Photoshop :: CS6 / When Open Completely Freezes And Have To Force Close?
May 21, 2012
I have purchased CS6 and I am having problems with the 64-bit version. After I open it completely freezes and I have to force close it. This happens every time I open it. I have tried uninstalling and re-installing it multiples times. I didn't have this issue with CS5. I am running this on a Mac 10.6.8, Processsor 2.8 with 8GB memory.
I've just purchased a new HP P6-2469ea - uk desktop pc running Windows 8. There appears to be some compatibility problems with Elements 10. Other programs: iTunes. Office and the reinstalled apps etc are fine but when elements 10 is loaded the CPU usage rockets to sometimes over 90% and consistanty remains at 25% when just sat in organizer. This results in the cursor stuttering and on occasion the screen freezes and sometimes dropping out completely. HP believe it is a compatibility problem. Same program combinations work fine on Windows Vista (64bit) and a macbook pro with Apple's current operating system.
Corel A.RM. has been popping up and forcing Corel to close. This has been happening at leas once or twice a day. I'm using X6 on WindowsXP. what A.R.M. is and possible reasons why this is happening?
after a bindXref i save the dwg in a path 'Archive' but if the file already exist i demand the user if i cant erase the dwg in archive before write my dwg. I want to force the user to close the dwg without save if the reponse is 'No'. (The function have BindXref so the dwg do not save this). No save only for this dwg not the other already open (I not know how to use event so.. and my DLL is not loading on the launch of autocad)
I have photoshop 7.0 and have had no problems for years. Today when I was editing a photo it froze. It happened again when I click Image >adjustments>brightness and freezes and won't let me close photoshop. I can minimize photoshop and work on other things-just not photoshop.
Is there any way to set a preference so that when I open an image from my Finder (Mac) it opens in the center of my Application Frame workspace rather than always docked to the top left corner?
In PS CS5 when I open an image with height dimension in range of 1405-1411 or 1873-1882, the image opens half off the bottom of the screen. Width does opt seem to matter.
I assume this is a bug, but until fixed I am trying to work around.
For manual editing the vertical fit screen button or zooming out causes the image to come on screen, but is neither of these display options will record in an action.
When an image is opened half off screen, a Place command does not place accurately for these images. Thus an action that includes a Place does not run correctly for these images.
So either I want to find a setting (nothing in preferences that I can find) to force the image to open on screen, or find a command that will run in an action that causes image to come on screen, while not interefering with images that open normally.
I have a problem with my photoshop cs3, when I go to open archive the program freezes and not work and i can't close...only crt/alt/sup and close...what can i do? i try to reinstall the program and repair photoshop but not works, but when I'm out of photoshop (program closed or open..) and press right button , "open with...photoshop cs3" this it's the only way what to open archives for photoshop...
I have a 500 GB HD, 2 GB RAM, under Windows XP Professional.
When I opened 2-3 images in Photoshop CS2, and worked on one, the open screen would suddenly appear again, and was impossible to get rid of without stopping the program.
So I entered Control Panel and "repaired" CS2 with the installation disk. Same trouble still occurred. In addition, now when I open the OPEN window, and try to browse, nothing comes up for >120 seconds.
I am out of business and have to use PSE6. Would I benefit from uninstalling and reinstalling CS2, or does this sound like a Windows XP issue? My computer seems OK otherwise, but is not a speed demon.
CS5 freezes when I go to open a photo, I have to shut it down through Task Manager, this only started two days ago.... A lot of money for a prograpm that can't be used... System Win XP Pro, Dual Core 2.6 G, memory 5 Gigs Nvidia Graphic card
While i was rescaling a vector layer in a psd doc in which I have been working all day, PS CC suddenly froze. And now PS freezes when reopening that doc. PS opens the doc but freezes before loading the layers
Downloaded lightroom with no problem. When I try to download photoshop and bridge I get a message saying to close bridge which is not open. Tried shutting down and started over to no avail.
Photoshop is unusable for me. I was running CS6 but it kept freezing when I tried to open a file. I uninstalled and installed CC -- same problem. I checked the preferences to see if there was a setting for an Adobe file dialog and it froze again.
I suspect it has something to do with Mountain Lion 10.8.4 but I don't have this problem in other Adobe apps. Ran Disk Utility, verified permissions, verified disk -- everything checks out. Not sure what to do.
