I'm trying to separate a line-art drawing that I took into illustrator to "live trace" and "live color" it (so it is now an AE file) into layers so I can take it into after effects and animate it. Here's the prob:
1. In photoshop, the "extract" filter is not availble to use. why?
2. because I can't extract, I'm having to erase everything I don't need in each layer. Only problem is that the bounding box/anchor point for each layer is the same as the document. I need them to be independent of the document size and instead follow the image in each layer.
Is there any way to seperate a layer from its effects, so that the effects become actual layers that filters can be applied to?
Like if I had an inner shadow, is it possible to remove that shadow effect from the layer itself and make it a seperate layer, so it is still an inner shadow but is its own raster layer, so that it is possible apply a Lighting effects filter to it?
I wanted to ask about whether it is possible to separate all the pieces of paintings in this document to their individual layers?
I want to make a website and use each of these as graphic so separate documents would be fine too.
These are 100 "boxes" btw, so i cant simply select and Layer via cut all the time
if Im not clear...basically, all the boxes in this image are in 1 single layer, i need to make separate jpgs/pngs for every box, would be great if someone could guide me through...i have removed the background btw.
In CS3 I would duplicate an image in order to soft-proof before printing. By going from full to partial screen I could then identify both original and duplicates and could pull them into adjacent positions. In CS6 that doesn't work How do I separate my two images and place them next to each other?
trying to separate non-contiguous letters from a background so as to make the background transparent. I've used various methods including the gimp tutorial referenced above, and am having problems both selecting everything I need and with the transparency.
When I use the foreground select tool as in the tutorial, I can select the first line, 1812, but not the next two. Color values off some? Anyway, after successfully selecting at least the 1812 part, I do the next steps: invert the selection, add alpha channel, del background; and end up with a transparent background and a 'kind of' transparent 1812. If I try to save it as a png and open it in any other program it's just empty or black.
Am a very recent purchaser of Pro X6, and was wondering the best way to separate or 'lift' the darker areas of an image from lighter areas. I have attached an image as an example. Ideally, I'd like to separate entirely everything in the image that is yellow, from everything that is not.
All of my image layers have randomly converted to smart object layers and I can no longer resize them in the ps document. Why would it do this and how can I undo it?
I have a video that I want to work with using Photoshop CS6's new video and timeline features. To gain more control over the audio, I want to separate the audio so that it is a separate file from the video. I'm using Photoshop CS6 on Windows, but have access to Mac if necessary.
How does one separate the sound from the visuals of a shot video clip so the audio can be treated as a separate entity to the visuals in Photoshop cs6?
I am trying to recreate my company's logo. The text I want to use in in the form of an eps file. I want to pick just the text off the white background and paste it into another Photoshop document. I was trying the magnetic lasso tool but it wasn't seeming to cooperate.
I want to blur the background of sports photos (still too much in focus even with lens wide open). I put the key player(s) on one layer and the background on another, then apply a Gaussian blur, which gives me a white line where background meets foreground.
I can painstakingly rubber stamp extend the edge of the background about 10 pixels behind the foreground and that seems to work, but it's painstakingly slow. Is there a better way or even a plug-in?
I've added some levels that are pretty close together. In elevation and section the labels overlap. How do I bend or crank the elevation line at the end so that the labels don't overlap?
(3ds max 2012, mental ray rendering) I would like to know how to separate objects from an imported model. For example, I have imported a bed with side tables, pillows, throw rug, etc- when it is imported into my scene all items are grouped together, so one click, anywhere, selects all items. I have used the Edit mesh function to delete the items I don't need but now I want to isolate each part of the model and apply different material finishes. When I hold the curser over each item they seemed to be named separately, as 'objects'. How do I detach these items from the imported model?
I just got a new computer. I had Photo Shop Elements on my old one. I appears that Gimp can do the same things for free. One thing Photo Shop Elements did was provide a way to scan as many photos as would fit on your scanner and then provide a way to separate them. Can Gimp do that? Sometimes I would need to use Elements to open a scanned photo. Would Gimp open a photo scanned on Elements?
I am trying to decide whether to buy Elements for my new Windows 8 or download Gimp.
I imported a character model that I downloaded off of the internet into maya, and I have run into a snag as I'm rigging, skin binding, etc. The model has a main body, but its armor is actually separate geometry. My problem is that the shoulder pads and leg armor are mirrored, so that when one moves, the other one does as well, which is a big problem when I want to animate the model. Is there a simple way to split the pieces up so that they are not mirroring each other? My guess is that they were originally created that way so that each side didn't have to be individually worked on.
i am having some trouble in AutoCAD 2013... basically, i am making geometric shapes with polar arrayed circles and want to trim certain parts that cross. but because the array is treated as one object, it won't seem to let me trim anything on it. is there a way to separate or unlink the circles so they become separate objects?
