I have recently moved from PS CS5 to CS6 and have noticed what seems to be an increase in the amount of time it takes to save large files. At the moment I am working with a roughly 8GB .psb and to do a save takes about 20 minutes. I have had to disable the new autosave features, otherwise it just takes far too long.
CS5 managed to save larger files, more quickly and with less memory available to it. Looking at system resources while Photoshop is trying to save, it is not using its full allocation of RAM specified in performance preferences and there is still space free on the primary scratch disc. The processor is barely being used and disc activity is minimal (Photoshop might be writing at 4mb/s max, often not at all though according to Windows).
I am finding the new layer filtering system invaluable so would rather not go back to CS5. I can do to speed up the saving process?
I work in a print shop that prints biggish stuff. I will frequently have files that postscript to close to a GB or more. Working on simple vector art with a few images in CC is not too much of a problem, but I still notice CC is slower than CS 6. The big problem is when I get a few 200mb PDF's, or files with layers of transparent PSD files in them etc, big busy files, then AI CC really bogs down, or frequently crashes altogether. CS 6 is MUCH better. I don't have the font issues, AI CC works fine with simple files. Saving & opening these big files is such a problem, I just save them back to CS 6, but that causes problems too, I do not want to, nor should I have to have 2 versions open at the same time.
I always try to optimize the files as best possible, but it is tough sometimes as they R supplied by the customer, and the time it takes. We save to a Windows Server 2008 R2 box over gigabit network, which I know is not best practice, but no choice with the sheer volume of files. Would B insane to try to keep track & copy them back & forth, and it was never a big issue with CS 6. I am the first victim in our office, but the other 3 Mac Pro's will B switching over to CC this week, and I know the operators will B crying.
I have a new Mac (2x2.4GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon, 12GB Ram, OS X 10.8.2) and the latest version of Photoshop (13.0.4) installed.Besides the general slower behaviour sometimes, opening and saving files with 80+ layers is unacceptably slow..This is like going back 10 years compared to CS5.5
I scanned, as a tiff file, a full-center spread of a large newspaper. This had to be scanned in eight sections, the pages were so big on my A4 scanner window. When I joined all the sections up in Photoshop CS5, the size of the file was huge (about 21 inches by about 19 inches) It is also digitally large (about 320 MB, since the resolution is 300 dpi).
Because I want to keep the composite photo but don't want the file to be so digitally large, yet need the good resolution, I thought it would be a good to save it as a JPEG file, which would give me the dimensions I need but not be so digitally bulky as the original. On pressing the drop-down menu for Saving As, the JPEG option did not appear in the dialogue box. Why is this, and how may I save the file in JPEG format?
I'm having a problem with PSE 11 saving my files in a size too large for transmission by email even when I use the "low" quality option. I have to send files for commerical ads for review to clients via email and even set at "low" for an 8.5 x 11 page the size of the file is 25mg as opposed to 33.7 for "high". The jpg file set a high quality is only 4mg. Is there an issue with the PDF format on PSE 11 (didn't have this problem until I upgraded)?
When I save any work I have completed to my desktop or to a server I get a response that my Illsutrator is not responding. Eventually it saves the document but it takes a very long time to do so.I have cleared my cache and mediabrowser.
I am using corel X6 64 on a Dell optiplex 9010 intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz. 8.00GB of RAM. Its taking about 1-2 minutes to copy/cut/open a file/save a file or even publish to PDF. On the same machine Same circumstances but different User i have no problem. I have to use my user because its connected to my email and at this company i cant change that. I have researched many forums and its not color styles or object styles. It does it on a new file with only one object created. I got a new computer signed on to my user account and the problem persists.
I'm working with a friend who's got perhaps unusual Photoshop needs. He's working on a 10000x20000 pixel 16 bit image with maybe 6 image layers and 12 total layers. Loading the file takes about 20 minutes.
The system is a 2.6 GHz quad-core i7 with 12 GB RAM and a 32GB SSD primary scratch, 200 GB of secondary scratch, with a 1 GB Radeon HD 4870, running CS4 64bit on Vista 64.
What seems odd to me is that memory usage climbs steeply for the first perhaps 4 GB, looking like the load might complete in a minute or two, then the CPU kicks in for the long, long remainder of the load. The file on disk is roughly 5 GB.
We've got issues aside from this, but I'll detail them in another thread.
I really like the update of unwrap UVW in 3ds max 2012. But when I want to unwrap large object, it is so slow, lagged and dragging. I switched D3D, but it did not work as well.
Is my illustrator running slow? I have an i7 3770K, 16gb ram, gtx 660i 2g, h100i, ax1200i and maximus formula v. I'm running dual 24" 1920x1080 monitors. File size is 800x600 pixals with 5 layers and 100+ paths in each layer. Is the program running slow because the file is too big or is there a problem with illustrator?
