3ds Max :: Unwrap Large Object - Slow / Lagged And Dragging?

Oct 19, 2011

I really like the update of unwrap UVW in 3ds max 2012. But when I want to unwrap large object, it is so slow, lagged and dragging. I switched D3D, but it did not work as well.

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3ds Max :: Unwrap Spline Tool Found In Unwrap UVW Modifier

Jun 21, 2011

As mentioned in my topic before, I have recently reverted to Max 2008.

I am doing a bit of Unwrapping, however I am missing the unwrap spline tool found in the Unwrap UVW modifier in more recent versions of max.

Does this exist in 08?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Very Slow Saving Large Files

Jul 1, 2012

I have recently moved from PS CS5 to CS6 and have noticed what seems to be an increase in the amount of time it takes to save large files. At the moment I am working with a roughly 8GB .psb and to do a save takes about 20 minutes. I have had to disable the new autosave features, otherwise it just takes far too long.
CS5 managed to save larger files, more quickly and with less memory available to it. Looking at system resources while Photoshop is trying to save, it is not using its full allocation of RAM specified in performance preferences and there is still space free on the primary scratch disc. The processor is barely being used and disc activity is minimal (Photoshop might be writing at 4mb/s max, often not at all though according to Windows).
I am finding the new layer filtering system invaluable so would rather not go back to CS5. I can do to speed up the saving process?

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Photoshop :: CS4 Large File Very Slow Load

Mar 11, 2009

I'm working with a friend who's got perhaps unusual Photoshop needs. He's working on a 10000x20000 pixel 16 bit image with maybe 6 image layers and 12 total layers. Loading the file takes about 20 minutes.

The system is a 2.6 GHz quad-core i7 with 12 GB RAM and a 32GB SSD primary scratch, 200 GB of secondary scratch, with a 1 GB Radeon HD 4870, running CS4 64bit on Vista 64.

What seems odd to me is that memory usage climbs steeply for the first perhaps 4 GB, looking like the load might complete in a minute or two, then the CPU kicks in for the long, long remainder of the load. The file on disk is roughly 5 GB.

We've got issues aside from this, but I'll detail them in another thread.

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Illustrator :: Running Slow Because Of Large File Size?

May 29, 2013

Is my illustrator running slow? I have an i7 3770K, 16gb ram, gtx 660i 2g, h100i, ax1200i and maximus formula v. I'm running dual 24" 1920x1080 monitors. File size is 800x600 pixals with 5 layers and 100+ paths in each layer. Is the program running slow because the file is too big or is there a problem with illustrator?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Draw 3d Box In Dragging Using Object Arx

Mar 23, 2012

how to draw 3d box in Dragging Using object arx.

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Illustrator :: CC Very Slow To Open And Save Large Format Files

Feb 19, 2014

I work in a print shop that prints biggish stuff. I will frequently have files that postscript to close to a GB or more. Working on simple vector art with a few images in CC is not too much of a problem, but I still notice CC is slower than CS 6. The big problem is when I get a few 200mb PDF's, or files with layers of transparent PSD files in them etc, big busy files, then AI CC really bogs down, or frequently crashes altogether. CS 6 is MUCH better. I don't have the font issues, AI CC works fine with simple files. Saving & opening these big files is such a problem, I just save them back to CS 6, but that causes problems too, I do not want to, nor should I have to have 2 versions open at the same time.

I always try to optimize the files as best possible, but it is tough sometimes as they R supplied by the customer, and the time it takes. We save to a Windows Server 2008 R2 box over gigabit network, which I know is not best practice, but no choice with the sheer volume of files. Would B insane to try to keep track & copy them back & forth, and it was never a big issue with CS 6. I am the first victim in our office, but the other 3 Mac Pro's will B switching over to CC this week, and I know the operators will B crying.
Mac Pro 2.4GHZ 12 core 32GB 1TB
Mac OS X 10.7.5

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Dragging Object To Desktop Doesn't Put It On Layer?

Feb 23, 2009

I used CorelDraw X4 to Open several 48 page PDFs (File, Open, open the PDF.) The PDFs consist of 6 images per page in a grid - no text, nothing fancy. Everything works great, except that in the CDR files that were originally created by openening the PDFs if I drag one of the original photos or any object that I've drawn in CorelDraw on one of the pages to the desktop, it doesn't move to the desktop layer as I'm used to but instead stays on the page layer for the individual page it was dragged from and thus is only visible when the original page is up even though it's outside the page area unless I manually change its layer (I ususually use the desktop as a quick way to move objects between pages faster than using the clipboard.)

