Photoshop :: Placing Image Inside Circle Filled With Radial Gradient?
Sep 16, 2012
I have this cirlce that I have filled with a radial gradient fill that I would like to place an image inside of. The problem is when I put the image in there the background of the image is white so the gradient does not show do I fix this?
Is it possible to create a gradient similar to radial gradient, except that the shape is other than circular? This image would be the starting point, but I would like the white part fading to black to be another shape (say, a rectangle, a banana, etc.).
I'm trying to create a logo whose letters have an image in them - which I've got figured out (turning letters to outlines, creating clipping mask with image). The trouble is, once the image is inside the letters, I can't figure out how to then give the letters a thin stroke outline. Is this possible? The image I've placed is high contrast black and white, so when I create the clipping mask, large chunks of the letters disappear.
I have images that are approximately 5200x2600 pixels. There is slight drop-off on the ends primarily because the lens I use is slightly wide-angle. When I use the radial gradient as an after-the-fact center filter, I can't make it big enough to allow lightening the ends. I have the scale set to 149%, which appears to be the maximum. Even with the Opacity set very low there is a very slight ring of lightness, so to speak, about halfway between the center and the and of the frame.
Is there any way to expand the gradient? Or solve my problem another way?
I have a few photos which I want to add a radial (circular) gradient to. I want them to show the middle portion of the photo (full opacity) and then have them go to zero opacity on the edges in a circular manner (basically fade to white). I have a background layer which is white.
I am sure this is fairly simple, but I can't figure it out....
I am using the new Creative Cloud attempt from Adobe. In 6 months, the only consistent documented behavior from photoshop around transparency gradient adjustment layers is to deselect all layers and then select just one layer to use for the failed Photoshop transparency effect.
I have not found any tutorials that I can duplicate on my machine. Either the tools will not appear 99% of time, or when they do 1% of time they do not work as described, work erratically, or do not work at all. I have got the CC Photoshop to perform a linear gradient from layer to black background. That is all CC Photoshop can do consistently for me. For multi-step tutorials, the steps are consistent, but CC Photoshop popups and resutls literally change with each gradient attempt. Freaky application failures. 100% of time CC Photoshop fails, applying the gradient from an object in foreground to a black background.
Layer foreground to black background must be the default. Anything else fails and is highly erratic. It is as if this CC Photoshop is intended as a supplement to whatever they are using in the tutorials. For example, If I had the money for a full Photoshop CS6 box, everything would work fine? CC Photoshop is a total fail on this computer. Adobe telephone support results the same failure. I am always going to get a call back "with a resolution". but the callback never comes, or it comes with the excuse "we are working on this". All I want is a Foreground to Background transparency gradient for a selected layer... ever since the CC beta trial appeared a year ago. For example, how do I create a radial transparency gradient using CC Photoshop?
I have Photoshop CS and I am not sure how to create a rectangular box (in the corner of a photo) with a black border of about 3px, and the inside of the box should be colored in an orange-yellow gradient.
Then I want to create another rectangular box (in a different corner of the same photo), again with a black border of about 3px, and the inside of the box should be a straight white.
I have tried it using the rectangular marquee tool and then going to Edit | Stroke (3 px), but the border itself is colored orange/yellow. I click the gradient tool and that part seems OK, but I end up with an orange/yellow gradient framed by a yellow border - and not a black one.
Imagine a radial gradient that goes from red in the center to transparent. Then cut it in half. Then on the bottom, I need it to go from blue in the center to transparant. Also radial. How do I do this in Illustrator? I want it to look like it's all the same radial gradient... just red on top and blue on the bottom. I've mocked it up in Photoshop below. But I want to know if I can do this in Illustrator.
I have been using the radial filter with no problems.Now it will not display the circle or ellipse. it seems to be working as when I try to do the circle and it will not show but if I change the exposure or any of the setting it does do that.
Have I accidently changed something or a setting to cause this .
I've been using a radial gradient on a mask to create a selection, then messing with the selection with various tools, e.g. saturation, blur, contrast. All this on a duplicate of the background layer, of course.