I'm using Photoshop CS6 . I use the timeline to make my frames and adjust the delay number at the bottom of each thumbnail, i've tried (No Delay, 0.01, 0.1, 02) but once I save they slow down.
When I press play from the timeline it plays fast and smooth. When I click "Save For Web" and press play on the bottom right it plays the same (Although for some reason when the delay is set to No Delay or 0, it plays SUPER fast)
When I click "Preview..." on the bottom right and it opens up in IE it plays very slow even though its delay is set to 0 or the others i've listed above. When I save and open it plays just like when I click preview, slow and delayed. I've tried opening with IE, Firefox, and Chrome and same result.
I even tried saving the frames from my animation and using the Online Generator from [URL]......... and the image can play REALLY fast setting the delay all the way down, heck, I had to set it to around "277 delay" for it to play the way Photoshop saves it thats how slow Photoshop is saving my gifs.
So I know its not a case of the gif having too many frames, or the file being too big.. (Which I don't really see how thats relevant anyways since it should only decrease the image quality not the animation speed)
EDIT: I read somewhere that its because I dont have Quicktime, is this true? I don't want to DL Quicktime if not because I dont need it.
I have a large psb file which is an image of 39k by 27k pixels at 48 bpp. The image size is about 5.7 GB. PS CS6 trial only gives me the option to save it as a TIFF or Photoshop RAW only. I would like to use this large image as a master copy from which I can sample lesser quality images for printing. How can I save such images as a JPG or BMP file, that is down sample it and place the result in a smaller jpg or bmp file?
I read some other similar discussions and they all concern problems with the plugins folder. I have not inserted any plugins from previous CS versions. The only plugins that I have in there are authorized CS6 plugins for the scanner fix from Adobe. Is it even possible to down sample from such a large image?
I have CS5 and whenever I try saving any file type to PDF it maximizes the file size tremendously. I have flattened the layers so that is not the issue, and it doesnt seem to do it with other file formats, so it makes me think there is a hidden preset that i cant find pertaining to PDF formatting. Example: Opened up a PDF file sized at 3.1M, and saved it without making any changes and it jumped to a size of 10.3M. (I tried doing the same thing in Photoshop 7 and the file stays at the size of 3.1M.)
I'm having some trouble saving large, print-quality jpgs at 150 dpi. It seems that photoshop will only save the files, as long as they don't exceed a certain physical size.
The size I'm trying to save right now is 37" x 33" in inches or "5550 x 4950" in pixels.
When I save the file, even if I move the compression slider down halfway, it'll save, but it won't allow me to open it again, saying "invalid jpeg marker type found."
In a project i'm working on I have two large jpegs with a small zoom scaling effect. Going from 100 to 103 percent.
I've noticed that both Adobe Media Encoder and Premiere Pro experience a heavy slow down in render time as soon as the jpegs have to be rendered. Not only does the render speed almost come to a halt, the complete system lags very heavy, even the mouse cursor won't respond well.
This happens when i have GPU acceleration enabled and when i do a 2 pass H264 encoding. When I have the GPU acceleration disabled the render goes very smooth, and doesn't seem to slow down...
The jpeg is 4023 x 2677, and 6,97 MB large.
Scaling the jpeg down to about 1920x1080 in Photoshop and put that one in the timeline made the render go a lot faster.
I understand that a large picture takes a bit more time to be rendered, but we're talking about a 10minute render whit the large jpeg file and a 2 minute render with the jpeg resized. The total time of the two jpegs in the video is 5 seconds in a 3 minutes video. So, that made me think that the render times are exponentially long.
Is this considered normal, I can't remember having such big differences in CS5.
My system:
Premiere Pro CC (latest) i7 4930K 32 GB RAM 2xGTX480Footage and project on a Raid0 disk Previews/Cache on a Raid0 diskSystem and Premiere on SSD Render to a single 7200 rpm drive.
After fairly smooth sailing for using X6 I ran into a problem that's caused me to switch back to X5 for the time being :(
I work in files that have thousands of individual characters in them. In X5 if I wanted to change the color of about 10,000 individual characters it would take about 3 seconds to do so. If I do the same thing in X6 I takes at least 30 minutes (or longer, I just killed it by that time).
Working with large amount of texts is incredibly slow X6, not just 5 or 10% or slower, doing somethings takes up to 10x times as long.....
I know there is a lot of features for text in X6 but this decrease in speed puts a complete block in my workflow. Maybe Corel could have a feature that individual text characters have minimal properties associated with them or something?