This is probably something silly, a setting that I've never used -- how to make it so any object dragged off the page to the desktop area is moved from Page 1 Layer 1 for example to the Desktop Layer so it's visible to all pages, and can then be dragged form the Desktop to Page 2 Layer 1 for example.

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Photoshop :: How To Transform Object Using Clicking Instead Of Dragging The Corner

Jul 26, 2007

how to create an icon.

The problem is I can't click to transform just like him... how he does that ? All he did was select a corner and click outside the object.. the object will be transformed

how to transform by dragging the four corner,

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Premiere Pro :: Slow Render Times With Large JPEGs - Complete System Lag?

Jan 8, 2014

In a project i'm working on I have two large jpegs with a small zoom scaling effect. Going from 100 to 103 percent.

I've noticed that both Adobe Media Encoder and Premiere Pro experience a heavy slow down in render time as soon as the jpegs have to be rendered. Not only does the render speed almost come to a halt, the complete system lags very heavy, even the mouse cursor won't respond well.
This happens when i have GPU acceleration enabled and when i do a 2 pass H264 encoding. When I have the GPU acceleration disabled the render goes very smooth, and doesn't seem to slow down...
The jpeg is 4023  x 2677, and 6,97 MB large.
Scaling the jpeg down to about 1920x1080 in Photoshop and put that one in the timeline made the render go a lot faster.
I understand that a large picture takes a bit more time to be rendered, but we're talking about a 10minute render whit the large jpeg file and  a 2 minute render with the jpeg resized. The total time of the two jpegs in the video is 5 seconds in a 3 minutes video. So, that made me think that the render times are exponentially long.

Is this considered normal, I can't remember having such big differences in CS5.

My system:
 Premiere Pro CC (latest)
i7 4930K
2xGTX480Footage and project on a Raid0 disk
Previews/Cache on a Raid0 diskSystem and Premiere on SSD
Render to a single 7200 rpm drive.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Changing Large Amount Of Characters Crashes / Too Slow?

Apr 13, 2012

After fairly smooth sailing for using X6 I ran into a problem that's caused me to switch back to X5 for the time being :(

I work in files that have thousands of individual characters in them.  In X5 if I wanted to change the color of about 10,000 individual characters it would take about 3 seconds to do so.  If I do the same thing in X6 I takes at least 30 minutes (or longer, I just killed it by that time).

Working with large amount of texts is incredibly slow X6, not just 5 or 10% or slower, doing somethings takes up to 10x times as long.....

I know there is a lot of features for text in X6 but this decrease in speed puts a complete block in my workflow.  Maybe Corel could have a feature that individual text characters have minimal properties associated with them or something?

Here are my specs:

windows 7 64bit with office 2010 installed
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
16.0 GB ram

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Illustrator :: CS6 Direct Selection Tool Dragging Object Rather Than Creating A Marquee?

Jul 21, 2013

When I click and drag with the direct selection tool, I'm getting a drag on the object rather than a marque for selecting points. As soon as I click, the tool switches to the black arrow tool. Did I mess up a setting somewhere? I'm not using any modifier keys.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Change Hot Key To Copy Object While Dragging From Right Click To Shift Key?

Aug 14, 2011

is this possible.  A lot of programs auto-duplicate when you drag and press either the shift or ctrl or alt key. Its a habit ive gotten pretty into. Plus, its a little akward for me to go from a left click immeadeitaly into a right click with the mouse. I always feel like i've dragged the object a little bit when I switch fingers.  it would be great to just add a hot key of shift+drag to this feature, wouldnt even have to turn off the standard right click option, I could deal with both being there.

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GIMP :: Prevent From Dragging Curve Instead Of Dragging Anchor?

Jul 12, 2012

I'm refining some SVG files, imported into GIMP as paths. I added numerous guides on the images and drag anchors to the guides. All the paths consist of straight lines only. The problem is that on some anchors GIMP performs the "drag curve" operation instead of the "drag anchor". As a result, my straight lines become broken (curved).

The only solution I've found so far is to apply maximum zoom level, say 400%, and repeat the dragging in this resolution. This makes GIMP work properly, at least, I'm able to "drag anchor" as expected. But switching back and forth to the 400% zoom level is a bit annoying and inconvenient.