I'm looking for a way to draw a single, solid object and then divide that object into multiple objects using the pen tool; not other objects.
Ex: Draw a solid cirlce, use the pen tool to draw lines over said circle (visually creating different shapes), then [do something] with both the original circle and the pen-drawn lines to actually create the new shapes/objects.
I've done this before by placing other OBJECTS over the original object and then using the divide or trim pathfinder toggles, but using other shapes (even the line tool) has its limitations.
I have a single-mesh model, pre-rigged and textured. I am trying to export it into a format which has a bone-limit of 59 bones per mesh. This model, however, has over 100 bones.
I'm really not very good at doing rigging from scratch; someone else rigged this for me. I need to split up the mesh, so the model meets the less-than-59-bones-per-mesh rule.
Is there a way to do this without destroying the skin modifier, and having to re-skin the whole thing? I'd like it to end up as several meshes, which all work as one in terms of rigging.
I am wondering if there is a system variable i can change that allows me to slice objects and automatically separate them.
you see i will slice an object, and delete the side i dont want, but there will usually be some part that hasn't separated and i accidentally delete that too.
I'm relatively new to Illustrator (I'm a fine artist not a graphics professional) and having some difficulty with preparing pdf files for screen printing positives.I passed some of my photos through Vector Magic anf got a 3 color vector pdf.I converted the colors to global spot cmyk.What I need to do is get each color onto a separate layer. I don't have a postscript printer and would like to have everything prepared before I take artwork to a print shop to get screen positives printed.For some reason when I go Select > Same > Fill color (and either cut to a new layer or select inverse and delete on a duplicated layer) I'm not getting everything showing up. It looks like the document needs to be flattened or something, though I have tried that with no effect.
Illustrator cs6 - I have used image trace to create a 3 colour image of a photograph. Is there a way to create layers based on the three colours? (One layer for each of the three colours)
I just downloaded the trial version of this software (Video Studio X5 Pro) to try it before I buy it. I am importing RAW and AVI footage capture from a program called DXtory. I am recording those videos with three audio tracks, one track covers the sound of the video game being played, one track covers my microphone input, and the last track covers the sound that comes through my teamspeak server.
When I import a video into Corel am I able to separately edit each audio track? IE change the volume of one input but not the other?
The problem that has been with me for years is how to print a booklet as a single print job onto a digital printer that has say a colour spread on cover and centre pages... Coreldraw X5
Scenario: A3 12pp bookletI might receive a file in publisher or whatever but colour is generally on most/all pages but the client only wants colour on say cover spread and centre spread pages. I convert this file to a PDF using distiller, then save it as an EPS file to import into Coreldraw. (The step to convert to eps seems very important as I have encountered font and spacing issues when importing PDF into Coreldraw - eps seems to over come this problem)Even saving the PDF in distiller as a Black only file, am still getting the colour click on the printer...
is there any way to isolate say the cover pages and print as colour with other pages as black only I have tried saving eps files as black only but they still register as a colour print on the XeroxWould love to see an option to set properties of individual pages to colour or mono (does it exist?) At present, I have to print all the colour spreads and the black spreads and hand collate together! time comsuming to say the least!
surely there must be others out there with a similar problem? how do you overcome it?If I am designing I can easily ensure pages are black only but not when the arttwork is coming from so many different sources.
How do you separate two objects that are considered to be the same body.
I have an car airbox made up of two separate solid objects. How can I separate them? see the attached image for a better understanding of my situation.
I have pc that uses xp pro cs5.1 extended....everything on the program works!! in normal editing mode I can do most things including sharpening, selection....recently I started to edit within layers and I can get most things done...but I cannot figure out how to sharpen the image once it is in layers as it is not one of the choices in the drop down menu, the same goes for selection.
If this cannot be done then I will flatten the image and edit normally. My knowlege of layers is basic.
See my attached screenshot--I've got an image that I pasted into Photoshop. You'll see that it is showing up in my layers palette, but not in the actual image on my screen.
I have this image that was edited. It was a photo that had black blocks put on it, censoring it (by probably MS Paint).
But anyway, when the file is in a folder, I can see the image (in the preview part of a folder in Windows) as a thumbnail without the blocks, like the blocks are gone. But when I open the image, the blocks are there.
The part of the image I need is obviously in the file, in a lower "layer" (per se).
How do I uncover it?
I have Photoshop 6 and GIMP and played around with both and I cannot seem to do it. Can anyone help me?