Illustrator :: Black Boundary Lines When Placing Image
Nov 17, 2013
I am making a business card in Illustrator 6.
I placed an image of my black signature with transparent background on the white background business card, and now it is leaving a box were that signature image canvas ends. This happens with both a .psd and .pnd files.
Now if I could just go into photoshop and extend the canvas and leave the image the same size that would be great. When I try to do this though there is still the old canvas boundary line.
If I was able to start all over I would have had the original canvas size way wider than the image of my signature that I drew on it. That way it's boundaries would now be outside of my business cards boundries and I would not be seeing those black boundary lines.
When I place an image it seams to always place it in black and whit. I have uninstalled and it is still doing the same. When I open the same image in a new doc its fine.
Just for clarification, are there any drawbacks to just dragging an image from my desktop onto an artboard instead of placing it? The image will not be autotraced, and will become part of a layout in my AI file.
Total buffoon when it comes to getting GIMP to do what I want to do. I'm just practicing with making maps, black lines on a white background, and I've run into some issues I'm wondering if I can get rectified.
1) For whatever reason, the line weight of everything has shifted throughout the file, ending with some lines lighter and grayer than others. Is there a way I can get GIMP to trace all the lines in a uniform black, with uniform thickness?
2) I have tried locking the white background, but often when I select and move my black lines, if I don't click in just the right spot it moves the white background instead, which is really, reeeaaaly aggravating. How Do I get that background to be completely untouchable?
3) In trying to colour the image, I've run into problems with their being a white outline between the colour and the black lines. I think I need to sharpen the image or somesuch? How can one correct this issue?
4) Is there anyway to convert the black dotted lines of the paths tools into straight black lines, in regards to an older file? If not, is there an easy way to trace them?
5) I find the scale too tends to make my image too jagged. I want to take a section of my map, move it too another file and enlarge it to do detail work - what's the best way to do this in order to have a clear image?
6) Any way to translate an image from a MErcator Projection ot a Winkell-Trippel projection, one that works on a Mac?
Why the image stretches when I'm trying to place it on a page of a 3D book I created in Illustrator? I do realize the geometric lines vary depending on the shape of the page I'm placing the image on, but how can I avoid the stretch? Is there a way to move the lines, or? I read somewhere that if you rasterize the image, it shouldn't stretch. However, it still does (or I just don't know how to rasterize properly)
Here's a link to the image: [URL] ... (everything stretched out weirdly in the middle)
I'm trying to create a logo whose letters have an image in them - which I've got figured out (turning letters to outlines, creating clipping mask with image). The trouble is, once the image is inside the letters, I can't figure out how to then give the letters a thin stroke outline. Is this possible? The image I've placed is high contrast black and white, so when I create the clipping mask, large chunks of the letters disappear.
If I open a new image Raster background (white) RGB-8bit/channel and put the size in inches centimetres or millimetres I get a black 1px line horizontal and vertical on the image. I either have to paint over it or open the image using pixels as the sizing.
Example: New image 1black spot saved.
I have only just found out how it occurs. It also is the same if I install PSP on Laptop (win7 64 bit)I make animations and can use upto 50 images replicating from the 1st image so if I forget to paint out the lines on number 1 image (as I did last week) and then put them through an animator and then scream when I see the black lines on the finshed animation. At least I now know to always use pixels as the size of the images.
Of course now I know I will try and use pixels when opening a new image (but would sooner use the other measurements )
Executive summary of need: turn a color, line-and-fill Xara image into a very thin black line, no fills, no other colors.
I'm reproducing a 1930s - 1940s decal from a toy crib that we're restoring and repainting. The original decal on the headboard is deteriorated and flaking off, so I decided to reproduce it on clear inkjet waterslide decal paper. (White paper wouldn't work because of the open area between background ovals and the figure itself; here's the reproduced decal image - imagine everything not in color to be a clear area: )
However, since inkjet printing doesn't include opaque white, I need to manually paint white on the decal sheet behind the ovals and the figure to make the colors pop and to prevent the pink-painted crib background from showing through. I'd like to take the Xara image, copy it, then turn the copy into a very light black or gray line with no fills. This becomes guidelines for hand-painting
I'll print the black line version first on the decal sheet, paint white on it, then print the color version over top.How do I transform a copy of the original into my guidelines?
I have a problem when exporting to pdf, i get grey boundary lines from some selections i have made and filled with white color. The bagground is white, so that's not the problem.
The funny thing is, when exporting to any other image type, i don't get the lines, it's only with pdf.
So I've been creating a building and I can't seem to get rid of (or hide) the lines that make up the edges of my surfaces (or solid) in the animation view. Is this typical?
For instance, I have one side of the building that is using 4 different textures all on the same plane and they butt up to one another (example: brick meets siding). Where these two surfaces meet the lines that makes up the edges of the surface won't go away. Thus always showing white line showing the boundaries o the individual surfaces.
Can I turn these off, hide them, or am I being a total 3D Modeling noob and missing something basic?
Using Acad LT 2014, Win8. Using stb plot style. I also tried printing from my Win7 laptop, same result. Does not appear to be a Windows8 issue.
I am having something odd happening, I think it is new with 2014.
I noticed that my lines are not actually printing as black, but rather a very dark brown or almost black.