Is there a better way to "say" GIMP that "dragging anchor" is the "dragging anchor", not "dragging curve"?

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: Fit Large Object To Canvas?

Mar 3, 2012

I'm guessing that this is a super simple question, but evidently I'm not sharp enough to figure it out....I've imported a bitmap file [.tif] into PP, & it's MUCH larger than the letter-size canvas I'm using. So I'm wondering what the simple method is to fit that bitmap to the canvas. The thing that's driving me nuts is, I select this big bitmap [it's roughly 3300 px by 2800 px, FWIW], go into Image > Resample, & under "Image size" it's giving me 11.0 x 8.5! And why PP is saying that the image is already the same size as the canvas--well that's why I'm writing this post. Cause I don't know why.

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Illustrator :: Single Click Object Selection Extremely Slow

Aug 24, 2012

I don't have any particular speed issue with illustrator CS6 in general. However there is a massive speed problem when I'm trying to select on object on the artboard with a single click.
When selecting a object by creating a "rectangle" over the object it works fine and normal speed. When clicking the object to select it, nothing happens for about 3/4 seconds, then the loading little rainbow circle appears and loads for another 3/4 seconds...

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AutoCad :: Select Objects On Screen In Large Groups Without Hitting Object?

Oct 3, 2012

For selecting objects, I must have hit a buttom trying to figure something else out and now I can't select objects without touching them and clicking on them, I used to be able to pick whole sections.

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Photoshop :: CS4 PSE - Unwrap The UV Map Of...

Dec 1, 2008

I want to start with a regular 2D layer...

Wrap it to a 3D sphere and clone out the seam and correct the look of the poles of the sphere.

I now unwrap the 3D sphere back to a rectangular 2D image in CS4 Photoshop Extended? If not in PS can I export as a 3D file and unwrap in Blender?

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3ds Max :: UVW Unwrap When Flattening Map?

Apr 29, 2013

When I do the UVW unwrap then chose to flaten the map I get little pieces that are "broken off" the main map what would case this?

Plus on a side note I can't do a search in these forums it tells me that I "don't have access to this area".

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3ds Max :: Unwrap UVW Tool

Aug 23, 2012

Having issue with the Unwrap UVW tool. When I open up the UV Editor and try to edit a texture using Freeform Mode I'm unable to grab the handles without the tool attempting to use rotating mode. I don't want to rotate the texture, I want to grab a handle and stretch the texture either vertically or horizontally.

Additionally, when hovering the mouse over other handles, the tool goes into Scaling mode. After trying different options, including turning off and on Real World Map Size and Generate Mapping Coordinates, the Freeform Mode tool continues to be stubborn defaulting to Rotation and Scaling mode only. I'm starting to believe the tool is broken .

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3ds Max :: UVW Unwrap Modifier

Apr 18, 2011

I'm using the UVW unwrap on a plane I am currently working on. The bitmap is the exact same size as the print screen of the flattened map but when I bring in the bitmap to match up with the unwrapped modifier the bitmap is completely skewed to shit.

So I uncheck Use Custom Bitmap Size and then it does this. It makes my object much wider than it actually is and there is no way to adjust it because the scale tool only works on the whole object at the same time and not just one axis.

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3ds Max :: Unwrap Goes Missing

Apr 25, 2011

URL....a project I have that was working fine up until I opened it today and tried to edit it a bit has stopped loading the UVW map onto the object. Did I somehow disconnect it from the editable poly or activate something I shouldn't have?

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3ds Max :: Unwrap UVW Spline Mapping

Jul 8, 2011

Trying to spline map a chacker map onto a simple spline that has been converted to an edit poly using the Unwrap UVW modifier. Here is the process that I went through:

1) Draw line
2) Array a 2nd copy in the exact same place
3) Create radial thickness on the copy under 'Rendering' rollout.
4) Convert to editable poly
5) Apply checker map standard material
6) Add 'Unwrap UVW' modifier
7) Under 'Unwrap UVW' modifier select 'face' sub-object
8) Select 'Spline Mapping' (in 'Wrap' rollout)
9) In 'Spline Map Paramters' dialogue box select '- Pick Spline -'
10) Select original line.

The UVW gizmo should be tightly fitted to the object with the checker map nicely mapped following along the spline but instead I'm getting a huge UVW gizmo and horrible mapping (see first attachment).

The second attachment shows what I'm trying to achieve. Also.. it works fine when the spline is very large. Is this due to my system units being set to meters?

