CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Crashed (Corel ARM) When After Exporting JPG Close The File
Apr 25, 2011
I have a major problem with PhotoPaint X5 after SP2. I have an image of a movie poster from internet. Let's say about 1000x1500 pixels. I make the width 300 px. (height will be 440 or more) Than I make a new document of 300x430 pixels. Copy and paste the first file into the second. Move it up and/or down with the arrow keys to have a good composition. Than I combine the image with the background (shift/control/arrow down) and save it to rest.jpg. When I want to close the original image in CorelPaint I get the Corel A.R.M. window. I tried a few times without combining the image to the background and than I CAN close the file without crashing PP. I'm glad I found a workaround since I do these actions quit a lot for my movie and music database. But it took a lot a time to figure out where it went wrong. So according to my tests it must have something to do with combining the image to the background. Sometime when nudging the image a couple of times up and down crashses PP too when I then combine the image and background. At that point i don't come a far as exporting.
I am trying to upload a file for a microstock site that requires an eps file under 8MB. As a cdr file, it is under 25KB but when I export the file as an eps it rockets to over 400,000KB.
When I draw an image on coreldraw 11, and save it as, or export it to a .plt file, it adds lord knows how many nodes, which creates issues for my plotter. How can I fix this issue? when drawing the images I use as little nodes as possible, but as soon as I export it or import it into artcut it has hundreds more nodes than I put in.
As part of a "kit", I need to export my files to 8 different file types. I've never really checked the .ai file type before as to how it appears. I did, however, tonight and found awful results. When I import my .ai file back in it looks awful. I'll post samples so you can see.... How to fix this on export? (How to upload both files so the one you see below is the result of the .ai export)
When exporting a file to jpeg the dialog box that normally appears and lets you select the quality of the jpeg is not popping up but the files saves but I now have no options in saving the file.
I am drawing pictures for the Second life game. I need that the file I export to be exactly 512 X 512 pixel, and TGA format. Of course, the objects in the picture are small, and don't use al the 512X512 space.But even when objects don't use all the space, I need my "small objects within the 512X512 size file.
Although my picture is, in corel draw 512 X 512, when I export to TGA , I have no the good results.I use yhe File/export/menu and define TGA Bitmap for format.
On the following menu,
if I click on "Maintain original size", Objects remains with original size, but the file size is reduced to fit around the objects..
If I click on "Maintain aspect ratio",, I can fix the size file to 512X512, , but the objects are streched to fill the 512X512 file.
The only way I found to avoid resizing is adding a 512X512 transparent object on the background, but I wonder if there is a better way to do it.
Is there a way to either save/export a vector file that can not be edited.
I know there are tracing programs available, but I want to make it as hard as can be so this logo will not get re-edited.
I designed it for a customer (belongs to us) they did not contract/pay us for it. We do all of their clothing. She is sponsoring an event and the event coordinator wants the logo to put it on their advertising. Just don't want it to end up on other clothes.
I'm using Coral Draw Graphics suite X5 built SP4 (all available updates installed) This is a bug I have detected.
Start a new CorelDrawFile and import a .jpg,after putting e.q. some arrows on it I choose "export" and exports a .tif - file to a folder.
For further manipulations I also save the .cdr - file to another Folder. Insofar everything works well.But if I reopen the .cdr-file and do my manipulations at my picture and then I try to export the .tif - file to the folder, where the before exported .tif is situated, corel well notice that the old file exists and asks for replacement,BUT instead of exporting the .tif - file the .cdr file will be saved. Got this failure reproducible by doing it the same way.
not till I exported a other file type .jpg or any other and switches back to .tif, exporting the .tif file works and the old .tif - file will be replaced by the new one.
I came across an interesting problem. I was using PaintShop Pro to import a RAW image from my camera, then export as a TIF for use in CDGS X6. When I tried to import the file into CorelDRAW or PhotoPaint, I got an error message:
(X) Invalid compress data
I could see a thumbnail image in WIndows, and I could open the file in IrfanView. Re-saving the TIF from IrfanView allowed me to open it in CDGS.
I thought the problem was with PSP, and reported the issue to the product team, but then I tried exporting the same TIF from PhotoPaint (from the same RAW image file), and when I tried to re-open the TIF, I got the same error. So PhotoPaint could not read the TIF exported from... PhotoPaint!
Smaller files don't seem to be an issue, but my camera files are in the neighborhood of 5000x3000 pixels, and the TIF files weigh in at around 50MB.
I am working with a device that can import plt files & it converts that to a tool path in G-Code. works like a champ. but some data, most text (single line font), is converted two times. This makes the tool do the work twice and its pretty inconvenient to manually delete the doubled up G-Code Lines.