Anytime open a file, Any file and then close Photoshop, Photoshop crashes before it has completely closed, I'm using Photoshop CS6 extended v13.01 x32 on Windows 7
I use my photoshop daily and have about 50000 images on my computer so very much need the bridge to be able to view them all and select the ones I want. for the past few days I have been getting "photoshop has encountered an error and needs to close" every time I try to open a file through bridge, quite often I also get the same error message on the bridge as well a few seconds later.
I have tried reinstalling photoshop, I even tried deleting all the presets which I have added over the years and trying it straight from the reinstall, it still does the same,
I've made a fairly extended action that consists of several groups/folders. Unfortunately, the action leaves one group in particular open, and I would prefer it closed.
I woud simply extend the action by one step, that of closing the group; but clicking the open/close triangle seems not to be a recordable step.Nor can I find a menu option.How can I record the closing of a group?
I have installed Elements 11 and it worked OK for about 3 days. When I try to open the editor now it starts to load, then freezes. My PC uses Windows 7, the program is registered & everything else works normally.
how I can easily find openings in a spline and/or overlapping vertices and edges that prevent the extrude modifier from working correctly? I very frequently need to import .DWG's and .AI's and many times they have hundreds of vertices. Even after I apply a normalize spline modifier to diminish the vertex count, it can be quite tedious to find breaks and overlaps. I find fiddling with the weld verts also to be a pain (usually removes more vertices than I want). I just want to graphically see it on the screen the problematic areas if possible. Attached is a good example. I can easily see on 2 of the splines the yellow vertex to signify start/finish but on the 3rd spline I don't see anything. There are 2 vertices in the same spot and it looks like 1 white vertex. I've never really used Xview but I'm probably not using it correctly. When I use it I get a bunch of green vertices that aren't in any way overlapping.
we have a new lab in our district with Autocad 2010 64-bit version installed on HP Compaq 8022 Elite SFF computers. There is 4 GB memory on the computers and a Quadro 400 graphics card. Autocad and Windows 7 64-bit have both been updated to the latest versions. The Autocad application locks up almost every time someone chooses the new document icon, or when they try to 'save as'. Sometimes when they choose to open a new document first, close that dialogue box, then try to choose the new document icon it works ok. But, for the most part, the application is unuesable. Some possible solutions we found online that don't work are to not use the Aero themes (we don't) and to not use Norton AV (we don't).
I am running Autocad 2014 on a Windows 7 machine. Everytime a use the open command Autocad appears to freeze. I can clear the freeze by hitting the escape key. The only way I can open drawing files is to use windows explorer and click on the file I want to open.
I had Inventor 2013 and it worked well for a long time, I didn't use it for a while, then yesterday I tried to use it again and it wouldn't work. It starts up fine, and gets to the menu where you can choose from recent files, new files, tutorials, etc. After I select anything to open, whether its a new or old file, the program will load open the file then immediately stop working. No error message is displayed besides Windows telling me "this program has stopped working". I updated to 2014 yesterday, and the exact same problem persists.
Is there a way Autocad could just do what I asked for, and nothing more?A few examples
- After publishing, the publish dialog auto closes. I don't wat that. After publishing dwf I also want pdf.(I know you can save the list, that's not the point. If you didn't close the dialog I wouldn't need it)
- When selecting a hatch, the ribbon automatically jumps to Hatch Editor. I don't want that. Maybe I just want to change the layer. I can find the Hatch editor my self..Dito for XREFS
- I do not want any dialog giving me warnings, about anything.
If an XREF doesn't get attached, I can see that. I don't need a dialog telling me.If a shape file is missing, I can see that..A triangle sign above the command line is totaly adequate.Don't auto open or close dialogs, for what ever reason.
So ... don't auto do anything I can perfectly do manualy. No doubt there are a few more examples I can't think of right now.The nice thing would be to get a variable that gives me that "no auto" mode.
I have some code (below) that will open my embedded excel spread sheet and it works great. Now I need the code to save and close the excel file after it’s been open.The embedded excel spreadsheet pushes some stuff the model and does a couple other thing. So all I really need is for the excel file to open, save, and close when the rule is run.Imports Inventor.
OLEDocumentTypeEnumExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")Dim ExcelFile As ReferencedOLEFileDescriptorExcelFile =hisDoc.Document.ReferencedOLEFileDescriptors.Item(1)ExcelFile.Activate(kEditOpenOLEVerb, ExcelApp)