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3ds Max :: How To Unwrap Weapon For Texturing

Mar 16, 2012

I am currently trying to unwrap a weapon for texturing and some of the faces are flipped only in the UV Editor. I have the option under xView Flipped UVW Faces checked on and they only pop up when I have the Unwrap UVW Modifier highlighted and in use. I've tried to flip them or mirror them under the editor but it doesn't seem to work. Under Edit Poly, Flipped UVW Faces isn't applicable. I even tried deleting a polygon and creating a new one in its place but I get the same result. I also reset x form just to see what would occur and they are still there. I'm to the point that I think it isn't as big a deal as I'm making it out to be but want to get a second opinion before I move on to unwrapping.

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3ds Max :: How To Convert Selection Unwrap UVW

Dec 6, 2013

I created a planar projection and then I couldn't move the selection in the Open UV Editor. I found that you can't move them if the vertecies are moved in the W direction, so to flatten them. It sounded odd, but I thought I'd look into it. 
So naturally I ctrl+click on Vertex to convert my selection. Both are selected now? 
I went back and forth a couple times, and I still can't move my selection. It only scales, and it's pinned in the top right corner.
I exited that and went down to the base, editbale poly vertex, made a selection, and converted it to faces. Worked like I expected (and is also poorly documented in the help file because I knew it was there somewhere but couldn't find it). 

I went back into the Unwrap UVW modifier and I can now move the same selection. So that's fixed, but I'm still wondering how to convert selections. I can't get it to work.

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3ds Max :: Unwrap UVW Vertices Swapping?

Jan 9, 2012

I have been having some issues within the unwrap editor and do not seem to find a similar question here. Basically we are creating models of tractors so the left and right sides of certain parts are just a mirror of each other. Regardless of which piece I'm applying the modifier on, when I save the UVW and apply it to the complementary/opposite piece on the other side the unwrap looks perfect, however the textures look stretched/warped. The only way to correct this is to reset the unwrap and re-flatten and redo the whole piece (unwrap) again. Basically not saving any time by "loading" the previous unwrap that I had just saved. Since the unwrap itself looks like the saved one BUT I was wondering if somehow the vertices are being swapped like X is now Y, Z is now X, etc. The viewports show the XYZ orientation still correct but the UNWRAP seems to be different.

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3ds Max :: How To Unwrap UV In Symmetrical Mode

Sep 5, 2012

how to unwrap UVs in symmetrical mode? In Headus UVlayouts, we just set only one side of the geometry (exp human head model) and then we mirror it to the other side. Is there any possible to do it in native Unwrap UV in Max?

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Photoshop :: Software Or PS Method To UNWRAP Or...

Apr 3, 2008

Looking for a way to UNWRAP or FLATTEN artwork such as a LABEL from a cylindrical shape such as a wine bottle? Something that is correct in proportions when extracted. I can kind of do something like this in photoshop using the WARP tool...but too clumsy and not accurate. I have also tried using 3D Studio Max which is my best bet, but wondering if anybody knows anything about what I am looking for.

Wonder if the 3D layers in PS CS3 may help? I used to also use the 3D transform plugin....but the UI screen is too small to work in all the time and has been removed and have to reinstall each version.

I usually have digital photos or traditional photos taken at perspective angles, and need to extract the curved artwork from the curved surface to a flat surface. I have also used Canoma, but not high enough resolution and detail for the 3D cylinder shapes.

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3ds Max :: How To Show More Tiles In UV Unwrap Modifier

May 3, 2012

am going to be doing some separate patches for a model and was wondering how to show more tiles in the UVUnwrap modifier if possible?


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3ds Max :: How To Reset All The Faces In Unwrap Modifier

Mar 21, 2013

I have a model, made from only squares.

Now I want to reset all the faces in the Unwrap modifier. This is hard to explain. I want every face to match the texture, so the UV coordinate of all the vertices should be (0,0), (0,1), (1,1) and (1,0).

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3ds Max :: UV Unwrap Editor - Lost Feature?

Apr 9, 2011

I know previous versions of Max have this feature. When you do a planar projection on a face it should retain the aspect ratio of that projection rather then squashing the UVs to fit in the entire box.

Not having this work correctly results in the user having to rescale the UVs so they aren't squashed again and its a waste of my time.

Is there a "Keep aspect ratio" option I'm missing when using the Max 2012 UV projections tools?

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