On my most recent attempt, I noticed "rings" in a portion of the finished image. Is the sequence in which I'm using the tools the problem? Should I work on the top layer first, THEN create the selection? Here's a crop from the image:
I have a wide background image for the top of a site I am working on, which I am attaching. Basically, the original creator of the image faded the gradient from transparent to the background color of the site. The "shape" of the gradient is where I am having trouble. I tried even using the circle selection tool, then doing an inverted selection to force an oval shape, but that is not working great for me either.
I've got a circle with a radial gradient going from purple on the outside to white at the center (a grape). How do I get the white center to move someplace other than the center? It was easy in Freehand...
Just a few hours ago i asked about identifying a gradients type (linaer vs radial) and thatnks to Carlos I'm set with that, but I can't find a way to access the Aspect Ratio of a gradient in javascript.
I have filled a dot in the "I" of a logo with a radial black gradient to represent a ball. When I save as a pdf, the once gradient ball turns to solid. I tried saving the file in ai first and then saving that file to pdf, but that produces the same results. When saved as a jpeg for web, th eimage is perfect. Must be something I am missing in the pdf settings...?
How do I place a hole on a circular part at a specified distance from the edge. This works on other parts with straight edges, but there is no option to do so on a circle.??
I'm trying to place the blue circle at the bottom of the drawing so its radius is 15mm from the mid point of the diagonal line on the right. I've been experimenting with snap points and the from command, but I can't seem to get it just right. I suspect I mess up with the coordinates from the offset point since it's on a diagonal line.
I'm using pse 11 right now. I've got a decent handle on text on shape tool. But I can't figure out how to get text inside a circle. (as opposed to around the outside) I've seen a couple tutorials that reference a little black arrow to move selections (I think within the Text tool menu) , and change orientation of text. I can't see this anywhere. I'm sure there is a simple solution, but I can't figure this one out.
I'm making a logo for someone by hand-drawing a font I made up. But because I was having trouble drawing a perfect letter 'O', I'm using the "Circle/Ellipse" tool to do it. I drew an 'O' with that tool that's almost the right size... and I wanna draw another one just a little shorter... but I can't figure out how to place the completed new shape directly over the old one.
I don't know where to start the action with the tool! The completed shape always ends up in the wrong place. How to get my finished shape to complete just where I want it to? (Re-sizing the shape won't work because that changes the thickness of the line I used for the letter 'O'.)
I dont have it in my custom shapes and was wondering if i would be able to download it from some where.... anybody know where? need the radial blur like in this background.
Is there any way to locate exact center of a circle in after effects? I made a perfect circle in photo editing program and since layer's boundaries corresponded to circle's edges, i thought that anchor point in after effects will be exactly at the center. but it's not the case - the anchor point is at the center of a composition!
I imported the circle .psd layer together with other layers as a composition, does this have any importance? As i said,the circle layer boundaries corresond with circles edges, not with canvas' edges in my photo editing program. But whe i solo the circle layer, i see that the anchor point is at the center of a composition, not the layer.
So now i have to place anchor point at the center manualy, and it's pretty difficult to do it perfectly. when i rotate the circle, it wobbles and wobbles.
how can I draw a circle with 285 ticks or small dashed lines along the rim U know just like the 360 degree compass.
After that I want to write text following the path of these ticks.In other words radial text so the whole thing would like like rays of text coming off that circle.
A client brought in a family "forest" as she calls it, and requests us to recreate it for her. She wants us to update it every two years so I'm hoping there's an easy way to do this.
I need to have each generation in its individual "textbox" so that I can edit leading. If I combine each generation under one main name (1st gen through 5th gen) then the original leading would be impossible to recreate.
I was making a website and I wanted to make a pattern that looks like one color turning into another color by way of small circles increasing in size. I've created a small mock-up of the type of effect that I want to make, and what is the name of the effect, or how to do it. But for some reason it doesn't let me post the image.
Im trying to weld text into the inside of a circle. I can weld the base lines of my text to the circle's edge but i can get the base line to follow the curve of the circle.
This is a practice design for a laser engraver. Im new to Corel and laser engraving. The shop I work at has the equiptment and software for the process and I've recently been granted access to do some personal stuff.
I want to add a Tex inside a Circle and I want the text to take the "shape" of the circle. What I mean is that I want the text to bend and fit on the circle.