CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Close Font But G Needs To Be Open As In Arial?
Apr 19, 2011Close font.gif
I have a close font but the 'g' needs to be open as in Arial.
Close font.gif
I have a close font but the 'g' needs to be open as in Arial.
when i converting my arial font to curve it automatically convert to Italic i have replace my arial font from other machine as well but still the same issue.
i am using Corel Draw X6 which is updated
Os Win 7 (updated)
I use CorelDRAW on a daily basis and recently the program takes a lot of time to open/close/save my files, or sometimes it'll simply freeze.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI got problem with Arial narrow bold, if i make new document in x6 i have problem,
if i open old document (x4), everything is ok, but if i click update text, again Arial narrow bold is wrong.
Casual CorelDraw user. Currently using X5, 64 bit and Win 7. Yesterday, while opening an older cdr file ( I believe from version 10 ) I’ve got a message ( warning ) that I do not have fonts installed used in this file and they have to be substituted. Mentioned fonts are default windows Arial fonts. Quickly I realized that X5 not only warned about missing fonts. In fact it deleted them from my windows font folder. 4 Arial types were gone, affecting not only my drawings but many other programs on my computer.I reinstalled missing fonts. Removed X5 from HD, downloaded the latest X5 version, I believe containing Sp3. Now every time I open CorelDraw I loose after mentioned Arial fonts. I've been using X5 for the past few months and used to open older files several times without such problems ever occurring.
View 6 Replies View Relatedwe have just upgraded our 5 man shop to X6.This is happening on all of our setups.
when we are selecting a row of text to edit. if you start typing while the old text is highlighted it will keep the current font and color.
if you select that row and hit backspace to delete a few letters until the text line is empty and begin typing it will default to Arial and make the color black.
Graphics department is having a problem with Franklin Gothic Medium Condensed Font.
Font has extra space trackings in Corel x6. Is there a specific menu setting i should have to fix this?
Is it because it is an open face font?
I tried Nexus font (finally) and don't see why people have mentioned it. I don't like it and uninstalled it quickly.Which font manager do you think is better than Font Nav?
View 13 Replies View Relatedhow do you close a path in x6? i select the two duped lines then go to arrange but no close path option. i did it in x4.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to use the font box, but all the font headings are dead - light gray. How can I turn them on and make them black / active?
View 5 Replies View RelatedPrint preview shows objects spaced correctly. But when it prints them, it compresses them together on the page (but the objects are sized correctly).
When I print the same file from a different computer on the network to the same printer, the objects are spaced correctly.
Which leads me to conclude it's a setting in CorelDraw on the first computer. Also, I reset all the default settings in CorelDraw using the F8 technique, but that didn't solve the problem.
When using CorelDraw x5 the program seems to just randomly close, with no error message or freezing. It just disappears from the screen and I have to re-open it. I cannot pin point when it is doing it, because it keeps closing upon random tasks, not like it closes every time I try the same thing like saving.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a series of complex shapes that look like solid shapes but they are separated. When I try to auto close, the lines shoot all over the place. The open ends of the lines are physically touching or at least very close.
Can you set a tolerance so that two lines touching each other connect?
CorelDRAW X6 has been lovely and fast for me these last few months but the reason I quit Corel for a number of years was that, after a while it seemed to slow down. Now, suddenly, when I save a file of exit the program freezes for approx 35 seconds before finally closing. It makes no difference where I save the file (on my SSD C Drive or elsewhere). I have a 6 core, 32gb RAM etc and, as I was saying, it worked until today but suddenly this.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIn X4 there was the option under the Arrange menu to Close Path with several different options like this.
In Corel X5 this option is absent. Is there something equivalent?
I have seen a reference to the auto close gaps button on the toolbar of CorelDraw.I need something like that, because whatever I do I cannot fill my lineart with the smartfill tool, even though I have closed all the gaps, as far as i can tell.
I am wondering if there is a problem with my Coreldraw X5 Software.I am using it on an iMac with Parallels.
Any macro that will close the Object Manager Docker then re open it again? Due to the bug with it, the objects in it disappear, or the icons for visible and print stop toggling, so I have to close it and reopen it. Tried recording one, but the recorder ignored my closing and opening. Just thought it would be handy, for when it locks up like that to press one button, rather multiple buttons and menus.
View 7 Replies View Relatedwhat is the best way to close an object consisting of multiple individual lines to enable a fill color? So far I've just been retracing the objects, but there has to be an easier way.