I am pretty sure the duplication is done at the Corel export level and not in the translator of the machine. I have been working with the export settings with no success.
When I try to export an image I get the error "An error occurred when writing the property "Revision number" to the file". The file still exports but I would like to get rid of this error.
Print preview shows objects spaced correctly. But when it prints them, it compresses them together on the page (but the objects are sized correctly).
When I print the same file from a different computer on the network to the same printer, the objects are spaced correctly.
Which leads me to conclude it's a setting in CorelDraw on the first computer. Also, I reset all the default settings in CorelDraw using the F8 technique, but that didn't solve the problem.
When using CorelDraw x5 the program seems to just randomly close, with no error message or freezing. It just disappears from the screen and I have to re-open it. I cannot pin point when it is doing it, because it keeps closing upon random tasks, not like it closes every time I try the same thing like saving.
I have a series of complex shapes that look like solid shapes but they are separated. When I try to auto close, the lines shoot all over the place. The open ends of the lines are physically touching or at least very close.
Can you set a tolerance so that two lines touching each other connect?
CorelDRAW X6 has been lovely and fast for me these last few months but the reason I quit Corel for a number of years was that, after a while it seemed to slow down. Now, suddenly, when I save a file of exit the program freezes for approx 35 seconds before finally closing. It makes no difference where I save the file (on my SSD C Drive or elsewhere). I have a 6 core, 32gb RAM etc and, as I was saying, it worked until today but suddenly this.
I have seen a reference to the auto close gaps button on the toolbar of CorelDraw.I need something like that, because whatever I do I cannot fill my lineart with the smartfill tool, even though I have closed all the gaps, as far as i can tell.
I am wondering if there is a problem with my Coreldraw X5 Software.I am using it on an iMac with Parallels.
Any macro that will close the Object Manager Docker then re open it again? Due to the bug with it, the objects in it disappear, or the icons for visible and print stop toggling, so I have to close it and reopen it. Tried recording one, but the recorder ignored my closing and opening. Just thought it would be handy, for when it locks up like that to press one button, rather multiple buttons and menus.
what is the best way to close an object consisting of multiple individual lines to enable a fill color? So far I've just been retracing the objects, but there has to be an easier way.
when i cut vectors letters and numbers, its cuts but at every character it does not seem to completely fill the edges. so i always have to use my small nt cutter to do that.
i read the manuals, changed the offset, reduced the cut speed, increased the pressure and even convert to curves before i cut but the problem does not go away. the company where i bought it from is not very useful.
maybe because the machine is chinese i have a creation pcut ct630 vinyl cutter.also in coreldraw, i always use "harline" when cutitng anything is it correct?
How on earth do you export bitmaps cropped to the size of the canvas? This seems like the simplest functionality ever but i can't get it to work. For example, I am designing an advert for use online. It needs to be 600px wide x 150px high. I may want to use a background image or a photo that when placed goes beyond the edge of the canvas. Logic dictates i would only want to export the canvas with a web image (otherwise why would i have set an exact number of pixels.) However, Corel insists on exporting everything on the canvas and desktop. Surely it should allow us to choose the bounding area of the exported bitmap.
Just to clarify what I mean, i've included a screen shot showing and example original graphic and the export result. I'm sure there must be an easy way to do this. If it's one like this i can crop it easily, but sometimes a print customer will ask me to send them, for example, a 32pp booklet we have designed for them with each page as a JPG and to crop each one manually is a right pain.
When selecting "File - Acquire Image" in Corel PhotoPaint X6 it does not see my scanner, yet when I open Corel PhotoPaint X5 the scanner is there and I can scan directly from there.
The scanner also works fine in Adobe Acrobat and other software installed on my computer. Only Corel PhotoPaint X6 is not working
Corel Capture X6 wont work, i got message then i decide to choose user define but there is no option except shift+ F7 "Dream and never stop dreaming, cause dreams always available for free".
I posted this topic about Corel x4 and got some answers. Unfortunately it didnt work because my corel was corrupt. But now I installed my old Corel 12 and tried to follow the instructions the same way as they told me to do it in Corel x4, but the options are different.
So..... how do i make the settings so that when i double click on an image in corel 12, it will take me directly to Corel Photo for editing.
what I want to achieve is a jpg image, with one of my vector designs over the top of it, for use on a website.
This is how I have been doing things so far. Opening cdr file, containing the vector that i wish to use importing the image, then reducing its size positioning the vector over the top of the image adding perspective to the vector selecting both using the pick tool (dragging the selection square around both items) then selecting export for web.
This has worked for dozens of pictures so far. The problem is, my exported file is way too big, at 900kb. However, if I just export the image, it is 39kb. If i just export the vector, it is 25 kb. Yet when I export both it comes up at 900.