm trying to create a logo whose letters have an image in them - which I've got figured out (turning letters to outlines, creating clipping mask with image). The trouble is, once the image is inside the letters, I can't figure out how to then give the letters a thin stroke outline. Is this possible? The image I've placed is high contrast black and white, so when I create the clipping mask, large chunks of the letters disappear.
trying to place a photoshop image into illustrator. I want the photoshop image to cover up part of a word in illustrator; however, when I place the image in illustartor, there is a white square that surrounds my photoshop image. So basically I have an white square around my photoshop image and when I try to put it on top of something in illustrator the white square goes with it. Anyone know how I can do this without the white box?
Illustrator cs6 - I have used image trace to create a 3 colour image of a photograph. Is there a way to create layers based on the three colours? (One layer for each of the three colours)
I have pc that uses xp pro cs5.1 extended....everything on the program works!! in normal editing mode I can do most things including sharpening, selection....recently I started to edit within layers and I can get most things done...but I cannot figure out how to sharpen the image once it is in layers as it is not one of the choices in the drop down menu, the same goes for selection.
If this cannot be done then I will flatten the image and edit normally. My knowlege of layers is basic.
See my attached screenshot--I've got an image that I pasted into Photoshop. You'll see that it is showing up in my layers palette, but not in the actual image on my screen.
I have this image that was edited. It was a photo that had black blocks put on it, censoring it (by probably MS Paint).
But anyway, when the file is in a folder, I can see the image (in the preview part of a folder in Windows) as a thumbnail without the blocks, like the blocks are gone. But when I open the image, the blocks are there.
The part of the image I need is obviously in the file, in a lower "layer" (per se).
How do I uncover it?
I have Photoshop 6 and GIMP and played around with both and I cannot seem to do it. Can anyone help me?
I'm trying to separate a line-art drawing that I took into illustrator to "live trace" and "live color" it (so it is now an AE file) into layers so I can take it into after effects and animate it. Here's the prob:
1. In photoshop, the "extract" filter is not availble to use. why?
2. because I can't extract, I'm having to erase everything I don't need in each layer. Only problem is that the bounding box/anchor point for each layer is the same as the document. I need them to be independent of the document size and instead follow the image in each layer.