View 4 Replies View Relatedwhen i cut vectors letters and numbers, its cuts but at every character it does not seem to completely fill the edges. so i always have to use my small nt cutter to do that.
i read the manuals, changed the offset, reduced the cut speed, increased the pressure and even convert to curves before i cut but the problem does not go away. the company where i bought it from is not very useful.
maybe because the machine is chinese i have a creation pcut ct630 vinyl cutter.also in coreldraw, i always use "harline" when cutitng anything is it correct?
Creation pcut ct 630 vinyl cutter
Is there an automated way to have all the nodes in an (open) curve that are close to eachother to either join or connect with a line ?
"Auto close" dont offer settings and doesnt seem to do this
I have a major problem with PhotoPaint X5 after SP2. I have an image of a movie poster from internet. Let's say about 1000x1500 pixels. I make the width 300 px. (height will be 440 or more) Than I make a new document of 300x430 pixels. Copy and paste the first file into the second. Move it up and/or down with the arrow keys to have a good composition. Than I combine the image with the background (shift/control/arrow down) and save it to rest.jpg. When I want to close the original image in CorelPaint I get the Corel A.R.M. window. I tried a few times without combining the image to the background and than I CAN close the file without crashing PP. I'm glad I found a workaround since I do these actions quit a lot for my movie and music database. But it took a lot a time to figure out where it went wrong. So according to my tests it must have something to do with combining the image to the background. Sometime when nudging the image a couple of times up and down crashses PP too when I then combine the image and background. At that point i don't come a far as exporting.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIt's concerning the font SF Movie Poster
Two machines, both with XP, Corel Draw X3 and SF Movie Poster installed - BUT two different outputs.
Both Corels open the file and the characters with SF Movie Poster (I checked it by clicking in the words)
e.g. figure 1:
The first machine shows the number one as The other machine shows it like 1
I am new to Corel Draw. How do I arc font? I have a customer that wants some writting arced above her logo and below her logo. The only way I know how is to creat a circle and "Fit Text To Path". But then I can't seem to delete the circle without erasing the writting as well.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIf I create some text and change it from the default size (24 pt) to 14 pt and then rotate it, the size changes to the default point size (24 pt, I have even seen it do ~17.54)
Appears to have manifested with v16.4
It also squishes the text...
I have more than 1000 installed on an xp system. I know I don't need this many. I'm sure I could get by with 400 or less. How do you thin down your fonts? How many do you try to keep on your system?
What are you using for font management? Bit stream? Something else?
Current System: i3 3.07ghz, 3gb ram, Windows 7 32 bit with all updates and X6
I am trying to set the cut lines around a font that is an outline font and I can't get it to work - the outline just turns into the cut line and doesn't cut the font that I need.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI have had this problem since I loaded CorelDRAW X6 (64-bit) in June, 2012 but was busy learning all that was new since the ancient version running on my equally ancient Windows98 machine. Up until this point, I have tried all of the directions in the manual, this forum and on the website which includes, "Save Settings As Default". (These instructions do not differ from those I use in the old CD package only where I make them.)
These are the steps taken:
Open CorelDRAW X6 starting a new file.
Go to "Text Properties" Docker & choose the font, size, etc.
Under Tools, select "Save Settings As Default", close CDX6.
Technically, these steps should have saved the new font with associated choices for all future files until I change them again, but it does not. When I open a new or existing file, my new font changes do appear on the Text docker so I choose the outlined A on the toolbox bar, my choices are still showing on the Text docker and now, also on the Property bar. As soon as I click on the workspace where the flashing cursor awaits input, the text properties change to Arial, 24 pt, which has appeared since I first loaded the package. Should I redownload and reinstall the software? If so, where are the preference files so I can save them?
Scanned from a cap:
Let not the one who says it can't be done interrupt the one who is doing it.
My font navigator used to install the font automatically if I have it on the system but it wasn't installed. It has quit doing that. It tells me I'm missing the font then I have to manually go to the navigator and install it then open the file again. I've had this happen on multiple systems and versions of corel. I'm currently running X5 on Vista-64.
Just to clarify. When I open a file that I don't have the font installed for it will bring up a dialog box that says missing fonts. See screen shot below. The part that says install from Font Navigator is Grey and I can't select it no matter what. I have to take note of what fonts are missing then open font navigator, load them in and then re open the file. It worked fine a couple of weeks ago and then just quit.
I want to use Arabic font in corel draw x12.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn Coreldrawx6 64bit when i resize the font, change the font in another type. How is possible this? This problem is typing measure in top toolbar, not if i resize manually. I post a sequence about this problem.
Figure 1) The text CdC is a Courier10 BT and Laboratory i Clarendon BT
Figure 2) I change measure in top and fonts change all graphic.