Here are my specs:
windows 7 64bit with office 2010 installed Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000 16.0 GB ram
AI6 is very slow on some saves. Nothing fancy with this file. No gradients, no clipping masks, no placed images, simply color line art. I run a Mac Pro with 16Gb ram and Tb raid drives . I've had this problem with a few other files and I think in CS5.
Saving a large file from illustrator to PDF. The pdf is only saving the printer marks and bleeds. Checked the layers in the pdf. Made sure the pdf compatible was checked in Illustrator.
I installed IV13 onto four of our workstations including the update 1.
Due to the size and complexity of our project we are using Vault to manage all of our parts and drawings.
We had issues with 2012 but managed to get around them. I was hoping 2013 would solve some of them but we are experiencing extremely slow performance with 2013. It takes at least 15 to 20 minutes to open and update drawings. Swopping between an assembly and IDW to do updates takes another 20 minutes to refresh and update.
This is happening on all four of the workstations.
I have come across a few forums with this same issue and I have tried setting up the options as described in them but have had no difference in performance.
HP Elitebook 8760W Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600QM CPU @ 2HGZ 8GB Ram Nvidia Quaadro 3000M
I have a fairly new Panasonic Lumix LX5. I've recently converted a few files to DNG. They're turning out to be @ 37MB, over three times larger than the original file.
I'm not embedding the original raw files in the DNG. NEF files I convert from my Nikon D2x are around 9.5MB. I'm running Mac OS 10.5.8, DNG v 6.6 and also use PS CS5.5 and Lightroom 3.0.
I had my automatic save set up for every 10 minutes but files were not being saved regularly. I deleted files from the Temp folder thinking it was full and now there are no .sv$ saving at all. How can I make drawings save automatically every 10 minutes?
I've been using PS CS4 since release and upgraded to CS6 Master Collection last year.Since my OS broke down some weeks ago (RAM broke), i gave Photoshop CC a try. At the same time I moved in new rooms and couldnt get my hands on the DVD of my CS6 resting somewhere at home...So I tried CC.
Right now im using it with some big files. Filesize is between 2GB and 7,5 GB max. (all PSB)Photoshop seem to run fast in the very beginning, but since a few days it's so unbelievable slow that I can't work properly. if it is caused by the growing files or some other issue with my machine.
The files contain a large amount of layers and Masks, nearly 280 layers in the biggest file. (mostly with masks)The images are 50 x 70 cm big @ 300dpi.
When I try to make some brush-strokes on a layer-mask in the biggest file it takes 5-20 seconds for the brush to draw... I couldnt figure out why.And its not so much pretending on the brush-size as you may expect... even very small brushes (2-10 px) show this issue from time to time.
Also switching on and off masks (gradient maps, selective color or leves) takes ages to be displayed, sometimes more than 3 or 4 seconds.The same with panning around in the picture, zooming in and out or moving layers.It's nearly impossible to work on these files in time.never seen this on CS6.
Now I wonder if there's something wrong with PS or the OS. But: I've never been working with files this big before.In march I worked on some 5GB files with 150-200 layers in CS6, but it worked like a charm.
I7 3930k (3,8 GHz) Asus P9X79 Deluxe 64GB DDR3 1600Mhz Kingston HyperX GTX 570 2x Corsair Force GT3 SSD
Wacom Intous 5 m Touch (I have some issues with the touch from time to time)
WIN 7 Ultimate 64 all systemupdates newest drivers PS CC
System and PS are running on the first SSD, scratch is on the second. Both are set to be used by PS.RAM is allocated by 79% to PS, cache is set to 5 or 6, protocol-objects are set to 70. I also tried different cache-sizes from 128k to 1024k, but it didn't work a lot. When I open the largest file, PS takes 20-23 GB of RAM.
The problem is that opening files is painfully slow - having read about the issue with network printers (which I don't have) I have deleted everything listed under printers and re-installed the only printer that I have (which is locally attached via USB, but I deleted it in case Adobe thought is was a network printer). I have tried to create a generic printer (as recommended by Mr Joslin to jangel2 uRL.... but the installation failed and no additional printers were visible in control panel/printers.
I am running Windows 7 on a Dell desktop, with plenty of memory etc. I have a number of external hard drives, and have turned all these on so Photoshop can find them in case it's looking, but this made no difference.
We have several stations set up globally in various offices using Photoshop CS...
Image files, no matter how small the file is... even a single small JPG takes a good 10-15 seconds to open (win xp) and we frequently need to work with hundreds of images. This seems to be a major problem and from what I find on Google, not uncommon... Code:
I just installed photoshop cs3 on my laptop! I try to open a file i take approximately 2-3 min to load! Any idea's what could be the problem! Oh and they aren't big files! And in case anyone needs to know.....Its a brand new laptop just bought it last week! Its running on a dual core intel at 2.0GHz 4g of ram 512 graphics card!