I have a stb style (Bk 1.00), Color = black, screening 100, and for some reason it's not really printing full black.
One layer (A-Elev-Maj) is set for color 132, but the plot style is Bk 1.00. It prints on my Canon Pixma and on pdf as very dark brown.
I have another layer (A-Fill-Bk) set to color 0,0,0, and also plot style Bk 1.00, and it prints dead black.
I tried making the A-Elev-Maj layer 0,0,0 and it still prints an "almost" black.
I checked in the stb file, it is really set to black. I tried 250, as well as 0,0,0 and go the same result.
Attached pdf. You can look at the fence railing or the triangle chimney cap to see the comparison of the A-Fill-Bk which is printing actual black and surronding lines which are "almost" black. Zoom in and you can see it.
How to draw filled region boundary lines that show up in any color other than gray? it is hard to distinguish the lines I am drawing from the lines that are already there while creating or modifing a boundary. Can I change the color of the Invisible Line (can't find that line modify)? OR does every line created thru manage line style have to have a weight (am I able to make a zero line weight or even a pattern that shows nothing.
trying to place a photoshop image into illustrator. I want the photoshop image to cover up part of a word in illustrator; however, when I place the image in illustartor, there is a white square that surrounds my photoshop image. So basically I have an white square around my photoshop image and when I try to put it on top of something in illustrator the white square goes with it. Anyone know how I can do this without the white box?
I am creating a peice of artwork in illustrator. I have cut out the icecream image in photoshop and placed it in illustrator as a psd file. It looks fine in illustrator, looks like it should do. The problem occurs when I export to pdf, a black border around the ice cream image appears. However when I print the black border does not display. So the issue with the black border only appears on the pdf. Check out the attachment beow for example of what I mean.
i need to know if there is any way to control the points in the point cloud.
1. either only import the point cloud in a polyline area i specify
2. add all the points within a boundary not limited to the pointclouddensity = 100, freaking default is 15 almost cost my job today. extremely stressed out right now.
i am talking about extreme lidar surveys. 1km 1km LAS/0.5m contours/xyz files times 355 of them. covers a 2km wide corridor. but i only need 100m wide after i define the road alignment. no need to have all the extra points.
right now i densify the heck out of it and end up like 5-12m points. decent but not good enough because the geotech is bitching about that accuracy is not good for some feasibility study. or is there any software i can do this besides civil 3d.
what i want can also do is automate the 'add points to surface" under point cloud and have the software do multiple boundaries without having me baby it over the night. right now every click is 5 minutes and adds like 400k to 1 million points. Civil 3D 2012
I'm working on an image that is made up of lines that have been created with an additional stroke from the appearance tool. I've overlayed several pieces, and where they overlap, I get a mysterious faint cut line. Additionally when I put a clipping mask to trim it out, the clipping mask creates a similar faint line on the edge. See red arrows below. This is Illustrator 5.1 from CS5.5 and saved as an EPS and placed into an ID document. It prints fine without these, but when I'm making a press quality pdf, they show up. How to remove these?
I have been a Photoshop hobbyist. Now I own a printing business. This has forced me into the world of Illustrator for our printing and cutting machines. Although I am very comfortable with PS, Illustrator. One of the key things is making "Cut lines" in Illustrator to send to the cutting program. Now here is my dillema, all of my images I have made are in Photoshop. To make these cut lines I have to stroke the image. When I bring a picture into Illustrator I can not get it to stroke that picture. It just strokes the box around it, or unless I draw a circle or shape around it and stroke that shape. Please refer to the picture I have attached. The first one is a decal that we initially made. The second is the image that I want to stroke for cut lines do I can just have that as a decal without the white circle.
How to make the lines on this image smooth. You will see in the picture that there is some really choppy lines on the headphones and how to properly fix it. I've tried so many times and can't do it.
This image appears to have jagged edges on all of the paths. I created outlines for the text and converted strokes to path, but i can not seem to figure out how to make the image's path edges appear smooth. The image above is a png file but the image still appears this way when i view the ai version in illustrator.
I am currently using Illustrator CS 5.1 and am having an issue with my PDF files. I have a graphic that I am building and when I import an image, place a clipping mask around it and then add a drop shadow to it, everything works fine and looks exactly as I want it on screen. However, when I save the document as a pdf, a hazy white line appears around the edges of the image.
However, the line is not on the clipping mask itself, instead it is on the square edges of the unmasked version of the image. So when I have 10 masked items on the page with drop shadows, I'm getting 10 faint white squares around each of the images which looks terrible.
I've been using XCLIP for years. Never had an issue.
Today I installed 2012 and found that the ability to stretch and edit XCLIP boudaries had finally been added. SWEET!....wrong.
I was working merrily along when all of a sudden my screen blinked, refreshed, or something, and 80% of the lines within my XCLIP boundaries just disappeared.
I closed the drawing and reopened. Closed ACA and reopened. Rebooted and reopened. Gone.
If I delete the XCLIP, it all comes back. Apply a new XCLIP, gone again.
Open the drawing in ACA2011, still gone. EGADS!
Is this a totally new problem???
It literally took less than an hour after installing to find a problem in ACA 2012. My Autodesk woes continue.
What I need to do correctly, I'm sure the picture will explain better. I know I could use multiple masks stacked on top of each other or some similar method, but I'm looking for something less convoluted and neater.